A Baffling New ROH Champion

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
It's baffling to me anyway.

Bare in mind that while I watch ROH, I don't keep up to date with it. I still buy whatever comes out, but I watch them in no particular order. But I am aware that Jerry Lynn was doing a gimmick which is supposed to be like the storyline of The Wrestler. All well and good, and I guess it's the only real outcome. But now you've got an ageing wrestler as your champion and he's just defeated a guy who's gone through everybody over an 18 month period. It really doesn't say much for the whole ROH roster if Jerry Lynn is the only guy that could defeat McGuinness.
This is just another example of the failure that is ROH. They've completely gone away from their original meaning, they are losing money, they are selling out their fans, and doing it all for no discernible reason.

While I don't follow ROH, I do know that, like Jake said, Nigel ran pretty much roughshod over ROH. So, why would you have a guy that provides ZERO benefit to your future beat him? It's silly. I can't say who would have been better, but there can't be many that would be worse than Jerry Lynn.

No matter what the outcome, this was a bad idea. I don't know who gets the title next, but ROH will probably find a way to shoot itself in the foot again.
Well it should be noted that Nigel suffered a severe bicep injury and needed to go out for surgery. He could be out for up to six months, so ROH needed to get the belt off Nigel. Jerry Lynn was the only real challenger built up at this point so he was a good, quick option for champion.

IMO Jerry will just be a short transtional champion leading to the next long term champion. So I'm fine with Jerry as champion and looking forward to his reign
Jerry Lynn has more experience than anyone else on the rest of the roster, adn he was going up against a guy who was injured (again), so it makes sense that he could find a way to do what others couldn't, also Jerry Lynn is the arguably biggest name on the active roster, fans know him from ECW, his short stint with WWE, and his run in TNA, so putting the belt on a guy like him makes senses since they just got a TV deal, fans know the name so they may tune it to check the product out, Jerry Lynn as champion makes sense and in all likelyhood as people have alrady said, this will most likley just be a short term reign, I can't imagine it'll last more than a couple months tops
This is just another example of the failure that is ROH.

A new television deal on a station that gets more viewers than the current network Smackdown is aired on.. is hardly what I'd consider a failure.

Just because R.O.H doesn't have the flashy lights, big entrance ramp, or meaningless storylines that never lead anywhere.. all of which that make Sly go "ohhh, that's real Pro Wrasslin", doesn't mean it's a failure.

They've completely gone away from their original meaning, they are losing money, they are selling out their fans, and doing it all for no discernible reason.

Sly, you do realize this small little tidbit right here.. has completely destroyed everything you've tried shoving down the World's throat for years, right?

What's the reason you always use, time and time again, whenever something just seems wrong?


They placed their Heavyweight Championship on a known name, in hopes that it would attract more than just a regular R.O.H crowd.. because it's a face and name people have known before.. then they'd slowly work Lynn out, while introducing all their true talent to the new audience.

Like how T.N.A made Ken Shamrock their debut Heavyweight Champion over all their true originals.. Or how Jeff Jarrett became a huge name, over even the likes of Hulk Hogan through T.N.A.

Or how about when W.C.W tossed their Heavyweight title on Hulk Hogan, the mere instant he jumped to the company.. in his debut match, none-the-less. Instead of continuing to push the top names who helped their company succeed.. names like Sting, Vader & even Ric Flair.

While I don't follow ROH, I do know that, like Jake said, Nigel ran pretty much roughshod over ROH. So, why would you have a guy that provides ZERO benefit to your future beat him? It's silly.

No, silly is placing your World Heavyweight Championship on a celeb. Silly is believing that you could take every bit of talent that's made a name for themselves elsewhere, as a mid-carder, and then make them your top Champion. (Lynn was a Heavyweight Champion in E.C.W, so that's not an excuse to reply with)

Silly is debuting someone who was big elsewhere, and instantly have him not just defeat your top Champion, but also proceed to destroy all of the rest of your talent.. proving that your Company truly wasn't as good as the alternative.

R.O.H is doing nothing more than what any other Professional Wrestling company has done in the past. The only difference is yet to be seen. And that is dependant on where they take this.

If Lynn goes on to have amazing feuds and matches, like I know he can, with the likes of McGuinness, Danielson and even guy's like Aries, Black & Jacobs.. then R.O.H would've succeeded in what they wanted. Which is putting the title on a known name, and still having the presence of mind to showcase all of their original top talent.

