A possible formula for tag teams

NDN Souljaa

Headbanger Mosh
Its no secret that the tag team division is sorely lacking. And has been for a while. Even if they do have relative success such as London/Kendrick and their 300+ day reign, that doesnt always result in being in the spotlight.

However, when there are siblings or family members, you cant help but pull for them. And also relate to them. I believe if Matt and Jeff's names had been Matthew Moore and Jeffrey Nero, they would not have been as successful. There is a reason why the Andersons and Edge & Christian were billed as brothers and even teams such as the Dudleys claimed to be 'half brothers.' The Von Erichs, The Briscos, Booker T & Stevie Ray, The Steiners, The British Bulldogs, Hart Foundation (yeah i know the last two were in-laws, but you know what i mean) etc were some of the most legendary tag teams in the history of this great sport.
Trust me, I understand that most great tag teams were not related, such as obvious ones like LOD and the Freebirds. But with that said, i think if the WWE wants to rebuild their tag division they need to introduce another set of siblings; real or fake. I realize they should have some real talent unlike the Bashams, McCallisters, or Godwinns, but those are exceptions along with the fact that they got stuck with gimmicks that were designed to eventually fail.
When theres siblings, if packaged even semi-decently they will have loads of reaction, and thats all that matters. Again you dont wanna oversaturate the market, where theres 5 sets of siblings and then all of a sudden we find out Cryme Tyme really are half brothers or some crap. Theres a fine line the WWE should not cross.
For now, my hope is that atleast two of the DiBiase brothers will have some sort of a feud with these young Harts for years to come, and bring prestige to these belts once again.

What do you guys think? Do you feel brothers/relatives make more of an impact than two singles wrestlers coming together? Considering there are no more territories where teams can make their name like the Rockers or Rock&Roll Express, its to the point where the WWE just packages people together on the fly and most of the time it just doesnt work.
If you think they DO make more of an impact, should the WWE exploit it? Even though in this day and age with the internet kids that Vince is catering to, could feel 'cheated' after they find out their fav team really arent bros, which could in turn have a negative backlash?
While I don't dislike your view point here I'm not sure if it's the answer. The Tag division is lacking in REAL tag teams. Guys who are a unit, not two guys joining forces. If we are to ever see a resurgance in this division it'll come through having more viable teams wheather they are releated or "related" or not.
I don't think this counts as spam (i've been wrong before) but I see where the brothers bit helps. Me and my brother are looking to start at Can Am before the end of the year and see where that goes. I'm 6'4 250 and my brother is 6'2 235, we are both really athletic and love the business. Hopefully the brothers bit helps us out.

One thing I've noticed is the Team has to be cohesive, the seperate name game doesn't work as well. The Rockers, not brothers but they had the Rocker name to run with and it tied them together. London and Kendrick were...well, London and Kendrick, now what are they? Road Warriors were the Road Warriors more than they were Hawk and Animal (favorite tag team ever for the record). Dudleys are the Dudleys, obviously not brothers, but when I'm watching I don't question a damn thing because they are the Dudley Boys, brothers from another mother works for me. A Tag Team needs a gimmick or name or team unifier otherwise they fade into singles wrestling or fade into nothing.
I agree that current tag teams need to be more united as opposed to just two singles wrestlers paired together like MVP and Henry or Big Show and Jericho. Having brothers teaming up certainly helps with this. What also works well is bringing in two guys and having them debut as a tag team, like they did with Cryme Tyme and more recently the Hart Dynasty (and with many other great teams of the past). An awesome team for the WWE to bring in, and I've suggested this before, is the Briscoe Brothers. Not only are they great workers, their gimmick would get way over in the WWE and they would be seen as the next Hardy Boys and could really carry the tag team division. I could legitimately see them in major gimmick matches such as Cage or TLC matches for the Tag team titles, and they would tear the house down. They could do an angle where they win the Tag titles and then challenge the whole tag divison to "man up" and take it to the extreme against them. Personally, i think a Briscoes vs. Hart Dynasty match would be phenomenal, and if the WGTT reunited some how that would be a great match as well. Lately, WWE has hired two huge ROH stars in Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuiness, why not bring in two more and add a significant boost to the tag team division.
The tag teams do need to be more united to a degree, but with Vince shoving what he wants us to watch down our throats, I just don't see it happening anytime soon. The closest we're going to get to that is 2 guys with very similar styles teaming up. However I'm not knocking on the 2 single stars teaming up to be a team formula either. Recent success would call on Miz and Morrison. That was classic. Although they were tremendous, I'd like to see a brothers team or something of that degree again. The Carlito/Primo team just didn't last long enough.
A lot of this goes back to what I was saying in a thread earlier, I think the WWE needs to cut back on PPVs, at least with the talent they have right now. Without stars like the Rock or Austin, two or three weeks just isn't enough time for someone to get involved in a story line and really want to root for someone. They need to bring back more gimmicks, they don't have to be as cartoony and have teams debut as a team, not just throw people together. Throwing people together worked in the old territories, but when the WWF became huge in the 80s, it was either all gimmick teams or they took someone off television and brought them back with a partner. They had matching outfits, one theme song, and usually they had a double team finisher. That's what the WWE needs now. They need an LOD, or a Demolition, or even a Money Inc. Londrick would've been great if they didn't run out of teams to face. Cryme Tyme is a step in the right direction. I feel like Vince keeps separating these teams before it's time.

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