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A Knockout PPV


It's being reported that TNA will air something of a ppv broadcast featuring the Knockouts. Now, before anybody drops a lung, it's not going to be a ppv in the same sense as BFG. Time shouldn't be taken from iMPACT! to promote it instead of your standard ppvs so nobody panic. It's going to be called TNA Wrestling Knockouts: Mad Sexy Vol.1 and will air on Saturday, October 2nd. This show will be hosted by Christy Hemme and will feature Knockout matches from the past, presumably most of which will be back with the Knockout Division was actually relevant.

I don't mind women's wrestling, sometimes it can be quite fun to watch, but I don't like it nearly enough to actually want to take cash out of my own pocket to watch it on ppv. The Knockouts have consistently been among the top draws on TNA iMPACT!, sometimes even the top draw of the show, so maybe they're hoping that will equal a decent amount of buys for this. As the ppv itself is little more than a compilation of past matches, there's not really much of a downside financially as the show will cost virtually nothing to put on. One potential downside is that the WWE's Hell in a Cell ppv airs the very next day, so I don't expect too many fans that are in the mood to buy a wrestling ppv that weekend are going to choose a Knockout compilation over HIAC.
I suppose like you noted, they are intending on capitalizing on the generally high marks they tend to receive for Knockouts performances/appearances by selling a PPV-style product that'll highlight their history (and probably their present and future as well), which isn't inherently a bad thing, but I would have serious doubts as to the number of people willing to actually shell out money to see this, as womens wrestling, despite their high marks in TNA's ratings for their weekly programs, has never really been much of a draw industry-wise.
Terrible idea, in my opinion.

I would at least first do a bit of a test run, maybe building an entire Impact episode around the Knockouts and see how it did ratings wise before even thinking about attempting a stunt like this.

The fact of the matter is, women's wrestling is best in doses. I don't like it at all, personally, but if I have to put up with it, I only want it once or at most twice during a show. But I would never want to watch an entire show wrapped around women's wrestling, and I think a lot of fans feel the same way.

Moreover, is the Knockout Division even deep enough to build a 3 hour broadcast around? They have a hard time filling out that duration with the entire TNA roster... how are they going to do with just the Knockouts? Is it possible without giving 2 matches maybe 30 minutes a piece? And who the fuck wants to see a Knockout match last more than 10 minutes anyway (and 10 minutes is really stretching it)?

Basically, this would perhaps be a fun show to attend, but nobody wants to watch this shit on television. It would be boring and completely pointless. No way TNA makes a dime off this nonsense. Hopefully they don't go through with it, or at least like I mentioned do a test run on television first.
Another problem i see is if they are featuring a "best of the Knockouts" PPV with the historic best matches, most of those knockouts are now gone (Awesome Kong and Gail Kim immediately come to mind). Which really doesn't help the current division and could arguably hurt it by highlighting how the level of it has come down.

Alternatively, if the focus is on the current crop of Knockouts, 3 hours of those matches might not be something you want to highlight. At its current state, as jmt225 said, it is best in doses.
Bah. I love TNA with all my heart and I believe that the K.O's division is far better than people are making it out to be, certainly light years ahead of WWE's, but I'd have to respectfully spit in the face of whover thought that this is a good idea.

The K.O's are good. All of them can wrestle and go in the ring and the mic except for Lacey "Fuck'N'Go" Erich. They're good for one match or something, not an entire program. There is already an entire promotion for female wrestlers and look at how prosperous they are now, right?[/sarcasm]

I wouldn't watch it, I damn sure wouldn't pay for it. They should pay me to subject myself to such a program.

