A Chris Benoit DVD?

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A controversial topic, a DVD detailing the illustrious career of Chris Benoit. One of the true greats to ever step inside the ring.

Now we all now how his career and life tragically ended and I am curious to see what you all think about ever getting a WWE produced "Life and Times of Chris Benoit" DVD.

I myself am fairly certain that this won't ever happen but I want to ask you all what you think. Is there a way the WWE could swing it to highlight his career without either acknowledging what happened or coming across as condoning what took place?

Do you think it will happen in the far future?

If it were to happen, would the WWE go into his final days in any depth, or just highlight his career then end the show?

If you produced it, how would you do it?

Just figured I would see where people lie on the subject after some years.
There is already the Hard Knocks: Story of Chris Benoit DVD, which WWE relentlessly pulled from shelves after the incident. I'm almost positive they even went as far as to buy out as many retail stores as possible. Today they're a little difficult to find.

And to answer the question: No. No chance in hell. WWE likes to act like Benoit never even existed.
Hard Knocks: Story of Chris Benoit was years b4 incident, no way in hell they would go to the extent of tracking down copies of a DVD that only a small portion of the demographic would've bought or rented since

The PPV's are a different case, they didn't recall what was there, they just stopped selling them and remade them with generic music for entrances, WWF and attitude logo's blurred and in the case of Chris Benoit, his WrestleMania title win was removed and references to it during the PPV which made the PPV look ******ed.
The closest I think we'll ever get are scattered Benoit matches throughout other DVD releases and even those are going to be very few and far between. I can't see WWE ever being able to justify a Chris Benoit DVD set to the masses. Yes, there are some hardcore fans who would love it (and even I myself wouldn't say no to such a set, as while I detest and am disgusted by Chris Benoit the person, he was one of my favorite wrestlers while he was alive and I can still appreciate a Benoit match for what it is without attaching his real life issues to it) but the media would have a field day tearing WWE apart for producing a tribute set to a murderer, and for a lot of people, that's all they would see it as.
in the case of Chris Benoit, his WrestleMania title win was removed and references to it during the PPV which made the PPV look ******ed.

Sorry to double post but... seriously? I haven't gotten a hold of a recent copy of WrestleMania XX but... that's pretty lame. That was a hell of a match, and they just cut it out entirely? Kinda glad I've had the original DVD release for XX for years now.
No there will not be another.

They made "Hard Knocks" which can still be purchased second-hand from places such as Amazon I think, but there will be no more new copies made by WWE.

Benoit is a murderer, and while the "Hard Knocks" set came out when he was still alive,there will certainly not be another box set praising a man who ended his life by murdering his family and then killing himself. WWE will not want to be associated with such a man.

We MAY see the old Benoit match on new WWE DVDs in the future, but never a specific set focusing on him. Do you think that many WWE wrestlers would want to sit and talk about the positive points of a man who murdered his wife, who was a friend to many of them?

It's a terrible shame what happened, as Benoit was a world class wrestler and his in-ring career does justify a big in-depth documentary and collection of matches. However, we will never get another one.
Hard Knocks was only released three years before Benoit died. Most to all of his best stuff is on the dvd, so I dont think a new ipdated version would add much to it. There is no chance in hell WWE will release anythnig with his likeness or image or name attached, he is a DOUBLE MURDRER WHO KILLED HIS WIFE AND DISABLED SON. Why do people still hold this guy in such high esteem. Yes he was a brilliant wrestler, but that means shit now. CHRIS BENOIT will NEVER be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and he will never have any merchandise under the WWE banner. I have my Benoit dvd and my young blokes action figure, will be worth a mint down the track to some sick fuck out there who is wanting to pay stupid $ for these, but hey, its all about the monehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
A controversial topic, a DVD detailing the illustrious career of Chris Benoit. One of the true greats to ever step inside the ring.

Now we all now how his career and life tragically ended and I am curious to see what you all think about ever getting a WWE produced "Life and Times of Chris Benoit" DVD.

I myself am fairly certain that this won't ever happen but I want to ask you all what you think. Is there a way the WWE could swing it to highlight his career without either acknowledging what happened or coming across as condoning what took place?

Do you think it will happen in the far future?

If it were to happen, would the WWE go into his final days in any depth, or just highlight his career then end the show?

If you produced it, how would you do it?

Just figured I would see where people lie on the subject after some years.

These types of threads make wrestling fans look so bad. It's embarrassing.

Lets just cut the crap and look at two facts about Benoit.

1. He was a great pro wrestler.

2. He murdered his wife and seven year old son before killing himself.

It truly blows my mind that ANYONE, can think his great matches overshadow what he did to his family. I am so fucking sick of hearing people go "We all know it was a tragedy, but we deserve to see a DVD of his matches!" That statement truly makes me sick to my stomach.

Jim Ross, and numerous other wrestlers, have said many times on Twitter that Chris Benoit DOESN'T deserve to be in the HOF or have any sort of career retrospective. When will people just stop fucking praising this piece of shit.

