5 Things TNA Needs to Fix to Compete With WWE...


The Rock vs HBK can still happen...
1) bring back the 6 sided ring.

TNA needs to DIFFERENTIATE themselves from the WWE, and bringing back the 6 sided ring is one of the best ways to go about it.

2) put MAJOR focus on their own HOMEGROWN talent.

in all honesty, TNA has the BETTER in ring WRESTLING talent than the WWE. guys like STYLES, SAMOA JOE, CHRISTOPHER DANIELS, AUSTIN ARIES, BOBBY ROODE, JAMES STORM, MOTOR CITY, KAZARIAN ------these guys are TNA through and through, and every single one of them can put on one hell of a WRESTLING match. you put in any combination of these guys against each other and you're guaranteed at least a **** match.


how many ACTIVE guys in the WWE can boast this? honestly, not much---the main guys who can go are PUNK, ORTON, JERICHO, ZIGGLER, CHRISTIAN and.....that's about it.

TNA clearly has the advantage as far as the IN RING product is concerned. so, obviously TNA, you need to put more EMPHASIS on your WRESTLING, which brings me to number 3:

3) STOP trying to be WWE!!! TNA needs to stop copying WWE with too much backstage skits and bullshit storylines. just focus on the WRESTLING. sure, have some minor storylines going to get a feud heating up, but don't go OVERBOARD with stories that include kane-like superpowers or hidden camera BS. just put MAJOR EMPHASIS on the WRESTLING. be different. if wrestling fans want soap opera-like storylines, have them watch WWE. if wrestling fans want to watch WRESTLING, then watch TNA.

oh, and enough of these 'no contests and non-finishers and screwy finishers' to a match. bobby roode's title run has been PLAGUED by screwy endings. i know you're trying to establish his character as a conniving heel, but have a satisfying end to a match for once!! matches can have screwy endings, but do it sporadically and creatively!! bully ray interferring in a world title match whipping everyone, even the ref, with a chain is NOT creative!!!! its just STUPID!!!

4) continue to emphasize the KNOCKOUTS division.

i like how TNA actually cares about the women's division and i like how their matches actually last longer than 2 minutes. knockouts get quality air time on IMPACT and their matches are 10X better than any of WWE's POOR excuse for a diva's match . (how many times do we have to see kelly kelly vs the bella twins?!!) the women of TNA can actually WRESTLE and look good. that knockouts cage match the other week was GREAT. never seen a cage diva's match in WWE before. keep doing this TNA.


WTF TNA !!! why are these guys getting BURIED and UNDER-utilized??!!!! these are your BEST talent and they are BARELY on TV!!! these guys should be a MAJOR part of the show EVERY week and EVERY PPV!!!! but they're NOT!!!!! RIDICULOUS!!!! why is AJ jobbing to GUNNER??? why is JOE jobbing to crimson??!!
they are in their prime, they kick ass in the ring, the fans love them-------so USE THEM!!!!

use the ex-WWE talent like ANGLE, ANDERSON, RVD, HARDY wisely, they shouldn't be the main focal point of the product. but they should only be used to ELEVATE the HOMEGROWN TNA talent. build NEW STARS!!!! don't rely on the WWE to make the stars TNA-----MAKE YOUR OWN DAMMIT!!!!

ok that is all
In my opinion, the best thing TNA can do to be successful is to NOT try and compete with wwe but offer a different type of product.

Lets be honest, wwe is no longer a wrestling company, but a multimedia company with a wrestling theme, tna could do well appealing to old school fans ( and I mean pre attitude era ) and ensuring the main focus is always the in ring action rather than half baked seen it all before storylines.
1) bring back the 6 sided ring.

TNA needs to DIFFERENTIATE themselves from the WWE, and bringing back the 6 sided ring is one of the best ways to go about it.

2) put MAJOR focus on their own HOMEGROWN talent.

in all honesty, TNA has the BETTER in ring WRESTLING talent than the WWE. guys like STYLES, SAMOA JOE, CHRISTOPHER DANIELS, AUSTIN ARIES, BOBBY ROODE, JAMES STORM, MOTOR CITY, KAZARIAN ------these guys are TNA through and through, and every single one of them can put on one hell of a WRESTLING match. you put in any combination of these guys against each other and you're guaranteed at least a **** match.


how many ACTIVE guys in the WWE can boast this? honestly, not much---the main guys who can go are PUNK, ORTON, JERICHO, ZIGGLER, CHRISTIAN and.....that's about it.

