A Hip-Hop soundtrack to a WWE PPV!?


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Why can't the WWE have a Hip-Hop track be the soundtrack of a PPV? REAL TALK! They got all this Rock 'n Roll in the WWE already for the wrestlers themes to the ring. Like Tyler Rekks theme gets on the nerves real bad.

Now I know that Hip-Hop ain't what it use to be back in the day. But the WWE can take it back. Why not have a song like Method Man's "Bring the Pain" track as one? Or even LL Cool J's "MaMa said knock you out" as another?

I don't think that the WWE are racist at all (from what I can see). But I just think that the WWE as far as there taste for music is dumb, old, and played out.
When did you start watching wrestling? 2 weeks ago? or you just have bad memory like the rest of the of fans? They did at the Royal Rumble, it was Let It Rock by Kevin Rudolf feat. Lil Wayne
Because wrestling in general always has been, and always will have a vast majority audience of white trash. Those people, generally, arent very into rap music. The WWE wants to appeal to its audience, with music they enjoy. Listen to the theme songs. With themes to shows they want to sell to a broad audience, they want to appeal to the vast majority. Your not the vast majority, your the minority. So, no.
Although I'm a huge fan of Rock Music I completely agree with Ballistic83...they should use some older rap (NWA Public Enemy and Such)...as new rap isn't very good...would be a good change for once in a while....and people that listen to Rock Music are NOT WHITE TRASH.
When did you start watching wrestling? 2 weeks ago? or you just have bad memory like the rest of the of fans? They did at the Royal Rumble, it was Let It Rock by Kevin Rudolf feat. Lil Wayne

how do you figure it's rap??? because lil' wayne's in it?

no....look at the title of the song and listen to the beat...it's clearly a rock song with lil' wayne in it...

But I agree with the fact that WWE never uses rap music...it should be used more often...
rap music sucks and I am not white but anyways rap was good back in the day but lets say they are doing a serious promo with John Cena and Randy Orton right before there match at Summerslam can you picture "MaMa said knock you out" as the background music it wont suit it and anyways Ballistic83 all your topics have something to do with Rap like Rap guest hosts and what not. Well the truth is RAP does not suit WWE Promos and you need to make your topics focus on Wrestling not Rap.
Because Rap sucks,plain and simple.Also,let it rock is obviously rap.It's too obvious.Just because it has the title of "let it rock" doesn't mean it's rock.In that stupid ass song by the Black Eyed Peas,William says he has that Rock and Roll.But he doesn't.He has that stupid poppy bullshit. I think using AC/DC and Aerosmith are absolutely terrible,because those bands suck.They should use some good music.
erm there was the wwf aggression cd way back in like 2000. silk the shocker does mvp's theme... i remember a few summerslams ago there was the nelly and fat joe song get it poppin.... so there is rap in the wwe sparingly

that said most of rap isnt clean vocally and to be honest most songs associate to booty, drugs n guns etc. not very pg is it?
Although I'm a huge fan of Rock Music I completely agree with Ballistic83...they should use some older rap (NWA Public Enemy and Such)...as new rap isn't very good...would be a good change for once in a while....and people that listen to Rock Music are NOT WHITE TRASH.

no, but people who ARE white trash most likely listen to rock though. DONT THEY!!
Actually the WWE has used hip-hop before. Summerslam 2005 featured Get It Poppin' by Fat Joe. I'm also going to take a stab here and say that Whine Up by Kat DeLuna for Summerslam 2007 can also be considered usage of hip-hop for a WWE ppv. And to answer Saddler, it's not just because Lil' Wayne is in it. Kevin Rudolf himself has stated it's a hip-hop song so Let It Rock classifies. But nevertheless, the WWE does reach out to an audience that is more rock-oriented. Which is perfectly fine as most of the PPV themes are good songs lol.
What a sad joke of a thread. And not because of the original post from Ballistic, no, because of all the stereotypical wrasslin' fans coming in here and saying "rap is crap!" That's nice, but we don't really give a fuck if you don't enjoy hip hop, millions of us do. I'd rather have a 24/7 loop of rap music during WWE TV than have to listen to one more terrible fucking Alter Bridge song or whatever new completely shit rock band they have doing theme music. WWE just loves finding the most bland and untalented bands on the face of the planet to do their music for them; not surprising considering how many people with piss-poor taste in music like wrestling. I laugh myself to tears sometimes at some of the music people on this forum listen to. Seriously, fucking Alter Bridge? One of the worst bands I've heard in a very, very long time.

To the guy who said how would Summerslam sound with "Mama Said Knock You Out" playing...PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME I'd say, that's a great song that would go fantastic with any kind of wrestling, MMA, or boxing event.

