A few things about Kurt Angle and ReAction


Pre-Show Stalwart
First off, did anyone think Angle looked "old" on this past impact? I know facially, when he lets his hair and beard grow out he's going to look older, but I kind of felt Kurt's body looked old as well(based on movements.)

I noticed it when he came out for the Mainevent. It seemed like his shoulders were disproportionate to his legs/waist, kind of the way Kevin Nash looks. May be he was just walking slower, but something didn't look right. Then when he got in the ring, I don't wanna say he looked slow, but he looked awkward.

I guess this leads me to my next point. Since ReAction's debut, every time I've seen Angle give a promo, I feel like he's sitting in a wheel chair. He always seemed to be sitting and the way he sounds and his posture, it's like he's in a hospital bed.

But enough with that, I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed. I know the guy has neck problems and wonder how much pain he's really in, b/c I don't feel Angle is in the best shape to begin a title reign.

Next thing, is Kurt and ReAction. Is ReAction suppose to be about breaking Kayfabe or what? Everytime Kurt gives a promo on it, it's so convoluted and I'm unsure if he's in character or he's openly discussing how he feels about storylines.

Heres some examples.
Kurt Angle says Jeff Hardy needs to mind his own business. I guess this was in reference too Jeff attacking Abyss, and doing it for Rob Van Dam.
But Didn't Kurt just go out on Impact and get involved with Fortune when he didn't need to when they were attacking Serge.

Also on ReAction, we got The Pope's reaction too what happened w/ him and Kurt and how he feels about the tag match next week. Now I might be wrong, but all I heard Kurt do was praise the Pope in his promos. "He's a future world champion, he's the future of TNA" Did he even mention how pissed he was The Pope stole the win and their altercation in the ring?

I dunno, it's not a big deal but it just seems like so many errors and lapses in logic on the editing/Kurt's part.

A couple weeks ago, Kurt was siding with Fortune and saying how they are TNA and how they've all been there and whatever. <----- It's like Kurt is at odds with himself in and out of character. And all of his statements on ReAction are out of character.
Since I'm a total Kurt Angle mark, I'll try to come up with a logical explanation. Things Angle says on ReAction are his calm, considered thoughts, rather than his heated, instant responses to things. Heat of the moment, he's reallly pissed at Pope for stealing his win. ReAction is presumably later than the events of Impact, so figure Angle took a shower, went to his hotel, got some sleep, came in to the studio. Grand scheme of things, he's not going to remember that Pope stole the tag a month from now. They're not really tag team partners, nothing serious was at stake in the match. Kid stole the win. It happens. Doesn't change the fact that he looks like a future champion. He didn't injure Angle, or screw him out of the title or the title shot.

As for Fourtune, it's not THAT complicated. They were right to attack EV2 and defend TNA. They were wrong to attack Dixie and Serge.

There you go.

Oh, and a 40ish athlete who's been a world class competitor for nearly 20 years is realistically going to show some strain. Especially if he's playing up the wise old veteran aspect of his character. I think ReAction is an attempt to bring pro wrestling storytelling closer to what we see today in sports and in reality TV, and I think Angle's a good bridge character to use there. He's not going to pretend what can't be pretended--he's not the same physically as he was 10 years ago. So make it a background part of the story.
yes. kurt angle looked 50 plus on impact. He moved slow, his beard looked 50 plus, and i watched reaction just to see the brawl, and hardly anything happened!

Does anyone think Fortune is a rip off of evolution, because...

AJ Styles- Veteran, like triple h, has won world titles.

kazarian , More like randy orton- young ( orton had been in the company less than a year before evolution. suicide/kazarian debuted 2009, now in a stable.
Morgan. I love morgan, want him to be world champ, the hellivator and carbon foot print are AWESOME, but batista was also very strong, pushed as a monster big guy.

Beer Money, the group's tag team . In evolution, batista and flair were tag champs. When I can, I will start my own thread on the comparisons and contrasts between the two. But
yes. kurt angle looked 50 plus on impact. He moved slow, his beard looked 50 plus, and i watched reaction just to see the brawl, and hardly anything happened!

Does anyone think Fortune is a rip off of evolution, because...

AJ Styles- Veteran, like triple h, has won world titles.

kazarian , More like randy orton- young ( orton had been in the company less than a year before evolution. suicide/kazarian debuted 2009, now in a stable.
Morgan. I love morgan, want him to be world champ, the hellivator and carbon foot print are AWESOME, but batista was also very strong, pushed as a monster big guy.

Beer Money, the group's tag team . In evolution, batista and flair were tag champs. When I can, I will start my own thread on the comparisons and contrasts between the two. But

Kazarian debuted in TNA in 2003, & he won the X division title for the 1st time in 2004. He's been with the company off & on for a long time. And he's not that young. He's 33.

As for Angle, he's been through a lot. He probably took a fair amount of punishment during his time as an amateur wrestler. Training for that is difficult, & he did suffer a makor neck injury. And, he's had personal issues that have probably taken a toll. Honestly, I don't think he'll last that much longer. Maybe a year or 2, but he's probably near the end of his career.
Honestly, I don't think he'll last that much longer. Maybe a year or 2, but he's probably near the end of his career.
People were saying Hulk Hogan was at the end of his career in the early 1990's. (I was one of them.) People said Kevin Nash's career was over in 2002 when he tore his quad. People have been saying Ric Flair's career was over since almost before I was born.

