A Popular General Consensus You Disagree With


Brilliant Idiot
There are so many things that the majority of us as a society simply accept as the truth and virtually don't question. Of course, this doesn't apply to all of us, but most of us simply let it go.

However, that wouldn't be a very interesting thread. Therefore, this thread is designated to idea or perceived truths that society has accepted that you simply don't agree with.

I'll give you an example of one of these issues that I simply disagree with...

Women are smarter than men.

This isn't to bash women, I just think it's a ridiculous statement that people make on a regular basis as though they've looked into it and done the research. Yet, if you asked these people to provide you with proof, they cite the same stupid arguments that everyone makes.

"Women can ask for directions, men are too proud to ask for directions." "Women are well spoken and men don't even let their thoughts or feelings out." Blah. Blah. Blah. Lol.

So, obviously these people are experts at SOMETHING. Here, for example, they've shown an incredible expertise in the art of generalizations. However, they've shown little else. I know plenty of men that will ask for directions and they'll do it with a thought-out dialogue. I also know women that are too stubborn to ask for directions to the bathroom in a house that they are currently in.

True story. I had a girl over that looked for 5 minutes, trying to figure it out. It's not like I'm living on a compound, either.

They also look over the actual numbers that suggest men do better in mathematics and science in the best schools in America. Whereas, women perform better in other areas, even graduating at a higher rate.

Does this suggest anything? Chances are.... no. It only MEANS that men do better at some things in general, and women do better at others in general. Nothing else.

What bothers me most about this concept is that it doesn't empower women, it actually downgrades them. It makes it seem as though women need to have the thought of equality enforced with something that simply isn't true.
Obviously, I don't rep you enough.

The obvious answer from me would be the often unquestioned existence of God.

However, I like to think I've moved past that bitterness. While I think the idea is stupid, it doesn't mean the people who believe it are.

I hate this opinion, that the Democrats represent progressives. They don't. Some do, but in general they do not. The good majority of Congress and the rest of the government represents Wall Street. The Republicans represent a large part of the far right. The Democrats represent assholes that can't make up their mind. Democrats aren't progressive. They represent certain left wing arguments to pretend like they're fighting with Republicans. They aren't. The Democrats in Congress fight to protect the rich and hold down the poor just as much as the Republicans. And they don't care about view points. They care about getting votes, elections, and making it look like they're getting work done. Smooth Sexual Chocolate 'N Chief is no better. I'm sick of people asking me if I'm going to vote for him because he wears the color blue- like I'm suppose to relate to him over gay marriage and shit load of other issues he's completely wishy-washy on.

Now some of this isn't completely fair- I'm aware of numerous Democrats in the House of Representatives that really are trying to get shit done. Unfortunately- even if they had a majority, the power of the Senate is final- and quite frankly the Senate needs to be done away with.

Generalized Point in closing- Democrats in the upper part of our government are simply the lesser of two evils and nothing more and they're not demonized for it like Republicans are.

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