Oh, and that whole.. "McGuinness ran roughshod through everyone, so why would you have someone who provides ZERO benefit to your future defeat him?" bit..

Why don't you repeat that same question.. as to why they allowed Hulk Hogan (who at the time was definitely on his way out) defeat the monstrous Yokozuna, who was undefeated and absolutely destructive.. a mere minute, after he won the Heavyweight title.

Don't bad mouth one company, when you choose to ignore the fact that it was done a hell of a lot fucking worse years before, in a company that's now the very top one.

I can't say who would have been better, but there can't be many that would be worse than Jerry Lynn.

I love how you mock a pure Pro Wrestler, yet you decide to embrace stupidity in dumbass gimmicks. (ie. a White rapper with a bling title, being the face of your Company)

Wrestling is about both, entertaining and wrestling. Lynn can do both, like I suppose Cena can. You just have to find a taste for him. Cena can entertain more than Wrestle. That benefits him in a Company that works off storylines more than talent. Lynn wrestles better than he works gimmicks. That benefits him in a Company that looks like it'll try surviving off pure wrestling action.

No matter what the outcome, this was a bad idea. I don't know who gets the title next, but ROH will probably find a way to shoot itself in the foot again.

What happens if this ends up pushing the next big feud between McGuinness and Danielson? What happens if it ends up being a Triple Threat, in which Danielson were to win.. which pushes a feud between McGuinness saying Danielson never beat him.. and leads to an amazing feud.

ALL because Lynn was the spark that got that started. Yeah :rolleyes: Because the R.O.H title doesn't spin, and because Lynn doesn't cut dirty rap lyrics.. he's a horrible choice for their Champion.

Jerry Lynn was a good choice. Was he the best? No. A simple showdown between Danielson & McGuinness would've seemed more logical.. for R.O.H and pure Wrestling fans. But that won't help them gain new viewers, who aren't familiar with the names.. like they are, with Jerry Lynn. (not to mention, if Jake's right.. this is a storyline, following that of a former Oscar-hopeful movie.. which isn't exactly a horrible thing.)
A new television deal on a station that gets more viewers than the current network Smackdown is aired on.. is hardly what I'd consider a failure.

Just because R.O.H doesn't have the flashy lights, big entrance ramp, or meaningless storylines that never lead anywhere.. all of which that make Sly go "ohhh, that's real Pro Wrasslin", doesn't mean it's a failure.

Sly, you do realize this small little tidbit right here.. has completely destroyed everything you've tried shoving down the World's throat for years, right?

What's the reason you always use, time and time again, whenever something just seems wrong?


They placed their Heavyweight Championship on a known name, in hopes that it would attract more than just a regular R.O.H crowd.. because it's a face and name people have known before.. then they'd slowly work Lynn out, while introducing all their true talent to the new audience.

Like how T.N.A made Ken Shamrock their debut Heavyweight Champion over all their true originals.. Or how Jeff Jarrett became a huge name, over even the likes of Hulk Hogan through T.N.A.

Or how about when W.C.W tossed their Heavyweight title on Hulk Hogan, the mere instant he jumped to the company.. in his debut match, none-the-less. Instead of continuing to push the top names who helped their company succeed.. names like Sting, Vader & even Ric Flair.

No, silly is placing your World Heavyweight Championship on a celeb. Silly is believing that you could take every bit of talent that's made a name for themselves elsewhere, as a mid-carder, and then make them your top Champion. (Lynn was a Heavyweight Champion in E.C.W, so that's not an excuse to reply with)

Silly is debuting someone who was big elsewhere, and instantly have him not just defeat your top Champion, but also proceed to destroy all of the rest of your talent.. proving that your Company truly wasn't as good as the alternative.

R.O.H is doing nothing more than what any other Professional Wrestling company has done in the past. The only difference is yet to be seen. And that is dependant on where they take this.

If Lynn goes on to have amazing feuds and matches, like I know he can, with the likes of McGuinness, Danielson and even guy's like Aries, Black & Jacobs.. then R.O.H would've succeeded in what they wanted. Which is putting the title on a known name, and still having the presence of mind to showcase all of their original top talent.

