A Faction In 2012

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Right so you get the thread title. The last big, effective faction that pops in my head is Evolution. But then I recall the little threesome of Vickie, Swagger and Dolph. I would count this as a faction because Vickie is a top manager.

So basically what faction can be formed in this year and more importantly, will it be impactful in this age?

Do a little skimming and I do see ADR forming a faction of sorts. A millionaire club with a prickish taste if you will. ADR/Wade/Sandow anyone? Anyone?
I would have like to have seen the faction of John Lauranitis, David Otunga, Mark Henry, Christian, and Alberto Del Rio to have been given the green light to flourish and grow into something big time. I am pretty sure everyone has seen the A-Team parody video they did on them, and calling them the Ace-Team would have been fantastic. With Big Johnny being the GM on both shows it would give them access and purpose to be in both shows at any given time. You could have Henry going after Punk on RAW for the WWE title and ADR going after Sheamus on Smackdown. Have Otunga and Christian team up and go after the Tag Titles or they could go after the US or IC belts. I think this group had tons of potential and could have been awesome.

Vince just doesn't seem to care for factions or stables anymore so I doubt we see anything different with them this year unless something just occurs outta the blue that really catches on and Vince can't ignore the success of it.
I would like to see a huge faction form this year with the G.M. of WWE TV / V.P. of T. R., John Laurinaitis. They could even be called Johnny’s Aces. I believe it’s the only way to pull of a Stable in 2012.

• John Laurinaitis
• David Otunga (Team Captain)
• Vickie Guerrero (Assistant GM of Raw and Smackdown, maybe even give her a Divas Title run)

The “Main Event Mafia”
• Alberto Del Rio
• Christian
• Dolph Ziggler
• Jack Swagger
• Mark Henry
• The Miz

The SuperStar who will eventually turn on the Aces and turn face
• Drew McIntyre

I’d like to see them capture the all the Championships at least for a month and dominate both of Johnny’s shows.
For years now I have been hearing "DREW MCINTYRE"! What is the world's obsession with this person who has pedestrian in ring capabilities, a personality you can store meat in, and unless your a 16 year old girl.........average looks.

Anyway, I think the idea has merit (the stable), but on a smaller scale of 4 to 6. I would not mind seeing after all the titles are captured, the reappearance of (wait for it)>>>>>

RIC FLAIR LEADING THE NEW 4 HORSEMAN! (In the capacities of............)

Flair = JJ Dillon
Cody Rhodes = Ric Flair
Ted Dibiase Jr = Tully Blanchard
Joe Hennig = Arn Anderson
Wyndam Rotunda = Ole Anderson

Reaching here? U betcha!
I like the idea of Flair coming back to lead a new 4 Horsemen stable but I would change the members slightly.

The 4 Horsemen
Flair- Leader as mentioned
Dolph Ziggler-Main-eventer, have him ditch Vickie & Swagger.
Alex Riley-Mid Carder, he has the look and talent so why not.
Dibiase & Henning-Tag Team, have Henning take his name back and make them one of the best teams ever.

The Entourage
Alberto Del Rio-Leader
Hunico-Mid Carder, change his gimmick. Turn him into a chief of staff "ie. Orlando Jordan for JBL."
Primo & Epico-Tag Team, again make them more "classy" and be the lackeys.
Rosa & Ricardo-Managers/Announcer as usual.

No name yet but.

Daniel Bryan-Leader
Dean Ambrose-Mid Carder
KOW-Tag Team
I still like the idea of John Laurinaitis running a stable and somewhat bringing back a corporate stable. I would have it go as this.

Leader: John as a leader and main mouth piece
Muscle: Lord Tensai
Mid Carder: Otugna
Lead Wrestler: The Miz
Young Wrestler: Dean Ambrose

With this combination John can be a heel GM and still go after Punk, Tensai continues to stay relevant by joining Johnny as he is rumored to do and continues to look like a threat, Otugna can continue his lawyer gimmick as the lawyer of the group, The Miz becomes a main event player and title contender again and can go up against Punk, and Ambrose is in there to be the young guy who can learn from them and possibly become that Orton character from Evolution and break off from the group.
Right so you get the thread title. The last big, effective faction that pops in my head is Evolution. But then I recall the little threesome of Vickie, Swagger and Dolph. I would count this as a faction because Vickie is a top manager.