Basically Ballistic, there's no rap music on the WWE TV because

A) Vince is a rich old white man. Not exactly a rap fan, is he?

B) A large portion of the WWE's audience enjoys bland and utter shit music. He's giving them what they want.

Rap would be great though, granted it were a good song and not Lil Wayne featuring Drake or some bullshit like that. I'd love to hear some Nas or something as a PPV theme music, that'd be fantastic.

And if you don't like that you can just pass the blunt to the ***** on the left.
well they did have a hop-hop song for summerslam a couple years back, remember Kat De'Lunas Whine Up?

and the only reason i believe that they stick with the rock n' roll songs is because the sound and the beat and feel of the songs go with the videos they make for the ppvs, like that hard hitting beat goes with the action they show in the ppv videos
Let us also not forget what era we are in.

"I got blood on my hands because I killed of course, i got blood on my dick because I fucked a corpse, im a nasty *****"

Right. that will go over nicely with the kids, on a PPV theme song. Generally rock songs, namely the ones they pick, are FAR easer to edit, and reconstruct to make them OK to have playing on TV, in commercials, and such and such. Maybe if rappers didnt have to be such savage mongrels, and covered other subject matter besides "Rimz, Bitchez, and killin *****s" without the "fuck" bomb being dropped every other verse, you might have a better shot.

187 on an undacovah cop biiiiaaaatch
first off gotta say this...aerosmith does not suck....one the best bands ever....now i have a broad range of music i like so anyone thinking wit me saying that id say rap sucks and they shouldnt is wrong i think it could fit in....i mean ur not going to put vanilla ice in it haha....or songs bout big ole asses and sex.....and like people said summerslam had fat joe and nelly and i wanna correct it too....yes let it rock had lil wayne in the song and awhile back Limp Biskit did the theme for Wrestlemania X7...i consider them a lil rap....but did WWE ever play lil wayne"s part ummm no....no u say people white trash and like rock ok but u also have hip hop fans watching too...and a song like Remember the Name by Fort Minor could ease in for both parties....cause technachlly its rap but kinda feels rock....and honestly i dont think straight hip hop is wats need lets get some big names like aerosmith , ti, people that the fans know other than.....bob the builder and the tools?? ( made up band for u not so smart ones ) ....and if i see one the had kid rock and limp bisket said yes they famous bring them back too.
It's called "the radio or clean verison" for a reason man. Wake up!

you can still tell what they are saying, DUMMY. and even if you cant, you can still tell words are edited out. I said less editing makes things less obvious. Even clean versions have a TON of noticeable editing, and subject matter this is inappropriate for the audience they target.

Maybe YOU should wake up
There are plenty of hip hop artists who don't perform gangsta rap though Norcs, the WWE could easily get someone like Talib Kweli, Mos Def or The Roots to do a song for one of their PPVs and it'd probably be twenty times better than that shit Aerosmith song they have for Summerslam. Aerosmith has been shit for 20+ years now.
There are plenty of hip hop artists who don't perform gangsta rap though Norcs, the WWE could easily get someone like Talib Kweli, Mos Def or The Roots to do a song for one of their PPVs and it'd probably be twenty times better than that shit Aerosmith song they have for Summerslam. Aerosmith has been shit for 20+ years now.

yea, but then your kinna defeating your own purpose you know? generally, for these tunes, they want agression, and up tempo, and your much more able to get such a thing from gangsta rap.

Its an overall image thing anyhow. Like I says, white devils and shit, y'know. They wont really LISTEN to the words, they will just hear it, and shake their fists, saying "that damn rap music!!"
Right on man! You smart! But the WWE needs something with a little more EDGE. Like Redman or the Game or something/one?

What the hell If you like Rap Music in Wrestling events go watch TNA all there entrance themes are Rap and I dont think WWE needs rap in there PPV the Aerosmith theme is just fine its better than Whine your Body Up
What a sad joke of a thread. And not because of the original post from Ballistic, no, because of all the stereotypical wrasslin' fans coming in here and saying "rap is crap!" That's nice, but we don't really give a fuck if you don't enjoy hip hop, millions of us do. I'd rather have a 24/7 loop of rap music during WWE TV than have to listen to one more terrible fucking Alter Bridge song or whatever new completely shit rock band they have doing theme music. WWE just loves finding the most bland and untalented bands on the face of the planet to do their music for them; not surprising considering how many people with piss-poor taste in music like wrestling. I laugh myself to tears sometimes at some of the music people on this forum listen to. Seriously, fucking Alter Bridge? One of the worst bands I've heard in a very, very long time.

