A new stable Idea?


Occasional Pre-Show
Okay, so I know there has been a lot of talk of AJ forming the Horseman and I think TNA will eventually pull the trigger on some faction, but I have a different one in mind.

I think TNA should have this group:

Leader: Robert Roode

I think if given the opportunity Roode could really shine in a heel role with a major title run. He has the arrogant attitude to be believable. He is pretty good in the ring and I think he does a good job on promos.

Tag Team: America's Most Wanted:

Bring back Chris Harris to partner with James Storm. I loved these two together and would love to see a reunion. I know the Old TNA guys would go nuts and the new crowd would get to see one of the better tag-teams of the last decade and a half. The two had great chemistry and would go well with Roode.

Mid-Card Title Guy: Eric Young

I think he is one of the most talented guys in TNA right now. He isn't quite as talented in the ring as Daniels, AJ, and some of the other guys, but he is probably one of the best guys on the mic. His new tough guy attitude would fit right in with this group.

I would just go with the name America's Most Wanted, AMW. It's catchy, sounds cool, has the 3 Letter Abbreviation already. I think they could play on the fact that they are bad asses.

What do you think of this group? Would you buy it?
This might work, but it has already been done to a degree before. Do you remember the days when Team Canada and Jeff Jarrett and his flunkies teamed up? I believe it was during the debut of TNA on SpikeTV. If memory serves right, it was Jarrett and Team Canada teaming up with AMW turning heel to beat Raven for the TNA Championship something like the night before they debuted on SpikeTV. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong though, which I don't think I am.
This might work, but it has already been done to a degree before. Do you remember the days when Team Canada and Jeff Jarrett and his flunkies teamed up? I believe it was during the debut of TNA on SpikeTV. If memory serves right, it was Jarrett and Team Canada teaming up with AMW turning heel to beat Raven for the TNA Championship something like the night before they debuted on SpikeTV. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong though, which I don't think I am.

it was the night after leathal lockdown and i think it the champ was sting..when james mitchal and the ( real ) abyss blew the fireball in his face
I'm pretty sure Chris Harris has burnt his bridge in TNA... I haven't heard anything since his embarrassing WWE run... (Does anyone know what the hell he's been doing?)

I think him and Storm made a good team, but him in singles matches wasn't that good...

Personally, I wouldn't be too excited to see him back unless he had a gimmick change or something different to offer than his last run...
This might work, but it has already been done to a degree before. Do you remember the days when Team Canada and Jeff Jarrett and his flunkies teamed up? I believe it was during the debut of TNA on SpikeTV. If memory serves right, it was Jarrett and Team Canada teaming up with AMW turning heel to beat Raven for the TNA Championship something like the night before they debuted on SpikeTV. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong though, which I don't think I am.

Right on the money Scotty, It was in Toronto at a live event. No more stables for Roode, he's already being held down as a wrestler carrying the deadweight James Storm, give him a chance to shine on his own
Right on the money Scotty, It was in Toronto at a live event.
I thought so.

No more stables for Roode, he's already being held down as a wrestler carrying the deadweight James Storm, give him a chance to shine on his own
WHOA! Hold on just one second. You honestly believe that James Storm is dead weight? On what grounds exactly? Due to the fact that he has in ring talent? Due to the fact that he can garner a crowd reaction? The fact that he has an awesome catchphrase, IMO? Please, if you are going to talk trash to someone then you are going to have to give some reasons why.
I thought so.

WHOA! Hold on just one second. You honestly believe that James Storm is dead weight? On what grounds exactly? Due to the fact that he has in ring talent? Due to the fact that he can garner a crowd reaction? The fact that he has an awesome catchphrase, IMO? Please, if you are going to talk trash to someone then you are going to have to give some reasons why.