So basically what faction can be formed in this year and more importantly, will it be impactful in this age?

Do a little skimming and I do see ADR forming a faction of sorts. A millionaire club with a prickish taste if you will. ADR/Wade/Sandow anyone? Anyone?

Nexus? No? They did peter out at the very end and summoned up the horrible pointless beast that was The Corre, but when they started out they had a pretty good run.

Does WWE really need a faction at the moment though? Lauranitis and Otunga's affiliation (at times) with Vickie's entourage can serve its purpose from time to time but also doesn't limit each party from doing their own thing.

Also with Brock Lesnar back and the potential for feuds against the top guys in the company, it may be a little overboard to start up a faction. Factions can indeed serve a purpose when done correctly, but they aren't exactly a necessity for a company to have.
I like the idea of a new sort of "Horsemen" gimmick, but we would need a strong catalyst. They would need someone who matters enough, to spark the need for such a stable. Laurinitis could very well be this catalyst. If he gets enough muscle behind him, we could see a stable form to fight back. I like the potential for this idea... Hopefully they can do something with it.
One that seems pretty obvious of coming true is a Johnny Ace faction. I like the idea of calling the faction Team Laurinaitis. Simple. But it sounds good. Featured in the stable would have to be those who have been at his side the most:
John Laurinaitis: Obviously.
Vickie Guerrero: Stands at the side of John Laurinaitis.
Abraham Washington: After his discussion with Mark Henry, I could see him being involved with him, thus this faction. Could be big for him.
David Otunga: Wrestler and legal advisor of JL.
Drew McIntyre: Team Laurinaitis is everything Team Teddy, or faces aren't. McIntyre needs something to do, and this could get him back on TV much more often.
Jack Swagger: Jack Swagger needs something big and this could be it.
Mark Henry: This big man needs something major to follow up his great Summer and title run. He deserves it.
The Miz: The Miz is another guy that deserves so much more. Being the main man in this faction will solidify his place as a High-Mid Carder and Main Eventer.

I didn't include Dolph Ziggler because I could see a face turn coming. Some will say Jack Swagger would benefit more from becoming a face, however I don't think it would go down as well as Ziggler being a face because people have gotten used to Ziggler, know what he is all about and a lot of people respect him. Swagger being built in a similar way would create a situation where he could turn face. I also never included Lord Tensai purely because, one, I don't like him, and two, WWE seem to want to build him big, possibly to a point putting him on Team Laurinaitis, it gets crowded and thus, pointless.

Another stable could be Los Aviadors or however you spell it. Just a quick explanation. FCW featured a Tag Team between Icogntio and someother current WWE star, I believe. Aviadors means Avengers, for those wondering. I was thinking, have Hunico, Camacho, Epico and Primo form a faction with Rosa Mendes as the valet. Could work, these guys get more time, and I like these guys and want to see more.
well last year i had it all planned
awesome truth
john laurinaitis
kevin nash
cena.... i thought he would turn on rock at ss and create a mega faction similar to hogan a big big shocker of a heel turn. i thought that faction would fued with punk and hhh. then hhh turn on punk then you have 1 of the best factions in wwe history you would of had youth, authority figures and star power. but wwe decided to stay boring and not take a risk. so as for a faction in 2012 not really sure but cena joining awesome truth at ss would of been a replica of nwo, 2 outsiders causing havoc and the main babyface turning could of been amazing instead nothing happened. who likes that idea?
I have ALWAYS been a VERY big fan of factions......during their hayday, i thought they were genuis. I have often times wondered to myself "when are they going to make another TRUE stable. However, after seeing team johnny vs The Oddities 2.0 last weekend. That match put everything into prospective...........simply put, I'm tired of seeing mid-carders get hyped when quite honestly they are just boring. Until WWE Writers can come up with a TRUE stable, composed of individuals who the fans HONESTLY feel like could win a Title in a CLEAN match (ala Evolution), I dont care to see another stable again for quite some time.

Dont get me wrong, there were/are members of Team Johnny who I think could REALLY step out of the midcards in the NEAR future, however, NONE of them seem DOMINATE. Henry had his run, and Vince will never actually have Swagger live up to his "stronger than he relizes" enigma.