Chris Benoit is the biggest piece of shit in the history of professional wrestling. He is the most disgusting and cowardly person to ever lace up a pair of boots. He did more to hurt pro wrestling than any other person in history.

Wake the fuck up and realize that "technical ability" doesn't overshadow MURDERING YOUR FAMILY. YOU SICK FUCK!
These types of threads make wrestling fans look so bad. It's embarrassing.

Lets just cut the crap and look at two facts about Benoit.

1. He was a great pro wrestler.

2. He murdered his wife and seven year old son before killing himself.

It truly blows my mind that ANYONE, can think his great matches overshadow what he did to his family. I am so fucking sick of hearing people go "We all know it was a tragedy, but we deserve to see a DVD of his matches!" That statement truly makes me sick to my stomach.

Jim Ross, and numerous other wrestlers, have said many times on Twitter that Chris Benoit DOESN'T deserve to be in the HOF or have any sort of career retrospective. When will people just stop fucking praising this piece of shit.

Chris Benoit is the biggest piece of shit in the history of professional wrestling. He is the most disgusting and cowardly person to ever lace up a pair of boots. He did more to hurt pro wrestling than any other person in history.

Wake the fuck up and realize that "technical ability" doesn't overshadow MURDERING YOUR FAMILY. YOU SICK FUCK!


So many elitists want to keep the memories of benoit's wrestling ability and the horrors he did separate, and that makes little to no sense.

Yes, the ''details'' of his conditioning was as such of a ''80 year old man with altheimers'', yet we hardly ever seen him FORGET a move, or FORGET a spot in the ring, or stammer when he spoke in promos up until he left. He KILLED THREE PEOPLE. If it was just a suicide, I gurantee, he'd have had ALOT of praise, dvd's etc. Fact is, he didn't. He killed himself, AND his family. WHich is just sick.

Those ''Fans'' that just want his matches, my best suggestion is, look them up on youtube, that is the ONLY way you will ever see them again. Period. Why is this even being debated in 2012
Hard Knocks: Story of Chris Benoit was years b4 incident, no way in hell they would go to the extent of tracking down copies of a DVD that only a small portion of the demographic would've bought or rented since

The PPV's are a different case, they didn't recall what was there, they just stopped selling them and remade them with generic music for entrances, WWF and attitude logo's blurred and in the case of Chris Benoit, his WrestleMania title win was removed and references to it during the PPV which made the PPV look ******ed.

No, they didn't. They don't mention him on the box, but his match at WM XX is in there as normal.

There's a few matches he's in that they've removed commentary references to him on, but if he's on a PPV they're putting out, he stays.
I agree that this won't happen. Sure he was a great wrestler, but it looks like he was a top-notch murderer as well. For me, that completely overshadows anything wrestling-related. Would the NFL ever release a Best Of OJ Simpson these days?
It seems like everytime Chris Benoit comes up it turns into heated debates and bashing. No one overlooks what took place 5 years ago, and for the time being I'll keep my personal beliefs of what went down out of it. Supposedly there is some Benoit documentary that's in the works that WWE has nothing to do with. I doubt that WWE is going to acknowledge anything Benoit did since the tragedy, particularly him being in the HOF with the Four Horsemen. I'm still a fan of Chris Benoit the wrestler. I didn't know him as a person, and I learned a long time ago not to believe everything on TV or other forms of media. I understand where some of you come from; him being a "murderer" overshadows everything he did for the business. You all have every right to feel that way. But none of us on the forums or IWC should judge one another because he or she is a fan of Benoit's work. That doesn't make them a sick person. would I like to see a Benoit documentary or another collection of his matches? Sure, I would. Only God can judge us (or if you believe in another deity or unless you're and atheist). We're all here expressing opinions on this matter. Regardless of how you may feel about Chris Benoit, you're entitled to your own opinion. That's only being fair. PEACE!
It's as simple as this: If any current wrestler on the roster were to curiously ask Vince if he'd keep their accolades and memory in tact if they were to commit such a heinous crime, I'm sure he'd look that person in the eye and say," NO CHANCE!...NO CHANCE IN HELL!"
It will never happen. But I would love a Chris Benoit DVD... one that went from the start to the end of his career.... but no need to even mention why his career ended.
I don't understand why people have an infatuation with asking whether the WWE will ever give in to putting Chris Benoit back in the limelight. With all due respect OP, not a chance.

We know he had a great career, but what happened at the end is what he is ultimately remembered by. That is how the mainstream public will remember Chris Benoit. In that case, how would the company have any positive feedback in releasing a DVD, nonetheless, make profit off of it?
People really need to get over the idea of the WWE doing anything to acknowledge Chris Benoit's wrestling history. It's not going to happen. Stick to old DVDs and Youtube, because that's all you're going to get.
A few weeks back, Jim Ross addressed the idea of Benoit getting into the Hall of Fame. He said it will not happen. Never. If that isn't even a possibility, giving him his own DVD isn't, either.

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