5ko booking #3: Summerslam 2014


Wrestlezones Top Heel
The One's point of view
I know it is too early to know and only time will tell.But in your opinion what should the card look like and or what do you think it will look like.

5k booking : What should the card) look like :

mine is Reigns º vs. Triple H (if HHH loses he retires)
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. ºBrock Lesnar vs. John Cena vs. Batista (WWE title)
IC/US title unification ladder match (Cesaro º (IC c),Ambrose(US c/Mr.MITB),Swagger,Ryback,Wyatt(mr.MITB),Rollins,RVD,Rhodes)
Christian vs. Goldust º (loser retires)
The Uso's (c) vs. Harper/Rowan ( vs. Ziggler/Mizº (tag titles)
Randy Orton º vs. Kane (face) (Kane calls out a member of The Authority Randy accepts,After Orton wins they shake hands turning Randy face)
Sheamus (heel) vs. Big E º
Show vs. Russevº (Resident Giant torch passing)

(by the way grade my catchphrase while your at it A- F
Now it's your turn
My Summerslam 2014 Card:
- WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan(c) vs. Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman - Lesnar is destined to be booked into the title scene at some point in 2014 & Bryan is beyond a shadow of a doubt the man who should be carrying the torch for WWE into the future. What a great story would it be if after fighting off The Authority for almost a year & truly capturing the WWE Title once & for all, Bryan's first real test as Champion is the man who loves to hurt people, the monster who loves to massacre, The Beast Incarnate: Brock Lesnar! & on the one year anniversary of winning his 1st WWE Championship, Daniel Bryan retains against Lesnar & finally proves that he is the true face of the WWE!
- No DQ: Roman Reigns vs. Triple H w/The Authority (Stephanie McMahon & Corporate Kane) with Special Guest Referee: Mr. McMahon - It's been rumored as a back-up for Mania XXX but Summerslam 2014 should be the big coming out party for Roman Reigns as a huge star & a big main event singles win over Triple H should do the trick. Also I really like the idea/image of Vince counting the 1-2-3 on his own son in-law & then VKM raising Roman's hand in victory while standing over a fallen HHH.
- John Cena vs. Big E - I can't say that there are too many feuds or match-ups left involving John Cena that I would really care to see but Cena/Big E actually really appeals to me for some reason. It has that old school Hogan/Warrior feel where it is the battle of these two epic giants that are very similar but basically polar opposites at the same time. Only issue being that Big E should pick up the win & preferably a clean win.
- Last Man Standing Match: Randy Orton vs. Cesaro - Cesaro's star is on the rise & I hope to see his push gain a lot of momentum in 2014. His main event match with Randy on SD was awesome & I think a feud between to the two culminating at Summerslam in some sort of Street Fight/Falls Count Anywhere/etc. match (I went with LMS because I thought it would fit their styles the best) would be epic!
- U.S. Championship: Dean Ambrose(c) vs. Chris Jericho - Yup that's right, I think Ambrose should still be the U.S. Champion come Summerslam 2014. In fact I think he should not only score an upset victory over Reigns & Rollins at Mania to keep the title but also then retain at Summerslam against Y2J in a rather high profile match. LONGEST REIGNING US CHAMPION EVER!
- Batista vs. Bray Wyatt - There aren't that many high profile babyfaces left for Bray to work with now since he is seemingly in a feud with Cena already, Punk's gone & he already worked with Bryan. I think the next logical big feud for both Bray & Batista (since I think Batista/Lesnar is being saved for Mania 31) is with each other. I'd have Bray score an "upset" victory to continue his push to the moon.
- Battle Royal for the I.C. Championship: Seth Rollins(c) vs. Damien Sandow vs. Jack Swagger w/Zeb Colter vs. Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Christian vs. Mark Henry vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Fandango w/Summer Rae vs. Alexander Rusev w/Lana - I see Reigns taking the IC title off of Big E shortly after Mania but then someone like Rollins stealing a win over Reigns for the title shortly before Summerslam to set up Reigns for his first big main event match. I'd have Rollins retain at Summerslam for a somewhat lengthy title reign before a guy like Sandow finally takes the title down the road.
- Ladder Match: Sami Zayn vs. Rob Van Dam - Sami Zayn deserves a great debut & I would love to see him debut around MitB, form a feud with the once again returning RVD & score a big win over him at Summerslam.
- [Kick-Off Show] Tag Team Turmoil Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships: Luke Harper & Erick Rowan(c) vs. The Usos vs. Rybaxel vs. The Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler & The Miz vs. R-Truth & Xavier Woods vs. Los Matadores w/El Torito vs. 3MB - I can see The Usos taking the tag titles from The New Age Outlaws at EC or WM but losing them rather quickly to The Wyatt Family. The Wyatt's are being pushed heavily right now & a solid tag title reign backing up Bray could work well. I would have The Usos chase for awhile & finally win the tag titles back at Summerslam.
Usos vs ziggler and miz vs outlaws
Goldust vs Cody 2
Cesaro vs swagger
Big e vs reigns(reigns first individual title )
Bray vs cena
Triple h vs Bryan (if Bryan wins he gets a title shot)
Bryan vs lesnar (d Bryan wins title)
WWE Championship - Danial Bryan (champion) VS Batista