Plus for every Team Johnny that is formed, there will be a Face Stable composed of the Oddities.
i would love to see a good storyline focus round the british stars

regal - leader/manager type
wade barrett - main eventer
mason ryan - muscle man/enforcer type
drew mac - inter or us title holder

i feel with the rep regal has of being a dirty heel and barrett already proving he has what it take to lead a group this could work maybe even help get more brits or euro stars through the ranks. if taking the british route i wouldnt take the loving the queen and hating all americans kinda stance these things usually take id like this just to be something they have in common and just dominate id have them come out and do a job on cm punk or even on smackdown with sheamus (could work brits against irish goes way back in history) get wade a main event shot and then focus on drew getting a big push with help of mason and then maybe even have barret hold the world/wwe title and tag team title this could even give the tag team scene in wwe a big push a good faction taking over and dominating for a while
I could get behind the British stable........It would give one of the BEST HEELS a job (regal), more heat on Wade, SOMETHING for Mason to get out from behind the curtains, and possibly give Drew the REAL push he needs.

........however, i could see this turning into another stable from closer home......The Candians
I swear we have this thread once every 2-3 weeks and I ALWAYS post the same thing; While everyone likes good factions and the Evolution story arc is one of my fave angles full stop, for a while, just for a year or 2, or maybe 3...or maybe 5...LET'S NOT HAVE A FACTION.

Here's why;
A faction to me has to be something pretty ground breaking.
The first fact is; All stars need to have a REASON to be in the group. Evolution had it - it was simple; they wanted to dominate RAW and win every title on the show. Simple. Effective. It was also so HHH and Flair could impart knowledge onto 2 new stars.

The team Laringitis thing is good but...really, I dont see a need for a faction. I dont see a need for them all to come out to the same music and sing off the same hymn sheet because...well...they all have their own gimmicks and their own motivations.

In Evo (Using this as the best example as it's in the OP), ALL members had the same focus. They all had their own gimmicks and all were obvious, but they were all track minded around the same thing; being the best. It was THAT simple. In WWE right now though, the best single focus we can get is "Im being screwed out of x, y, and z."

I kinda feel a little like we need to step back for a bit and say; Hey, you know what would be a good idea? Let's focus on FEUDS and making them fucking great. You know, the one on ones, the triple threats. Let's focus on those for a bit and THEN, when we've finally got a reason to drop a load of stars together, we do it BIG style.

We do it with 2 older stars coaching 2 new stars. Do it almost exactly like Evolution, if ANYTHING because of how good they were, a homage to them, as Evo was of the Four Horsemen. Have the 2 be new, FCW'ers that have just come up and have the first 2 be extremely experienced and have them coach the others by showing them how to get what they want; by taking what they want.

For the time being, don't do it. Leave factions out of it. Leave it for a while, let the idea of a good faction simmer out, especially while there are SO many top faces and heels who SHOULD be singles stars and not faction leaders/lackeys...then when it gets done, do it big.
I like the idea of the UK stable as well. I actually would have liked if they did something like this a year or so ago. I would of had Sheamus, Wade, and Drew make it up. With Sheamus as a top face now, Regal as the manager, Wade as the main eventer, Mason Ryan as the muscle and Drew as the midcarder would work well. They could even have a storyline where they keep trying to get Sheamus to join so they can complete the UK.

Another stable I would like, is one led by Jericho. Jericho has never led a stable, and I think he would do a good job. If he got tied up with Laurenitus, it could work. Johnny Ace would be the manager, Jericho the leader, Otunga the legal advisor, Lord Tensai the enforcer, and Swagger the midcarder. They could unite to screw over Punk since both John and Jericho are currently feuding with him.
A faction that I really want to see happen in 2012 is a ROH stable. They really teased it a lot last year. When Punk was throwing around his pipebombs with Cabana and then redebuted his old ROH music everyone shit bricks. Daniel Bryan had just won Money in the Bank and Claudio signed with FCW. Skip ahead a few months and now you have two ROH born stars that are arguably the most over superstars right now. You now have Chris Hero that joined his Kings of Wrestling Partner in FCW.