TNA clearly has the advantage as far as the IN RING product is concerned. so, obviously TNA, you need to put more EMPHASIS on your WRESTLING, which brings me to number 3:

3) STOP trying to be WWE!!! TNA needs to stop copying WWE with too much backstage skits and bullshit storylines. just focus on the WRESTLING. sure, have some minor storylines going to get a feud heating up, but don't go OVERBOARD with stories that include kane-like superpowers or hidden camera BS. just put MAJOR EMPHASIS on the WRESTLING. be different. if wrestling fans want soap opera-like storylines, have them watch WWE. if wrestling fans want to watch WRESTLING, then watch TNA.

oh, and enough of these 'no contests and non-finishers and screwy finishers' to a match. bobby roode's title run has been PLAGUED by screwy endings. i know you're trying to establish his character as a conniving heel, but have a satisfying end to a match for once!! matches can have screwy endings, but do it sporadically and creatively!! bully ray interferring in a world title match whipping everyone, even the ref, with a chain is NOT creative!!!! its just STUPID!!!

4) continue to emphasize the KNOCKOUTS division.

i like how TNA actually cares about the women's division and i like how their matches actually last longer than 2 minutes. knockouts get quality air time on IMPACT and their matches are 10X better than any of WWE's POOR excuse for a diva's match . (how many times do we have to see kelly kelly vs the bella twins?!!) the women of TNA can actually WRESTLE and look good. that knockouts cage match the other week was GREAT. never seen a cage diva's match in WWE before. keep doing this TNA.


WTF TNA !!! why are these guys getting BURIED and UNDER-utilized??!!!! these are your BEST talent and they are BARELY on TV!!! these guys should be a MAJOR part of the show EVERY week and EVERY PPV!!!! but they're NOT!!!!! RIDICULOUS!!!! why is AJ jobbing to GUNNER??? why is JOE jobbing to crimson??!!
they are in their prime, they kick ass in the ring, the fans love them-------so USE THEM!!!!

use the ex-WWE talent like ANGLE, ANDERSON, RVD, HARDY wisely, they shouldn't be the main focal point of the product. but they should only be used to ELEVATE the HOMEGROWN TNA talent. build NEW STARS!!!! don't rely on the WWE to make the stars TNA-----MAKE YOUR OWN DAMMIT!!!!

ok that is all

LOL, HOMEGROWN talent in TNA? NOPE!! Lets remember once again, these guys started elsewhere, now, Styles, Joe, Daniels, etc, are great workers, but to say these guys are homegrown, once again. NOPE, they are not. Yes, they have been with TNA from their begining. As for the above said WWE guys that can go, umm, there are much more that can "GO" but WWE doesn't do that. I don't know if you have been paying attention lately, but OVW is now the breading ground for TNA. OVW was the ones who trained Cena, Orton, Ziggler, Punk spent some time there as well. Danny Davis knows his stuff, so creating new stars isn't going to be that hard, it's all how you push them.
That being said, I agree with Zeven_Zion, this is just a thread on what you want to see.
I always thought the six sided ring was wank.

Bobby Roode is Champion and James Storm is his greatest threat. I think AJ needs to slide down the card for a while, to generate sympathy and all that.

They're not really trying to be WWE though, they're just trying to be a wrestling company, TNA are proud of being a wrestling company at least and they embrace it. Its nice.

The Knockouts are fine as they are though, they cant show them that much more without impeding on the far more numerous males in the company.

Those guys are really benefitting from their current positions and most have had chances taken on them already. Not everyone was supposed to be a Main Event player, besides who's to say they cant get shunted right back up the card when necessary.
No. Just no!

1) The 6 sided ring makes them look amaturish. Not going to help in the slightest. It's a step back if anything.

2) Yes TNA does have the better in ring talent. But that doesn't mean they have to only use the guys who haven't made it in WWE. Guys like Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle are all better in the ring than the guys you've mentioned, barring maybe AJ Styles.

3) Wrestling is a soap opera! If you want just wrestling, watch ROH with the other 15 people who want just wrestling.

4) I couldn't really care less about the Knockouts, granted they're better than the divas but one match a show is one too many if you ask me. Womans wrestling sucks.

