5 Most Iconic Film Characters of All Time


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
It's a simple question. Film has a way of creating characters that never die - they become iconic and thusly nearly immortal. What I seek to ask if which are the 5 most iconic characters in history and why.

5. The Wicked Witch of the West.

Often regarded as the greatest villain of all time. She was the colorized embodiment of evil and "wickedness" in the most vibrant epic of its time, and her cackle and "I'll get you my pretty" catch phrase still reverberate despite the film going on its 80th anniversary.

4. Darth Vader.

Villains make the best icons, don't they? The original Star Wars films created this dark, part-mechanical man who was the embodiment of the "dark side" of the force. With James Earl Jones' deep voice and his penchant for force-choking his high-ranking subordniates for singular failures.

3. Rocky Balboa.

The great sports movie icon, Rocky for DECADES was the most relevant and popular athlete in Philadelphia sports, despite never actually being real. He was the eternal underdog, with his deep Italian accent and slow thought process. He toppled Apollo Creed and defended the United States from Ivan Drago. 5 sequels after the Oscar-winning original.

2. Freddy Kreuger.

Cheesy though it may be, the guy became the definitive slasher-film icon. Whether the burnt face, the sweater, or the glove, he was the living and breathing embodiment of supernatural horror.

1. Michael Corleone.

What depth. What energy. What a bastard. The main focus of the films of the 'Godfather" series, Michael Corleone - as played by Al Pacino - took us on a ride from fresh-faced war hero and his descent in cold, calculating, family-less mob boss.

Agree or disagree with my list? Have your own? Jump in the discussion. The non-wrestling sections are where the action is!
Since comic books created Superman and Batman, my list will be slightly altered to cater. But if that weren't the case, Superman would definitely be at the top of the list. Anyway...

5. Gordon Gekko
Ruthless, money-hungry, smug and rich... basically the epitome of a realistic evil being that we probably walk by on the streets everyday. We have every reason to hate him and be jealous of him. After all, he's much smarter, richer, and better looking than all of us; or so "Wall Street" made it seem. His speech about "Greed is good" is absolutely iconic in every way and no one will ever think about the stock market again without referencing Michael Douglas's character.

4. Norman Bates
How can this man not be mentioned in this list? He is the O.G. of psycho killers in movies. His character set the tone for everything that Freddy, Jason, Michael, and all of the other evil horror-icons. He was the litmus paper for horror villains and still is to this day.

3. Rocky Balboa
The ultimate underdog. Basically, the American dream... and no, I don't mean Dusty Rhodes. This guy simultaneously put Philadelphia, boxing, and a different breed of Italians (non-gangster) on the map. IC basically summed him up with the rest of his post.

2. Vito Corleone
I'm gonna spin IC a bit here, since I feel that Vito is the original icon of "The Godfather". I know that many people associate Michael as the real star of the original gangster flick, but Vito was the original gangster. I've heard more reference to Vito over the years from these iconic films when anyone refers to a gangster.

1. Darth Vader
Everything about this character is the embodiment of pure evil. From his black suit, to his black heart, to James Earl Jones' evil voice, to his remorseless antics throughout the "Star Wars" films, he is the litmus paper for evil. Darth is everything that a movie heel should be and then some.
I could pretty much agree with your Michael Corleone, Darth Vader and Rocky Balboa. However, I would probably remove Freddy Kreuger and The Wicked Witch of The West. Who I would replace into it would be John McClane and maybe Terminator.

Exactly why I'll eliminate Kreuger and Wicked Witch is due to my lack of exposure to the two, and therefore I can't properly defend them being on my list. And we've already agreed on the other 3.

John McClane to me has always struck me as that type of guy that overcomes the odds even if he's an average guy. While I'm not exactly too sure how the template for the average hero looked in 1988, I would say that Bruce Willis set the bar with the John McClane character. The average tough-ass badmouthing hero that we've all grown to love watching. Or at least I know I've grown to love that character.

Terminator? Well, he's really one of the few templates of the bad-ass "tweener" if you will. If my memory serves well, he fought both for, as well as against the humans. He was pretty much one of the epitomes of bad-ass, and still one of the guys referred to today when talking about being badass. Hell even movies still uses it, or well some used to use it. The robotic terror machine so to say.
Well as someone who has multiple members of the family working in the film industry(not actors) I asked them, according to them... in the eyes of the industry people they know the top 5 are (in no particular order)

Heath Ledger's Joker- Legendary transformation performance, guy completely disappeared into the character. Even ranked by Empire as the 3rd most iconic movie character ever. Countless people with Joker tattoos quoting him all the time(even on The Office).

