A Billy Kidman Return?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Okay so I realize that this is completely unlikely, but if it were to happen, could Billy Kidman make a successful return to the WWE?

The guy was the forefront of WCW's Cruiserweight division for years, and when he got to WWE (finally) he started to do the same until the WWE canned the division.

But with recent rise of Evan Bourne and his amazing shooting star press, do you think that if he were brought back for a put over angle, could Kidman still go? Would a heel Kidman who came in and bashed Bourne for taking his move be able to get Evan over enough to make him viable for the United States title?
Billy Kidman is nothing more then an afterthought in today's wrestling world. His return would have little to no impact to begin with, let alone having the ability to elevate somebody by defeating him. Evan Bourne isn't the first guy to use the Shooting Star Press, and he won't be the last. He is just the wrestler using it now. The move is a great way to pop a crowd. It is not the basis of a feud.

Additionally, where would Kidman go after that? If his return is to just put over Bourne, it would render the whole thing pointless. Evan Bourne's size will always hold him back in terms of moving up the card. His defeating a guy who has been long absent will do nothing to change that. Kidman is a guy who had his "moment" in the spotlight, and it's over. There is no purpose in turning back the clock for a cruiserweight who never really got over in the first place.
Kidman is an actual Vanilla Midget. He never has drawn money(And he was given many opportunities) and never ever ever could. He won't be back, and if he was, it'd be a mistake.
There is no purpose in turning back the clock for a cruiserweight who never really got over in the first place.

You must have missed Smackdown from 2001 through 2004 where Billy Kidman was the most over Cruiserweight in the WWE next to Rey Mysterio.;)

I wouldn't mind a Bill Kidman return. The WWE has been hiring a lot of light weighing athletes as of late and it wouldn't hurt for them to go over an older veteran like Billy Kidman. The WWE actually has a lot of potential superstars just jobbing their careers away. Guys like Evan Bourne, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd are all in desperate need of a good putting over and someone as good as Kidman can do just that. I don't see the harm in bringing him back. After all, he's already working for the WWE, why not put him back in action?
His time has come and gone. I enjoyed watching him during the later part of WCW up until 2002/2003ish(?) in WWE. He was one of the best cruiser weights IMO. I think he's actually a road agent for WWE or a trainer in FCW, one of the two. If he hasn't made a return by now I don't see him ever coming back. He went the Dean Malenko route and he can teach his craft to a new generation. Kidman was pretty sweet.
Additionally, where would Kidman go after that? If his return is to just put over Bourne, it would render the whole thing pointless.

I mean I don't think he would have to go anywhere after that. I wouldn't mind seeing Kidman return for let's say a month to have a mini feud with Bourne. That would maybe lead Bourne to a bigger feud with let's say...Rey Mysterio (one of them with a heel turn of course). But still even with that it really wouldn't be a Bourne/Kidman feud more then it was a Mysterio/Bourne feud with Kidman as a supporting member.

Besides that though I don't see a point of Kidman returning to the WWE on screen (he is a trainer in case you didn't know for the WWE, as well as a worker doing some backstage stuff). Although I am sure he has a little left in him, there are much better high fliers out there, more or less due to age, plus he never was that great on the microphone. Having him return would just be another veteran taking up TV time for a young guy who actually would be the future of the company.
Billy Kidman, that guy who I loved from WCW vs. nWo Revenge but when he married Torrie I hated him :p. I love Billy, he was one of my favourites during his time and I hoped that he would rise up to the big leagues but I was a kid at the time so I did not know aboot the whole Vince not liking little guy thing. Anywho the one thing that Billy could do that always sent me in ahhh was the way he would float with his SSP. He had something that others didn't when it came to that.
Something tells me that he won't be signed back anytime soon, but I could definitely see him return to either brand and start a feud with the previously mentioned Kidd, Bourne, etc. and have him say that it was because of him back in WCW or even 2002-2004 Smackdown that these guys got a break. It could be interesting, but I personally doubt it actually occurring.
I remember kidman's last WWE run in 2004. He did great as a heel. He established himself as a complete asshole for what he did to Paul London, Chavo Guerrero, Charile Hass, and even Miss Jackie.

I actually wouldn't mind a Kidman return. He was really talented and his heel entrance music was awesome.

I would like to see him take what was Chavo Guerrero's place before he left. He should be put in programs with guys like Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, Sin Cara(if he returns), And Daniel Bryan. He can be a mentor type of partner/manager to Cody Rhodes/Wade Barrett like Ric Flair was to Triple H.

