6'9 Diva coming to WWE, Signs Contract

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Shucky Ducky Quack Quack
Independent worker Isis the Amazon has been spotted at the Florida Championship Wrestling facility in Tampa lately which has some leading to believe she is on her way to agreeing to a WWE developmental contract. I have heard she's signed but it's worth noting Isis is 6'9 and 23-years-old. She's been wrestling since June 2008 and cites Joanie "Chyna" Laurer as a role model.sis the Amazon sitting at the table where trainer Norman Smiley usually does his work. I'm told she looked larger than 6'9 (as she was wearing heels) and went backstage when people began taking pictures of her.


Hopefully she is actually talented, This will be like the Awesome Kong of WWE. My first reaction is Holy Crap.Wonder what kind of storyline of dominance WWE will give her.

Have you ever saw her preform is she any good?

Post any thoughts here.
Holy crud,
shes like another Chyna.
She's probaly going to make an impact like the Great Khali did (Untill he turned playboy) and probaly rush her way to the top of the Diva game.

She looks HUUGE.
Holy shit! She is HUGE! I haven't heard of her until this. I don't think she is an Awesome Kong for WWE, but BIGGER! LOL!

AND I can't see her all that great on the pic, but she almost looks like she might be kinda hot! But that remains to be seen.

If she has even a small amount of talent, WWE would push her through the roof I think. GOD, I can't get over how big she is! Crazy!

EDIT: Here is a vid

This is going to be one epic signing by the WWE, IF she is talented. I mean her vs. Beth Phoenix would be a feud that would take the divas division to another heights and take us away from the usual LayCool thing.

Also, Beth Phoenix would look like a KID in front of her. :p
This is what WWE needs to make one step closer to a respectable Diva's division...that is if she can actually wrestle. Based on her size I'd say that she looks like she'll do wonders in the ring for WWE. The diva's division headlined by her, Beth, Gail, Natalya, and Tamina, doesn't sound too bad.
This is what WWE needs to make one step closer to a respectable Diva's division...that is if she can actually wrestle. Based on her size I'd say that she looks like she'll do wonders in the ring for WWE. The diva's division headlined by her, Beth, Gail, Natalya, and Tamina, doesn't sound too bad.

If only The WWE used Gail and Natalya right, hah.
By the time she debuts her wrestling might not be the greatest but shes going to pass those to in no doubt, WWE does love giant things, we've learned that from the past.
I'm sorry but she wont do anything. No one watches the WWE for women's wrestling and she isn't going to add anything. If she comes in on Raw or Smackdown she will be pushed right away as a side show monster, then once any hype from that fades she will be booked up with The Great Khali in some way.

You wait and see, I bet that last part happens.
EDIT: Here is a vid

Beth Pheonix eat your heart out. Really if this girl comes into WWE she will have to win every single match she is in, because no one in the crowd will believe for a second anyone in the divas division will beat her.

If she is pushed that way and is actually physically powerful shell have a very strong argument for being able to wrestle in the mens devision, especially considering she is taller than the majority of them men in it.
WWE would be idiots to not sign her. I haven't seen her wrestle, but she looks likeshe could draw big. She definatly could be a dominant force. If they utalize her right, I see amazing things.
I'm sorry but she wont do anything. No one watches the WWE for women's wrestling and she isn't going to add anything. If she comes in on Raw or Smackdown she will be pushed right away as a side show monster, then once any hype from that fades she will be booked up with The Great Khali in some way.

You wait and see, I bet that last part happens.

Or Santino... That guys been with more Divas on screen than Batista was backstage
She's an inch shorter than Big Show, the woman could easily win Intercontinental Gold if not even World Championship in a couple of years, i mean you can't possibly tell me that CM Punk or even Jericho would look legitimate beating a person her size ever and she seems to be able to wrestle and talk and they gave the title to Khali so why the hell not to her if she's good enough? The possibilities are pretty exciting to be fair.
Sucks this is in the spam zone. Oh well.

Anyway, I'm excited for this. If they use her right, they might bring some credibility back to the women's division. And maybe, we might get some mix-matching. If this chick is 6'9, she'll look like she'll be able to contend with some of the men. It would be silly if none of the men even acknowledged her existence, or if they made her weaker than people like Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, or even Rey Mysterio.
I hope she gets a Big (no pun intended) Push like Chyna. WWE could use Chyna 2.0 I think a muscular woman that tall could be a legitimate main eventer. I mean for christ sake she's only a few inches shorter than the Great Khali
They'll never be able to use her as a credible wrestler because of her size, hell they don't even use the talented females they have in the division right. She'll be in a love triangle with Santino & Khali with hornswoggle as her son !!!
Since I wasn't a fan of Kong, I doubt I'll be a fan of her. Tallented or not, and she's probably not.

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