A question regarding The Undertaker, Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns and the 1 in 21

Stone Cold Tea

Getting Noticed By Management
Hi guys I was just reading a thread regarding The Undertakers health and in the thread someone mentioned that if this was to be his last match as has been speculated he would like to see 'taker win which would kill all Brays momentum imo. Someone else also mentioned that if he was to go on to next years 'mania then Bray should go over him.
Also at 'mania we are most likely going to get Reigns vs Lesnar in which Reigns appears to be penciled in in typical babyface booking style to go over Lesnar and be the next big face of the company. The man that beat the 1 in 21 and 1.
If Bray wins then he can say he beat The Undertaker but we all know that won't have the same impact as would have done last year.
In my opinion i feel that WWE messed up last year without realising. Yes they have built Lesnar up to be an unstoppable beast, and i had no issue with that at the time, but now i think about it this may be the first time i am in the mindset of it should have gone to a younger guy, or not have gone at all.
Now this got me thinking. If 'taker wins at 'mania does this dilute Brocks victory last year along with killing Brays momentum?
What if Bray wyatt beats The Deadman, as many feel he should, does this in turn eclipse Roman Reigns victory over conquering the man who conquered the streak?
Just imagine the show is being closed out with Reigns standing tall over Lesnar as the commentators say he did what no one else could do, but if Bray wins earlier in the night will this not slightly over shadow the achievment?
You're absolutely right. They've put themselves in an awkward situation. With the streak gone Wyatt absolutely should win and then lesnar isn't the one in twentyone and one anymore he's one of two in twenty one and two. Maybe Wyatt vs taker will go on last to negate this, I don't know but the whole taker returning thing is awkwar IMO, he's my favorite of all time but I can't imagine the wyatt taker thing going very well both booking wise and taker's health wise.
You're absolutely right. They've put themselves in an awkward situation. With the streak gone Wyatt absolutely should win and then lesnar isn't the one in twentyone and one anymore he's one of two in twenty one and two. Maybe Wyatt vs taker will go on last to negate this, I don't know but the whole taker returning thing is awkwar IMO, he's my favorite of all time but I can't imagine the wyatt taker thing going very well both booking wise and taker's health wise.

I suppose that could be one route they could go with it, but then this also takes away from reigns big 'mania moment and in my opinion they don't have enough time to build up that match to go on last when they will also have HHH vs Sting.
Another reason is if they do go on last then this pisses all over the title and the hard work they have put in over the past few years to restore its prestige, which Brock has been a big part of may i add.

Its going to take something special to pull this off. Maybe 'taker should just stay away.
Thinking back on this now, I think Taker definitely should have gone over Lesnar last year. When it actually happened, I was fine with it because the shock factor was through the roof and if anybody were to beat Taker, it makes sense that it would be Brock Lesnar. However, I think Brock Lesnar being portrayed as an unstoppable beast could have easily happened without ending The Streak. Did The Streak add to Lesnar's allure? Of course, but Lesnar would have been looked at just the same if he had lost to Taker but still dominated Cena at Summerslam. He could have came back saying, it's pathetic that he lost to a 48 year old man and he's going to show everybody why he's The Beast... and THAN destroyed John Cena.

Just imagine if The Streak were still alive today and Wyatt were to end it at Mania 31. Imagine the reaction and heat that Lesnar got being heaped onto Wyatt instead. They would have had a made mega-star for the next decade.

Anyway to answer your question, I doubt many people are going to make the connection between the four unless they sit there and think about it. Some may realize that Wyatt did what Lesnar did last year, but most won't really care. Or at least I don't see this being an issue... you never know with the IWC.
Anyway to answer your question, I doubt many people are going to make the connection between the four unless they sit there and think about it. Some may realize that Wyatt did what Lesnar did last year, but most won't really care. Or at least I don't see this being an issue... you never know with the IWC.

I see what your saying but part of what would make Reigns the next big thing is being able to say he beat the 1 in 21 and 1.
I see what your saying but part of what would make Reigns the next big thing is being able to say he beat the 1 in 21 and 1.