5) If you had a main event of AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and Kazarian, watch those ratings plummet. No one cares about these guys and none of them have interesting enough characters to warrant a spot in the main event. TNA would be much better served using guys that can evoke emotion from a crowd and wrestlers people care and know about. The likes of Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle, Bully Ray, Jeff Hardy and Sting are much better suited for main event roles than the guys you've listed.

TNA shouldn't give a shit about where someone has made their name or who has remained "loyal" to them. They should be using the guys that get fans invested in what they are doing. What's the biggest match TNA have ever held? What's the match that had the fans most invested? What's the match that had the entire arena rocking? Hulk Hogan vs. Sting! Not fricking AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels. A match no one gives a shit about.
This isn't 5 things they need to do in order to compete with the WWE, this is 5 things some fan wants to see. And if you truly believe any of that shit will actually turn them into competition then just tug on your nuts real hard until you black out. Waste of time.

Mark this is as spam if you feel like it. Shit thread, shit replies.

Precisely, I'm not sure how many times we've seen this thread from up and coming wrestling promotion Chairmen, but this is definitely a fan wish list. They both are wrestling programs but Impact Wrestling is NOT in competition with the WWE, they only think they are.

And keep that God damned six sided ring away from anything that could even be remotely considered wrestling, please.
I have to agree this is a wish list as well... Sorry but in no way possible will TNA ever b able to compete with WWE. Even Bischoff has stated they will never be able to compete.

And to say that WWE doesn't have the wrestling talent that TNA has, then ur only right on the women's division. WWE has some fantastic talent right now, but they r being under- utilized at the moment. People like Tyson Kidd are made to b jobbers because they make the rising superstar look good. Chavo did the same thing for them until he finally left, and you can't forget the talent in FCW. Many superstars have come from there and will continue to come from there. Unlike TNA, WWE knows how to breed new talent for the future of the company.

TNA should know their place and focus on the wrestling, but keep our attention with storylines enough that they don't become another ROH product. I love the talent of ROH, but I'm just more of a fan of the entertainment personally.
I think this is a credible topic to keep talking about on a regular basis. I think we can all remember when WWE and
WCW were head to head was the most exciting time in wrestling history. Austin you make some good points and keep them coming. Some of these guys on here as you can see have 1000-1500 posts on here and have seen it all. There best way for them to keep posting is belittling or acting like they have a clue how other people view wrestling. Nice Topic!!!!
NO! What TNA needs to do is get a time machine and go back to 2001, they were more exciting, high flying, hardcore and techniacally gifted. When they had their own talent and not picking up WWE has beens.
No. Just no!

1) The 6 sided ring makes them look amaturish. Not going to help in the slightest. It's a step back if anything.

2) Yes TNA does have the better in ring talent. But that doesn't mean they have to only use the guys who haven't made it in WWE. Guys like Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle are all better in the ring than the guys you've mentioned, barring maybe AJ Styles.

3) Wrestling is a soap opera! If you want just wrestling, watch ROH with the other 15 people who want just wrestling.

4) I couldn't really care less about the Knockouts, granted they're better than the divas but one match a show is one too many if you ask me. Womans wrestling sucks.

5) If you had a main event of AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and Kazarian, watch those ratings plummet. No one cares about these guys and none of them have interesting enough characters to warrant a spot in the main event. TNA would be much better served using guys that can evoke emotion from a crowd and wrestlers people care and know about. The likes of Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle, Bully Ray, Jeff Hardy and Sting are much better suited for main event roles than the guys you've listed.

TNA shouldn't give a shit about where someone has made their name or who has remained "loyal" to them. They should be using the guys that get fans invested in what they are doing. What's the biggest match TNA have ever held? What's the match that had the fans most invested? What's the match that had the entire arena rocking? Hulk Hogan vs. Sting! Not fricking AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels. A match no one gives a shit about.
lol no one gave a crap about hogan vs sting. The ppv buys were down by 20,000 and the ticket sales were down, and the ratings haven't moved one bit. You guys keep saying "Well these guys are draws dur dur!" Well Jeff, RVD, and angle haven't done s*** for the ratings or buys for the overall business. In fact, after Aj styles lost his world title, it went from a 1.2 rating to .5 rating the following impact. No one cares about these old out of shape wrestlers. They are pretty much a waste of money, especially rvd and angle.
NO, no, no no no no no no...did I mention NO!