Oh, and that whole.. "McGuinness ran roughshod through everyone, so why would you have someone who provides ZERO benefit to your future defeat him?" bit..

Why don't you repeat that same question.. as to why they allowed Hulk Hogan (who at the time was definitely on his way out) defeat the monstrous Yokozuna, who was undefeated and absolutely destructive.. a mere minute, after he won the Heavyweight title.

Don't bad mouth one company, when you choose to ignore the fact that it was done a hell of a lot fucking worse years before, in a company that's now the very top one.

I love how you mock a pure Pro Wrestler, yet you decide to embrace stupidity in dumbass gimmicks. (ie. a White rapper with a bling title, being the face of your Company)

Wrestling is about both, entertaining and wrestling. Lynn can do both, like I suppose Cena can. You just have to find a taste for him. Cena can entertain more than Wrestle. That benefits him in a Company that works off storylines more than talent. Lynn wrestles better than he works gimmicks. That benefits him in a Company that looks like it'll try surviving off pure wrestling action.

What happens if this ends up pushing the next big feud between McGuinness and Danielson? What happens if it ends up being a Triple Threat, in which Danielson were to win.. which pushes a feud between McGuinness saying Danielson never beat him.. and leads to an amazing feud.

ALL because Lynn was the spark that got that started. Yeah :rolleyes: Because the R.O.H title doesn't spin, and because Lynn doesn't cut dirty rap lyrics.. he's a horrible choice for their Champion.

Jerry Lynn was a good choice. Was he the best? No. A simple showdown between Danielson & McGuinness would've seemed more logical.. for R.O.H and pure Wrestling fans. But that won't help them gain new viewers, who aren't familiar with the names.. like they are, with Jerry Lynn. (not to mention, if Jake's right.. this is a storyline, following that of a former Oscar-hopeful movie.. which isn't exactly a horrible thing.)
Will, usually I'd disect this post line by line, but I think I can sum up all my responses fairly quickly, made even quicker by the fact that I quit reading after the big "ratings" thing you put in a large size.

Do me this favor. Show me ONE instance where Jerry Lynn has moved the ratings needle. Just one. I'm waiting...waiting...waiting...

Time's up. Epic fail, just like Jerry Lynn's ability to carry a company. I saw you mention something about HDnet being bigger than MyNetwork, and some stuff about Cena and Hogan...do we really want to get into the number of people who watch Smackdown vs. who watch ROH? Do we want to compare drawing ability of Jerry Lynn vs. Hulk Hogan?

At the end of the day, what did ROH accomplish? They showed that a 40+ year old man, with no REAL history of success in a major company, who has never been proven a good draw, is better than the guy who was better than everyone else in ROH for a year and a half. And for what purpose? To have a guy that very few people know be champion on a TV show that very people will watch? It's silly, and just further proof of ROH's inability to grasp what wrestling fans want.
I like Jerry Lynn, and I too think the belt was put on him to attract viewers. What I'd do is try and get Morishima back, or someone along those lines to have JL feud with for a bit....maybe have him go back and forth with the belt, and build up a Nigel return bout after he heals up.
Jerry Lynn is doing exactly what Morishma did for ROH 2 years ago, be a respectable transition champ. Morishma took the belt from Homicide after TNA pulled their talent from the company. ROH spend 2 years building up Homicide as a big time main event star so they could belt him. He held the belt for 2 months before he had to drop it. Morishima was the most unlikely person to be champion, but it worked.

ROH found itself in a similar situation with Nigel. He as been working his entire title reign was a bad bicep. He has re-injured it so many times that he was forced to have surgery to repair it. Jerry Lynn is a transition champ and will probably make a great one.

ROH has built a reputation on doing the unthinkable. I can't think of a time when the built changed hands (maybe with the exception of Samoa Joe) where the ROH crowd new it was coming. Nigel's win was completely unexpected and so was his lengthy reign. Nigel losing the belt or Jerry Lynn winning it is not quite the crisis some are making it out to be.
ROH has built a reputation on doing the unthinkable. I can't think of a time when the built changed hands (maybe with the exception of Samoa Joe) where the ROH crowd new it was coming. Nigel's win was completely unexpected and so was his lengthy reign. Nigel losing the belt or Jerry Lynn winning it is not quite the crisis some are making it out to be.

I'd say when Homicide won it was very predictable, but in that case, you wanted the predictable to happen.

