5 Things That Need To Happen At WRESTLEMANIA 32!!!

That N Word

Actively evolving
I do threads on here haven't done them in a while) called 5 things. Tonight is WrestleMania and a lot of people aren't expecting much. But here's 5 things that need to happen to get fans into the event.

Roman Reigns turns heel - Initially I was against the turn but the boos are so bad it needs to happen. He's hated and not playfully hated like Cena or heel hated like Seth. He is genuinely hated. What needs to happen tonight is Reigns needs to Spear The Rock following his win over H. Maybe have HBK interfere to help Triple H and The Rock makes the save and we get a brawl between HBK and The Rock while Reigns finishes off Triple H for the win. Afterwards Rock raises Reigns hand up and does his top rope pose and gets down to a Spear. Reigns reasoning is The Rock trying to steal his spotlight.

Out with the old, In with the new- Which means with the rumors of the new Women's title debuting. What needs to happen is Sasha Banks winning and cutting a Promo about not being a Diva but a Women's wrestler before throwing the Divas Title in the trash and have Snoop Dogg give her the New Women's Title.

Leap of Faith We seen that Shane can still take mega bumps on Raw last week. So Shane can get thrown off the cell by Taker or jump off the cell to put Taker through the announce table. I would have The Wyatt Family screw Undertaker if he's losing. If Shame is losing I would instead have Bálor Club screw him over as Vince hired guns (pun intended. )

Goldberg Wins The Andre The Giant Battle Royal - Goldberg is rumored to return tonight so why not? I would not put him near the Taker/Shane match but I would have him win this. This could lead to a dominant streak that ends with him putting over Ryback before leaving for good.

Ambrose Is "The One "- Ambrose getting his ass whooped by Lesnar similar to what Reigns got last year but keeps getting up and not giving up. I would even have him pass out to the Kimura and when the ref goes to call for the bell he grabs his leg and says that he isn't dead yet. After a gruesome battle Ambrose pulls the upset before collapsing to the mat. Lesnar snatches him up from the ground looking ready to attack before simply putting his hand out there and telling Ambrose he earned his respect before leaving the ring for Ambrose to celebrate.

On a bonus note: Move The Dudleys/Uso's to the main card. It's one of the biggest tag matches in recent memory and deserves higher than the pre-show. Have The Uso's win after Devon gets pinned leading to Bubba snapping and bringing the Bully out.
I do threads on here haven't done them in a while) called 5 things. Tonight is WrestleMania and a lot of people aren't expecting much. But here's 5 things that need to happen to get fans into the event.

Roman Reigns turns heel - Initially I was against the turn but the boos are so bad it needs to happen. He's hated and not playfully hated like Cena or heel hated like Seth. He is genuinely hated. What needs to happen tonight is Reigns needs to Spear The Rock following his win over H. Maybe have HBK interfere to help Triple H and The Rock makes the save and we get a brawl between HBK and The Rock while Reigns finishes off Triple H for the win. Afterwards Rock raises Reigns hand up and does his top rope pose and gets down to a Spear. Reigns reasoning is The Rock trying to steal his spotlight.

Out with the old, In with the new- Which means with the rumors of the new Women's title debuting. What needs to happen is Sasha Banks winning and cutting a Promo about not being a Diva but a Women's wrestler before throwing the Divas Title in the trash and have Snoop Dogg give her the New Women's Title.

Leap of Faith We seen that Shane can still take mega bumps on Raw last week. So Shane can get thrown off the cell by Taker or jump off the cell to put Taker through the announce table. I would have The Wyatt Family screw Undertaker if he's losing. If Shame is losing I would instead have Bálor Club screw him over as Vince hired guns (pun intended. )

Goldberg Wins The Andre The Giant Battle Royal - Goldberg is rumored to return tonight so why not? I would not put him near the Taker/Shane match but I would have him win this. This could lead to a dominant streak that ends with him putting over Ryback before leaving for good.