Here's 5 things that realistically TNA could do to compete with WWE.

1: Find someone with deep enough pockets to compete with McMahon. WcW worked because Ted Turner was willing to put the money needed to compete.

2: Get a B-show. WWE had Heat/Velocity/etc WCW had Saturday Night and Thunder. TNA needs air Xplosion as a 1 hour show. Use it to teach the undercarders how to perform for the cameras.

3: Get an HD set. There's a reason why WWE sells, it's production values scream "big time" while TNA's scream "glorified minor league"

4: Lure any/all big time stars they can get. John Cena has a contract problem, SIGN HIM. Paul Heyman feels like coming over...SIGN HIM...star power draws money, not "quality technical wrestling"

5: Make the product safe while edgy. ECW/CZW are blood sports...not actual wrestling. No need to blade every time you breathe (right Ric Flair?) or use excessive weapons to the head. Instead, make the usage of weapons or blood emotional and significant.
The six-sided ring should only be used in a novelty match, such as a six sides of steel match or something.

Here are five things I see TNA needs to do to compete:

1. Get out of the Impact Zone. It does not look good to have 90% of the people in the audience looking bored or staring at the ramp, waiting for someone else. Start traveling locally for filming and slowly expand.

2. Change the company name. When you tell someone you watch TNA, the first they will think of will not be wrestling. It will open doors for more investors and business opportunities.

3. Better marketing strategy. Make a monthly budget and market your product accordingly. Get spots in WWE programming that show the faces of guys like Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and Sting while showing your TNA guys wrestling them. Pique the interest of the "casual" fan.

4. Bigger is better. This is professional wrestling. Make your stage, your sound, your production all bigger and louder. Presentation is everything in wrestling and what TNA has right now just isn't cutting it. Step it up

5. Build a John Cena. You need a young guy that the Lenos, the Conans and so on and so forth will clamor to get on their shows. You need that 'face' of the company that is not a former WWE/WcW guy. For example: If Kurt Angle gets an invite to Jimmy Fallon, have him bring James Storm with him and let Storm steal the show. Get people talking about that guy. Have Hogan bring Crimson. Have Sting bring Matt Morgan. Raise awareness for the product and the great talent of TNA.
lol no one gave a crap about hogan vs sting. The ppv buys were down by 20,000 and the ticket sales were down, and the ratings haven't moved one bit. You guys keep saying "Well these guys are draws dur dur!" Well Jeff, RVD, and angle haven't done s*** for the ratings or buys for the overall business. In fact, after Aj styles lost his world title, it went from a 1.2 rating to .5 rating the following impact. No one cares about these old out of shape wrestlers. They are pretty much a waste of money, especially rvd and angle.

I take it you didn't actually watch that match because the crowd was going ape shit for Hogan, proving they did care. The match also had what is most likely the biggest pop in TNA history when Hogan ripped his shirt off and 'Hulked Up'. I'm not going to pretend I know about PPV buys, because I don't, plus I didn't think TNA even released that sort of information? Tickets were down? I'm pretty sure the attendance at BFG11 is TNA's biggest (barring when they come to England for house shows)? TNA also had their highest rating in history when Hogan debuted and the show after BFG (featuring the fallout from Hogan vs. Sting) was their second highest I believe? Did you just make up that bit about AJ losing the Title and the rating dropping to 0.5 the next episode? I think you did. The rating dropped when they moved to Monday nights. Yea you're right, the best wrestler in the world is a waste of money. How many people has Angle elevated and made more credible since he's been in TNA? Think about that. He's even doing it as we speak with James Storm. Storm wouldn't be getting over as well as he is if he was feuding with someone like Samoa Joe or Christopher Daniels.
NO! What TNA needs to do is get a time machine and go back to 2001, they were more exciting, high flying, hardcore and techniacally gifted. When they had their own talent and not picking up WWE has beens.

You mean when their roster consisted of 60% "WWE has beens" and 40% shitty indy talent? You do realize that "the TNA of old" had more former WWE/WCW talent than it does now, right? Remember who their Champions were? Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock, Raven, Ron Killings (a.k.a K-Kwik) and at one point Rhino.

Hell, even AJ Styles was not a "TNA guy" back then. He came straight from wCw.