Anyway, I agree about Lynn being a transitional champion, which is why this is nothing to frown upon if you're a detractor of his. In the meantime, I'm sure he'll deliver in his matches like he usually, and I'm sure the fans will be heavily behind him, making each title defense very exciting.

And besides, at the end of the day... I'd take Jerry Lynn as a World Champion over HHH any fucking time. As long as ROH has a champ that is much more watchable then that worthless piece of garbage, then you won’t hear any gripes from me.
Yeah I'm with Will and RVDgurl here. This likely won't last until the Summer. Lynn is indeed too old and not a solid choice for a long term champion, but for a short 2 month run or so this is perfect. The problem that ROH had was that Nigel had dominated all their title contenders for so long that it wasn't reasonable to have him drop the title to any of the usual suspects, so they threw it on a transitional guy so that the big title change can come. If this sounds familiar, it's what WWE did to get the title from HHH to Hardy through Edge. Edge wasn't going to be champion for long at all, and neither will Lynn. At the absolutely longest, 4 months and that would be way too long.
Yeah, the unceremonious shitting on Jerry Lynn is getting a little out of hand. It's unwarranted. The guy has proven his worth to the fans of ECW, to the Fans of ROH, to the fans of TNA. Sorry he can't get over in the WWE for everyone (depsite the WWE havinga track record of not being able to push light heavyweights to save their ass, but I digress). Jerry Lynn is a fine choice for ROH Champion.

As Justin said, he's the most experienced guy on the roster, he might be the most over guy on the roster, the indy scene loves him. Nigel was nursing an injury, he was in the ring with a guy like Lynn that could have exploited it, and won. How is this illogical, how is this a bad decision? I don't see why. I think it's a fine move by ROH.
I don't get this one either, but we have seen odder people hold World Title belts. I thought they would have Nigel beat Joe's record of holding the belt, but so it goes. He is pretty good in the ring considering his age and is over, so it makes some sense. It isn't great, but it isn't bad. I thought that Tyler Black would have won it next though.
It's not that big of a deal honestly. Jerry Lynn is an indy favorite, who has some exposure in the bigger wrestling companies. ROH is an indy fed, albeit probably the biggest one in the country, but the fact remains they are an indy fed attempting to get mainstream exposure like TNA and WWE has. Like it was previously mentioned, an old ECW mark, or even someone that watches TNA may see that Jerry Lynn is featured on an ROH show on HDnet. Those kind of fans will be attracted to that, and they may get hooked based on the more strictly wrestling format of ROH.

Lynn isn't going to have a ungodly reign, he'll have a reign long enough to attract some of those older wrestling fans, and possibly some TNA fans who remember him to the product. If it works, and they get more viewers out of it, great, they can take the belt off him and bring in the next champion to carry the show, however if it doesn't work and it doesn't attract nothing but flies on horse shit, they can take the belt off him and continue on as they normally do.

Another factor in this is that Nigel was injured and probably needed time off to recover months ago. Rather than develop a quick feud with someone to drop the belt, they continued the broken down wrestler attempting to reclaim glory angle to transfer it to Lynn as a transitional champion. He may not be the best choice for champion, but hell that's what a transitional champion is for, hold the belt until a better choice can take it off him.
Will, usually I'd disect this post line by line, but I think I can sum up all my responses fairly quickly, made even quicker by the fact that I quit reading after the big "ratings" thing you put in a large size.

Well, perhaps if you'd have continued reading you wouldn't be talking purely out of your ass, right now. I guess that's typical Slyfox debating skills though, huh? Whenever someone posts something that you can't actually debate, or dispute.. you just "over look it".

It's okay, Sly, not even you can win every time.

Do me this favor. Show me ONE instance where Jerry Lynn has moved the ratings needle. Just one. I'm waiting...waiting...waiting...

Sly, do you even realize just who the fuck Jerry Lynn is? Let me recap in a very small portion for you, just who the fuck he is.

He's the guy that burst onto the scene in a Company who's Wrestlers were pushed and defined by the fans loving or hating them, based off their skills. He's the guy who took Rob Van Dam to the limit, and made him better with each match. He's the guy, who the fans fell in love with so much for his pure Wrestling ability and overall charisma, that they deemed him "The NEW Fucking Show".

