Bill Lesnar

Occasional Pre-Show
today marks the 719th day that Bill Lesnar has been a prisoner on wrestlezone forums. 719 days. Bill Lesnar keeps on making history. Bill lesnar believes he shares this record with Jenks, however Bill Lesnar made the first post.

719 days

The mad man is back. I picture you looking something like Lattimer from The Program.

How long were you gone again?

Unfortunately I know it wasn't as long as you promised this last time.

How many times do I have to say I don't give a shit what you say before you just stop stalking me. Clearly you are not smart, not funny, and an overall real life loser. If you want me to care about you do something that doesn't make me think your not some stay at home with mommy, *********e to gay old men loser. Until then please just fuck off.
How many times do I have to say I don't give a shit what you say before you just stop stalking me.

Of course you don't, that is why didn't get your panties in a bunch and respond with a bunch of dreadful insults.
Clearly you are not smart, not funny, and an overall real life loser.

If I claimed the death of a loved one would it make up for all of this? Maybe I could use pity to make up for my lack of charm.
If you want me to care about you do something that doesn't make me think your not some stay at home with mommy, *********e to gay old men loser.

You already care about me and I don;t see why what I *********e to is any worse than anything else. Do you have a problem with homosexuals?

Until then please just fuck off.

You know there is a simple way to get rid of me. You could try leaving.
Of course you don't, that is why didn't get your panties in a bunch and respond with a bunch of dreadful insults.

Hahaha. Just cause I don't care what you say doesn't mean I don't care that you're saying things at all. All I "care" about is getting you to shut up and move on to embarassing yourself somewhere else.

If I claimed the death of a loved one would it make up for all of this? Maybe I could use pity to make up for my lack of charm.

If only you had loved ones:rolleyes:

You already care about me and I don;t see why what I *********e to is any worse than anything else. Do you have a problem with homosexuals?

Yes, Yes I do have a problem with them.

You know there is a simple way to get rid of me. You could try leaving.

How about you try this? Clearly it hasn't worked for me but you clearly are so much better than me.....:lmao:
I wouldn't pick a fight with SNS, Macios. It's a losing battle. He's already made you say that you're homophobic and it'll only get worse.
Your defense for being a bigot is really that others are bigots too? :lmao:

No, my point was that being homophobic should not be considered a minority and something that should be chastised. Me saying that I am in the majority was simply to contradict replensihed artist's opinion that you getting me to admit that I am homophobic is a problem. It really doesn't matter considering a lot of people are.

And I don't even need to show you the countless examples of people being justified because they are in a majority do I? I would hate to have to use facts that you wouldn't comprehend...

Plus it's typical of you to bring up absolutely nothing new to a debate and simply put :lmao: next to what you say thinking it'll make everything you say seem like it's the truth and my opinion is dumb.

You realize that you have been the one coming into the Prison to try and pester me and YOU are the one coming in here defending your topic. If you think i'm so moronic and idiotic then I don't see why you keep coming back and wasting your time with someone so below you..... I'm stuck here, you come in to argue for the fun of it....
No, my point was that being homophobic should not be considered a minority and something that should be chastised.

Do you honestly believe that only minorities deserve to be chastised?

Me saying that I am in the majority was simply to contradict replensihed artist's opinion that you getting me to admit that I am homophobic is a problem. It really doesn't matter considering a lot of people are.

A lot of people are rapists and murderers too.

And I don't even need to show you the countless examples of people being justified because they are in a majority do I? I would hate to have to use facts that you wouldn't comprehend...

I don't need a countless amount. Just give me fifty times that prejudice against a type of race, gender, or sexual orientation has been unarguably justified and beneficiary.
Plus it's typical of you to bring up absolutely nothing new to a debate and simply put :lmao: next to what you say thinking it'll make everything you say seem like it's the truth and my opinion is dumb.

The problem is my comment was the truth, which is backed up by your own comments, and your opinion really is dumb.

You realize that you have been the one coming into the Prison to try and pester me and YOU are the one coming in here defending your topic. If you think i'm so moronic and idiotic then I don't see why you keep coming back and wasting your time with someone so below you..... I'm stuck here, you come in to argue for the fun of it....

If I didn't speak to those far below me, I would have no conversations. I am not so selfish that I would keep that from the world. And I actually come to the prison to look for Bill Lesnar sightings and the occasional amusing comment from Jenks. It just so happens that I keep running into your hypocritical or just plain awful posts that are near impossible not to correct.
Do you honestly believe that only minorities deserve to be chastised?

I believe that miniorities are indeed what should be chastised the most. Of course there are problems with mainstream ideals however I truly believe that if the world thought in a majority then the world would be a better place.

A lot of people are rapists and murderers too.

Not a majority.

I don't need a countless amount. Just give me fifty times that prejudice against a type of race, gender, or sexual orientation has been unarguably justified and beneficiary.

Unarguably? Is anything unarguable? I think not.

The problem is my comment was the truth, which is backed up by your own comments, and your opinion really is dumb.

So you just admitted that your truth is backed up by dumb opinion?

If I didn't speak to those far below me, I would have no conversations. I am not so selfish that I would keep that from the world. And I actually come to the prison to look for Bill Lesnar sightings and the occasional amusing comment from Jenks. It just so happens that I keep running into your hypocritical or just plain awful posts that are near impossible not to correct.

I kind of figured nobody would talk to you in real life.
So being homophobic is bad?

Yes, you shouldn't even need to pose the question.

I'd say the majority of the world is. Just some louder than others.

OK, but understand that's merely supposing. Besides majority view doesn't necessarily equate to right. Being homophobic means disliking gay people based solely on the understanding that they are gay. That's irrational and should be averted, if possible, as a mode of thought.

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