If TNA in 2001 was so damn good, how come they lost one of their biggest sponsors and needed Panda Energy to save their asses?
6 sided ring? no, please no. this is professional wrestling. that should always be done in a 4 sided ring.

it doesn't matter if TNA has the absolute best in ring wrestlers in the history of forever. if your general viewers on TV don't know they are, it's not going to matter. names help, even someone like Scott Steiner has a place on a televised wrestling program.

I sometimes really don't think enough people realize what TNA Impact Wrestling is. it's a TV show first, with wrestling. story lines/promos are just as important as any in ring wrestling.

there are numerous things TNA needs to do.
I agree with this down here..
The six-sided ring should only be used in a novelty match, such as a six sides of steel match or something.

Here are five things I see TNA needs to do to compete:

1. Get out of the Impact Zone. It does not look good to have 90% of the people in the audience looking bored or staring at the ramp, waiting for someone else. Start traveling locally for filming and slowly expand.

2. Change the company name. When you tell someone you watch TNA, the first they will think of will not be wrestling. It will open doors for more investors and business opportunities.

3. Better marketing strategy. Make a monthly budget and market your product accordingly. Get spots in WWE programming that show the faces of guys like Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and Sting while showing your TNA guys wrestling them. Pique the interest of the "casual" fan.

4. Bigger is better. This is professional wrestling. Make your stage, your sound, your production all bigger and louder. Presentation is everything in wrestling and what TNA has right now just isn't cutting it. Step it up

5. Build a John Cena. You need a young guy that the Lenos, the Conans and so on and so forth will clamor to get on their shows. You need that 'face' of the company that is not a former WWE/WcW guy. For example: If Kurt Angle gets an invite to Jimmy Fallon, have him bring James Storm with him and let Storm steal the show. Get people talking about that guy. Have Hogan bring Crimson. Have Sting bring Matt Morgan. Raise awareness for the product and the great talent of TNA.

I think agree more with 1 and 4.
make the entire show bigger, but also do shows in bigger arenas.

your always going to have your hard core wrestling fan that watches on a regular basis. there are way more casual viewers out there to be brought in.

one of the things TNA did when Hogan/Bischoff first arrived was go head to head on Monday nights. it didn't work, and IMO TNA should not be trying to air the same time as a much bigger well established wrestling program that a majority would rather watch just because of who/what it is.
but could TNA switch to another night o than Monday? I don't n specific numbers, but it seems TNA's biggest competition on Thursday nights is MTV's Jersey Shore at 10 PM. I've noticed for awhile now that the first hour of Impact gets better ratings than the 2nd hour. either change to another night from 9-11 or maybe even air on Thursday nights from 8-10? Mondays are out. WWE airs Smackdown on Friday right, so Friday is out. Sunday is out. Saturday would suck. one of Tuesday or Wednesday would be a better night?
You mean when their roster consisted of 60% "WWE has beens" and 40% shitty indy talent? You do realize that "the TNA of old" had more former WWE/WCW talent than it does now, right? Remember who their Champions were? Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock, Raven, Ron Killings (a.k.a K-Kwik) and at one point Rhino.

Hell, even AJ Styles was not a "TNA guy" back then. He came straight from wCw.

If TNA in 2001 was so damn good, how come they lost one of their biggest sponsors and needed Panda Energy to save their asses?

they werent has beens back then, they were still young.
Im not saying it was their greatest year, but it provided the best entertainment, with AJ pulling off insane spiral taps.
Back then, they were also extremely inovative and technical.
I haven't really noticed this myself but I've seen other people talk about the commentators, more specifically Mike Tenay. how he doesn't show much excitement at the proper times. maybe TNA needs to replace him with someone else?
Okay, let's think about this really hard. Is this thread really necessary? I swear, there's a new "What does TNA need to do to improve?" thread every other day. It's a little bit ridiculous.

TNA needs to just be TNA for awhile. They seem to be improving by letting Bobby Roode take the belt and run with it for awhile. They're doing a nice job of pushing the likes of Bully Ray and James Storm and they're making the X-Division relevant again.

How about we just see how things go for awhile instead of making these redundant threads everyday?
I think this is a credible topic to keep talking about on a regular basis. I think we can all remember when WWE and
WCW were head to head was the most exciting time in wrestling history. Austin you make some good points and keep them coming. Some of these guys on here as you can see have 1000-1500 posts on here and have seen it all. There best way for them to keep posting is belittling or acting like they have a clue how other people view wrestling. Nice Topic!!!!