True. But Lesnar didn't ONLY end The Streak. He also destroyed John Cena in a 10 minute squash match, and beat Cena and Rollins with a "broken rib". I highly doubt Wyatt would be able to do that. Do you get what I'm saying? Reigns may not be able to say he beat the 1 in 21-1, but he can still say I'm the man who beat the man who ended The Streak, destroyed John Cena twice, and ran through two of the best competitors in the world with a broken rib. I really don't think Wyatt winning takes anything away from Reigns.
Even if Taker is physically healthy enough to wrestle Wyatt, a huge part of Taker's mystique is gone because the streak is gone. Nobody saw Lesnar ending the streak last year and one reason why I think it happened is because of Taker's age and worsening physical health. Maybe one reason why it was decided to end it was due to serious doubts that Taker would be able to go another year, though there are still people who feel that the streak should've been kept in tact and Taker to retire.

As for what it'd mean for Bray Wyatt, while it wouldn't compare to ending the streak, Wyatt scoring a win over The Undertaker would help him regain a good deal of the momentum he lost during his program with John Cena due to Vince's obsession with making Cena look so strong that it's actually counterproductive.

As far as Roman Reigns goes, you're assuming that Reigns will beat Lesnar. IF various reports over the past few weeks are accurate, that's no longer the certainty it may have once been a few months ago. The last report I read stated that the idea was for Lesnar to take on Reigns and Bryan in a triple threat match, though no mention was made as to who the winner would be. IF tonight's match between Reigns & Bryan at FastLane ends in some sort of no contest leading to a threeway dance, it strongly suggests that Vince is reconsidering putting the title on Roman Reigns and isn't as confident about his decision. Now that's not to say that Reigns won't walk out of WrestleMania as champion, but adding Bryan to the match certainly raises the possibility that he won't. Also, it's always possible that Vince has made a decision to go with Bryan vs. Lesnar instead as numerous fans have made it abundantly clear that Lesnar vs. Reigns will almost certainly be hijacked.

A lot of fans simply don't want Lesnar vs. Reigns and if it happens, I don't think Reigns winning will solidify him for many no matter what. Some like Reigns but feel that he isn't ready based on what they've seen of him, some fans are just not all that into Roman Reigns at all regardless of the situation, some fans like him but like Daniel Bryan more and some fans, mostly comprised of internet smarks, won't accept Reigns on some sort of deranged internet principle. He wouldn't have to worry about Wyatt defeating Taker overshadowing his victory over Lesnar, his victory would be overshadowed by a hostile crowd of 70,000+ crapping all over it just like the crowd at the Royal Rumble did.
It took me a while to get over the fact that Undertaker lost to Brock Lesnar last year. But I think that the WWE have booked it perfectly in all honesty. They have made Brock look like an absolute tank, tearing through anything and everything that he comes into contact with. And that's what they needed at the time. The streak was only useful if someone came along and beat it. And Brock was the perfect guy to do it, if you ask me. One year on and they still mention it every episode of Raw that Brock appears on. That's what it needed to be.

When it comes to Wyatt, I think this match is going to be a lot less of a professional wrestling match like Taker has been having with Michaels, Triple H and perhaps even Brock Lesnar to an extent. This match will be all about psychology and I am starting to come around to the thought of it. I think you can have a great match between these two and still make Bray look good coming out of it, even if Taker wins. Let's face it, The Undertaker can't lose in his final match at WrestleMania, it just doesn't make sense to do that to a guy who has given the company everything. Vince needed him to do the job for the company and for Lesnar and he did it. Now it's time to get back to seeing the Undertaker do what he does best and have a riveting match at the biggest show of the year.

The match between Wyatt and Taker should be an outstanding one if Taker can keep up with the style of the younger man. Like I said, the psychology of it all should be worth watching. I am optimistically excited about the whole thing.
True. But Lesnar didn't ONLY end The Streak. He also destroyed John Cena in a 10 minute squash match, and beat Cena and Rollins with a "broken rib". I highly doubt Wyatt would be able to do that. Do you get what I'm saying? Reigns may not be able to say he beat the 1 in 21-1, but he can still say I'm the man who beat the man who ended The Streak, destroyed John Cena twice, and ran through two of the best competitors in the world with a broken rib. I really don't think Wyatt winning takes anything away from Reigns.

