63 Sonic the Hedgehog -v - Deus Ex 66


  • Sonic

  • Deus Ex

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Two games released 10 years apart, both regarded as one of the greatest of all time. Who wins? You decide!

Sonic has my support here because of loads of nostalgia, great gameplay, good music, and many memorable moments. I can't quite say the same for Deus Ex which I never quite got into. Even the Labyrinth Zone of Sonic was more enjoyable, and anyone who has ever endured the Labyrinth Zone (or Scrap Brain Zone level 3....) knows exactly how much this statement speaks for itself. Sonic for the win here, it's the better of the two.
I absolutely love Sonic, he's probably my favorite video game mascot of all time.

I'm not going to lie, I haven't even heard of Deus Ex, but it definitely sounds like a pretty sweet game.

That said, Sonic carried Sega for a long time, until they were outdone by better companies. Without Sonic, Sega would have been nothing. Furthermore, Sonic is probably the third most recognizable video game icon of all time, second only to Mario and Pac Man.

I could go on and on about Sonic all day here, but I'll save that for another round. Sonic gets my vote.
Deus Ex ALL FUCKING DAY and twice on Sunday please. To this day still the best video game I've ever played, ever. Everything about it from the story to the graphics, the gameplay, the mechanics, to the character design was just about perfect. And man the STORY...oh man, it's a cyberpunk opus of epic proportions and one that any gamer is bound to fall in love with quickly. Right next to maybe a few of the Final Fantasy games, this is in my opinion the absolute finest that storytelling in video games gets.

Sonic, great platformer. It was never quite on the top echelon though with Mario, always seemed to fall short. I loved the games, but none of them ever had even a fraction of the impact on me as Deus Ex did.

A vote for Deus Ex is a vote for the very idea of video games as art. Give 'er that vote, I implore you.
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