4/9/12...Now WWE is Crossing the Limit Against TNA...A WAR

Shadow of Darkness

Occasional Pre-Show
Last nights Monday Night RAW showed us the company's immense ego and disrespect to both Hulk Hogan and TNA.

Curly came with HOGAN Music and wearing Hogan Gear, only to get a chokeslam from kane and show disrespect to Hogan and TNA.

HOGAN is in a respectable post in TNA, so mocking him means disrespecting the TNA. Probably that gave WWE some cheap publicity.

During WCW Bischoff had issues with Vince, but TNA never showed any disrespect to WWE. THEN WHY?

even during the Monday Night Wars WWF mocked Hulk Hogan and Randy savage as Hukstar and Nacho man respectively. But now its not war time. THEN WHY?

out of many reasons for which i hate bischoff, there is one reason i like him and thats he used the same tactics of Vince to defeat Vince during the war. But the situation is different now.
Somebody needs to whoop Vince's ass..!!!..
I don't know. I respect TNA for being the competition against the wrestling monopoly that is the WWE, but you can't expect WWE to feel the same way, obviously. There's no reason for them not to have an "ego." They destroyed every bit of competition they've had and despite declining profits are still raking it in and crushing TNA in ratings and sales. Furthermore, I doubt they were making a personal jab at Hogan more so than using an extremely familiar character (that they created, by the way) in order to make the scene more effective.

Props for posting your opinion but I think your logic is a little flawed.

Edit: Unless you were trolling, in which case, I feel like an idiot. But I'm drunk.
Go watch Turning Point 2004, TNA has taken plenty of shots at WWE and Vince Mcmahon directly. As for what happened tonight, i really don't think it matters. They didn't take any personal shots at Hogan. No different from when they had Patterson and Brisco coming out to Hogan's theme and posing in 1999.
While it's a known fact that Vince doesn't care for Hogan much and does take shots at him every now and then, this wasn't mean to be. Will Sasso can do a good Hulk Hogan impression and probably pitched the idea when they were asked to be guests on the show. Nothing more.
Lmao... Um are you serious? "somebody need to whoop Vince's ass". Lol. Your taking this way to serious with all this,war talk. I found the segment funny. I think it was done to keep viewers because before Curly or whatever the hell his name was came out dressed as hogan I was totally disinterested in that segment. Coming out as hogan at least gave me something to laugh at. Im sure tna will fire a shot back and im sure wwe won't care.
Impact Wrestling can't compete with the WWE, it's that simple. Keep wishing someone will whoop Vince's ass, it's not going to happen. The WWE would run Impact Wrestling out of business. And what's with all the cap locks? Are you really that mad over this? If so, relax dude. WWE can do whatever they want, they own everything of Hogan.
I wish I could agree here, noone enjoys having anther reason to dislike Vince more than I.

The only problem is, this was not a shot at TNA. It was a shot at hogan. Totally fair game, especially (as already noted) since they gave him the gimmick. If Vince wanted to take a shot at TNA, he would. Even if he violated laws, he could break TNA just in lawyer fees if they chose to pursue the case. He could lose and bankrupt TNA long before the verdict was in.

He refuses to acknowledge the possibility of competition. He will continue to do so as long as he wishes, or at least until there is a company that can clear that bar.
Really? As it's been said before, TNA has taken a lot more shots at the WWE. Off the top of my head, I can remember Fourtune taking a shot at Nexus when they were heels, and Ken Anderson whining about how badly he was treated in a "different company". All WWE's ever done was parody Hogan from time to time, IIRC.
You're really overlooking this. It was simply a funny parody of Hogan. I don't know how many times people have done Hogan impersonations on RAW. It has happened when he was on good terms with Vince before too. This wasn't a shot at TNA in any way shape or form. Vince McMahon couldn't give two shits about anything TNA is doing.
Are you stupid? TNA has consistently made jabs at WWE and Vince Mcmahon. They even moved to monday nights to "battle the wwe". Do you not remember the whole kurt angle segment bashing vince mcmahon? Or when they beat the shit out of Christian on his last night cuz hes going back to wwe. I could go on. You have zero clue what your talking about. You have to actually watch the shows to say something valid here. And c'mon, hogan segment wasn't that bad. Get over it.
I hope that you are kidding.