Ambrose Is "The One "- Ambrose getting his ass whooped by Lesnar similar to what Reigns got last year but keeps getting up and not giving up. I would even have him pass out to the Kimura and when the ref goes to call for the bell he grabs his leg and says that he isn't dead yet. After a gruesome battle Ambrose pulls the upset before collapsing to the mat. Lesnar snatches him up from the ground looking ready to attack before simply putting his hand out there and telling Ambrose he earned his respect before leaving the ring for Ambrose to celebrate.

On a bonus note: Move The Dudleys/Uso's to the main card. It's one of the biggest tag matches in recent memory and deserves higher than the pre-show. Have The Uso's win after Devon gets pinned leading to Bubba snapping and bringing the Bully out.

Reigns turns heel - Agree, just not in that way. Have him help Shane and it be revealed that the whole match with Shane vs Taker was a way to get power off of Trips and Steph. Turn Shane/Vince/Reigns into the new version of The Authority and Triple H and Steph come back tomorrow on RAW with the Balor Club (since Triple H is the big NXT supporter, why not bring up his top star in NXT)

Out with the old, in with the new - Agree, just take out Snoop Dogg.

Leap of Faith - We are definitely going to see Shane do something insane tonight. It's almost a given with him. I don't see the Wyatts costing Taker though, I see it being a double cross with Vince and either Reigns or Cena.

Goldberg wins the ATGBR - No. Absolutely not. Goldberg, IF he were to appear at Wrestlemania, would appear during the main card, not the preshow that most fans won't watch. If he comes back tonight, which I doubt that as well, it'll be to start a feud with someone major.

Ambrose is "The One" - I think Ambrose wins the match, but it will be because of the Wyatts. They'll set up Bray/Brock tonight for Summerslam by having the entire Wyatt family cost him the match against Ambrose. It'll be an intense match with Ambrose doing something crazy to get his "Wrestlemania Moment" but the finish won't be clean.

Dudleys/Uso's to the main card isn't happening. It's a solid match with no major storyline implications that will get the crowd going for the main card.
Roman Reigns turns heel - Initially I was against the turn but the boos are so bad it needs to happen. He's hated and not playfully hated like Cena or heel hated like Seth. He is genuinely hated. What needs to happen tonight is Reigns needs to Spear The Rock following his win over H. Maybe have HBK interfere to help Triple H and The Rock makes the save and we get a brawl between HBK and The Rock while Reigns finishes off Triple H for the win. Afterwards Rock raises Reigns hand up and does his top rope pose and gets down to a Spear. Reigns reasoning is The Rock trying to steal his spotlight.

I am down with a Roam Reigns turn. It is desperately needed at this point and WrestleMania is the perfect time to hit the reset button. I understand the inclusion of the Rock but I am completely opposed to the idea of including Shawn Michaels. Your scenario reeks of overbooking, which I am not a fan of. If Rock is included they better have a deal in place for the two to square off. Rock vs. Reigns is a money match. In its simplest form I am cool with a straight up double turn with no outside hijinks

Out with the old, In with the new- Which means with the rumors of the new Women's title debuting. What needs to happen is Sasha Banks winning and cutting a Promo about not being a Diva but a Women's wrestler before throwing the Divas Title in the trash and have Snoop Dogg give her the New Women's Title.

I am not one who is overly concerned about what they call the division. More important than some branding tool is how the division is treated and booked. I do recognize the issue many fans have with the term Diva and the general meaning of the term reflecting poorly on the product. In that same breath I find it funny that your choice to denounce the current regime is “The Boss” Sasha Banks. Her character absolutely screams the very general definition of Diva. The same can be said for Charlotte. If anyone is currently a non-Diva it is Becky Lynch.