I honestly wouldn't mind to see him return. Especially if his role is like the one I mentioned above.
You must have missed Smackdown from 2001 through 2004 where Billy Kidman was the most over Cruiserweight in the WWE next to Rey Mysterio.;)

I wouldn't mind a Bill Kidman return. The WWE has been hiring a lot of light weighing athletes as of late and it wouldn't hurt for them to go over an older veteran like Billy Kidman. The WWE actually has a lot of potential superstars just jobbing their careers away. Guys like Evan Bourne, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd are all in desperate need of a good putting over and someone as good as Kidman can do just that. I don't see the harm in bringing him back. After all, he's already working for the WWE, why not put him back in action?

Here is the problem with your assessment of Billy Kidman. First, he was nowhere near the level of Rey Mysterio in terms of being over. Second, his big run on Smackdown is now 7 years ago. How many people are going to truly remember any of that to begin with? Additionally, Kidman hasn't been on TV in a very long time. Does that really help Evan Bourne, beating a guy who hasn't had a job? Of course not. Bourne has no believability against bigger opponents right now. Beating an unemployed past "star" simply won't have the desired effect of making him a more viable contender. The WWE has numerous guys on the roster to use if they want to. There is no need to start digging up relics.
My 1000th post...
Here is the problem with your assessment of Billy Kidman. First, he was nowhere near the level of Rey Mysterio in terms of being over.
Around 2003, yes, he very much was on Rey Mysterio's level. Rey Mysterio was not a top draw in 2003. He wasn't one of the biggest faces on the roster in 2003.
Second, his big run on Smackdown is now 7 years ago. How many people are going to truly remember any of that to begin with?
Well, yeah why wouldn't they? People aren't stupid. They're not completely clueless about who Billy Kidman is.
Additionally, Kidman hasn't been on TV in a very long time. Does that really help Evan Bourne, beating a guy who hasn't had a job? Of course not. Bourne has no believability against bigger opponents right now. Beating an unemployed past "star" simply won't have the desired effect of making him a more viable contender.
Viable contender? Whoa I never said that. To help him get over is completely different. But sure it would. Like I said, I'm sure a lot of fans remember who Billy Kidman is. John Cena even mentioned in a promo a while back and the crowd had some sort of reaction to it.
The WWE has numerous guys on the roster to use if they want to.
Guys that are over? Guys with credibility? The WWE has a huge lack of over talent on their roster currently.
There is no need to start digging up relics.
You do know he's a trainer right? It's not like they're hiring some washed up peice of shit who cannot wrestle anymore. A few veterans are needed back to help out over some of the younger, unestablished talent.
I was a big fan of Kidman. He put on great matches, but I do kind of think that he wouldn't do much good. It would take him a while to actually get noticed by the younger crowd. Take the whole thing with Christian returning. It took him a while to get back to where he was before he left.
Around 2003, yes, he very much was on Rey Mysterio's level. Rey Mysterio was not a top draw in 2003. He wasn't one of the biggest faces on the roster in 2003.
So Kidman wasn't as popular as Rey when Rey was just kind of popular. Wouldn't that help the side of don't bring him back?

Well, yeah why wouldn't they? People aren't stupid. They're not completely clueless about who Billy Kidman is.
But would they care is a bigger question. Just because people remember him doesn't mean they care about him.

Viable contender? Whoa I never said that. To help him get over is completely different. But sure it would. Like I said, I'm sure a lot of fans remember who Billy Kidman is. John Cena even mentioned in a promo a while back and the crowd had some sort of reaction to it.

That reaction wasn't for Kidman's name, it was for Cena. You are right, it wouldn't get Bourne over.

Guys that are over? Guys with credibility? The WWE has a huge lack of over talent on their roster currently.
Kidman wouldn't help this at all.

