A Proposal To Reboot NXT


Getting Noticed By Management
Ok HHH has made a number of things his priority under his regime
1) He wants to bring back cruiserweight wrestling
2) He wants to make NXT watchable and have a chance to come back to a network

I thought as an idea he could combine both in one stone. Use already signed wrestler like Creed, Koslov and Tito Colon(not sure if there are any other in FCW) plus a few Mexican and indy wrestlers

Then do away with mentors altogether. You can have "guests" like Evan, Gabriel, Sin Cara etc.

The Prize at the end is the revamped C-Weight title which they can then immediately start defending against those who were "guests" on the show.

And most importantly if they do it dont make it about weight limits but to steal a phrase from TNA about No limits thus allowing exciting guys like Kofi, Zack,Heath and others who fit the bill but not necessarily the weight a chance. And like the tag or Divas belt make it cross brand belt

What do people think
Why make it a revamped cruiser weight title if there are no weight limits? Sounds like you want the ECW title back. In all honesty I think they should just give FCW a one our slot and forget the whole fake competition angle because Tough Enough already fills that roll.
Ok HHH has made a number of things his priority under his regime
1) He wants to bring back cruiserweight wrestling
2) He wants to make NXT watchable and have a chance to come back to a network

Right, when did he say this? Pretty sure it was only rumored that he wanted to revitalize the tag division. Besides, why would anyone try to make NXT watchable? It's free to watch on the internet, and probably doesn't contribute a lot, if any capital towards the WWE's revenue.

But, I'll play ball:

- Don't bring back the crusierweight title. There is already a high amount (6 titles) of championships, 3/4 of which aren't utilized to their full extent as it is. Besides, re-debuting a championship in this manner wouldn't get any sort of reaction - no one watches NXT.

- Don't steal a TNA phrase. That would just make no sense. Why steal a phrase? It just looks weak on the part of the company to steal.

- Crusierweight divisions don't draw that well, therefore a show that centers around them wouldn't make TV executives jump for joy.

In my eyes, instead of investing time or money into a already stale and overrun 'internet show', invest it into something that can make people more interested.. Take those wrestlers, make them tag teams, revitalize that division before you even THINK about introducing a new one.
The big thing I'm against is taking the phrase from TNA. How about have the Light Heavyweight Championship? Then guys like Kofi who are just over 220 lb can be billed as a couple of pound lighter so they can compete for the title and nobody would care. Whereas if you dropped wrestler's weight by 10lb so they could compete for the Cruiserweight Championship I'm guessing it would be less believable assuming people pay attention to wrestler's billed weight. The reason this matters to me is that if you bring back the Light Heavyweight Championship you don't have to copy the TNA phrase.

But I do like the concept, especially not having pros as they are not needed and I think a guest would be a little different. Another thing is that the winner of NXT I would have him in a ladder match with all of the guests from the weeks for the title. The reason being I don't think you can have a guy who won a competition that lasted a few weeks awarded with the title. I think he has to be in a match with the guests so it's like he can play with the big (small) boys.
I'm not sure what your trying to propose, but I believe that was their was something similar called ECW which closed down a couple of years ago. Anyways, I agree with one of the poster above who said to give FCW an hour time slot. This would help guys like Black, Orlov and Colon who are some of the top talent in FCW to get TV time so that they don't seem like complete strangers to the WWE Universe once they get brought up to the main roster. This can also give 'E that chance who to keep and who's just taking up extra space on the roster.
I think NXT has outlived its usefulness and should be flat-out cancelled. However, I do like the idea of them bringing back the light heavyweight division.
Meh. Really, the best way to make NXT season 6 the best it can possibly be is to make it revolve entirely around Seth Rollins (Tyler Black.) Matt Striker should also continue to wrestle, as his matches with Darren Young have impressed the hell out of me. And as long as Derrick Bateman's on it, it's guaranteed to be at least semi-entertaining (One of the funniest guys I've ever seen on a wrestling show.)

As for the division itself, it would be best to use pure wrestling shows like Superstars and more importantly Smackdown to get it over with the fans. NXT is as much talking as it is wrestling, so I'm not sure if basing it entirely around Cruiserweight Wrestling would be a wise idea.
if you want no limits then i think it should be like a WWE TV title and have it defended every week on nxt with the guests like OP suggested, that would keep smarks and other types of fans guaranteed to tune in every week
I have a better idea

Rather than making it the new WWECW, I would suggest making it a C-Show specifically for all of the NXT alumni.

The roster would consist of

Alex Riley
Brodus Clay
Byron Saxton
Conor O'Brian
Daniel Bryan
Darren Young
David Otunga
Derrick Bateman
Heath Slater
Husky Harris
Johnny Curtis
Justin Gabriel
Micheal McGillicutty
Percy Watson
Titus O'Neil
Wade Barrett


Former NXT pros would occasionally make "guest appearances:"
Alberto Del Rio
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler
John Morrison
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz
Ted DiBiase
Tyson Kidd
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder

Technically, All NXT Superstars would be able to appear on RAW or Smackdown, although, although most of the time, the only people crossing over on a regular basis would be the Superstars who previously appeared on WWE programming, such as Riley, Curtis, Brodus Clay, the Chickbusters and the former Nexus members. Because Riley, Barrett, and Bryan are the most established stars to come out of the NXT program, they would be the ones carrying the brand both due to and in spite of receiving huge pushes on the main brands.

The show would be extended to two hours and taped as a seperate event, which in theory would allow leeway to cut down the House Show schedule (ideally, they could do the same with Superstars and have a taping schedule of RAW on Monday, NXT on Tuesday, Superstars on Wednesday, and SmackDown on Thursday, with house shows occuring every 2nd weekend). The majority of the TV time would go towards the younger talent, but the main event match would occasionally feature an established RAW or SmackDown Superstar who previously served as an NXT pro (although the big names would get minimal airtime). That way every once in a while the NXT main event would be something such as Curtis & Bateman jobbing to Cody & Ted, Ryder & Primo vs. Otunga & McGillicutty or Bryan vs. Miz, etc.
nxt is fine, they are going to have those matches anyway, why not put them online. fcw gets to test their characters out in front of a live/big audience and wwe gets to see who the fans like/dislike and who can perform. it also lets low card guys get a chance on the mic (tyson and yoshi).

i haven't watched in a few months but they did have some fun storylines and the matches actually mean something and the outcomes influence future events/matches.
I disagree with this idea. The original intention of NXT was just fine. Introduce a group of guys mentored by current superstars who compete for a chance to challenge a current champion. NXT went bad with the diva season. Any momentum it had was lost after that and people stopped caring. They should just bring back the original format of NXT instead of having it be a C brand where they compete for the Cruiserweight title because the titles should be only for the main brands and the C brand route is completely pointless when guys from both brands are now appearing on both of the main shows.
I don't know what revamping the CW division will do for the product. IMO, they should focus on making the U.S./IC Titles worth something, and revamping the Tag Division. More time than not, less is more. I agree that the NXT format is fine the way it is. I agree that having a Divas season was dumb, but that's just me. I didn't watch it and now I just look at the wrap up and see if it wouldve been worth watching.

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