A Full Time Role for Hulk Hogan?


Pre-Show Stalwart
We've all read the rumors that WWE is trying to come up with a full time role for Ric Flair. So why not a full time role for Hulk Hogan? Hogan has even gone as far as saying he's "praying" WWE uses him more. Do you think a full time role for Hogan is a possibility? If so, what's the best way to use him?

Personally I'd love to see Hogan as the Raw or Smackdown GM. I've grown tried of The Authority, there needs to be some balance, Hogan could provide that.
Can Hogan do anything physical? I'd love to see Rusev attack him and put the camel clutch on him for awhile.....seems a foolproof way to get Rusev incredible heat, and a big face reaction for whatever wrestler stands up for Hogan.

I can't stand Raw/Smackdown GM's so I really don't want to see Hogan in that role. In fact, I think The Authority is the first time I've enjoyed an authority figure since Vince back in the day. We already know who owns the company. It's only right that they're the on-air authority figures too.
The only full-time role I can see Hogan doing in the WWE is as WWE's full-time Ambassador. He could goto different countries where WWE has never held Raw/Smackdown or PPVs, such as New Zealand, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, Australia, China, etc and help to open up markets in those countries, plus just promote the WWE in general..To me, that's the most realistic thing for Hogan if he's given any type of full-time role within the WWE.
I'm wondering if Hogan or Flair don't become the NXT General Manager. Not sure if that episode is on tonight or next week...could be on right now in fact. Not sure if I would love it or not, but might work.
Personally, I'd rather not have Hogan do something on a weekly basis TV wise for WWE. There's really no need for it, maybe if they did an archival show on Hogan's career were Hogan would host it and talk with old opponents of his or colleagues. That could be cool. You can put all the stuff in the can during the course of a certain period and then just air it as needed on the WWE Network.

However, anything on RAW or SmackDown, I really could do without because as a fan of his, I like the idea of him also having a degree of autonomy where he can do meet and greets without the WWE's total control. From what I've heard unless something falls on a PPV date or some other important event, Hogan can get a revenue stream all his own from outside appearances. A full time role with WWE might preclude him from doing that, and on the occasions I met Hogan, two of them were very unrushed and relaxed...and Hogan can give more time to his fans that way.

If he does something full time with WWE and can't do those appearances anymore, I'd be pretty disappointed because I would like to meet him a couple of more times if I can. However, at the end of the day it's WWE and Hogan's decision, anything the guy can do all the power to him for it. I just don't know what roles there are, because I've a personal dislike for authority figure roles and even with someone like Hogan that I like...I would just get really tired of that after awhile. I saw how it worked with him in TNA and he was no better or no worse than Vickie Guerrero, Ric Flair, Vince McMahon, etc. but the last time I ever liked that type of angle or was entertained with it was when the Austin-McMahon feud was going on.

For me, an authority figure is best suited as someone like a Jack Tunney or Gorilla Monsoon where they make sporadic appearances and their presence doesn't undermine the performers. I know Gorilla was a former competitor himself but his role as a commentator in-between his days as an active wrestler and WWF figurehead president helped ease him into that role. All these attempts to replicate the Austin-McMahon dynamic of performer vs authority figure have done nothing for me and I feel it's alienated a lot of the older fan base too.

Again, though at the end of the day whatever Hogan does under the WWE banner is a decision that both parties have agreed to...we'll just have to see what happens next.
Hogan has even gone as far as saying he's "praying" WWE uses him more.

It's my guess it all comes down to money, which he seems to need since his expensive divorce. Of course, I have no true knowledge of his financial situation, but due to the timing four years ago, I figured his entire association with TNA came about because he needed bucks so badly, enabling him to sell that organization a bill of goods about all he could do for them.

Presumably, WWE will be more practical and efficient about it. Obviously, they wouldn't be looking to have Hogan "lead" the company, as he was apparently thrust to the forefront to do in TNA. In the 'E, Hogan could work from the script like everyone else and be used to augment whatever's going on.....rather than making the whole show about him.