But I might. I mean, since Hell in a Cell is on the very next day, I have a feeling that the Knockouts' Show will be more hardcore and exciting than the Hell in a Cell Pay-Per-View...plus there'll be lots of boobies and the chance of a few wardrobe malfunctions increases...hmmmmmm
Ehh....I don't think any woman--in an all woman PPV or even promotion, is going to make a dent in the wrestling society. I hate to say that, but it's really more 90% man's world when it comes to this. Women attend the matches with their boyfriends because they think Cena's cute, or Orton :rolleyes:, and if man attended an all woman show, etc, the ol' ladies would hit the roof---not to mention, a lot of the guys would go for drinks. A LOT of times, during PPV's, you can hear the thong drop....because it's so quiet. It's bad enough that we're subjugated to having one woman's match each week :banghead:....and while I DEFINATELY prefer the Knockouts to the Divas (ummm...because one promotion has TALENT in that area), I think it's an already risky move from a promotion that is teetering on thin ice with it's most recent decisions made.
It would make a decent DVD, but a Pay-per-view... Eh...

It is a quick way to make some easy cash, but, easy cash usually means not that much cash.

TNA's top draw is women wrestling. Meaning that the teen-age kids like these stripper looking wrestlers. When I saw the beautiful I first thought, "Hmm, I think I saw them in Reno one time making some cash on the polls."

I'm thinking they need to try a free supershow on TV. Out of the impact zone. during a 5-9 or 5-8 showing, on a Sunday. Something to get them some exposure.

If the Knockout pay-per-view, is only 8 bucks a feature some nudity, it might sell. But, that's more of a headache then anything.
Does anybody want to see this? Irrelevant, nobody wanted to see the ECW show, TNA did it anyway.

It's so obvious when you think about it. TNA no longer have a good women's division, so it's only right that they now try to capitalize on it. They've released most of the favourites and very few have the personality to sell a show.

I am a fan of bad wrestling, therefore I am a fan of this show idea. Although I suspect it'll go the same way as TNA's all X-Division show.
TNA aired a Knockouts special on New Years Eve that did horribly in the ratings. I don't think anyone would even pay 5 dollars to see a knockout PPV. Maybe if it was a Jerry Springer/ Girls Gone Wild type of PPV then maybe. TNA doesn't even have enough knockouts to broadcast a show like that. Maybe the are having a special showing the history of the division with Gail Kim and Awesome Kong. Whether they show new matches or matches from the past, I don't think many people will buy this PPV. If someone buys Bound For Glory then they could show a knockouts special before then, but I seriously doubt anyone would pay for it or even watch it for free.
I would at least first do a bit of a test run, maybe building an entire Impact episode around the Knockouts and see how it did ratings wise before even thinking about attempting a stunt like this.

They did something similar last year, New Year's Knockout Eve, I believe. It was around Christmas time, so it was really a throwaway show featuring the Knockout's for no apparent reason. They may have also had clips from other matches throughout the year. I can't remember. Don't think it completely bombed though.

Edit: Kenny Powers stole my thunder

Anyway, I wouldn't bother watching it. Why would I be interested in old Knockout's matches now? Seems kind of silly to me. Of course, by just running old mathches, there's virtually no financial risk for them. However, they'll probably need more than 10 people to actually order it, which could be a stretch.
So wait, will there be nakedness in this? If so, great idea.

If not, no one will watch. When I say that, I mean like, it will receive zero purchases. I have confidence in this prediction. The division is shit, and even if womens wrestling was at an absolute apex of quality and popularity, it would still sell like utter shit. America doesnt care, never has, never will
The funny thing is, that the New Year's Eve KO special featured talent during a time when they were around their best... but ratings were pretty bad. It could be attributed to being that it was in fact NYE, or it could be because it featured female wrestlers only... but if they can't pull in good ratings featuring their best women, why do another show that is going to recap their best women at their best? And to pay for it, on top of that. Ludicrous.

Thank Christ that it's separate from the rest of the PPV's, otherwise a lot of TNA fans would not be happy... possibly leading to a loss of fans. I love me some female wrestling, but why would I buy for a PPV when I can go on YouTube and re-watch some of the history?
I really don't see why TNA keeps going for things like this... I know they are desperately grabbing for straws, but creating full shows to the divas, especially on a saturday isn't going to do as damn thing... I mean if WWE couldn't draw worth a damn on NBC for christsake (when SNME was resurrected) how does TNA believe they will draw above a .01 rating??? this is a terrible idea.

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