Don't encourage him, this guy pulls these kinda bullshit threads outta his ass a few times a week. It's most certainly NOT a credible subject in the slightest; anyone from TNA fans to TNA wrestlers would tell you that.

There was a time that TNA thought it was in competition with WWE, so they gave a Monday night timeslot a chance. Remember how much that DIDN'T work out?

Hell, if you look at some of the headlines, you'll find that Janice Carter doesn't even like spending money on TNA. Mick Foley, Booker T, and Kevin Nash all dropped TNA like a bad habit this past year in order to go back to WWE.

The humanitarianism of your post was great; truly heartwarming that you tried to spare the OP's feelings. That is what you were doing, right? Or were you still dizzy from your spinaroonie?
This isn't 5 things they need to do in order to compete with the WWE, this is 5 things some fan wants to see. And if you truly believe any of that shit will actually turn them into competition then just tug on your nuts real hard until you black out. Waste of time.

Exactly. I wish people would just flat out say "Here's what I wish TNA would do..." instead of kidding themselves into thinking they have some billion dollar blueprint for TNA. It's all the same stuff over and over. Stuff they did in the past, that didn't work.

As far as TNA competing with WWE, that's unavoidable. They may not be very competitive now, but they're still competing. Both are on prime time TV, both are on PPV, both have live events, both sell merchandise. I know I'm not gonna spend close to 100$ a month for both a WWE AND a TNA PPV.

Most people who use the "Don't try to compete with WWE" refrain usually will argue for TNA to focus on "WRESTLING and not Sports Entertainment!!!" Which is pretty stupid in my opinion. I just don't understand who exactly would watch it. I'm not buying for a second that there are millions of wrestling fans on the sideline just waiting for a wrestling promotion with no story lines to pop up. Just an example of internet wrestling fans clamoring for a big league version of ROH or DG in my opinion.
lol no one gave a crap about hogan vs sting. The ppv buys were down by 20,000 and the ticket sales were down, and the ratings haven't moved one bit. You guys keep saying "Well these guys are draws dur dur!" Well Jeff, RVD, and angle haven't done s*** for the ratings or buys for the overall business. In fact, after Aj styles lost his world title, it went from a 1.2 rating to .5 rating the following impact. No one cares about these old out of shape wrestlers. They are pretty much a waste of money, especially rvd and angle.
Clearly you have no grasp of how the ratings systems work. If you did, you'd understand that those "lame" 1.2's they get does not mean they have the same viewers every week. You don't seem to had a childhood either because whoever wasn't even able to at least smile with a glee of joy after Sting and Hogan's beating of Immortal clearly never got to enjoy these two in their peak.

NO! What TNA needs to do is get a time machine and go back to 2001, they were more exciting, high flying, hardcore and techniacally gifted. When they had their own talent and not picking up WWE has beens.
I'd take your obviously wrong ideas seriously, but you don't even know when the company was founded. How's that foot taste deep in your mouth?

AustinHartLesnarHBKTaz80 said:
1) bring back the 6 sided ring.
What? Fuck that. Let's be really innovative. 5 sided ring. Let's wrestle in a pentagon. THAT should attract people.

TNA needs to DIFFERENTIATE themselves from the WWE, and bringing back the 6 sided ring is one of the best ways to go about it.
Right. Because people care about the shape of the ring. Just like MMA fan's cared about how UFC is in a cage and Pride wasn't. Wait, no one cared.

2) put MAJOR focus on their own HOMEGROWN talent.

in all honesty, TNA has the BETTER in ring WRESTLING talent than the WWE. guys like STYLES, SAMOA JOE, CHRISTOPHER DANIELS, AUSTIN ARIES, BOBBY ROODE, JAMES STORM, MOTOR CITY, KAZARIAN ------these guys are TNA through and through, and every single one of them can put on one hell of a WRESTLING match. you put in any combination of these guys against each other and you're guaranteed at least a **** match.

Derp derp. Apparently Robert Roode as World Champion and James Storm as a major challenger isn't enough. You want battle royals for the World title or something? I think there's enough talent in the main event. You know, the guys that people care about. You don't seem all that bright

Oh, so you're aware. 'Kay.

how many ACTIVE guys in the WWE can boast this? honestly, not much---the main guys who can go are PUNK, ORTON, JERICHO, ZIGGLER, CHRISTIAN and.....that's about it.
What in the fuck are you talking about?