I can see your point there most certainly. Listing all of Brocks accomplishments over the last year makes it more obvious now then ever, contrary to my thoughts on the matter last year, that the streak was wasted on Lesnar.
The Streak was sacrificed for Vince's masterplan of Brock being a monster heel Champion who would help create the next face of the company in Reigns.
On paper it's brilliant, especially if it comes to perfect fruition. Unfortunately it hasn't.

Reigns isn't ready, Brock was the wrong choice to end the Streak (despite his legitimacy) & it's left wasted opportunities for other superstars & new storylines. The Streak could've MADE Bray, Reigns could have developed further with Rusev & Brock could have defended the belt against, or had a regular match with, anybody.

Wasted opportunities, and representative of the company's current failings.
I can see the original point but doubt there's any cause for concern about Brock's achievement being diminished.......because Undertaker isn't losing to Bray Wyatt.

After last year's historic loss, I can't believe they'd hang two defeats in a row on 'Taker, particularly if this is to be his last match. If they were going to do that, they might as well have ended his career last year; at least 'Taker could have been presented as the great warrior, humbled at last, marching off with his body broken but his head still held high......etc. etc.

But, no. Instead, he's (apparently) coming back.....and it ain't to lose, I'm tellin' ya.

As for Bray, his momentum won't be halted with a loss, not if the defeat comes to a living legend like the Undertaker. Most of the reason for this is his demeanor: he doesn't get mad at a setback.....he laughs. When something goes wrong during a match, he doesn't get angry.....he smiles. Even losing his series to John Cena didn't hurt Bray's career path; he just went on to the next thing.

It didn't even seem to matter to Bray that he decisively beat Dean Ambrose in their series. Did you see Bray bragging about it in his monologues? No.....win or lose, he just goes to the next project. So, losing to the Undertaker won't cost him anything, but it sure does give 'Taker a chance to end his career by beating a dangerous opponent who's been on a roll.

As for Brock, nothing diminishes what he accomplished at WM30.....and if Undertaker beats Bray, all it does is indicate that Brock beat the guy who beat everyone else but him.

I'll give you a bigger "what if." If Brock has decided to stay with WWE past WM31.....and Roman Reigns is his challenger.....what happens if they have Brock beat the shit out of Roman? What happens to Reigns' momentum then?
I'll give you a bigger "what if." If Brock has decided to stay with WWE past WM31.....and Roman Reigns is his challenger.....what happens if they have Brock beat the shit out of Roman? What happens to Reigns' momentum then?

He would need to have some momentum first :lmao:

In a seriousness that woud be pretty shocking but maybe just maybe they could make it work in a way where when he has to work his way back up the ladder. Really give the fans a reason to get behind him. Then at summerslam after he has regained some steam and won a possible number 1 contenders tournament he could defeat Brock.
With Wyatt coming out tonight at Fastlane basically calling out the Undertaker and saying "he will take his soul", he has to beat him. If he doesn't he'll look like a fool making empty promises again. And this presents a problem for the WWE.

I was reading an article the other day about Taker, the streak and Lesnar. It said pretty much what other's have said on this thread. First of all Lesnar was the wrong choice to end it. He didn't need the rub whereas another wrestler could have benefited more. All year he's been promoted as "the 1 who beat the one in 21-1". If Wyatt beats Taker then it puts Wyatt on the same level as Lesnar which well all know isn't true. And it takes away Lesnar claim since someone else beat Taker as well. He might have been the first to do it, but he's not the only one.

If Taker beats Wyatt however, it ruins two things. It takes away Wyatt's momentum, and makes it look like Lesnar just got lucky. In other words, Taker had a bad night, and Lesnar fluked out.

This will be interesting to see how they handle this situation without screwing up the storylines they already have in place.

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