There are many ways in which you could book this stable. I would like to see them all as the heels saying that ROH born stars are better than any WWE homegrown talent. You wouldn't really need any "Leader" but if there were to be one it would obviously be CM Punk. Back during the Invasion you had WWE guys questioning if the guys from ECW would stay faithful to them. They could do this with the likes of Evan Bourne and Tyler Black. Much like the KOW did in ROH have them dominate what tag division WWE has for an entire year. It could lead up to a WWE vs ROH Survivor Series matchup. The possibilities for this stable are endless. I just really want to see this happen.
I like the idea of the UK stable as well. I actually would have liked if they did something like this a year or so ago. I would of had Sheamus, Wade, and Drew make it up. With Sheamus as a top face now, Regal as the manager, Wade as the main eventer, Mason Ryan as the muscle and Drew as the midcarder would work well. They could even have a storyline where they keep trying to get Sheamus to join so they can complete the UK.

Another stable I would like, is one led by Jericho. Jericho has never led a stable, and I think he would do a good job. If he got tied up with Laurenitus, it could work. Johnny Ace would be the manager, Jericho the leader, Otunga the legal advisor, Lord Tensai the enforcer, and Swagger the midcarder. They could unite to screw over Punk since both John and Jericho are currently feuding with him.

Jericho in John’s Stable is brilliant!! I can’t even think of how I didn’t think of that. He would make a great leader and putting the WWE Title feud in as the main storyline within the Stable storyline would help.
I think this is what the segment at Elimination Chamber should have lead to. Christian, David Otunga, Alberto Del Rio and Mark Henry being lead by John Lauranitis. All of them are big enough names, or in Otunga's case, he could become big. With Johnny in command, he would basically just make the shows in favor of his big four. I honestly think it could have worked. Chistian, Mark Henry, and Del Rio as the main stars of their own brand with Otunga working in the midcard title scene. It should have been perfect, but injuries just kept getting in the way, sadly, with people like Christian. It just feels like wasted potential, because I think it would be a great way to establish all of them as the big name bad guys of the company, fast, and it might lead to some fun match potentials like Christian vs Punk or a Mark Henry vs Sheamus rematch.
3 options for stables this year

1, let Bryan be the leader of a new wave of fcw talent
2, let Orton start a stable consisting of Cody, a new guy like Ambrose and an enforcer (return of Batista)
3, let Taker have a non in-ring role and start a "new ministry" stable, if this happened it would need to revolve around someone like cm punk or even John Cena, this could start an angle that would build a storyline for his WM 29 match, because let's face it he will have a wm29 match and this one is going to need a storyline to built, unless it's Sting.

Either way, I do believe it's time for another major stable to be formed this year
I would like to see a huge faction form this year with the G.M. of WWE TV / V.P. of T. R., John Laurinaitis. They could even be called Johnny’s Aces. I believe it’s the only way to pull of a Stable in 2012.

• John Laurinaitis
• David Otunga (Team Captain)
• Vickie Guerrero (Assistant GM of Raw and Smackdown, maybe even give her a Divas Title run)

The “Main Event Mafia”
• Alberto Del Rio
• Christian
• Dolph Ziggler
• Jack Swagger
• Mark Henry
• The Miz

The SuperStar who will eventually turn on the Aces and turn face
• Drew McIntyre

I’d like to see them capture the all the Championships at least for a month and dominate both of Johnny’s shows.

I got a new idea for a Stable to counter Johnny’s Aces.

WWE Champion – CM Punk
World Champion – Sheamus
Intercontinental Champion – The Big Show
United States Champion – Santino Marella

The most “powerful” characters aside from the GM are the Champions, or at least they should be. Maybe in the future, if Kelly Kelly regains the Divas Title and if the Usos win the Tag Team Titles, they could join the “Circle Of Champions”
A Stable would be awesome at this moment, as there is alot of wrestlers on the roster that just need to get more over with the crowd. I would have liked a stable consisting of:

1.John Cena
2.The Miz
3.Dean Ambrose
4.Dolph Ziggler

Of course though this would be based on John Cena turning heel (which now seems unlikely). This could be a great stable as it would solidify Cena as a heel, help Miz gain even more heat and help legitimise talent like Ziggler and Ambrose. This stable though needs to be formed at the right time. I thought this years Mania would have been as good time as any but in the end i reckon Mania 29 is the place this should go down. Mainly because thats where there will be the most mainstream attention for WWE and the most amount of eyes on the product.
Please, no stables unless there's something that very closely unifies them all - like most recently the new Hart Foundation with Bret, Tyson, DH Smith and Nattie. They had something in common that united them that went beyond the storyline.