I'm pretty sure anyone would have the same crowd reaction if they screamed BEER! But to answer your question IMO, The Airplane spin errrrrrrrr Eye of the Storm died in the mid 80's. As for the crowd reaction, Mark Henry has a crowd reaction, so what does that prove? A awesome catchphrase? Sorry bout your damn luck? or BEER!? I think BEER! wins
I'm pretty sure anyone would have the same crowd reaction if they screamed BEER! But to answer your question IMO, The Airplane spin errrrrrrrr Eye of the Storm died in the mid 80's. As for the crowd reaction, Mark Henry has a crowd reaction, so what does that prove? A awesome catchphrase? Sorry bout your damn luck? or BEER!? I think BEER! wins

James Storm is a solid wrestler in the ring, the Eye of the Storm could use a make over, I wouldn't mind seeing Storm using something along the lines of a Stan Hansen lariat, or like a diamond cutter or DVD, maybe even a superkick. The sorry bout your damn luck is actually a good catch phrase. If I would have said the term "What?" was going to a good catch phrase 2 or 3 years before it went over well with Austin you would have said I was crazy. Same with if I said, "If you smell what I'm cooking" you would have thought the same thing too so let's not go downplaying a solid wrestler.

Storm reminds me a lot of Arn Anderson, a tough solid in ring performer that seems to play the background role a lot but could step out into the spotlight and be a really good performer but also can make a great tag team with probably just about anyone.
I'm pretty sure anyone would have the same crowd reaction if they screamed BEER!
You think that he is cheered just for yelling the word "BEER!"? If anything they marked for the Booser Cruiser just as hard as they do anything. Do you think that Tomko would get the same reaction if he screamed "BEER!"? I don't think so.

But to answer your question IMO, The Airplane spin errrrrrrrr Eye of the Storm died in the mid 80's.
Oh.......Fuck......No. The Airplane Spin and "Eye Of The Storm" are two TOTALLY separate moves. The Airplane Spin (Video coming) is where you simply lift them for a Samoan Drop style of lift followed by spinning and just simply putting them down. "The Eye Of The Storm" (Video also coming) is more of a crucifix power bomb variation, where you lift your opponent over your head followed by spinning around and throwing them upwards to land on their head.
Airplane Spin
Eye Of The Storm

As for the crowd reaction, Mark Henry has a crowd reaction, so what does that prove?
Can you please name one time where Mark Henry garnered a reaction anywhere close to one of Storm's face reactions?

A awesome catchphrase? Sorry bout your damn luck? or BEER!? I think BEER! wins
How can you be a heel if you get in someone's face and scream "BEER!" That does nothing except make you a raging alcoholic. "Sorry...Bout your damn luck", however, can be used at anytime as a face or a heel.

Your move.

EDIT: ChrisNutter. He already uses a Superkick. He calls it "The Last Call".
I wouldnt Mind Seeing Matt Morgan Join with AJ And Flair and have another big man come to take the other half of the tag titles. Nathan Jones Would be a good pick in my mind
I'd love a new stable like the horsemen but I wouldn't have AJ lead it as a heel, the sooner he turns back to babyface the better. I'd have Flair turn on AJ and get a new protege them have AJ take on this stable. I'd definitely have Matt Morgan in there as an enforcer. As for who would lead though I don't really know I'm not that tuned up on whose good or not in TNA.
This is actually been done before.

In 2005 America's Most Wanted (then the biggest babyface tag team in wrestling) Turned Heel and helped Jeff Jarrett regain the NWA championship. Then a couple weeks later Team Canada (which involved Roode and Young) joined on because the relationship of D'Amore and Jarrett. It was a pretty good alliance actually.
I'd like lots of stables, I miss the days of the late 90's when everyone was in a stable, good times, also helps give everyone air-time
Right on the money Scotty, It was in Toronto at a live event. No more stables for Roode, he's already being held down as a wrestler carrying the deadweight James Storm, give him a chance to shine on his own

Disagree 100%

I think Storm and Roode both have promising futures.

To say Storm is dead weight is Ludicrous. He has always had charisma to go along with a solid wrestling base
I think this is a good idea, apart from Eric Young, he just doesnt fit in, maybe the trio and then rehire none other then Jacqueline to be the valet.
perfect stable.
I would love to have stable wars in TNA. I do really miss the days of stable wars in the old WWE. Especially Ministry of Darkness etc... Opps, that's WWE. But yeah, I personally think AJ can lead a new 4 Horsemen. He can wrestle and has mic skills, why not?

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