He's the guy who never wanted to win a World Heavyweight Championship, unlike your love obsession, Hulk Hogan. But when he finally did, he continued to have amazing matches against the likes of Justin Credible, Sandman & Steve Corino. He would've helped carry the E.C.W Heavyweight Championship into the next level, had it not been for the overall Company being poorly funded and managed by Paul Heyman. (nothing Lynn could do about that, that he wasn't already by helping to draw the crowds he did to keep them afloat as long as they were.)

Epic fail, just like Jerry Lynn's ability to carry a company.

I'm sorry, I guess if Lynn would've finger-poked McGuinness in the chest, then won the title that way.. you would've juiced yourself and loved him as the new Champion. I guess not everyone can be as classy in World title matches, as your idol.

I saw you mention something about HDnet being bigger than MyNetwork, and some stuff about Cena and Hogan...do we really want to get into the number of people who watch Smackdown vs. who watch ROH?

I'm sure you have a Pie Chart on stand-by. For purpose sake, let's assume that Smackdown and Mynetwork TV actually does pull in more fans than HDNet and R.O.H..

Is that really a victory, even in knowing that HDNet is still open to more people than Mynetwork TV? Thus making R.O.H a viable threat if people tune in and like it.

Do we want to compare drawing ability of Jerry Lynn vs. Hulk Hogan?

I'm quite sure everyone knows and realizes that Jerry Lynn isn't Hulk Hogan. And of course he's not better, either. However the point I was making is.. you praise Hulk Hogan for doing the same things you complain, piss, bitch and moan about Jerry Lynn doing. One being a bigger name, doesn't mean having them do it, is any better.

Or better yet, why don't you go ahead and explain to me what purpose having Hulk Hogan win the Heavyweight title at Wrestlemania IX accomplished? Or even having Hogan win the Undisputed Championship from Triple H, only to drop it a month later to the Undertaker? What'd that accomplish?

How about Hogan's singular yearly appearances in defeating Shawn Michaels, followed by Randy Orton, at back-to-back Summerslam's. What'd those victories do to help the W.W.E's future?

Here's a hint on the correct answer..


It was all Hogan's ego, and his own selfishness of not wanting to lay down, to put over anyone else, or pass the torch. (as it were) Sure, the Shawn Michaels match could've went either way.. but in truth, Hogan should've lost. Why? Because Shawn Michaels was still a name in the business, and could've still accomplished more by being known for defeating Hulk Hogan.

And Hogan definitely should've lost to Randy Orton, especially since Orton is still in his 20's, still the arguable future of the Company.. and the whole premise of his gimmick was to "take-out/kill" Legends.

So in the end, you whine and complain about how having Jerry Lynn become World Champion over a guy who's suppose to be the future of your Company, is a bad thing. Yet you cheer and blow your load, each and every time Hulk Hogan so much as even "squashes" any younger, current, W.W.E Wrestler. It's the same fucking thing, Sly!

Actually, I take that back. Lynn doesn't do random one-time appearances. He's still fully wrestling on an active, regular schedule. My bad.

At the end of the day, what did ROH accomplish?

How about the ability to heal the future of their Company, while at the same time having the most over guy in the Indy-Circuit currently carry their Heavyweight title and pull in more of a fan base for their still new television show?

I know because they don't have flashy tights, or over the top lights and neon signs that it doesn't interest you.. but all in all, I'd say it's pretty fucking nice.

They showed that a 40+ year old man, with no REAL history of success in a major company, who has never been proven a good draw, is better than the guy who was better than everyone else in ROH for a year and a half.

Hulk Hogan over Yokozuna.
Hulk Hogan finger-poke of doom.
Hulk Hogan over Randy Orton.

Just to name a very, very few. What does all of those things have in common with what you just rambled on about? He's a 50 year old man, who's drawing ability is there.. but yet he couldn't possible work a schedule that requires him to work more than once or twice a year.

And yet he still went over the top talent in the Company, despite having no fucking reason to. Oh, and the finger-poke ordeal.. single handedly ruined the World Heavyweight Championship. (and then Arquette destroyed what was left)

I'm also pretty sure I could've simply stopped with Hogan going over Yokozuna to prove my point. But, then again you would've already knew of that point.. had you actually taken the time to read my original post, instead of just felt you could wing it out of your ass.

