A Bad Crowd

Draven Filth

Dark Match Jobber
So i went to lockdown last night, I loved the matches but the fact that the crowd was dead (at least my area) utterly sucked the fun right out of me...Honestly someone would've had to die in order to get a reaction from those people. I saw the spot with aj/christian going off the ladder, and i was the only one who was standing in amazment. It was like i was with a bunch of old people.

Has anyone else ever had that kind of experience with a crowd
I've never had that experience but I've seen a crowd that was dead. I used to go to a local promotion and only us few who knew who those local wrestlers were would cheer or boo them. then the crowd would follow.
oh damn a dead crowd ive seen a few on tv and it ruined the atmosphere even when i was only watching

there have been times i watched raw and a guy would fuck up a move nobody would boo him or anything and sometimes i expect people to cheer like hell for a guys entrance and all you get is silence

sometimes when mid card wrestlers do a really athletic and amazing move you get a few holy shit chants i mean ever so light chants and im sitting thinking wtf that was spectacular

other times you get the usual babyface entrance that gets a loud cheer from the kids for 20 seconds then dies out because they got bored squealing
or you get the occasional town that has decent fans and just boo the hell out of crap wrestlers and babyfaces and holy shit chant great moves
yeah, my crowd was utterly dead (again, it may have just been my section) But its pretty bad when my section is the only one NOT chanting holy shit or that was awsome when aj/christian fell of the ladder.
Ive only ever been to one wrestling event. No Mercy in 99 when they came to manchester. And I was only 9 so I dont remember it much, plus I fell asleep so I dont think my dad wants to waste money on it again lol.

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