Face it, people like seeing this guy; they cheer their butts off when he shows up. I don't know about Hulk in a GM role; the people most effective in that part made some noise, but mostly paved the way for the performers to have the spotlights shine on them. I can't see Hogan doing things that way; even if not physically involved, he'd manage to overshadow the talent he's handling.

Or maybe I'm wrong.....if his financial situation is bad enough, maybe he'd dress up as Doink the Clown and skip around the ring with AJ Lee. You can never tell with this guy.

I like him in the ambassador role, if anything. He could stand in the ring and be a cheerleader, calling attention to himself in the manner he seems to prefer. If anyone can figure a way to make a full-time job out of that, it'd be the guy with the 24 inch pythons. :worship:
The only full-time role I can see Hogan doing in the WWE is as WWE's full-time Ambassador. He could goto different countries where WWE has never held Raw/Smackdown or PPVs, such as New Zealand, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, Australia, China, etc and help to open up markets in those countries, plus just promote the WWE in general..To me, that's the most realistic thing for Hogan if he's given any type of full-time role within the WWE.

They do house shows and did a PPV in Australia. Just saying. WWE is huge here.

Anyways I'm not sure what they could do with Hogan because he's such a big star. So is Flair but Flair is the kind of guy who can still be on TV every week and it not be a big deal, whatever angle hogan gets involved in will overshadow the angle itself.

The authority figure has been done too much and is just an excuse to give someone a job in many cases
I think Hogan's face should be splashed all over the Network. I think they should take old footage and have Hogan and other legends doing commentary. Or maybe he can introduce certain programs and give some context. The guy has value. He has a recognizable look and voice. I think it is time to hang up the look but I'm probably wrong about that.

While I don't think he should have a permanent place on Raw or SD I'm sure he could work a program saying some nice things about a talent. Preferably someone who is built in his mold. The guy can and did say things about wrestlers that should have helped guys get more support in TNA. It just happened to be the wrong guys.

Fuck it, have him replace Lawler and maybe even JBL every week on Raw. Can't be any worse.
I'd pass on that one. He is great to promote the network and putting a smile on people's face but there isn't much use for him in a full-time capacity. People will get bored of him quickly and that isn't a good thing. Hulk being GM has no long-term possibilities other than him trying to talk his way into one more match.
JBL really is awful but I'm not completely sure that 3 hours of "brother" and "The Hulkster says" would be any less irritating.
One more feud, one more match, one more come from behind victory and one more World title!. THAT is the full time role HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN needs. The tease: something happened behind the scenes and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is injured in an attack. Someone (whomever needs a push) stands up and vows to get revenge for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Brock Lesnar comes forward and claims responsibility for the attack. The Hulkamaniac stand up guy (who cares who it is?) attacks Lesnar, a feud is started and they build for the title match/ revenge match... which the punk loses making Lesnar look all the more dominating.

Finally HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN returns and vows revenge on his own. The loser punk pleads with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN not to do it saying that he has no idea how tough Lesnar has become since his MMA training. The announcer concur with the punk's (hey this would be a good role for CM Punk to return in) pleads saying that the chances of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN surviving this match are a million to one (doing everything they can to make him the underdog). None the less the match is signed.
The match is build not just for the title, not just for revenge, not just as potential career ending, but for the first time ever - using all of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S surgeries as part of the build - a match is being built up as potentially life threatening.

This will allow HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to be the ultimate underdog, a role he plays very well as he's always been at his best giving come from behind victories. It will also prepare the crowd for him to be slower and to be beaten down easily. Of coarse he inevitably makes the comeback, Hulks Up and wins one more World title. And the fans leave happy.
NO MORE HOGAN! Hulk, Ric Flair, HBK, Stone Cold & even Sting should only show up at Wrestlemania every year to open the show like they did this past Wrestlemania. I said this to another post-Q: Why was Wrestlemania XXX opening special. A: Because Hogan, Rock & Austin where in the ring at the same time & thats something that we don't see often. Hogan can barely walk & he keeps begging for one last match(if he keeps f@#kin with Brock it'll be his last breath!)& Austin isn't going to lay down for Hogan.
I think Hulk doing those PPV pre-shows panels would be cool.