Cesaro Vs John Cena

Roman Reins vs Brock Lesner w/ Rock as special Ref. (start of a Rock/Lesner feud)

The Usos vs Ziggler/Miz vs Ambros/Rollins tag team championship

Sting Vs Randy Orton (Icon vs Legend Killer)

Big E vs Ryback

A.J. Lee vs (insert generic Diva here)
Daniel Bryan (C) VS John Cena -WWE Championship-

Randy Orton (Face) VS Triple H (Heel) (If Orton wins HHH retires)

Batista VS Brock Lesnar -No Holds Barred-

Big E Langston (C) VS Mark Henry -IC Championship-

Roman Reigns (C) VS The Big Show -US Championship-

Tamina (C) VS Charlotte (NXT Breakout Star) -Diva Championship-

Chris Jericho VS Bray Wyatt
Batista vs Brock Lesnar would be a great fit for summer slam
Roman Reigns vs a heel Big E Langston
Champion Daniel Bryan vs a Heel John Cena
HHH vs Orton with a stipulation
CM PUNK vs Seth Rollins for number #1 contender
This is a start or a blue print for a solid card in my opinon
World Title
Batista (c) vs Daniel Bryan. Batista has turned heel and is now with The Authority.

Last Man Standing
Bray Wyatt vs John Cena

IC/US Title - Ladder Match
Dean Ambrose (c) vs Roman Reigns. Ambrose has won a unification match against Reigns due to interference from Rollins. Reigns gets his rematch.

No. 1 Contenders Match
Randy Orton vs Cesaro

Luke Harper/Erick Rowan(c) vs The Uso's.

Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus

Women's Title
Diva Battle Royal
By the time Summerslam comes the Shield members will be fighting other wrestlers and moving up the ranks.
Brock Lesnar vs Batista - Street Fight.

Daniel Bryan {C} vs Triple H - WWE Championship with Vince McMahon as the special guest referee.

Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt - No.1 Contenders match for the WWE Championship.

The Authority {Randy Orton and John Cena} vs Antonio Cesaro and Cody Rhodes.

Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam vs Rey Mysterio - Triple Threat Career Threatening match.

Big E {IC} vs Dean Ambrose {US} vs Seth Rollins vs Jack Swagger vs Kofi Kingston vs Sheamus - Six Pac Challenge match to unifiled the IC and US titles.

Dolph Ziggler and The Miz vs The Usos {C} - Tag Team Championship

AJ Lee {C} vs Eva Marie - Divas Championship.

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