What would be interesting is getting a couple groups of wrestlers from one state to fight with those from another, like Michigan v. Ohio or Texas v. New York. To me, this is the future of the WWE, super serving their local demographics. It will be real and believable (people on the street in those four places hate their counterparts), plus it will captivate the audience even from outside those areas if done well.

But as far as typical, random-ass stables, I would hope not.
You know maybe I should have thrown some reality out there as well.

The WWE is looking for singles' stars. Making a stable of renowned names has to serve a very direct purpose and will most probably be short lived. To have a nother Overlordish Stable like the Horsemen or Evolution, there has to besome flow and cause to it. When Truth and Miz were locked together, it seemed absurd yet for a time their booking (atleast in HiAC) kinda made sense.

There are a lot of LONE dogs at the top. Cena won't have a stable, Punk will not have a stable, Randy will have a stable only if he gets to punt them so let's not go there. A minority stable like what Hunico, Primo, Epico have makes more sense. Their ethnicity is the flow and cause. The British stable idea has been heard around these parts for years but basically now if Sheamus turns heel and aligns himself with Barret it could work. However the mic-time would be visual constipation.

Something Konnan said here, with a Bret Hart protege stable vs HBK trainees. Could be interesting.
There are a couple of factions I would like to see.

I would like to see a mix of Evolution and The Nation of Domination and it could be called The Evolution of Domination. It would include:

Mark Henry
David Otunga
Ezekiel Jackson
Alicia Fox

I would sell t-shirts that looked like the "run dmc" shirts but instead, they would say "EVO DOM".

I would also like to see a Mexican group with:

Alberto Del Rio
Rey Mysterio
Sin Cara
The New 4 Horsemen

Manager/Mouthpiece- Arn Anderson (He would be the new JJ Dillon of this new Horsemen group, as Arn was a part of the original Horsemen and all of its incarnations practically with him being The Enforcer, Arn would be the key piece for this new Horsemen stable to work)

Leader- Dolph Ziggler (He would be the Ric Flair of this new Horsemen group, I mean Ziggler has the look for it, he has Ric's beach blond hair, the blue eyes, the arrogance as well as the cockiness and swagger that Ric had and not to mention the wrestling ability, Arn would pick him out and say how Ziggler reminds him of a young Ric Flair and for it to work, I would have Ziggler drop Vickie as his manager, and Arn starts managing Ziggler in his matches leading him to the WWE Championship; main eventer of the group)

Enforcer- Jack Swagger (AA he would say how Jack Swagger reminds him a lot like himself especially in terms of being a big rugged individual but having the wrestling ability to back it up, and how Jack would be the New Enforcer for the group, so Jack would be Dolph's right hand man like how AA was for Flair, and I would have Swagger too drop Vickie as his manager, one-half of the new Horsemen tag team and AA starts managing Swagger leading him to the WWE Tag Team Championship with this next man...)

Technician- Cody Rhodes (For the son of the American Dream Dusty Rhodes to be in this New Horsemen group, can you imagine it? Considering Dusty Rhodes was a long-time enemy of the 4 Horsemen back in the day and then for his son to actually become a Horsemen, being managed by AA, and not to mention Cody would be the other half of the tag team with Swagger, Rhodes & Swagger can become the new AA & Tully Blanchard of this generation, and not to mention Cody has the same cocky arrogant pretty boy nature that Tully had and Tully was a technical wrestler, so's Cody, so it makes sense for Cody to be in this new Horsemen group)

The Hanger-On- Husky Harris (Why do I think Husky Harris would benefit from being in the New Horsemen group? Simple because not only is he a 3rd generation superstar but also because his uncle is Barry Windham and since Husky's uncle was a part of the 4 Horsemen, I figure why not have his nephew be a Horsemen? Considering Husky's father is I.R.S. and his grandfather being Blackjack Mulligan, Husky would benefit from being in a stable especially with AA managing him and on top of that being with Ziggler, Swagger, and Rhodes, add him into the mix, they can make a credible Horsemen stable)

This being a pretty formidable stable if I do say so myself, and WWE could have a real gem here if they build it up right

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