The only problem is, Hogan is a guy you don't want to over-expose. Need to keep him special. His value is way higher than Flair's which is why Flair doing full-time anything is whatever.

Hogan could do a segment with Rusev like someone pointed out but if he were to do anything physical, I would say best use of that would be with Brock Lesnar and then Reigns comes out for the save. But who knows how long Hulk is away from physicality and if he did get physical I do not doubt it will be with John Cena.

The GM thing is pointless without brand extension. Triple H and Stephanie are fine in those roles. Best way to use Authority figures is to have the person you see be the one where "the buck stops" and its firmly established as HHH and Stephanie.
NO MORE HOGAN! Hulk, Ric Flair, HBK, Stone Cold & even Sting should only show up at Wrestlemania every year to open the show like they did this past Wrestlemania. I said this to another post-Q: Why was Wrestlemania XXX opening special. A: Because Hogan, Rock & Austin where in the ring at the same time & thats something that we don't see often. Hogan can barely walk & he keeps begging for one last match(if he keeps f@#kin with Brock it'll be his last breath!)& Austin isn't going to lay down for Hogan.

Hulk has been very public about being okay with putting over Cena and Austin. He was willing to do it for Austin at WM22 and WM23 (when they had the rumoured match plan) and he recently said he was cool with putting over Cena at WM31.

One thing about Hulk, he isn't the "I won't lose to this guy" type. Hell, he worked as a midcarder in 2002 after dropping the belt. He was suppose to do a 3 match series with HBK but HBK is a little bitch (could have easily predicted that).
The only match that I would want him back for is against another retired/semi-retired wrestler. He seems to be calling Austin out in the media a whole bunch and Austin just teased a return to the ring a few weeks ago, so... who knows... but that'd be pretty much it.

It's a little too late for him to be putting over Cena.
Hogan as an Authority figure would be great especially in a GM role or in a Commissioner type role but imagine if Hogan if he were to turn heel and join The Authority becoming "Hollywood" all over again, rolling with the black and white that would be so awesome
Hulk has been very public about being okay with putting over Cena and Austin. He was willing to do it for Austin at WM22 and WM23 (when they had the rumoured match plan) and he recently said he was cool with putting over Cena at WM31.

One thing about Hulk, he isn't the "I won't lose to this guy" type. Hell, he worked as a midcarder in 2002 after dropping the belt. He was suppose to do a 3 match series with HBK but HBK is a little bitch (could have easily predicted that).
But at this point he SHOULDN'T lose to anyone. His come back would be a special occasion. Sure a lot of it would be nostalgia but the fans love it and that's exactly why whomever HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN faces he must defeat. There were times in he career that he needed to jo and he did. Early on he, as a gint of a man put over guys like Bob Armstrong, Bob Backlund, Pat Patterson (yuck), Ivan Putski, Tony Atlas and most famously Andre the Giant. Then when he came into his prime and went on to become the most famous pro wrestler of all time, bring the sport unprecedented wealth and notoriety he went on a long undefeated streak. Some low information fans complain about that period but as Jake "The Snake" Roberts once said, "You don't kill your golden goose."

As he approached his 40s however he began losing more. Not all the time as he was still the sports top draw and thus was still usually champion but guys like the Undertaker, The Ultimate Warrior and Yokozuna all defeated him. Sure the heels had to cheat but, heels are SUPPOSED to cheat.

He had a good initial run in WCW at first as WCW was hoping to re-capture the HULKAMANIA magic of the 80s. But while HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S popularity remained strong and WCW saw a huge growth in attendance, it became clear that the die hard NWA/WCW fans still saw him as a "WWF guy" and continued to boo him. So he started putting over some of the WCW mainstays like Ric Flair and Arn Anderson.

Then came the nWo and a resurgence in HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S popularity. When WCW finally started to dominate in the ratings and took over the #1 spot the fans finally began to embrace him as one of their own. Sure he dominated the title for a while but no more than Flair did. In the 80s. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN would constantly be chased by a face who would ultimately defeat him for the title, but the celebration was short lived as he would use the nWo to get the title back.