Hulk Hogan is from an era when these guys probably watched wrestling. Everyone's favorite wrestler was Hulk Hogan.

The WWE I'm sure, POSITIVE...does not give one nugget of shit about TNA. Or Hulk Hogan for that matter. Hulk Hogan wrestles in front of what 800 non paying tourists/locals. WWE packs arenas, not sound stages.

It wasn't a shot at Hulk Hogan...it was just a guy going out there dressed like a popular wrestler from his teens.

John Cena could go to TNA tomorrow and it would make a difference for about two weeks. WWE will always find a way to replace guys that left. No one isn't expendable.
I think they did that for the simple fact that will sasso could do a decent hogan impression. Besides it's not like TNA has not taken any pot shots at WWE in the past and didn't hogan and flair use their hall of fame rings in a story line. I go to the saying that any publicity is good publicity so i betcha dixie is enjoying the exposure. At least its better than whats scott steiners saying about hogan and TNA.
Here's the better question- "maybe Hogan shouldn't have disrespected every single wrestler he buried in WcW, every single person he suckered a pay cheque from and the man who made him in Vince McMahon by being an egotistical piece of shit in his own right."

Hogan and TNA have taken subtle shots of WWE-VKM for about the last 4 years, but really, the OP makes Hogan out to be some sort of untouchable god, he's not.

Hogan has claimed, at different times...

1: to have taught Vince McMahon everything he knew

2: to have been offered to be the bass player for Metallica

and the list goes on...

Hogan just got what he had coming to him, he pissed away his legacy by getting himself over at the expense of the companies he worked for. Hogan only cares about money and the money he might be able to get from that, will make him happy.

Also, WWE got no cheap publicity from the event on account of no one outside of a few wrestling fans giving a shit about TNA. TNA is irrelevant to 99.9% of society, so, no, it's not relevant.

Also, at the end of the day, since Vince owns everything WcW and WWF-WWE related, he owns every single Hulkamania thing that existed prior to Hogan's joining of TNA, Vince is perfectly within his rights to use the footage/trademarks he owns to fill in a segment of his programming. If he chooses to stroke his ego during this segment, well, that's just Vince's choice.

TNA will never admit it, but they LOVED the fact that Vince pulled that stunt to his 5 million or so viewers because now maybe a few might just watch iMpact on Thursday. So if anything, Bischoff and crew are saying "thank god Vince did this, maybe we can hook in a few more viewers"
You're overlooking this and thinking too much into it.

Did you forget TNA's shark boy using Stone Cold Steve Austin's voice and all that? Pretty much the same thing...

And clevername51 said it best...
Everyone keeps saying WWE defeated their competition. Did WWE really defeat WCW or did Time Warner just sell WCW to whomever had the money? I think the latter as it wasn't the wrestlers' decisions to shut the company down. In fact I think Eric B. wanted to take over.
Are you stupid? TNA has consistently made jabs at WWE and Vince Mcmahon. They even moved to monday nights to "battle the wwe". Do you not remember the whole kurt angle segment bashing vince mcmahon? Or when they beat the shit out of Christian on his last night cuz hes going back to wwe.

Yea. I've watched TNA Impact maybe 2-3 times ever, and even I can think of a few times when TNA blatantly knocked the WWE.

1) Voodoo Kin Mafia. Seriously. That name doesn't even make sense ... except for the fact that the initials are VKM. The group's purpose? To declare war on Paul Leveseque, Michael Hickenbottom and Vince McMahon.

2) The Dudley Boys tore up a WWE contract in the middle of the ring back in 2008.

3) Jay Lethal. Black Machismo? Ring a bell?

In terms of what happened tonight... What was disrespectful? It was actually a really good impersonation. In fact, Sasso has done the impersonation a number of times in the past, and if nothing else, his doing the impersonation during that segment gave the stooges' involvement some kind of wrestling relevance. To say that the segment disrespected Hogan and TNA is a little ridiculous since I don't recall Sasso using the impersonation to actually mock Hogan. He simply used his voice, mannerisms and cliches to pitch his upcoming movie.