TNA clearly has the advantage as far as the IN RING product is concerned. so, obviously TNA, you need to put more EMPHASIS on your WRESTLING, which brings me to number 3:

3) STOP trying to be WWE!!! TNA needs to stop copying WWE with too much backstage skits and bullshit storylines. just focus on the WRESTLING. sure, have some minor storylines going to get a feud heating up, but don't go OVERBOARD with stories that include kane-like superpowers or hidden camera BS. just put MAJOR EMPHASIS on the WRESTLING. be different. if wrestling fans want soap opera-like storylines, have them watch WWE. if wrestling fans want to watch WRESTLING, then watch TNA.
WHAT IN THE BLUE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! What hidden cameras? Everyone knows they are there. What backstage skits? They're promos. Kane-like superpowers? You really lost me there. It's been 2 years since Abyss got Hogan's ring. Do you even watch the fucking show?

oh, and enough of these 'no contests and non-finishers and screwy finishers' to a match. bobby roode's title run has been PLAGUED by screwy endings. i know you're trying to establish his character as a conniving heel, but have a satisfying end to a match for once!! matches can have screwy endings, but do it sporadically and creatively!! bully ray interferring in a world title match whipping everyone, even the ref, with a chain is NOT creative!!!! its just STUPID!!!
And the point of a PPV would be what if blow-off's happen on TV just as much? And I really doubt Bully Ray beating people up with his chain was supposed to be seen as "creative" shocking enough.
4) continue to emphasize the KNOCKOUTS division.

i like how TNA actually cares about the women's division and i like how their matches actually last longer than 2 minutes. knockouts get quality air time on IMPACT and their matches are 10X better than any of WWE's POOR excuse for a diva's match . (how many times do we have to see kelly kelly vs the bella twins?!!) the women of TNA can actually WRESTLE and look good. that knockouts cage match the other week was GREAT. never seen a cage diva's match in WWE before. keep doing this TNA.
I guess pigs can fly. You pointed out something that was correct.



WTF TNA !!! why are these guys getting BURIED and UNDER-utilized??!!!!
Because it's only a 2 hour show.
these are your BEST talent and they are BARELY on TV!!!
I prefer Storm, Angle and Hardy. Deeper characters and all that shit.
these guys should be a MAJOR part of the show EVERY week and EVERY PPV!!!! but they're NOT!!!!! RIDICULOUS!!!!
Because there is not enough space. Are you too stupid to notice?
why is AJ jobbing to GUNNER??? why is JOE jobbing to crimson??!!

Neither jobbed. Learn the meaning of the word.
they are in their prime, they kick ass in the ring, the fans love them-------so USE THEM!!!!
Well, TNA would. But so does James Storm and Hardy and such. Did I mention it's a 2 hour show? Maybe I should. People seem too stupid to notice.
use the ex-WWE talent like ANGLE, ANDERSON, RVD, HARDY wisely, they shouldn't be the main focal point of the product.

They should if they draw. Which... They do.

but they should only be used to ELEVATE the HOMEGROWN TNA talent. build NEW STARS!!!! don't rely on the WWE to make the stars TNA-----MAKE YOUR OWN DAMMIT!!!!
Righto. Roode beating Hardy and Storm beating Angle was clearly not an example of that. I give up.

ok that is all
Great. Now go ask your school for a refund.
Ok, so what does TNA need to do to compete with WWE? Let's start by not TRYING to compete with WWE. If it happens, it happens, but their main goal should be to try and get out of the red and into the black.

Next, what did the WWE, then F, have when they first had the National boom period. They had Hogan. Right, well TNA has Hogan. It's not the person that did it, it's the representation that mattered. TNA needs to pick a 'face of the company' and stock with it. It has to be a guy that people will pay to see. Decide on one, and stick to it.

TNA needs to stop with the 'throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' booking. Choose a path and stick with it. Yes, there will be uncontrollable factors that will come into play, but you need a direction.

The whole theory that they need a guy with deep pockets is BS. The guys that they have plenty of talent to get the job done. None of them need to be paid more. It isn't a mnoney issue at this point in terms of money that is going out. They need to find a way to bring money in.