But even though he kept getting the title back, he lost multiple times in non title matches, was pinned in tag team matches and even submitted live on national TV for the first time in his career. He put over a lot of people; Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Sting, DDP and probably most famously Bill Goldberg.

After the nWo ran it's coarse we had the (uh, oh) Vince Russo era to deal with. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was asked to job to a lot of people. Lesser guys like Billy Kidman, Mike Awesome and Horace Hogan were suddenly getting pinfall victories over HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Despite the haters claiming that because he had creative control, that he dictated everything that happened and refused to job, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was more than happy to put over these youngsters who were - let's face it - far beneath him and had no business being in the ring with him much less getting a victory.

Then he came back to the WWF (so to be WWE) and one of the first things that he did was job to The Rock at the biggest show of the year. Because of the unexpected fan response to him he was given a short but enjoyable run as champion. Then he went back to jobbing. He put over The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Sean O'Hara and was even pinned by The Big Show in what would be his last match as a full time competitor.

Since then he has wrestled only on occasion as a special attraction and as such his losses have been very few as they should be. Another match in WWE or anywhere else should be no different. He payed his dues when he was young, he brought the sport unprecedented fame and fortune in his prime, gave us not one but TWO wrestling booms making the HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN era the greatest era of all time and he gave back and jobbed to nearly everyone thrown at him toward the end of his full time career - which is the time when he should have been doing it.

Now it's time to let him have that one last moment of glory. To say "thank you HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN" and to let him know that we are truly greatful for all of the things that he has done for we the fans and for the sport of Professional Wrestling. One more match. One more title win. Retire on top and then another DVD set.
But at this point he SHOULDN'T lose to anyone. His come back would be a special occasion. Sure a lot of it would be nostalgia but the fans love it and that's exactly why whomever HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN faces he must defeat. There were times in he career that he needed to jo and he did. Early on he, as a gint of a man put over guys like Bob Armstrong, Bob Backlund, Pat Patterson (yuck), Ivan Putski, Tony Atlas and most famously Andre the Giant. Then when he came into his prime and went on to become the most famous pro wrestler of all time, bring the sport unprecedented wealth and notoriety he went on a long undefeated streak. Some low information fans complain about that period but as Jake "The Snake" Roberts once said, "You don't kill your golden goose."

As he approached his 40s however he began losing more. Not all the time as he was still the sports top draw and thus was still usually champion but guys like the Undertaker, The Ultimate Warrior and Yokozuna all defeated him. Sure the heels had to cheat but, heels are SUPPOSED to cheat.

He had a good initial run in WCW at first as WCW was hoping to re-capture the HULKAMANIA magic of the 80s. But while HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S popularity remained strong and WCW saw a huge growth in attendance, it became clear that the die hard NWA/WCW fans still saw him as a "WWF guy" and continued to boo him. So he started putting over some of the WCW mainstays like Ric Flair and Arn Anderson.

Then came the nWo and a resurgence in HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S popularity. When WCW finally started to dominate in the ratings and took over the #1 spot the fans finally began to embrace him as one of their own. Sure he dominated the title for a while but no more than Flair did. In the 80s. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN would constantly be chased by a face who would ultimately defeat him for the title, but the celebration was short lived as he would use the nWo to get the title back.

But even though he kept getting the title back, he lost multiple times in non title matches, was pinned in tag team matches and even submitted live on national TV for the first time in his career. He put over a lot of people; Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Sting, DDP and probably most famously Bill Goldberg.

After the nWo ran it's coarse we had the (uh, oh) Vince Russo era to deal with. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was asked to job to a lot of people. Lesser guys like Billy Kidman, Mike Awesome and Horace Hogan were suddenly getting pinfall victories over HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Despite the haters claiming that because he had creative control, that he dictated everything that happened and refused to job, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was more than happy to put over these youngsters who were - let's face it - far beneath him and had no business being in the ring with him much less getting a victory.

