A Discussion on Gimmick Matches.

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
The WWE has a myriad of gimmick matches that at any time in a year can be used to help build up a feud or in general make a match more interesting. These matches can have anything from the use of cages, ladders, 60 minute time limits, or even no rules at all. In this thread I'm going to reveal my top 5 gimmick matches and then ask what the wrestlezone audience's favorite gimmick match is.

Number 5-TLC

I really enjoy a good TLC match. Not only can it be a generally good match that uses good technical in ring ability, but also has the possiblity of some really good spots. I think it also generally is used sparingly enough to still allow for interest in the matches. Whenever a ladder is used in a match you know that it will feature some of the currently best crusierweights in the WWE. I think if you want to see a good TLC match you should see Edge and Christian vs The Hardy Boyz in a TLC match.

Number 4-Steel Cage

A Steel Cage Match is brutal. Not only is it brutual but it is also interesting to watch. The concept behind it is that it is generally used in order to keep an opponent inside the ring. The method of victory escape the cage (in any manner) or get a pin or submission. I really enjoy these matches because not only do they feature really good in ring maneuvers but also has added brutality. I think one of the better Cage matches I have seen recently was Punk vs Jeff Hardy on Friday Night Smackdown.

Number 3-Falls Count Anywhere

I think I may a personal sucker for these matches however they can be really good at times. My personal favorite is when they go out into the concession stands in the back area and fight amongst the people. One of the greatest wrestlers in this certain match type is John Morrison as he is able to make some really cool spots during all his matches. I think Falls Count Anywhere is especially cool since a lot of the matches actually take place on the shows and not on PPVs. If you want a good Falls Count Anywhere match I'd look for Mysterio vs Rhodes.

Number 2-Buried Alive

This match is liked by some unliked by others however I am one of those who really like these matches. Because they are so rare they are really interesting. They tell a really great story and at the end of they always have an interesting ending. (Although usually Undertaker gets buried.) However, the performers in these matches all have a good storyline going into it which helps with the overall match. I also like it that whoever loses the match is not typically seen on T.V for quite some which in a way makes the match a little more legitimate. Look at any Undertaker Buried Alive match to see how good they are.

Number 1-Money in the Bank

I don't think I have ever seen a bad MITB match...ever. They are the most interesting matches in the WWE and feature several superstars that aren't always seen. They always have some really great spots and basically sets the tone for the rest of the year. With the winner always winning the title there is always great hype surrounding this match. The entire match is always quite good and everyone really puts all on the line in these match-ups. Money in the Bank is in my top 5 PPVs of the year (especially after this past year's event. Any MITB that has Kofi Kingston has been a good match.

What is your favorite gimmick match type?
Should there be less gimmick matches?
Favorite Gimmick Match of All time?
What is your favorite gimmick match type?
It's either the elimination chamber of the money-in-the-bank ladder match. Both are brutal, and entertaining. But maybe I'll choose the elimination chamber because mostly 6 main-eventers are involved here.

Should there be less gimmick matches?
Of course these matches should be lesser than normal matches.

Favorite Gimmick Match of All time?
Well let's see, I think it's the elimination chamber of summerslam 2003 with Triple H, Goldberg, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Randy Orton. That's the first time I've ever watched an elimination chamber and it was awesome.
1.My favourite gimmick match of all time is Hell in the Cell.It is like a feud ender IMO.

2. I don't really care as long as they don't screw the gimmick match up.

3. It is the Taker vs Mankind HITC. I watched it and all i could say was OMG

Here are my five:

Number 5: Steel Cage Match
These matches build up feuds.

Number 4:Elimination Chamber
It gives more people an opportunity to get a title shot instead of having just to or three people in the title picture.

Number 3:Buried Alive/Casket Match
This is also a feud ender.

Number 2:TLC/ladder Matches

I really enjoy a good TLC match. Not only can it be a generally good match that uses good technical in ring ability, but also has the possiblity of some really good spots. I think it also generally is used sparingly enough to still allow for interest in the matches. Whenever a ladder is used in a match you know that it will feature some of the currently best crusierweights in the WWE. I think if you want to see a good TLC match you should see Edge and Christian vs The Hardy Boyz in a TLC match.

Number 1: HITC
It is the ULTIMATE gimmick match IMO.
First off, new poster to the wrestlezone forums, although I have been following wrestlezone and the forums for years.