...now had he made mention of Hogan's shortcomings the past few years -- his failed marriage, his son's arrest, his daughter's failed music career or his ex-wife's cougaring ways -- then you could say it was disrespectful.
I think you are completely wrong. If anything this helps tna. Hey isn't hogan in tna? Yeah lets watch thursday and see what he is up to. The stooge who imitated Hogan is a known wrestling fan. If anything he was just trying to let the fans know he was serious. How often do the guest know nothing about wwe? Personally I hate the guest idea. There is no way tna is able to compete with wwe. I wish them the best. This just doesn't hurt them at all. I would like to see the two work together. Vince brought ecw to raw. I doubt we will see tna on raw. You never know though.
I'm pretty sure this was a shot at just Hogan, considering his past with the WWE, specifically Vince. I'm certain this has nothing to do with TNA whatsoever. Kind of like how ex-WWE stars who went to TNA and then back to WWE have their entire TNA tenure disregarded.
The only reason Curly dressed up as Hulk Hogan was because he could do a good Hulk Hogan impression,and Kane's the typical party pooper,just like when he broke a guitar over Honky Tonk Man's head. The TNA/WWE rivalry is comparable to the NBA and European basketball: Basically non-existent because one entity isn't on the same level as the other.

This is LAME.
Hulk Hogan is one of the biggest names in the industry, heck, for some of the celebs who come on RAW as a guest host, he may be one of the only wrestlers they actually know. His mannerisms are also very over the top and have been imitated by many. I don't see it as disrespectful and I doubt Hogan does, it's just part of the business.
I disagree. If I read your post correctly, you were incorrect on 2 points:

"there is one reason i like him and thats he used the same tactics of Vince to defeat Vince during the war."

#1 - Eric didn't defeat Vince in the Monday night wars. That's why WWE owns WCW now.

"During WCW Bischoff had issues with Vince, but TNA never showed any disrespect to WWE. THEN WHY?"

You mention his time in WCW first, so I'm guessing that is what you mean. With that being said:

#2 - Eric / WCW didn't disrespect Vince/WWE during the Monday night wars? What about preemptively giving away Raw results during a live WCW broadcast? That isn't blatant disrespect? What about having Mark Madden dress up as, and make fun of Jim Ross and his bells palsy?
That was a great Hogan impersonation. I don't think it was a cheap shot. Certainly not as much a cheap shot as the Huckster, Nacho Man, and billionaire Ted segments from years ago. I think it's a step in the right direction for WWE. Like him or not Hulk Hogan is a huge piece of wrestling and he had a great career in the WWE. They can pretend that didn't happen because now he works for the competition, or they can accept that there's another wrestling and still acknowledge guys like Hogan and Flair.

The guy came out to Hogan's old music doing Hogan's old schtick. It's not like he walked to the ring pretending one leg didn't work and struggled to get on the apron. Was it a cheap shot when Lethal did his macho man bit?
While it's a known fact that Vince doesn't care for Hogan much and does take shots at him every now and then, this wasn't mean to be. Will Sasso can do a good Hulk Hogan impression and probably pitched the idea when they were asked to be guests on the show. Nothing more.

Yes he has been none do to a good hulk impression. And almost everytime WWE talks about Wrestlemania they mention Hogan. The Rock even praised Hogan Warrior and others in one of his promos before mania as do many others. Honestly for a guy who works for the enemy if you can even consider TNA that the wwe atleast televised do nothing but praise Hogan as they do Ric Flair as well. This was nothing but one of the guys from the movie who would actually take a bump to impersonate someone he obviously does well. WWE or Vince has never went out of there way to even mention TNA IMO this was absolutely no jab at either. Didnt WWE bring back the NWO after they left many years ago to go to WCW? They gave Flair a retirement match when he spent alot of his career in WCW. Gave Christian the world title after he went to TNA and there are others he brought back and somewhat pushed that left for TNA. Even when TNA tried to go live mondays and go head to head Vince didnt once mention that company. That guy could have came out as stone cold if he could do a good impersonation of him.. That to me wasnt a jab at Hogan at no way what so ever a jab at TNA
I wish OP were right
But he's not.
Was probably just an impression Will Sasso could do.

I thought it was hilarious, and it shows what Hogan has become, once an icon, now a punchline
The op is clearly over thinking this. It was a terrible promo that was not well received by the audience. Forgettable by all means. I doubt Vince would impose that on his guest host anyway. Totally forgettable...does not hurt or help TNA by any means. For what`s worth, does not help the promotion of the movie either..at least for me.

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