Then he came back to the WWF (so to be WWE) and one of the first things that he did was job to The Rock at the biggest show of the year. Because of the unexpected fan response to him he was given a short but enjoyable run as champion. Then he went back to jobbing. He put over The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Sean O'Hara and was even pinned by The Big Show in what would be his last match as a full time competitor.

Since then he has wrestled only on occasion as a special attraction and as such his losses have been very few as they should be. Another match in WWE or anywhere else should be no different. He payed his dues when he was young, he brought the sport unprecedented fame and fortune in his prime, gave us not one but TWO wrestling booms making the HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN era the greatest era of all time and he gave back and jobbed to nearly everyone thrown at him toward the end of his full time career - which is the time when he should have been doing it.

Now it's time to let him have that one last moment of glory. To say "thank you HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN" and to let him know that we are truly greatful for all of the things that he has done for we the fans and for the sport of Professional Wrestling. One more match. One more title win. Retire on top and then another DVD set.

I agree with most of what you said Boss. I think most of the gripes against Hogan get over blown. As you pointed out he spent of his final full time run putting people over, and even put Sting over in his most recent match. One thing I do disagree with you on is him having one more title run. While there's no question he deserves it, he'll be doing good if he can get through one more match, let alone "one more run" The only way I would be okay with him winning the belt one last time is if he were to vacant it the next night.

One more match than a GM role, that's what I'd like to see.
I agree with most of what you said Boss. I think most of the gripes against Hogan get over blown. As you pointed out he spent of his final full time run putting people over, and even put Sting over in his most recent match. One thing I do disagree with you on is him having one more title run. While there's no question he deserves it, he'll be doing good if he can get through one more match, let alone "one more run" The only way I would be okay with him winning the belt one last time is if he were to vacant it the next night.

One more match than a GM role, that's what I'd like to see.
Oh, I doubt very much that he could pull off another run. But having his last match be a victory for the title would certainly be appropriate. VERY few guys deserve such an honor but certainly HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is among them. The only kind of a "run" that could possibly happen (and believe me this is no run) is if there is controversy in HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S win and just as HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is about to retire as champion, the former champion demands, not a rematch, but a chance for revenge in the form of a six man tag team match which will happen the next week on RAW. This will just be to give the fans one last chance to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN introduced for a match and coming to the ring to "Real American" as the champion. The match itself will of course see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN spend most of the match on the apron, pumping up the crowd and getting a false tag or two as the fans want to see him and Lesnar (or whomever the former champion is) get it on one more time. He doesn't even need to get the pin. Let one of the younger guys have it so long as HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN clotheslines Lesnar out of the ring first and cleans house. Something simple that will protect him. This will be 100% nostalgia with no attempt to hide it, but it would also be fun. He worked a couple of matches just like this in England for TNA and the crowd loved it. But I agree after this the title should be vacated.

Then again there is one other reason that he could keep it (although I'm not sure there would be much fun in this). If the title would vacated anyway WWE would need someway to crown a new champion which will hopefully see either a new hero emerge or an previous one return. Let's say WWE pulls another one of their occasional King of the Ring tournaments out of their butts and rather than have HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN vacate the title, he would hold the title until the tournament is concluded and then HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN himself will abdicate the throne and strap the new champion. Why do it this way? To sell some last minute "WWE World Heavyweight Champion HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN" merchandise of course. lol

But I would actually like to see him vacate it either the night after the win, or even after the afore mentioned tag match. I am a huge HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN fan but even I realize that if he won the WWE World title it would have to be just a "Yo Hulkamaniacs, WE DID IT!" type of feel good moment and then move on.
Hogan coming back as Hollywood Hogan would be even better especially if he were to come back in the black and white but also to hear that Jimi Hendrix music of Voodoo Child would be so great especially with Hogan as Hollywood he would be a perfect badass GM
Ric Flair could manage RAW. His connection with HHH suggests he is trustworthy to do what's "best for business" while The Authority is on business or who knows. Yeah, managers I know but Flair and Hogan have swung long enough, its another kids turn. If anything, use them for promoting general WWE business.

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