A couple questions about Twitter

I've been comtemplating getting a Twitter account. I'm leaning a lot more towards the don't side, but if I do, I have a few questions:

1. Which people are worth following? And by that, I mean which celebs/athletes/wrasslers don't talk about what they're doing every second of every day?

2. The website is a piece of shit. What's the best way to view the site (iPod app; I've heard of Tweetdeck but I'm not completely sure what it is)?

3. Your overall thoughts on Twitter? Is it really worth it?
I've been comtemplating getting a Twitter account. I'm leaning a lot more towards the don't side, but if I do, I have a few questions:

1. Which people are worth following? And by that, I mean which celebs/athletes/wrasslers don't talk about what they're doing every second of every day?

This is a rather vague question. What do you like? Asking who to follow on Twitter is like asking who should you be friends with in Los Angeles and New York, there's a bunch of information available to you. Twitter is about people updating you with news and information. I have very few people who actually tweet mundane bullshit like "getting my hair done." They may tweet all the time, but it's useful and relevant information (to me) about things in which I'm interested. You'll need to be more specific about "who should I follow."

As far as wrestlers go, they rarely tweet. They're on the road almost every day out of the year. Edge has a twitter that he hasn't used in like 8 fucking months. As far as information directly from the wrestlers themselves, you're going to be hard pressed to find actual wrestlers who consistently tweet.

2. The website is a piece of shit. What's the best way to view the site (iPod app; I've heard of Tweetdeck but I'm not completely sure what it is)?

The website is not a piece of shit, you just don't know how to use it. New twitter is a lot more user friendly than old twitter. Just like any new site, you need to become accustomed to the nuances of what you're trying to do. That being said, for mobile apps I recommend the following; HootSuite, TweetDeck, and Echofon.

Those are EASILY the most popular. I use HootSuite and Echofon if I'm not tweeting from my desktop.

3. Your overall thoughts on Twitter? Is it really worth it?

I have nothing but positive things to say about Twitter. You find out news faster on Twitter than ANY medium presently available. I knew that Cliff Lee had signed with the Phillies 25 minutes before it broke on ESPN. By the time ESPN was reporting that the Yankees were officially off the short list, I was already texting my friends saying he'd signed with the Phillies. It's all about following reliable sources that have a history of reporting good news. I've also had conversations with Athletes and MMA fighters (they're verified by twitter) and got to ask them things that you don't normally get to ask athletes. USC football players that have twitter regularly have conversations with me about practice, position changes, updates on them, etc....it's very useful for my blogs about USC football.

If you have the time and patience, I highly recommend Twitter. I use it every day and have for quite some time. There's rarely a day when I'm not on it. I always get tons of laughs out of twitter and there's some really funny comedians/people that tweet hilarious shit.
Tweetdeck is fantastic. I find it a necessary program to have, especially since I have multiple Twitter accounts.

Also, several WZCW wrestlers have Twitter accounts now. Just follow ActionSaxton and look at the people he follows to find the rest. Who doesn't love WZCW?

I love Twitter. check out Dave's thread on social networking to find out why.

EDIT: ITGG, most wrestlers actually do tweet quite a lot. You're probably just following fake accounts. Edge doesn't even have a Twitter.
Tweetdeck is fantastic. I find it a necessary program to have, especially since I have multiple Twitter accounts.

Also, several WZCW wrestlers have Twitter accounts now. Just follow ActionSaxton and look at the people he follows to find the rest. Who doesn't love WZCW?

I love Twitter. check out Dave's thread on social networking to find out why.

EDIT: ITGG, most wrestlers actually do tweet quite a lot. You're probably just following fake accounts. Edge doesn't even have a Twitter.

I'm not following any accounts actually, I just happened to come across his when I was checking out if he'd actually retired. It was verified so I assumed it was his.

I don't follow any WWE superstars or WWE related news on Twitter. Mine is strictly sports writers, bloggers, close friends, USC football players, MMA news, and MMA fighters.
yeah cena, miz, rock, christian, stevie richards, foley etc tweet all the time.

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