Bourne beat Jericho and look where that got him. If Jericho can't put Bourne over, then Kidman sure as hell can't. Kidman could be used as a Slaughter type deal, but to be brought back full time, it wont make any difference. He just wasn't big enough back then and he wouldn't be now.
If I'm not mistaken he works backstage for WWE, as a producer, so no I do not think he will return to in-ring action unless WWE wants him too, however he has a job with WWE as the RAW show producer. Cena gave him a shout out in 2010. Surprised no one brought that up.
So Kidman wasn't as popular as Rey when Rey was just kind of popular. Wouldn't that help the side of don't bring him back?
What on God's green Earth are you talking about? I said Kidman was on Rey's level when Rey started. Jeeze.
But would they care is a bigger question. Just because people remember him doesn't mean they care about him.
Can you see in the future to know if they'll care? I don't think you can. This irrelevant argument can be said for anyone returning to the WWE.
That reaction wasn't for Kidman's name, it was for Cena.
No, it was very much for Kidman's name. Why would the crowd randomly pop for John Cena? Idiotic argument.
You are right, it wouldn't get Bourne over.
Kidman wouldn't help this at all.
Sure he would. You have the younger, less over, less established guy go over the more established veteran; basic wrestling knowledge buddy.
Bourne beat Jericho and look where that got him. If Jericho can't put Bourne over, then Kidman sure as hell can't.
This is just stupid. That wasn't even a feud. It was meant to burry Jericho not put Evan Bourne over.
Kidman could be used as a Slaughter type deal, but to be brought back full time, it wont make any difference. He just wasn't big enough back then and he wouldn't be now.
Kidman was phenomenally over when he left. A normal wrestling fan will likely remember him. Even if he isn't, it wouldn't be that hard to get him over again.
I could see Kidman coming back. He's been a trainer for years now and he would give the new generation better direction as far as in ring psychology, timing, etc. If he were to come back, I think it would be in the role that guys like Goldust, Finley, Regal, etc have done over the last few years. The younger guys can learn alot from him, since I think he was only 19 when he debuted with WCW. He's got alot of experience and has wrestled several different styles. Since most of the younger talent these days come from FCW, rather than the independents and the (lack of) territories, he would bring a lot to the table.
I think that if WWE wanted Billy Kidman as a wrestler, they would have done so by now - after all, he has been an employee for a year now. In saying that, if crafted right, he could make a return, albeit short. I could see Kidman returning to Raw or Smackdown and expressing his desire to return, and getting interrupted by a young FCW guy, they could have a good PPV match for a contract, and if the match is good enough, then the young guy (maybe a runner up on NXT?) could be put over and beating a veteran like Kidman could kickstart his career.

Just an idea, but if it isn't f*cked up by pathetic writing, then it could work. Back to Billy Kidman though, he has a solid job as an FCW trainer and RAW producer, I can't see him giving that up as, imo, he would be used as a jobber.
I would love a Billy Kidman return but, I don't see it happening. He has retired from professional wrestling maybe return as somthing like a ref or announcer but as a wrestler wouoldn't be good for his age. He currently is a producer for WWE though.
Jesus, I don't understand the Kidman love. He was a one trick poney and got fat and his one trick was shittier and so was the rest of him. In WCW he benefited from great booking with the Flock and his cool move.

In WWE he wasn't over and wasn't all that safe or good in the ring. He can't talk, he didn't have much ring charisma, and his cool trick is now done better by someone else.

I understand if you're a fan of him but I can't see him getting over. Not as Kidman.

You COULD repackage him with a mask. Maybe a comedy luchadore. I'm gonna steal an idea from one of my friends here. You call him the Luchapoor. He wears torn tights, a mask he clearly made himself, and only has one boot. Kind of a brooklyn brawler luchadore. It kinda comes full circle for him as when he first started in WCW he was a scraggly looking kid who looked like a homeless dude that came off the street.

My 1000th post...

Around 2003, yes, he very much was on Rey Mysterio's level. Rey Mysterio was not a top draw in 2003. He wasn't one of the biggest faces on the roster in 2003.

Well, yeah why wouldn't they? People aren't stupid. They're not completely clueless about who Billy Kidman is.

Viable contender? Whoa I never said that. To help him get over is completely different. But sure it would. Like I said, I'm sure a lot of fans remember who Billy Kidman is. John Cena even mentioned in a promo a while back and the crowd had some sort of reaction to it.

Guys that are over? Guys with credibility? The WWE has a huge lack of over talent on their roster currently.

You do know he's a trainer right? It's not like they're hiring some washed up peice of shit who cannot wrestle anymore. A few veterans are needed back to help out over some of the younger, unestablished talent.
lol. Really? I remember Mysterio having a great match that was very over with Kurt Angle in 2002. I remember Mysterio being on Wrestlemania 19. I just remember Kidman knocking out Chavo Guerrero. Don't be ridiculous, Kidman at no point in time was ever more or as over as Mysterio.