What is your favorite gimmick match type?
Im gonna have to go with elimination chamber. 6 guys locked up in pods in a cage, they get released at random times. These matches are always pretty brutal, I was at the final no way out when they had the elimination chamber and it was pretty sick
Should there be less gimmick matches?
Yes, gimmick matches take away from the wrestlers talents. There should be more straight up wrestling matches and less gimmick matches. Although I do enjoy a gimmick match
Favorite Gimmick Match of All time?
I enjoyed the match up between kane and the undertaker when Paul Bearer got buried in the concrete. That was priceless
What is your favorite gimmick match type?
I'd say the ladder match. While other gimmick matches have been watered down some (*cough* Hell in a Cell *cough*) we still seem to get some really exciting ladder matches every year. WWE usually knows which guys they should put in there, and especially with the rise of the Money in the Bank, it's a really cool opportunity to see guys put their bodies on the line and do some really high risk stuff. Of course, there should still be a story along with the high spots, but when both exist simultaneously, it creates a thing of beauty.

Should there be less gimmick matches?
Yes, because no one cares about them if they're used as frequently as they've been. There shouldn't be any pay-per-views dedicated solely to one type of match, except for maybe the Chamber, only because of its strategic placement before Mania. But even then could be more useful at a time like right now, when you could put six guys in there like Cena, Punk, ADR, Miz, Truth, and maybe Morrison; guys who have been intertwined for a while in title feuds and are still prominent in major storylines.

Favorite Gimmick Match of All time?
Eh, tough one. My favorite from this year is Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio, and that's probably up there on the all time list too. I also love me some classic Hell in a Cells like the first two with Taker and Taker vs. Lesnar, along with Batista vs. Triple H which I think is an underrated one. I feel like I can't really narrow it down to one match unless I were to go back and watch a lot of old stuff. There are also plenty of other Ladders and Last Man Standing matches that would stand the test of time, and that's only barely scratching the surface.
Favorite type of gimmick match?

Honestly, I don't have a favorite type. As long as I feel the match was done properly I don't care if it was a cage match or a ladder match or whatever.

Now that I think about it, I enjoy iron man matches, at least when they're between two people that compliment each other well in the ring.

Should there be less gimmick matches?

What do you think? WWE has freaking PPV's devoted to gimmick matches. They've turned gimmick matches into the norm rather than the exception. There should be a HiAC match once every couple years, at the most. Not a whole PPV dedicated to it.

Favorite gimmick match of all time?

Wrestlemania X ladder match HBK/Razor I thought was awesome.

1998 KoTR HiAC match Undertaker/Mankind Seeing Foley take those bumps was just a holy crap moment for me.
1. Fav gimmick match: My fav is a tie between the elimination chamber & championship scramble. I like these two because it allows more contenders to be in the title picture, they're both unique concepts, & they both open the door for numerous possibilities on who may win the title at the end of the night & feuds can be ended & started w/these matches. For example the news years revolution 06 chamber match where cena wins & edge comes out & cashes in the money in the bank. It was a starting point for the feud that they would have over the course of 06. 2. Should there be less gimmick matches? Yes because when you have ppvs dedicated to one specific gimmick every year fans become less enthusiastic about the concept. There was a time when gimmick matches were not the norm. If you heard two guys were going to have a HIAC match or an I quit match at ppv you knew this was going to be the end for the feud & they were going to put on a brutal match. Now gimmick matches are used to only bring ppv buys instead elevating the wrestler's character & bring prestige to the title & the gimmick. They think the name & past history of the gimmick will bring in buyers when the matches do not come close to how they were used in the past. For example the HIAC ppv, fans know that they will see two cell matches that year so the surprise element is gone & there's no need for HIAC to booked on another ppv. If a good ending to a feud would be HIAC they have to book that feud around that ppv. Also the quality of the gimmick matches become poor. I'm not saying that blood or anything like that is needed but the same spots happen in the same matches year in & year out. You have few big moments here & there but for the most part moves become recycled. Before when they were used scarcely you didn't have to worry bout comparing the match to last year's you was just happy to see the use of the gimmick. 3. Fav gimmick match of all time: It would be the iron man match between Triple H & the rock. There was always mixed reviews about iron man matches after HBK & Bret's match because many believed that its hard to keep fans interested in 60 min match all the way through, but the rock & triple H brought non stop action & showed why they were at the top at that time. They show people just how intense the feud was by portraying the hatred they had for each other and utilized the 60 mins correctly. They had just enough rest spots, time inside ring, outside the ring, and time to create memorable big spots. You knew after that match that they both had chemistry w/each other & knew how to use the gimmick match to create a foundation for the feuds they would have w/each other over their careers.
Long time reader and fan, first time posting. Here are my thoughts:

Favorite type of gimmick match?

