A Clockwork Orange

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Started reading this book today - anyone read it? The "slang" they use is so confusing, starting to pick it up but it is a bit annoying...anyone else find this?
I found that it somewhat takes away from the book, but not that much. I would look online for a Nadsat dictionary. That should be enough to get you accustomed to the language after 15 or so pages.
One of my favorite books. The Droog slang can take a bit to get used to, but you'll fall in love with it. I talked like the characters in the book for weeks after reading it for the first time in middle school.

You're in for a treat man, it's a true masterpiece. Have you seen the film?
Nope not yet, decided I'd read the book first, because the book is usually better, then watch the film straight after. Did the same with Rules of Attraction and found I enjoyed it much better that way.
Nope not yet, decided I'd read the book first, because the book is usually better, then watch the film straight after. Did the same with Rules of Attraction and found I enjoyed it much better that way.

I saw the movie first, and thought it was good. But, after reading the book, I've come to hate the movie, as I think Kubrick missed the book's entire point by not using its ending.
Well tdigle it would be pretty hard for Kubrick to "miss the point" of the book by using a different ending, because Kubrick had never read the British version of the book, only the American version which at the time had the original ending excluded. Hard to include something if you don't know it exists.

Kubrick has said though that even when he discovered about the original ending, he refused to use it. I share the same opinion that he does that it completely ruins the book. The book should have ended on the bleak note that the US version does, and not the idiotic happy ending of the original if you asked me.
Well tdigle it would be pretty hard for Kubrick to "miss the point" of the book by using a different ending, because Kubrick had never read the British version of the book, only the American version which at the time had the original ending excluded. Hard to include something if you don't know it exists.

I thought he found out about the additional chapter when he was close to finishing the screenplay?

Kubrick has said though that even when he discovered about the original ending, he refused to use it. I share the same opinion that he does that it completely ruins the book. The book should have ended on the bleak note that the US version does, and not the idiotic happy ending of the original if you asked me.

It's not really a happy ending...it's pretty realistic, if you ask me. Sure, some people might tell you that the happy ending is contrived, given the main character's history, but the book is meant to be both a coming-of-age story and a sociological critique. Perpetrators of violent crimes tend to get tired of their ways if they have no motive. By the end of the novel, Alex really has no reason to commit random acts of violence; he's reconciled with his parents and he has a good paying job. In the end, he has the means to become a productive member of society...why should the reader think that Alex is an incorrigible sociopath when there are signs all throughout the book that his actions are due to his position in society?
Loved the movie, but never read the book. I wish I could add an opinion to X's and Tdigs' discussion, but all I can say is that I loved everything about the film, including the ending.
Yeah, I saw the movie first myself, and loved it. Then I finally read the unabridged original version, and haven't been able to view the movie the same way. I'm with tdigs, in that, he wasn't all the way done with the filming, he could have easily added about a half hour of additional scenes, showing that Alex wasn't completely hopeless. Oh well, enjoy the book, bro, cause you're in for a fuckin' treat.

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