Yes, TNA would be best served to offer something that isn't being offered elsewhere. Rebuild the X division. Use the Knockouts as wrestling and not eye candy.

The main thing is that they need to be patient.
TNA will never be able to compete with WWE or it's ratings,that's just how it is,they even brought in people that are BIGGER than the industry itself aka Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair.

They've brought in 2008-2009's Top Superstar for WWE Jeff Hardy & you can't argue with it,he was the most over Wrestler in 2008-2009 his fan reactions we're equal to Cena.

Again,they brought in Hulk Freakin' Hogan & they could only bring they're ratings to 1.0-1.4.

TNA needs to get off Spike to boost ratings to at least 2.0 or above,have better storylines,which they've been doing a solid performance with,& CHOOSE your FACE of the company,Hulk Hogan is too old to do it,so is Sting & Flair,have,I don't know,wrestlers that people actually pay attention to?

Christopher Daniels,Kazarian,James Storm,& AJ Styles are not premiere top faces,they will never be & never have,have Jeff Hardy or Bobby Roode be your "John Cena" of the company.
TheAllStarBlogger said:
TNA will never be able to compete with WWE or it's ratings,that's just how it is,they even brought in people that are BIGGER than the industry itself aka Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair.

They've brought in 2008-2009's Top Superstar for WWE Jeff Hardy & you can't argue with it,he was the most over Wrestler in 2008-2009 his fan reactions we're equal to Cena.

Again,they brought in Hulk Freakin' Hogan & they could only bring they're ratings to 1.0-1.4.

TNA needs to get off Spike to boost ratings to at least 2.0 or above,have better storylines,which they've been doing a solid performance with,& CHOOSE your FACE of the company,Hulk Hogan is too old to do it,so is Sting & Flair,have,I don't know,wrestlers that people actually pay attention to?
Now that is just stupid. Exactly what difference does it make to shift networks? Especially after Spike having established such a great relationship with TNA. Do people grasp how the fucking ratings work? Clearly they don't Because if they did, the'd know for TNA to get a 2.0 would require the genuine second coming of Jesus Christ Himself. And even that's a stretch. 1.2 is the average rating for TNA. Meaning 1.2% of Americana is tuning in to TNA. 1.2% of Americana chose TNA over a good 100 channels. Seriously, how many channels do you have? That is a lot of competition and it becomes greater when Baseball, Football, basketball or any other sport is on. In this day and age TNA getting steady 1.0's to 1.2's is great news. Think about it. Back in the 90's, having more than 60 channels meant you had a hacked box with free PPV and porn. Now you get that with a regular antenna. The margin of ratings has dropped radically. But of course, smart ass smarks think nothing of it. Maybe they aren't all that smart if they can't think with a bit of hindsight. Or logic.
Ok, so what does TNA need to do to compete with WWE? Let's start by not TRYING to compete with WWE. If it happens, it happens, but their main goal should be to try and get out of the red and into the black.

Next, what did the WWE, then F, have when they first had the National boom period. They had Hogan. Right, well TNA has Hogan. It's not the person that did it, it's the representation that mattered. TNA needs to pick a 'face of the company' and stock with it. It has to be a guy that people will pay to see. Decide on one, and stick to it.

TNA needs to stop with the 'throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' booking. Choose a path and stick with it. Yes, there will be uncontrollable factors that will come into play, but you need a direction.

The whole theory that they need a guy with deep pockets is BS. The guys that they have plenty of talent to get the job done. None of them need to be paid more. It isn't a mnoney issue at this point in terms of money that is going out. They need to find a way to bring money in.

Yes, TNA would be best served to offer something that isn't being offered elsewhere. Rebuild the X division. Use the Knockouts as wrestling and not eye candy.

The main thing is that they need to be patient.

What's going on here? Patient for what? Chapter 13 to file itself? Money is used for more than just paying wrestlers.

The knockouts are more wrestling orientated, remember the steel cage match they had? It was like, three days ago.

What do you mean by throwing shit at the wall? Immortal and Fortune, the rise to power of Bischoff and Hogan, that weird ranking system they used to determine who would face Angle at Bound for Glory... these were all very long term storylines. What kind of booking were you referring to?

I'm not just giving you shit (though mostly, I am) I'd really like to grasp a little more in-depth the points you're making.

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