And for what purpose?

Ratings would be a good start. And giving Nigel time to heal an injury would be another excellent option.

To have a guy that very few people know be champion on a TV show that very people will watch?

Apparently enough people know Jerry Lynn to consider him one of the top 100 all-time Wrestlers in the world. Now before you spout off at the head over some other random loser in the tournament.. let's compare what number they were actually entered at.

Jerry Lynn was entered at roughly, what, #31 in the entire thing? Which means people not only remembered him, but had to of thought of him pretty highly in their listings.

It's silly, and just further proof of ROH's inability to grasp what wrestling fans want.

What's silly is your bland and unprofessional way of trying to act as if you have any fucking clue what you're talking about.. when it comes to a Company you've said yourself countless times that you don't even watch.

Infact, why are you even giving your opinion on this subject? Wouldn't you kinda need to know even a little on what you're talking about? Or because you seen Lynn fail in a meaningless Light Heavyweight division in the W.W.E, do you suddenly believe that was his best moment in Professional Wrestling??

Well.. he did defeat Jeff Hardy, who is a (now) former Heavyweight Champion. So I suppose that says something, yeah?

Seriously Sly.. I embrace your opinion and eagerly await whatever piss bucket crap you come up with next, to randomly sling around.. however, if you don't even watch or give R.O.H a chance, then why are you even trying to debate the subject?

A year ago, I despised the Indy scene. Ever since they've been given a television slot and a way to prove themselves to me, I've liked watching them and felt each weekly show has out-done the rest. Will that continue to happen? Doubtful, because nothing great lasts truly forever.. but to say it's finally found a spot on television.. speaks in and for itself.
Dude have you ever seen Jerry Lynn wrestle??? Have you seen his matches with RVD??? They were epic to say the least. I personally favor the bigger guys but never could i sit here and say Jerry Lynn doesn't deserve a World title he does cause well he can work a match better than anyone in the WWE and he has experience. I have only seen a small amount of ROH but you have to appreciate what they do which is reward Workrate. Nigel from what i know has beaten basically everyone else on the roster including jerry Lynn but Jerry was built up this time and nigels injury came in as a factor as well. Lynn will be a good champion while he has the belt and who knows soon you may see Bison Smith with the World title which is good for ROH but bad for any who want that title.
A new television deal on a station that gets more viewers than the current network Smackdown is aired on.. is hardly what I'd consider a failure.

Just because R.O.H doesn't have the flashy lights, big entrance ramp, or meaningless storylines that never lead anywhere.. all of which that make Sly go "ohhh, that's real Pro Wrasslin", doesn't mean it's a failure.

Sly, you do realize this small little tidbit right here.. has completely destroyed everything you've tried shoving down the World's throat for years, right?

What's the reason you always use, time and time again, whenever something just seems wrong?


They placed their Heavyweight Championship on a known name, in hopes that it would attract more than just a regular R.O.H crowd.. because it's a face and name people have known before.. then they'd slowly work Lynn out, while introducing all their true talent to the new audience.

Like how T.N.A made Ken Shamrock their debut Heavyweight Champion over all their true originals.. Or how Jeff Jarrett became a huge name, over even the likes of Hulk Hogan through T.N.A.

Or how about when W.C.W tossed their Heavyweight title on Hulk Hogan, the mere instant he jumped to the company.. in his debut match, none-the-less. Instead of continuing to push the top names who helped their company succeed.. names like Sting, Vader & even Ric Flair.

No, silly is placing your World Heavyweight Championship on a celeb. Silly is believing that you could take every bit of talent that's made a name for themselves elsewhere, as a mid-carder, and then make them your top Champion. (Lynn was a Heavyweight Champion in E.C.W, so that's not an excuse to reply with)

Silly is debuting someone who was big elsewhere, and instantly have him not just defeat your top Champion, but also proceed to destroy all of the rest of your talent.. proving that your Company truly wasn't as good as the alternative.

R.O.H is doing nothing more than what any other Professional Wrestling company has done in the past. The only difference is yet to be seen. And that is dependant on where they take this.

If Lynn goes on to have amazing feuds and matches, like I know he can, with the likes of McGuinness, Danielson and even guy's like Aries, Black & Jacobs.. then R.O.H would've succeeded in what they wanted. Which is putting the title on a known name, and still having the presence of mind to showcase all of their original top talent.