Leap of Faith We seen that Shane can still take mega bumps on Raw last week. So Shane can get thrown off the cell by Taker or jump off the cell to put Taker through the announce table. I would have The Wyatt Family screw Undertaker if he's losing. If Shame is losing I would instead have Bálor Club screw him over as Vince hired guns (pun intended. )

Not sure I am in favor of a high risk stunt from the very top of the cage but I’ll likely mark out for it. As for the Wyatt Family getting involved. No! No! No! There is absolutely zero reason for a third installment of Bray/Taker. From the looks of things the Wyatt Family is gearing towards Lesnar/Ambrose. Bullet Proof/Baylor Club would be a strange pick but hey not much of anything else makes sense in the feud so why the hell not.

Goldberg Wins The Andre The Giant Battle Royal - Goldberg is rumored to return tonight so why not? I would not put him near the Taker/Shane match but I would have him win this. This could lead to a dominant streak that ends with him putting over Ryback before leaving for good.

The ATGMBR needs a massive shot in the arm but Goldberg is not the answer. As a matter of fact Goldberg can stay as far away from WWE as possible. What needs to be done is a solid investment in the future of whomever the winner is. I guess I’d also be down for a final moment for a retiring Super Star but I want it announced then and there in an emotional goodbye speech.

Ambrose Is "The One "- Ambrose getting his ass whooped by Lesnar similar to what Reigns got last year but keeps getting up and not giving up. I would even have him pass out to the Kimura and when the ref goes to call for the bell he grabs his leg and says that he isn't dead yet. After a gruesome battle Ambrose pulls the upset before collapsing to the mat. Lesnar snatches him up from the ground looking ready to attack before simply putting his hand out there and telling Ambrose he earned his respect before leaving the ring for Ambrose to celebrate.

So is your scenario we do not get a winner, is there a ref stoppage or a no contest? Either way Lesnar shaking anyone’s hand is some lame shit. Ambrose needs to somehow go over in this one. From the looks of things he very well might get an assist from the Wyatt Family.
I am down with a Roam Reigns turn. It is desperately needed at this point and WrestleMania is the perfect time to hit the reset button. I understand the inclusion of the Rock but I am completely opposed to the idea of including Shawn Michaels. Your scenario reeks of overbooking, which I am not a fan of. If Rock is included they better have a deal in place for the two to square off. Rock vs. Reigns is a money match. In its simplest form I am cool with a straight up double turn with no outside hijinks

I am not one who is overly concerned about what they call the division. More important than some branding tool is how the division is treated and booked. I do recognize the issue many fans have with the term Diva and the general meaning of the term reflecting poorly on the product. In that same breath I find it funny that your choice to denounce the current regime is “The Boss” Sasha Banks. Her character absolutely screams the very general definition of Diva. The same can be said for Charlotte. If anyone is currently a non-Diva it is Becky Lynch.

Not sure I am in favor of a high risk stunt from the very top of the cage but I’ll likely mark out for it. As for the Wyatt Family getting involved. No! No! No! There is absolutely zero reason for a third installment of Bray/Taker. From the looks of things the Wyatt Family is gearing towards Lesnar/Ambrose. Bullet Proof/Baylor Club would be a strange pick but hey not much of anything else makes sense in the feud so why the hell not.

The ATGMBR needs a massive shot in the arm but Goldberg is not the answer. As a matter of fact Goldberg can stay as far away from WWE as possible. What needs to be done is a solid investment in the future of whomever the winner is. I guess I’d also be down for a final moment for a retiring Super Star but I want it announced then and there in an emotional goodbye speech.

So is your scenario we do not get a winner, is there a ref stoppage or a no contest? Either way Lesnar shaking anyone’s hand is some lame shit. Ambrose needs to somehow go over in this one. From the looks of things he very well might get an assist from the Wyatt Family.
No my scenario is Ambrose stopping the ref before he calls for the bell and then later defeat Brock.
Sad when people here can write scripts/events better than the people WWE pays to do it.

That was one of the most boring and predictable wrestlemanias in history. Total trash.

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