40 Dragon Quest VIII -v - God Of War 89



  • God of War

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Two of my favourite games on the Playstation 2. DQVIII was actually the UK's first DQ ever and God of War brought something else on the table. Both great in their own way.

Dragon Quest should clean up one of the most overrated games of all time. God of War had no difficulty as it was the most generic definition of hack and slash available. It also absolutely butchered Greek Mythology. Sure it was fun to destroy enemies with some sick combos and the graphics were fairly good, but there is nothing better than Dragon Quest. It shouldn't even need much debating.
God of War was good. That's not near enough here though. Dragon Quest 8 was an AWESOME game. It breathed new life into the Dragon Quest (formerly Dragon Warrior) series giving it a new graphics style and new names for abilities. The story and characters were memorable. The gameplay was good. Great music. Dragon Quest 8 should win this round pretty easily and it got my vote because it will take far more than what God of War can offer in order to defeat it.
God of War takes it for me.

For me, it was just such a cool game. There was little to no loading times. As "wrong" as it may have been (I was a sucker for Greek mythology at the time), it was still an oddly intriguing story. Graphically, I thought it was amazing too. But I think the best part of the game for me was that it was easy to play. I am not a fan of those games that have like 30 buttons that need to be pressed before you do something "cool."

But it wasn't just pretty graphics, a bloody story and easy game play. There was puzzles that either drove you nuts because you didn't know what to do or they drove you nuts because you knew what to do, but just was off by a second or two in execution.
I love God of War. From the hack-n-slash gameplay, to the ridiculous violence, to Kratos' screwed-up journey to godhood, this game had me hooked from the first glimpse of action. I hadn't even heard of it until my brother bought it (no internet at the time), and from there we destroyed this game. Practicing combos, slaughtering bosses... good times.

Dragon Quest VIII, however, might be my favorite RPG ever, and I'm a Final Fantasy guy. Weirdly enough, the game is amazing for its simplicity. Anyone can play this game, and I applaud it for that. Plus, there's fantastic and unique graphics, engaging characters and story, and damn, this game is long! I can't say much more. DQVIII wins.
These are both great games that I had a hell of a lot of fun playing. However, it's God of War all the way for me.

Dragon Quest VIII was fun, don't get me wrong. I loved the characters, the bright, colorful graphics and the superb story. However, this game is not for everyone. Dragon Quest is notorious for having dated gameplay that is not accessible for all RPG fans. Some of the conventions are almost archaic from the extremely slow leveling to some questionable gameplay mechanics (Revive spells that can fail? What?). It's great for hardcore, old school RPG fans but it isn't a game I would revisit any time soon.

God of War was such a blast to play. It took the stylish action innovated by Devil May Cry and raised to new, brutal heights. The combat was simple in design, but was deceptively deep with many combos you could learn both in the normal blades and in the extra weapons you earned. The gameplay is pure fun, allowing you to slaughter a myriad of mythical creatures and bring Gods to their knees. This game is also responsible for introducing the modern quicktime event.

Anyone bitching about it "butchering" Greek mythology missed the point. It wasn't supposed to be a history lesson, it was just the backdrop for the story. And even so, it was more faithful to the mythology than you think as many of the relationships between the gods were illustrated quite well.

This game also gave us Kratos, one of the most interesting and badass characters of the last ten years. While he's a powerful hurricane of destruction, he's not just a one-dimensional rage character. Throughout the course of the game you discover that he has a human side, which is fully realized once his tragic past is revealed. That's a lot more than I can say for Dragon Quest's silent protagonist.
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