Most people will remember Billy Kidman. Most people will also not give a shit. Marty Jannetty is more over than Billy Kidman.

WWE doesn't have a "huge lack of over talent". If they did, what the fuck would bringing in a guy who was never that over in his prime do? That's like saying "well our pitching staff sucks, lets bring in a mediocre guy".

Kidman can do the moves. He can teach shit. However, as Raven once said (the guy who got Kidman over to start his career), to an extent, they can all do all the moves. It's the ring and promo charisma combined with HOW you work your matches.

I'm sorry if you're a big Kidman fan. I like the guy myself. However, he was never that over and near the end wasn't that good in the ring. Bringing him back now when he's older and likely less over is a bad idea. Even if he does get a little over for a week or 2 because people are like "o cool Kidman is back", it won't last.

I think you'd have more luck having the Hurricane come back.
lol. Really?
Very much so.
I remember Mysterio having a great match that was very over with Kurt Angle in 2002. I remember Mysterio being on Wrestlemania 19. I just remember Kidman knocking out Chavo Guerrero. Don't be ridiculous, Kidman at no point in time was ever more or as over as Mysterio.
Ok. Doesn't mean Kidman wasn't over. I'll be honest, Mysterio's over ability was off the charts, but Kidman definitely was over. I seriously doubt the WWE would've put the Cruiderweight Championship on him four times had he not been over.
Most people will remember Billy Kidman. Most people will also not give a shit.
Marty Jannetty is more over than Billy Kidman.
Youtube please.
WWE doesn't have a "huge lack of over talent".
How the fuck don't they? Midcarders are no longer cared about unless your name is Kofi Kingston or Cody Rhodes. Guys like Justin Gabriel or Tyson Kidd could definitely use the rub.
If they did, what the fuck would bringing in a guy who was never that over in his prime do?
Not only was Kidman over but aslo established as one of the top cruiserweights in the WWE from 2002-2004. Could you imagine Tyosn Kidd going around going on about how he beat one of the top cruiserweights WWE had?
That's like saying "well our pitching staff sucks, lets bring in a mediocre guy".
No. It's not like that. Even if he isn't over, Billy Kidman was very much established.
Kidman can do the moves. He can teach shit. However, as Raven once said (the guy who got Kidman over to start his career), to an extent, they can all do all the moves. It's the ring and promo charisma combined with HOW you work your matches.
True but there have been plenty of wrestlers who have gotten over through in ring and technical work.
I'm sorry if you're a big Kidman fan. I like the guy myself. However, he was never that over and near the end wasn't that good in the ring. Bringing him back now when he's older and likely less over is a bad idea. Even if he does get a little over for a week or 2 because people are like "o cool Kidman is back", it won't last.
Depends who he's working with. You're telling me a feud with Evan Bourne won't keep the crowd interested in Billy Kidman?
I think you'd have more luck having the Hurricane come back.
That'd be cool too.
I always was a big Kidman fan. He was one of the best performers in the business in his prime, and was always over with the fans (especially in WCW). I would love to see him back in the ring, he retired at a very young age as he is only 37 now and hasn't been a full time wrestler in quite a few years, although he had a few short spells on the indie circuit. He actually trained Wade Barrett, and is a producer and trainer in FCW now.

If he came back, he would probably be pretty rusty and would look a bit out of place and slow now, but I was always a fan of the guy and it would be a nice piece of nostalgia to see a one-off Kidman return. He was never as good in WWE as he was in his WCW prime, but he was always entertaining and I loved his "You Can Run" theme music.
Much like others, I enjoyed BK's work in WCW. He was over in WCW, very over, he did defeat Hulk Hogan three times - he was over and WCW knew it but they never caputilized on it. Billy Kidman's personal life caught up with him when he agreed to leave so that Torrie Wilson could stay, he was also being used in a pretty poor manner but when he went on the indies he probably got the slap in the face that he had passed the time when BK was one of the most liked performers in the business.

Now Billy is a trainer in FCW and a producer, he even headed a few shows in England in place of Triple H and Vince McMahon who didn't travel so he's obviously pretty good at his new role. But Billy's time passed. When he quit he was bloated and looked sluggish, him botching the Shooting Star Press signalled the end because as opposed to Evan Bourne's who gets height, Billy at that time had weight and it was harder to get good air.