Norman Bates- Very creppy performance(in a classic Hitchcock film) with ending that is still distrubing to this day.

Captain Jack Sparrow- Amazing fanbase, considered the most popular role of one of the most popular actors of the last 50 years.

Rick from Casablanca- Nothing needs to be said, still holds up to this day(and still quoted to this day). "Here's looking at you kid".

Alex DeLarge - Inspiration behind many modern day villians including Ledger's Joker. Engaging performance in a classic Kubrick film.
5) Rambo - First Blood/Rambo series
Sylvester Stallone in these movies touched on some important issues that resonate just as much if not more so today, and sure, I love Rocky too, but I like him better with a knife and gun left in a jungle causing all kinds of hell, like the hair better too, and I find the last in the series insanely awesome for the fact in it, He looked more Rambo than Rambo, Sly truly outdid himself in this one, more blood, more guts, more intensity, more drama, just... MORE and in Rambos case more is ALWAYS good (long as he can keep gettin that physique back anyways)

4) Alex DeLarge - A Clockwork Orange
"siiingin in the rain" sweet song right? .... if you're laughing right now, you've seen this movie, if you're not, congratulations on having your sanity still intact probably =) this is DEF not a movie for everyone, if anyone, but as for immortal if you have ever seen the "singing in the rain" scene I'm pretty sure it'll still be in your head long after your memories fade of loved ones when your 90 and suffering from dementia, hell it might even be the reason why you are

3) Jason Voorhees - Friday The 13th series
A love story really, well it KINDA is, a freak child in a summer camp dies because the teens were too busy getting it on to notice him sinking to the bottom of the lake, mommy dearest comes back and fucks their world all kinds of up, mommy gets her head chopped off, boy comes back from the dead as a giant machete (or whatever's handy) wielding zombie with an ax to grind about his mom, who jus so happens to have a thing for burlap sacks, hockey masks, being creative with his kills, and vacationing all kinds of crazy places (New York, Space, Dream World) ... oh yeah and he killed a dog, seriously, who does that? (yeah some of the movies suck but you have a million to choose from so.. yeah)

2) Andy Dufresne - The Shawshank Redemption
Really can't say much about this one except it may be the greatest movie of all time, and Tim Robbins character Andy is a big part of why, great movie, great character, just great... great

1) Ash - Evil Dead series
"Groovy"... "Lady, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store. "... "Come get some"... "Yo, she-bitch! Let's go! "... "Thiis..is my BOOM STICK"... "Fuck outta my face"... "Oh Dear God, It's Growing!"... "Gimmie some sugar baby"... "Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things, right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town"... "Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun"... "Hail to The King baby"... Bruce Campbell is the most iconic actor to me, and Ash is why
#5: Simba (Portrayed by Jonathan Taylor Thomas & Matthew Broderick)

Simba was a part of what was essentially the ultimate redemption story. He was proof that good shall always prevail over evil in the very end. He was the central character in the Lion King and while a clear Hamlet parallel can be drawn, he was much less tragic than the Danish Prince and in fact was his own character.

#4: 'Dirty Harry' Callahan (Portrayed by Clint Eastwood)

The Baddest man to walk the streets of San Francisco, Dirty Harry was a cop who didn't take any bullshit. He was a classic renegade type who only played by his own rules. In many ways the proto-type for vigilantes for years (Including The Punisher & Wolverine) Clint Eastwood really brought Harry to life as a tough no nonsense Son of a Bitch.

#3: Michael Corleone (Portrayed by Al Pacino)

While the father is the more parodied, no one in man in film is more human than Michael Corleone. Michael is the perfect example of a fall from grace as he went from being the good son to the bad one because of a mere sin; Pride. He had far too much of it and when it was insulted, he reacted; BADLY! If Simba is the ultimate redemption story, Michael is the ultimate fall.

#2: The Terminator (Portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger)

As a child, I was scared stiff by the mere sight of him. The Terminator was a machine built for one purpose and one purpose alone; Kill. It was the most in-human of characters but at the same time, exposed human beings for what they were; weak, emotionally fuelled and flawed. Arnold played the role (especially in the first film) with such malice that it was creepy.