To the guy who said how would Summerslam sound with "Mama Said Knock You Out" playing...PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME I'd say, that's a great song that would go fantastic with any kind of wrestling, MMA, or boxing event.

Basically Ballistic, there's no rap music on the WWE TV because

A) Vince is a rich old white man. Not exactly a rap fan, is he?

B) A large portion of the WWE's audience enjoys bland and utter shit music. He's giving them what they want.

Rap would be great though, granted it were a good song and not Lil Wayne featuring Drake or some bullshit like that. I'd love to hear some Nas or something as a PPV theme music, that'd be fantastic.

And if you don't like that you can just pass the blunt to the ***** on the left.

Whoa Whoa Whoa! You call on this thread for being a joke because people who don't like rap music don't agree with your view. Yet you're saying the exact same bullshit about rock music.

WWE has rap music, not that it really matters... the music simply should reflect the character. It does not matter that Alter Bridge introduce Edge. It's one of his favourite bands and so they did his music for him. Edge isn't gonna come out to Jay Z or Snoop. It's not his character.

John Cena is rap.
Mark Henry is rap.
MVP is rap.
Cryme Time is rap.
R-Truth is rap.

Sure, some of it might suck but so do a fair amount of rock wrestler themes. I used to hate Orton's old one. This one I love. I can't stand CM Punk's. RVD's was awful. I love Christian's. I love Edge's. I love Batista's.

At the end of it all, it's simply down to marketing. The majority of wrestling fans are kids and rock fans. Simple as that. I'm not saying rap fans or any other type of music lover isn't allowed to watch it. I'm just saying the majority. And I'm afraid majority rules.
Whoa Whoa Whoa! You call on this thread for being a joke because people who don't like rap music don't agree with your view. Yet you're saying the exact same bullshit about rock music.

No, I'm not. I love rock music, much more than I do hip-hop. I grew up on The Doors and Nirvana. Never did I say that the genre of rock sucks, not once. I said that Aerosmith is a joke these days, which they are.

WWE has rap music, not that it really matters... the music simply should reflect the character. It does not matter that Alter Bridge introduce Edge. It's one of his favourite bands and so they did his music for him. Edge isn't gonna come out to Jay Z or Snoop. It's not his character.

I never said Edge should have a rap entrance. But rap music is never, ever use for promotional reasons. I see no reason why it shouldn't be.

John Cena is rap.
Mark Henry is rap.
MVP is rap.
Cryme Time is rap.
R-Truth is rap.

Wow 5 wrestlers in the entire company huh? Half of those songs are sung by the wrestlers themselves. I'd like to see some hip hop artists contribute more to the WWE, Nas or The Roots or something.

At the end of it all, it's simply down to marketing. The majority of wrestling fans are kids and rock fans. Simple as that. I'm not saying rap fans or any other type of music lover isn't allowed to watch it. I'm just saying the majority. And I'm afraid majority rules.

Not really. The number one music genre in the globe is hip-hop, and has been for well over a decade now. You're telling me young people prefer rock to rap these days? Not at all. You think all of those Cena fans are going home and listening to Metallica? Unlikely. Hip-hop is the most popular genre of music on the planet right now, and it dominates the charts. I think that speaks for itself.
I'm a Cena fan and yet I'm not a rap fan. And before you point out that I'm 22, I have younger siblings and cousins ranging from 7 - 19 and they all like rock music... and John Cena.

You see, like most I expect, I watch wrestling for wrestling. I listen to music for music. And never the two shall meet.

If you want to take things completely literally, then go ahead but not once did I say that they were the ONLY five superstars with Rap entrances. Those are the first 5 I could think of from the top of my head. I'm sure there are plenty more.

Fair enough, you like rock. Your initial post doesn't really suggest that in anyway. That's not taking away what you did do. You called on everyone else who posted on here for hating on rap yet you did the same to bands like Alter Bridge and Aerosmith. No, I'm not a fan of Aerosmith. Not their recent stuff anyway but other people are.

And big hoohah for the globe loving Hip Hop. I'm not talking about the globe. I'm talking about WWE fans. This isn't a race issue, this is called using your eyes. Most people who like hip hop are black. Most people who watch wrestling are white.

This is easily proven as well. America is a predominantly white country. As is the UK. And Germany. These all have regular wrestling events. So does Japan... Japanese fans go to these events. Mexico regularly get Mexicans watching. But have you ever seen a Jamaican Wrestling Fed? Or a Ghanian? Or a Nambian? Nigerian? Any predominantly black country or island you can think of isn't known very well for it's wrestling.
So the globe's music preference doesn't matter. It matters what white people think. White people hold the larger share of wrestling commodities. And there are more whites loving rock music than there are whites loving rap. And that is what matters when you're selling a PPV.