Oh, and that whole.. "McGuinness ran roughshod through everyone, so why would you have someone who provides ZERO benefit to your future defeat him?" bit..

Why don't you repeat that same question.. as to why they allowed Hulk Hogan (who at the time was definitely on his way out) defeat the monstrous Yokozuna, who was undefeated and absolutely destructive.. a mere minute, after he won the Heavyweight title.

Don't bad mouth one company, when you choose to ignore the fact that it was done a hell of a lot fucking worse years before, in a company that's now the very top one.

I love how you mock a pure Pro Wrestler, yet you decide to embrace stupidity in dumbass gimmicks. (ie. a White rapper with a bling title, being the face of your Company)

Wrestling is about both, entertaining and wrestling. Lynn can do both, like I suppose Cena can. You just have to find a taste for him. Cena can entertain more than Wrestle. That benefits him in a Company that works off storylines more than talent. Lynn wrestles better than he works gimmicks. That benefits him in a Company that looks like it'll try surviving off pure wrestling action.

What happens if this ends up pushing the next big feud between McGuinness and Danielson? What happens if it ends up being a Triple Threat, in which Danielson were to win.. which pushes a feud between McGuinness saying Danielson never beat him.. and leads to an amazing feud.

ALL because Lynn was the spark that got that started. Yeah :rolleyes: Because the R.O.H title doesn't spin, and because Lynn doesn't cut dirty rap lyrics.. he's a horrible choice for their Champion.

Jerry Lynn was a good choice. Was he the best? No. A simple showdown between Danielson & McGuinness would've seemed more logical.. for R.O.H and pure Wrestling fans. But that won't help them gain new viewers, who aren't familiar with the names.. like they are, with Jerry Lynn. (not to mention, if Jake's right.. this is a storyline, following that of a former Oscar-hopeful movie.. which isn't exactly a horrible thing.)

They are also runing their shows from the Arena which is the old ECW arena, so it would make sense that an old ECW alumni and a respectable member of the roster got the title nod, their is no reason not to put the championship on Lin, he made stars in TNA's X division with his monumental feud with AJ styles, the guy has done everything in this business, If you dont mind foley, then why would you mind Lynn, he is in far better shape then any other 40 year old man his age, and has done nothing but work his ass off in this industry, he deserves his run and hopefully will lend more prestige to the ROH championship
A few issues I have with some of the points raised here.

Jerry Lynn hasn't been made their champion because they want him to be the man, he was made champion as a thank you for his years of service, to capitalise on the success of The Wrestler and because the fans wanted it a little. He will not have a long reign, he was not intended to unseat Nigel. I think anyone who follows ROH regularly knows Tyler is being groomed for that honour, he is STILL holding onto an anywhere, anytime title shot and he was the one that came closest in the past, just he isn't quuiiiite there yet, so he's seasoning himself against Dragon, the American Wolves, Aries and Jimmy.

If Nigel wasn't carrying more injuries than Kurt Angle he wouldn't have lost the title to Lynn, just he needed to be beaten by someone and he was scheduled a defence against Lynn and one against KENTA and they couldn't give it to KENTA could they? Nigel would likely have held the belt up until or just short of Joe's reign and then Tyler would have unseated him on PPV, I almost guarantee that. Most ROH title shots are granted within a couple of weeks, yet Tyler's held onto that for 2 months now like it was the Money In The Bank briefcase.

As for the general criticism of ROH, well whoever said they're losing money and selling out their fans... that's just plain ******ed. Where are they getting the money for their increased production values, roster size and oh.... I don't know... a weekly tv show? Their attendance levels are higher than ever and the product is at the best it's been. I have shows from 2003 onwards and watching the older ones now is just boring, every match went 20 minutes, the crowds were pathetic, it looked like someone had produced it in their basement.

But anyway, TNA put their belt on Mick Foley and the WWE have both of their belts on the same show, Lynn isn't THAT bad an option. Everyone and their wives know that Nigel only dropped the belt because he was hurt and did well to have not been forced to do so up till now. There's a reason the fans chanted THANK YOU NIGEL when he lost, he was the ace of the company for his entire reign and gave us more consistantly good matches than any champion in recent memory.

Jerry Lynn is the short term solution, that belt will not be on his waist by Final Battle.

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