#1: Darth Vader (Portrayed by David Prowse & James Earl Jones)

As D-Man pointed out, Vader is the personification of evil. If evil was represented by one man, this as him. Vader was another example of a fall from grace; the only problem was that Vader was never really at the top. He was always manipulated into doing someone else’s bidding and that's what makes his character truly unique. Vader is evil personified but is also the most flawed of all men.
Since Irish Canadian had 3 of my 5 anyway, I am going to take the lazy way out, and only list the two I would replace in exchange for Freddy and the Witch.

I will trade you your Freddy for my Hannibal Lecter, straight up. Anthony Hopkins portrayal of Hannibal is straight up evil. My issue with Freddy is that he is entirely forgettable. He isn't much different than Jason, Michael Myers, or any other slasher film villain. Don't get me wrong, I have seen every Nightmare multiple times...I don't hate Freddy Kreuger at all, I just can't see him as being iconic. Hannibal is far more chilling for me. Perhaps because he is more realistic, perhaps simply because of the way Hopkins portrays him. This dude was so evil, that he could afford to be so damned polite about it. It was more subtle, in that Supreme Chancellor kind of way, in that before you know it, you are rooting for him. He is absolutely the embodiment of evil, and yet, he is treated in the films as almost the protagonist. Freddy was kind of the protagonist too, but, its different. The whole point of those movies is just to get from gory scene to gory scene, with little attention paid to the plot.

I think I would also swap the WWOTW with Norman Bates. (Anthony Perkins, not Vince Vaughn) As D-Man pointed out, Bates was the prototype for all the slasher villains. The shower scene in Psycho is one of the most well known horror scenes ever.
In no order

Bruce Lee - Yes I know this thread is about film characters and Lee didnt go under his real name in his movies but in all his movies he never played a gimmick, just himself that's why I include him. The martial arts genre started with him, he was an inspiration for future martial arts actors and how many films & games have you seen reference or include a character based off & inspired by Bruce? If it wasnt for him, we wouldnt have different fighting styles in films.

Terminator - Paved the way for future cyborg disguised in human flesh movies.

Rocky Balboa - Without him, most people wouldnt even be interested in watching Boxing. He's a role model not only for future movie characters with similiar roles but also for the real world, that you can start off like shit but work your way up to glory.

The Exorcist - I dont really know what to say here TBH but it's the movie that stands out the most when it comes to horror movies that have to do with religion & the devil. I guess it inspired future religious films on how to scare the bajeezus out of people.

Michael Corleone/Tony Mantana - I'll go with what the others said above. They're full of great quotes and along with Rocky Balboa, they're good examples of how you can rise & fall.
There have been some really good choices so far.

I also have to go with Rocky and Darth Vader as two of my picks. Everybody know's who they are no matter what age. There really is no sense in saying anymore since it has been covered enough already between the two.

James Bond - Here is a character that has been being played for almost 50 years. With 22 films made. Bond is portrayed as a complete man, stylish, rich, ladies man, confident, smart, athletic, and so on.. Numerous other characters are based off of Bond. Another reason why I would say that he is one of the most iconic is that out of those 22 movies only four have failed to make over $100 million of course with inflation they all hit that mark.

Tony Montana - Thanks to Urban culture this character stay wildly popular, with all the clothes with Tony on them, pictures, video games, the quotes alone are what makes him one of the most iconic of all time. Countless rappers have used quotes in their songs from Montana. Fabolous used to have a guy that used to do concerts with him impersonating Tony's voice. Plus like Mr. Amazing said the character is a great story of the rise and fall of someone.

E.T. - Not only is E.T. the most well known alien of our time. The film also holds one of the most iconic scenes in movie history, when Elliot and E.T. are in the forest and fly on the bike with the full moon in the background.

There is a lot of honorable mentions, William Wallace, Maximus, Mr. Miyagi, Indiana Jones, and Ellen Ripley to name a few.
Hard to get a fresh list in here, but here goes:

5. The Evil Queen in Snow White And The Seven Dwarves

The Evil Queen was a fresh movie villain and fairy tale monster. Was she evil because she was greedy? No. Was she because she wanted fame, glory, recognition? Nope. She did it because she wanted to be the prettiest bitch in the kingdom. She was so vain that she practically abandoned her stature as THE MFKN QUEEN and morphed herself into an ugly hag, the exact opposite of what she wanted to be, just to give ditsy Snow White a bit of poison apple.

