911 Terrorist or Government Strike


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Was 911 really an attack on our great nation by a Terrorist group? Or was it something more? According to former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura 911 was a False Flag attack. A Covert Operation designed to deceive the public in such a way that they are being carried out by other entities. In 1961 the Government proposed to President Kennedy that this Covert Operation be put into effect to give the people the misconception that Cuba was attacking us thus giving us a reson to declare war but Kennedy refused. Is it possible that the same thing occurred in 2001? Could President Bush have not chosen the path of just saying no like Kennedy and approved this False Flag attack to give a reason for America to play with its big guns and attack Afghanistan,Iraq etc. If this is true it is a horrible horrible travesty. Hundreds of lives lost on those planes. Thousands of lives lost in the buildings and thousands more in a war that may not have ever had to happen in the first place. If this is true it makes me sad to be an american. Living under a government that would sink to such lows for such unnecessary reasons. What are your thoughts on this subject? Was 911 a Terrorist attack? Or a Government issued False Flag Attack.

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