A Personal Experience


Dark Match Winner
Hey. So I felt like doing something different for a change. I live in South Africa. Unfortunately we don't get to see the WWE superstars much live. There has been a few tours though.

Anyway I'd like to hear what experiences you guys have had? Wheter or not a wrestler snubbed you, helped you, or you saw them shopping whatever it was good or bad.

For example I was about 18 and when WWE toured here once and a bunch of guys hit a local club. Brock Lesnar Big Show Matt Hardy Edge and Paul Heyman. I remember how shocked I was to see how big those guys really are especiall Big Show. Lesnar at the time was involved with a deeply personal fued with Big Show and I found it so funny to watch them partying together. Oh and Matt took a stroll down the beach with a girl ha ha when they got back her hair was a mess :) ha ha

So what experiences have you guys had?
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I went to a smack down show in Indiana here in the states, I was waiting for the show and my brother and I went to the Pacers gift shop, and d-von dudley was in there. We got pics of him and he is a big guy, but my brother is 6'6 450 lbs so he actually looked huge next to d-von and that made me just say wow because it showed me how big my bro was, d-von even said he was going to have to fire bubba and hire my bro, lol just funny to see and have happen.
All of my examples came from WWE Bad Blood 2004. I literally waited with my friend for about six hours outside the Nationwide Arena in Columbus waiting for the doors to open. As such, we were able to see some of the wrestlers come through the gates. Ivory and Maven came up to us and signed autographs. Some of the others waived at us. Others just ignored us. (Note: Maven would get squashed by Batista in the Heat main event that night.)

A few hours later, my friend and I went into this area of the arena where there was some sort of ice rink/video gaming/pop machines. Anyway, we were there and I remember The Hurricane (green hair and street clothes), walking into the ice rink area for something. I don't exactly remember what he was doing. I can only assume he was wanting to skate. Then, later on, The Coach walked by us as he was doing promotional stuff for the PPV with local radio stations. We also watched him and Ivory host the Heat buildup for the PPV. (I also got ambushed by a Bush-Cheney worker as I walked into the arena, trying to get me to register in Ohio, but that's another story.)

Anyways, after the event (which was awesome, especially the Benoit-Kane match and HBK-Triple H Hell in a Cell match live), I remember walking to my parent's van to be picked up, and as I looked over, I saw Eugene driving his car with some hot blonde chick in the passenger seat. So, I had several encounters with WWE stars that day. Never did bother any of them for an autograph since I personally believed that their out of the ring time was their time. But it was funny how I kept running into all of these personalities around the arena. Good times.
Undertaker had an autograph signing here in Little Rock about 5 years back. It was held in a bowling alley of all things. (This was around the time that 'Taker wasn't embroiled deeply in any feud or storyline, so that was a plus for me-guy needs a break) I remember walking up to him with a picture of him to sign for me, he asked me the usual Who Do I Make This Out Too? I told him my name, he nodded and signed it wearily. I asked him how he's been. He told me-

"I'm gonna level with ya man, I am tired."

Keep in mind this guy plays the most supernatural character in the history of sports entertainment and to hear that was just so..human, ya know? I was really glad he wasn't acting like an ass or worse his gimmick in reality and was talking to me like a normal person so I patted him on the back and told him how much I appreciated his work in the ring. He thanked me and that was that. I think he is a nice guy to be the top dog for so many years.
I've been to like 8 events over the past 11 years but I really have never waited outside and tried to get an autograph or anything so I don't have an stories like that although, after events I have seen Torrie Wilson, Ric Flair, Jerry Lawler leaving in their rental cars from the arena.

However, I've met Kane when he was doing an apperance at the local race track where he was signing autographs. This is probably in about 2000 when he still had his mask, nothing interesting to note other than you could tell he was huge just sitting down and then here is what I said in a thread a couple weeks ago with I met CM Punk, "So I went to the Cubs game yesterday and during batting practice I saw CM Punk down close to the field, so I told him that he needs to shave that beard and he just smiled and kinda ran his fingers through it and pointed at the girl he was with. So I asked him if the beard gets the girl and he just shrugged. He seemed like a pretty good guy, I just thought it was kinda funny after cause he's all straight edge and I'd been drinking haha."

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