Keep that in mind movie goers; she gave up looks, a kingdom, practically everything just so she could prevent Whitey from being the most attractive chick in the land. Classic Movie Villain.

4. The Dude from The Big Lebowski

Perhaps one of the most popular Cult Films in recent memory, The Big Lebowski is still a mainstay in college dorms and hippie homes worldwide. 20 or so years after its production, it has gone on to become a real religion in Dudeism. No, seriously. Check this site out:


Yes, you can become an ordained minister in this religion. No, it doesn't cost anything. Pretty sweet.

Now as far as The Dude himself goes (minus starting an actual religion) he is the most laid-back character possibly ever created. He epitomizes slackers and lazy dudes in America. Probably started the whole wave of mainstay slacker stars like Seth Rogen, David Spade, etc.

3. Norman Bates in Psycho

Anybody who knows me knows I am a HUGE horror fan. I could be the biggest mark for Hitchcock ever. Now with that being said what comes to mind when I say "Killer Crossdresser"? Odds are you thought of Norman, who was based on an actual man named Ed Guin (like many horror movies were). Thanks to the ending *spoiler* we get the mental image of a man in his mother's clothing killing people. No one has been able to rectify that character again ever.

2. Hannibal Lecter in Silence Of The Lambs

While I'm on about Horror/Suspense characters, nobody has better mannerisms and can be so downright terrifying than Hannibal The Cannibal. Since the first time you saw him you were mesmerized, admit it. He had to have been the freshest movie monster in a long, long time.

1. Forrest Gump in Forrest Gump

Even if you had only seen this movie once, back in the 90s you remember certain quotes like "Run Forrest, Run!" and "Momma always said life was like a box o' chocolates". It's stuck with you, and you remember the character and you remember how Tom Hanks depicted him. He was the ultimate underdog even before underdog movies were really that popular. And you know you laughed your ass off in certain parts of that movie.
Really good thread. This is also tough for me because there are so many iconic characters in film. A couple of my chooses might have people disagreeing with me though.

Rocky Balboa-Agree with this one. One of the most popular athletes ever despite not being real and actually had a real statue made of him.

James Bond-This character and movie or movies are so popular they actually were the cause of another iconic film character that being Austin Powers.

Some said the Wicked Witch of the West. Well with every great villian comes a great hero. That being Dorothy.

Luke Skywalker-Same as Dorothy.

Harry Potter-The most famous wizard ever. These are great and no matter how old or young you are you know who Harry Potter is.

Honorable Mentions:

Ace Venture and Austin Powers-
Yes they are comedies. I know not everybody is a fan of comedies. But these two comedies and characters are very reconizable.
5.) The Terminator

Instant recognisable, and representative of the souless, machine like way soliders are trained to kill in war, without remorse. Played to perfection by Arnie, even his accent suits the robotic nature of the character, no other actor could have suited the role more.
I'll Be Back

4.) Tony Montana

This character shows how greed can bring you down eventually. Montana had built himself an empire, then got too greedy and everything came crashing down. Everything about this character is legendary, the style, the attitude, the voice. Plus there is the fantastic scene at the end of the movie with the shoot out on the balcony
"Say hello to my little friend!"

3.) Rocky Balboa

Rocky makes you believe that you can achieve your dreams, if you work hard enough. Balboa came from the bottom to work his way up to World Heavyweight Champion, and the popularity of this character led to a 6 movie franchise. He had the famous "gonna fly now" music, as well as "Eye Of The Tiger" of course, and everytime anyone watches this film, they are rooting for Rocky to come out on top. The great thing is, they make you wait for the 2nd movie for Rocky to achieve his dream
"Yo Adrian!!! I did it!

2.) James Bond

Has there ever been a character who has appeared in so many films? With well over 20 films based on the character, James Bond is legendary. He is the man everyone wants to be. He has the gadgets, the car, the guns, and sleeps with every beautiful woman he sees. Bond is made out to be THE coolest man on the planet, and never fails to get what he wants.
The name's Bond...James Bond

1. Darth Vader

Possibly THE most recognisable character in film history, everybody knows what Darth Vader looks like. Simply terrifying with the breathing apparatus and all black suit, Vader represents pure evil, and looks terrifying. It sent shockwaves around the world when Vader tells Luke Skywalker that he is his father. Certainly the most iconic movie villain of all time
Luke....I am your Father...

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