I been watching wrestling a long time and I still enjoy a good ol' fashioned steel cage match. I don't like when you can pin or submit inside it for the win, just the old school rules, either out the door or over the top. From fights on top of the cage to people jumping off the top of it, it's always a crowd pleaser.

Should there be less gimmick matches?

They need to invent new ones or bring back some of the ones we don't see as often anymore like tornado matches and strap matches. Need to mix it up more.

Favorite gimmick match of all time?

WrestleMania 13 - I Quit/No Disqualification Submission Match - Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Was called a No Disqualification Submission Match then now they are just I Quit matches. Bret hart is my favorite of all time and I was a Steve Austin fan from his WCW days (I always liked the Bionic Man reference). There was a lot of build up and emotion and it truly showed that Stone Cold could hang with the best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be and have great matches. So rare to see a guy look so great in defeat, only the truly greats can do that. Stone Cold wasn't looking to put Bret Hart into a submission lock, he tried to literally beat him into submission and we all know the famous bloody ending. Great match by two of the greatest who ever laced 'em up.
Favorite type of gimmick match?
My second favorite goes to Money In The Bank and it falls just short of the Elimination Chamber. I became a fan of the chamber after watching the first one which was amazing, and after that I never missed one. They're just so damn exciting because so much can happen and you never get a boring EC match.

Should there be less gimmick matches?
There definitely should be less gimmick matches because having less makes the one you do see that much more special. If we saw a gimmick match every match on every episode of Raw and Smackdown and at ppvs as well then it would just be the same old same old and it wouldn't be so special.

Favorite gimmick match of all time?
Without a doubt this one goes to the second Elimination Chamber at SummerSlam 2003 with Goldberg,HHH,Jericho,Diesel,HBK,and Orton. Why I love it is pretty simple, it's a straight up badass match that was raw and brutal, and showed Goldberg at his finest, number one by a long shot.
I really like Steel Cage matches. Probably more than Hell In A Cell although I like those also. Buried Alive and Casket matches are also some of my favourites, mainly due to my love of The Undertaker. I enjoyed the Dumpster match that New Age Outlaws, Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie had and the I Quit match between The Rock and Mankind was amazing.

I think the WWE overdo the gimmick match when it comes to naming annual PPV's after them..it dilutes the impact and meaning of the gimmick in my opinion. I don't mind how many gimmick matches they do aslong as they are done well and have a purpose.

Some of my favourites are..

I Quit - Rock Vs Mankind
Hell In A Cell - Shawn Miceals Vs Undertaker, Mankind Vs Undertaker
First Blood - Kane Vs Stone Cold
Cage - Owen Hart Vs Bret Hart, Hogan Vs Andre
STreet Fight - Cactus Jack vs Triple H
What is your favorite gimmick match type?
Elimination Chamber is probably my current favorite with HIAC running a close 2nd. MITB is great, but its been overplayed now. Good street fights or Falls Count anywhere always endup decent as well

Should there be less gimmick matches?
Now that we have monthly PPV's that are themed around the different gimmick matches I can say that there should be fewer gimmick matches that occur throughout the year. Lets not forget the Royal Rumble is a gimmick match. Money in the Bank is also a gimmick match, as well as TLC and HIAC. Extreme Rules blah blah blah....

Favorite Gimmick Match of All time?
Triple H vs HBK Unsanctioned match from Summer Slam several years back (02 maybe 03)
Mick Foley vs Edge Street Fight Match at WM, yeah that shit was FIRE
Edge vs Undertaker HIAC Summer Slam 2008

these would be my favorite 3
What is your favorite gimmick match type?
My favorite is TLC/Ladder/MiTB. It is always exciting and even when it is a complete spot-fest it is still good. It always has a couple of OMG spots.