The fact is, your career isn't over until you no longer get a response when you come down that ramp. If you still have the profession in your heart (or have ex-wives to pay off), so long as you can limp down to that ring with the cheers of your fans ringing in your ears (or their heated booing), you've got a career in professional wrestling.

Watch Hogan vs. Orton from Summerslam 2005 on the YouTube. Hogan moved like he was fighting arthritis- or maybe it was rigor mortis- the whole match. But he was, no question, the most over performer on that card. So long as the crowd still pops for you, you've still got some left in the tank. Kurt Angle already can't move like he used to, and after some of the bumps he's taken, that's to be expected. But he is a long, long way from being at the end of his career.
I think Angle is doing a hell of a lot better at his age than some 40 somethings in the pro wrestling business are doing right now. He's been through some personal battles, he admits. He's never claimed to be perfect, but he's worked through issues. The man is passionate about his profession and will be the first to volunteer to help out TNA. He's one of the most gifted people in TNA, he's no slouch. You can't deny the power this man still has today, from his first time making an impact in WWE, to making the same kind of impact in TNA, he's still working his ass off. As for the speculation of AJ, Jeff, Pope etc, its all for the storylines to the matches in PPV. I admit, I wasn't a huge Angle person at first, but after meeting him a few times at some TNA events, he's the nicest, most down to earth person I've ever met. He truly did change my opinion of him. I really do root for him and think he's a world class athlete and think this a great 'angle' (no pun intended) for him. He's intense and his charisma for the biz shows in his work.
I can honestly say that fourtune is not an evolution rip off. Because fourtune is absolutely a four horsemen rip off. Of course evolution was a four horsemen type stable, too.

I like it. Get ready for a (wait for it)

Face turn.

Either ev2 is gonna "take it too far" or Hogan/Bisch are gonna do a heel turn so black, so dirty, so low down it makes people want to puke.

Or maybe they just dump Flair, but Fortune is going face. Or maybe just "cool heel"
last i saw kurt on reaction he looked old and his win or retire thing is interesting. i have to ask is kurt playing a "Rocky" like character ?

look at rocky 6 aka Rocky, they show how an aging boxer could still hack it in the ring.
Kurt i feel is playing a similar storyline where we have to ask our selfs should kurt retire ?
Specifically about Kurt:
I've heard he would like to do some acting.As his physical career slows down, that'll be a good transition.
I heard that he and Flair want to run a program together. Angle could still carry Flair through the physical parts, and the ring psychology would be AMAZING!
It might be a good run if Flair and Angle go at it in a "winner take Fortune" type deal.

That might give Fortune its face turn. And Angle was the keystone of the original wwecw deal.
The reason Kurt Angle looks old is because he grew the beard out for a movie he is currently doing. Chris Jericho asked him on twitter and he responded saying he would shave the beard and little hair on top of his head when the movie was done filming. I don't know the movie name though.
The one thing that is truly scary about Kurt Angle is after nearly every match, especially one that is kinda long/physical...Kurt's eyes puff out of his head, he clenches his left arm, and looks like a total wreck. I think he's an awesome wrestler, phenomenal even but his neck is in horrible shape to say the least. He keeps pushing himself and pushing himself and we as wrestling fans applaud him for it. In reality, we should, everyone should say "Hey Kurt, enough!"

There is a reason why he is constantly named as a customer to so many online pharmacies and doctors that go down for illegally supplying steriods, etc. He needs all that stuff to continue wrestling and with the amount of wrestlers his age even and younger that have been dropping like flies...he really needs to know when enough is enough.

The fact is that Kurt is getting ready to say bye to wrestling.His promos are totally out of character and it seems he has doesn't care about anything except his in-ring performance which is also losing quality due to aging and lack of interest.

I remember him when he took out himself form Top 10 contenders list he said " You are gonna see some of the greatest matches ".This kind of stuff doesn't belong to a promo.You should talk about winning matches and titles , not giving good matches.

About his ReAction stuff , I must say I think no one should give a damn about that.I mean Does even TNA know what this show really is ? If they 're not going to continue storylines and don't use it as a way to give depth to a product , then it's worthless.

Take Kurt's interview which is mentioned in first post as an example.Instead of taliking about storylines and the tension between Pope and himself , he just says he's future he's good and bla bla bla .Kurt has lost his taste about a wrestling show and no one can blame him , because he is working in TNA.
Does anyone think Fortune is a rip off of evolution, because...

AJ Styles- Veteran, like triple h, has won world titles.

kazarian , More like randy orton- young ( orton had been in the company less than a year before evolution. suicide/kazarian debuted 2009, now in a stable.
Morgan. I love morgan, want him to be world champ, the hellivator and carbon foot print are AWESOME, but batista was also very strong, pushed as a monster big guy.

Beer Money, the group's tag team . In evolution, batista and flair were tag champs. When I can, I will start my own thread on the comparisons and contrasts between the two. But

I think that they are a play off of Evolution. But I also think there a slight play off from the older versions of the horsemen with Flair Arn Tully Ole & JJ.

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