EDIT: And I think we all know what a joke the charts are these days. More people download illegally then buy singles. Fact.
You see, like most I expect, I watch wrestling for wrestling. I listen to music for music. And never the two shall meet.

I'm not demanding that WWE give equal time to each genre for christ's sake, I just pointed out the fact that it would be nice if they used some good hip hop songs. Am I not allowed to make an observation now?

Fair enough, you like rock. Your initial post doesn't really suggest that in anyway. That's not taking away what you did do. You called on everyone else who posted on here for hating on rap yet you did the same to bands like Alter Bridge and Aerosmith.

Aerosmith and Alter Bridge are single bands, not an entire genre of music encompassing millions and millions of artists. Two very different criticisms. People coming in here to simply say "Rap sucks!" contributes absolutely nothing to this conversation and we don't need it here. This thread is about hip-hop, it's not about Aerosmith or Alter Bridge.

And big hoohah for the globe loving Hip Hop. I'm not talking about the globe. I'm talking about WWE fans.

Do WWE fans not live on this planet? Show me some kind of evidence that modern wrestling fans like rock more than they do rap. Do wrestling fans not listen to the radio? Do they not go out and purchase albums just like everyone else? Well guess what, a large, LARGE portion of that audience is tuning into rap music and buying hip-hop albums. Are you seriously going to debate this? This isn't the south in 1985, wrestling fans have evolved and the stereotype of wrestling fans being hicks who listen to Lynard Skynard is dead and gone.

This isn't a race issue, this is called using your eyes. Most people who like hip hop are black. Most people who watch wrestling are white.

How hilariously misinformed. Yes, most wrestling fans are white. But guess what? White people LOVE hip-hop. I teach at a local high school and I can tell you from first hand experience that

A) The majority of our students are white and
B) The majority of them listen to hip-hop.

Do only black people listen to hip-hop now? Wrestling fans are pop culture victims as much as any other target group, and right now pop culture revolves around hip-hop, and not rock.

So the globe's music preference doesn't matter. It matters what white people think.

...Is that a joke? Really? Do you realize how racist you sound right now? Enjoy your infraction.

White people hold the larger share of wrestling commodities. And there are more whites loving rock music than there are whites loving rap. And that is what matters when you're selling a PPV.

What country do you live in? Apparently not the United States. Hip-hop outsells rock and roll by a HUGE margin in the US, and guess what? A large (if not majority) portion of those people buying those records are white!
Now now, PJ The Pirate has a damn point.

Rock music = white people. How do I know? Im white. dont listen to hip hop. LOVE wrestling. Proof. Son. If you dont like THAT X, you can pass the blunt to the ***** on the left.

See, thing is. The WWE tries to reach out to minorities on the TV shows, yea, but they target the white demgraphic for the PPV. Why. Because you cant purchase PPV with food stamps, or with cash you made from selling drugs. FACT.

Need more prooof that white people hate rap? Here, link to a survey BISH


fuck, wait, I got it, hold on, more proof


I would say the above links prove without a doubt the FACTS that PJ the Pirate is presenting here. RAP IS CRAP
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no, but people who ARE white trash most likely listen to rock though. DONT THEY!!

no not really you fucktard! if somebody it white it doesnt mean they are fans of rock, im white and i like rock yes but i also like some hip hop, all im saying is dont stereo type.

anyways i think some hip hop would be fitting like summer slam was the 'biggest party of the summer' so hip hop works there, honestly better than areosmith... but rock seems to set the tempo more than some of the hip hop especially with the pg thing can u imagine them hyping a match with a whole bunch of cuss words edited out? naw. but anyways thats all time saying
no not really you fucktard! if somebody it white it doesnt mean they are fans of rock, im white and i like rock yes but i also like some hip hop, all im saying is dont stereo type.

anyways i think some hip hop would be fitting like summer slam was the 'biggest party of the summer' so hip hop works there, honestly better than areosmith... but rock seems to set the tempo more than some of the hip hop especially with the pg thing can u imagine them hyping a match with a whole bunch of cuss words edited out? naw. but anyways thats all time saying

I said WHITE TRASH, not white people, smart guy. Are you claiming to be white trash then? Is your house on cinder blocks?

and you basically just repeated what i already said, with the PG stuff.

"these muthafuckas wont stay quiet, we start up a riot, til every muthafuckin bitch up here dyin"

that would be great for the kids. Shit, make it the theme of Wrestlemania 26.

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