A Non-Main Event Swap

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
We always have this discussion it seems regarding who we'd "trade" between the WWE and TNA, and/or which stars would be better suited in each rival company, but no one ever seems to pay attention to the more realistic possibilities of the lesser-knowns being able to make an impact after making the jump as much as the obvious choices.

Factoring out the obvious Tier 1/main-event stars from both companies, what Tier 2 or lower wrestlers do you think would benefit each opposing company were they to be "traded" by their current employer to their rival?

Essentially I'm asking you to think a little harder than the obvious choices for a moment here and consider what type of mid-card (or lower) swap might actually benefit both companies well were it to happen?

Not available for discussion (WWE): Randy Orton, Edge, John Cena, The Undertaker, Sheamus, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Big Show & Chris Jericho.

Not available for discussion (TNA): AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Sting, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan.

In a two-for-two swap:

If you ask me, the WWE's biggest and most exposed flaw is their utter lack of a tag-team division, so Beer Money, Inc. would serve them best were Storm & Roode to make the jump. While I'm sure The Hart Dynasty are enjoying their feud with the Uso's, aside from those two teams there's very little the WWE has in terms of marketable tag-teams. BMI – name-change required – would add quite a bit of credibility to an otherwise make-shift division that all-too-often features singles competitors piecemealed as tag teams than it does natural teams with chemistry.

On the flip side of the coin, I think TNA would benefit greatly from acquiring Evan Bourne and John Morrison – though I personally think they're both another card-carrying member of the DPC – because as most would agree, their biggest pitfall right now has been the lack of a credible X Division with the same high-flying stars that made it such a treat to watch in the early on. Factor in the story Doug(las) Williams is running about hating high-flying "circus performers" in the division, and who better to pit him against than the Shooting-Star Press himself, or JoMo who's just as capable of putting on fantastic high-flying matches himself?

Your thoughts & choices?

Please note this is a non-spam forum, and all your choices are required to have an explanation.
Any posts featuring choices that aren't accompanied by an explanation will be treated as SPAM, and warnings or infractions will follow.
From the non main event scene of TNA there is 3 people that has struck my interest during my last TNA show.


Matt Morgan: He has the complete package both in in-ring ability, build, microphone skills and everything going for him to make it (this time) with WWE and could go far with the company, he accomplished and impressed people with his feud with Kurt Angle, hell he impressed Kurt Angle as well, that says a lot for a guy of Matt's caliber.

Jay Lethal: I loved this guy with his impersonations, I do sadly see him being stuck as a impersonator and comedy act with WWE, but with a little bit of luck he could be used just as well, if not better in WWE as he is in TNA, he could go far being able to impersonate people like Triple H, Chris Jericho, Sheamus :)lmao:) and Vince McMahon.

There's a lot of potential for Jay Lethal, and this is only one of the many choices there could go for him.

Rob Terry: He has been getting a bit of heat for the whole killing of credibility for the Global title, but nonetheless he has everything in build going for himself to make it with WWE, the brutality behind him with the chair shot from Homicide was brutal, and WWE could capitalize on making him brutal in WWE.

He's been speculated to be another Goldberg, I don't see it, but he could be another power house just like Goldberg, Batista and he could get over insanely through it if booked right.

And of course there's people from WWE that I think would make it better in TNA, some I would prefer watching in TNA as well.


Yoshi Tatsu: I do not care for this guy at all, his finisher is overrated, but nonetheless I would say that he could do wonders for the X-Division of TNA, and put on some great matches along with those guys.

Chavo Guerrero: You heard me, I still think this guy has things going for himself, in TNA he could be given the chance to put on great matches, he's in WWE as an enhancement talent / comedy act at best, and it's a shame because Chavo has the ability to make people look good yes, but he could do it better through longer matches, actually televised matches and Pay Per View matches.

JTG: Again a guy doing little with or for WWE, he was good in Cryme Tyme, and ultimately that's about the only time I enjoyed watching him, and I think that he could do great with the TNA X-Division as well, there's a lot of WWE guys that perhaps could, but JTG is probably the prime choice to make it in the TNA X-Division.
Great topic. I think that the Motor City Machineguns would do great in the WWE, because the WWE has a really weak tag team division as of late and it would be great to have MCMG compete against the Hart Dynasty or the Uso's. As for a guy that could go to TNA I was thinking Dolph Ziggler. He's pretty athletic and would be a decent addition to the roster. He could even compete for the Global title or somethin' like that.
Awesome thread idea IDR. Anyway my choices for TNA to WWE are.....

The Black Pope D'Angelo Dinero- A guy who already has been in WWE and is now a top face in TNA. Extremely over, great on the mic, and very good in the ring I think Dinero could be a great asset to any wrestling company.