Should there be less gimmick matches?
Yes. WWE are over-doing the gimmick matches with a gimmick PPV every month. There is really no point in having gimmick matches just because there is a gimmick PPV.

Favorite Gimmick Match of All time?
Undertaker vs Mick Foley Hell in a Cell.
E&C vs Dudleys vs Hardys TLC at WM 17.
What is your favorite gimmick match type?
Ladder match, by far. These guys keep coming up with innovative ways to use a ladder, and it's just fascinating to watch. It definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Should there be less gimmick matches?
Yes. I think they should be used sparingly, whether it's ending a major feud or propelling someone to star status.

Favorite Gimmick Match of All time?
Without a doubt, Mankind/Taker at KOTR. It was the first PPV I had ever seen, and I was hooked instantly.
What is your favourite gimmick match type?
I would have to probably go with the Elimination Chamber for the high number of variables that come with having that many competitors take part and the layout of the Chamber itself. It was those two factors that got it over the line for me.

Should there be less?
Hard to say, i feel that compared to other periods in the last 10-12 years we have begun to see a lot less of the traditional gimmick match, which can help keep the WOW factor, but then again when done right they are ALWAYS thrilling to watch.

Favourite of all time
Well for me personally either of the first ever TLC matches between E&C/Hardyz/Dudlyz, TLC1 at Summerslam 2000 or TLC 2 at WM17.

Cant seem to narrow down a Top Ten, oh well, on no order:

Hell in a Cell Match

Elimination Chamber Match

TLC Match

Inferno Match

Bra & Panties Match

Lingerie Pillow Fight

I Quit Match

Iron Man Match

Royal Rumble

Piranha Death Match

Triple Tier Cage Match

Punjabi Prison Match

Circus Death Match

Parking Lot Brawl

HIAC is my favorite. Elimination Chamber is bigger and looks more intimidating, but Hell in a Cell remains the BEST structure of all time

It has the classic appeal of a steel cage but better and you can bring weapons into the ring, not to mention it's ended so many careers including referees!

HIAC is special. It's always been the one match that stood out to me even though this was hard cause I have a list of like every match there ever was in the mainstream.

But HIAC wins it for me. HIAC is still something I havent gotten to see live yet. Hopefully that changes next year if the event comes near me

There should NOT be less! The great thing about wrestling is you can evolve SO much. You cant do what wrestling does in any other sport, it always can add something new and it's not a game that is what it is with no additional bonuses. Specialty matches keep you from being bored. NOT that a regular bout isnt AWESOME, but the fact that you have variety... wrestling appeals to everyone

If there's anyone out there that doesnt like wrestling they're lying to themselves and just havent found the right thing in it, that's there for them.

My favorite is HIAC, if I had to choose a match though a specific fight it's hard, it'd be between Taker/Foley, 6 Man HIAC and HHH/Cactus maybe

I'll come back to that, I dont know.
My two favorites are probably TLC and Money In the Bank because of the chaos often involved with these two types of matches. TLC has all of its namesakes tables, ladders, and chairs being thrown all over the place or being used as weapons legally. MITB is always insane with everyone pushing each other off ladders or attacking with the ladders in all sorts of innovative ways. Gimmick matches are usually a good thing, but they were better when they did not have PPV's themed after them.

Hell In a Cell is the perfect example. Hearing that one of those matches was coming up usually gave fans a shiver down their spine. Now they know it comes each October during one of WWE's bottom tier shows, thus the match type means much less to us than it used to. There should be more gimmick matches, but not as PPV themes. They should do more gimmick matches outside of their respective gimmick themed PPV. If they had a Hell In a Cell or Ladder match at a show like one of the Big 4, then it would make that match type mean more again. Just because a match type has its own PPV doesn't mean that has to be the exclusive time of the year for that match.
I think my favourite gimmick match is the TLC match, it's always exciting and you can never get bored of watching them. Also this is answering the third question my two favourite gimmick matches ever are TLC matches and they were both of the E&C Vs Dudleyz Vs Hardyz TLC matches. I do think WWE should reduce the amount of gimmick matches they have, I think a gimmick match should be the match to end a feud or an important match anyway, but right now WWE just have gimmick matches for the sake of it. Like I've already said the two TLC matches between Hardyz, Dudleyz and E&C are my favourite gimmick matches ever.

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