Would I like to see him back? In certain roles, yes. Would I enjoy seeing him wrestle again? Maybe the odd appearence, maybe he could take the Goldust role and just get those around him over, I'm sure he could still hit the BK Bomb. But as a serious wrestler and a serious member of the WWE Roster - no. Hes aged. There would be no point in bringing him back when he's coming on forty, is still pretty bloated to those who have seen any recent photos of him and it would just degrade his career of old.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Billy Kidman the reason the Shooting Star Press was banned in WWE? If I remember correctly, He kneed Chavo in the head and gave him a major concussion. WWE took a chance and let Bourne use it and it payed off.

Having Kidman return to push Bourne seems like it would only be because they have the same finisher, and doesn't make sense since he was the reason the move was banned in the first place.
Very much so.

Ok. Doesn't mean Kidman wasn't over. I'll be honest, Mysterio's over ability was off the charts, but Kidman definitely was over. I seriously doubt the WWE would've put the Cruiderweight Championship on him four times had he not been over.


Youtube please.

How the fuck don't they? Midcarders are no longer cared about unless your name is Kofi Kingston or Cody Rhodes. Guys like Justin Gabriel or Tyson Kidd could definitely use the rub.

Not only was Kidman over but aslo established as one of the top cruiserweights in the WWE from 2002-2004. Could you imagine Tyosn Kidd going around going on about how he beat one of the top cruiserweights WWE had?

No. It's not like that. Even if he isn't over, Billy Kidman was very much established.

True but there have been plenty of wrestlers who have gotten over through in ring and technical work.

Depends who he's working with. You're telling me a feud with Evan Bourne won't keep the crowd interested in Billy Kidman?

That'd be cool too.
No he wasn't. He was on smackdown on the undercard and his biggest accomplishment was holding a title no one except smarks cared about.

Fact? Well people didn't give a shit 7 years ago, why would they give a shit now?

Janetty was with HBK. He gets the HBK rub. Would people even know Kidman's music? What was his music?

How would beating a guy no one gives a shit about, a guy no longer good in the ring, a guy without charisma, give them the rub? You're forgetting just because you "move up the rankings" doesn't mean you're more over. You have to be entertaining and be with entertaining people to get over.

Tyson Kidd beating Kidman and "established cruiserweight" is like me getting the rub by out running a cripple. Seriously, you are seriously over rating how much the general public likes Kidman.

Actually it's exactly like I said. You have a guy who's overness is mediocre and he's old, you have another who's young, you don't take up the young guys' time with the old guy. Kidman has the "credentials" the 4 cruiser titles no one gives a fuck about. Does having the credentials get Swagger over?

Plenty of wrestlers who got over on in ring work and technical skill? Well too bad Kidman isn't a technical wizard. You have to be outstanding, like Daniel Bryan, Chris Benoit, Bret Hart good to get over on that. Not only that but you have to be BOOKED as a technical wizard. It's as much a gimmick as a skill. Kidman was never booked as such.

Fuck no a feud with Evan Bourne won't keep them interested. WWE audiences don't like highspots. They aren't amazing by straight up wrestling matches. They like emotion and a reason to give a shit. That wouldn't do either. Why? "oooo the guy who was the first north american to popularize the SSP and the guy who uses it now"? Really? Evan Bourne vs a medium sized heel would get a bigger reaction. Are you just a mark of the SSP? Seriously, that's all Kidman was known for and later in his career he injured people with that. No real charisma, never really got over. If you're on fucking smackdown, on the undercard, you aren't that over.

Hurricane would be fun for a one time deal.

Just admit that YOU personally would like to see Kidman back. However, if you legitimately think it's a good idea and that it'd get guys over, take a step back. Take yourself away as a fan. Bringing a fat old Kidman back would be no different than bringing back Jamie Noble (who is a better worker) or the Bashams (who are more accomplished and had a more major role).

Kidman wasn't over. He was Paul Heyman throwing the IWC a bone and trying to do something respectful with the Cruiser title. Kidman wouldn't get anyone over. Seriously man, I'm not trying to be mean, saying Kidman was over and that a young guy today beating a fat, past his prime, never was that over to begin with Kidman just because he was a 4 time cruiser champion is insanity.

I see you're 18. Which means you were 11-14 during Kidman's WWE prime. Which are usually the formiddable years in a wrestling fan's life. So you overrate him because you remember him as one of your favorites. No shame in it. I admit it when it happens to me. I overrate pretty much any 1996-1997 WCW stuff because those were my "wonder years" in wrestling. Shit happens to everyone.

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