Beer Money Inc.- Like you said a name change would be in order but all in all I think that James Storm and Robert Roode could add a new team, new feuds and a new outlook to the fledgling tag team division.

Jay Lethal- I know I already did three but BMI is a tag team so hear me out. Lethal is a young guy that, if given time can get over as a face or a heel in my opinion. He's good on the mic, great in the ring, and has a good look, those things considered I think Lethal could be a solid mid card competitor for many years in the WWE.

WWE to TNA......

John Morrison- This guy is obviously already very over and if he were to go to TNA he would be given an instant push and (IMO) could add a few new viewers to TNA's weekly broadcast.

Kaval/Low Ki/Senshi- Some may not know of this guy but trust me, he is awesome. He was once a part of TNA's X-Division and was always a conteder for the title. If he were to return, he could provide an instant spark to the X-Division.

Dolph Ziggler- He could come to TNA, change his name/gimmick and voila! He could do a number of different things in TNA but what he would be best suited for is reviving the Global division. He could have a nice, long feud with whoever the current champ is, eventually win, have a nice, long title run, and just like that, the title gains instant credibility.

Doug Williams: Right now the WWE only has a handful of guys who can be considered solid mid card guys. Williams would fit perfectly into this area. He is extremely talented in the ring with great mat skills. He also works the snobby Englishman persona very well, much like William Regal. I think a pairing between the two would generate some interest.

Desmond Wolfe: That the was original plan so why not go with it. Wolfe is the total package who could make a giant impact on the upper mid card or even the main event scene in the WWE. He has good mic skills and would bring his unique blend of submission and technical wrestling to the ring. He's different and marketable.


Justin Gabriel: I truly love this dude but it's obvious that he is going to get lost in the shuffle sooner than later. He was born to be a X Division star. He has a great look and an amazing finishing move- all he needs is a little more room to work. I have a feeling that Gabriel has alot more to offer than the WWE is willing to show us.

Zack Ryder: He's got personality, a quirky look and solid in ring skills. The only thing he doesn't have is a future in the WWE. He's finally starting to get a little bit of a push, but I'm sure that won't last long. TNA could give him a fresh start and the opportunity to leave the old Edgehead stigma in the past.

Beer Money: I think WWE really needs a strong tag team because the tag team division in WWE has been very poor these past few years, and Beer Money are (in my opinion) the best tag team today. Also WWE needs to stop putting two random mid-carders together to make a tag team.

Hernandez: I would love to see him feud with Sheamus for the title, these two could headline Wrestlemania. They're both great powerhouses who could have some brutal matches.

JTG: I think he has the potential to get a mid-card title but obviously WWE don't, I think he could work well in the x division, because the x division hasn't been as good as usual for about a year or so, so he could maybe spice it up a little bit.
I dont watch that much TNA. I only occasionally tune in for the last hour so I dont know much. But I think I know enough so here I go.

The first person/people I would send to the WWE would be the Motor City Machine Guns. From what I've seen from them, they are very...united in the ring. The WWE could greatly benefit from a tag team like this.

The tag division has been very poor lately, but it has been slowly getting better. The addition of MCMG would drastically help the division by making is more exciting and getting more of the fans interested in it again.

There is one thing I would worry about with this move though. I would be concerned about whether or not their talents in the ring would be the same in the WWE. Would the WWE force them to change their style, thus getting rid of all the reasons that I would bring them over.

I would send Kofi Kingston to TNA. Putting him in TNA may not be the best thing for the WWE. He is one of the better talents in the company and is a future star. But I would put Kofi in TNA mainly because I would want to see what he would do in TNA.

We all know Kofi is very athletic and talented in the ring. His skills arent fully utilized in the WWE. In TNA, he will be able to use all of his talents and put his athleticism to the max. I could see Kofi putting on some excellent matches in TNA, especially in some X division matches. When paired up with the right guy, some great matches could take place.
1. Beer Money Inc. - They are an amazing tag team and could boost the WWE tag division even more!!

2. Desmond Wolfe - This guy is just great, he was going to go to the "E" anyway, and I think if he had done, he would have had either of the IC or US title by now!!

1. Dolph Ziggler - Okay, if he doesn't get his hands on a title soon, i'm going to insist he go to TNA, WWE know he is a good talent, hell maybe better than Drew, but they have given up on him a few times, so it doesn't help him, he could do something in TNA..

2. Evan Bourne - I only say him because of the Division, he could light it up again..I know he is getting the push right now in WWE, but do we see him holding the wwe title?? how far can he really go? IC or US title!!

3. Yoshi Tatsu - Again, only because of the X Division...he could also add to the division big time, and he would be allowed to do anything, so we could see the extreme side of this Japanese wrestler!!

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