4/12 TNA ReAction + Impact LD Hopefully simulated cum-free Tonight

Tiger Chaos Theory

You ain't drawin' shit!
So the pilot for the new show ReAction starts tonight, so I figured I'd lump it all together. This is the first one hour unopposed show that isn't being blamed on NCAA basketball.

ReAction looks pretty interesting but I doubt it will be able to hold interest for an entire hour.

Matches I've seen advertised

-Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky in a leather and lace match:

So Velvet forgot to say it during the trainwrec..I mean segment, but the TNA commercials have it listed as for the Knockouts Title. Unlikely that Velvet and her scrumptious bottom win here.

-Team 3D vs. The Band:

Another nostalgia injection. Only thing I really want to see about this match is how Eric Young will get involved.

-Shannon Moore vs. Kazarian:

So yet again, Kaz's title shot is getting goofy. And yet again, Shannon Moore is just walking into a title shot. Since it's already announced as a triple threat match at Lockdown, I guess this match is just a way to prove Moore deserves a title shot as opposed to a way for him to earn the title shot :rolleyes: oh TNA

-Jeff Hardy vs. Robert Roode:

Not sure what to type about this match, guess it's a way to put even more heat into the Team Flair v. Team Hogan thing. Should be a decent match nonetheless. Maybe Hardy will get to cut a promo after....No wait, that won't happen.

Other Stuff

Pope v. Styles Build:

May I have some more please. I think we might get a match between the two, hopefully. Or in two separate matches I don't really care as long as they get TV time.

Team Hogan v. Team Flair build:

Expect more. It needs it.

Samoa Joe news:

Don't expect any.

More Lockdown Matches Announced:

Only four so far, this is the last show to get out a card people are going to want to pay to see.

Eric Bischoff:

Because I missed him.

Things no one wants to see:

If they're gonna put O.J. on the show again, it would be nice if they just had the simulated cum fall from the rafters onto him, maybe while he glides down into the middle of the ring carrying his partners in his arms.
And so we have the final show in the absolute joke of a buildup to a joke of a PPV. I could rant for days about why Lockdown symbolizes everything that is wrong with TNA at the moment.
I could rant for days about anything, doesn't mean everything I say is true.

Oh believe me: Lockdown has a ton of problems. Tell me, what is Flair contributing to Team Flair again? Does he manage anybody on that team? Is anyone on the other team feuding with him? Is Flair an active competitor? Is he in the match? No? Yet oddly enough it's his team.
It's funny you mention that because based on some of the interviews for Lockdown, Flair makes it sound like he's going to be in the match, despite the fact that Hogan kept saying it's 4 v 4. And yes, he and Wolfe seem pretty connected with all their interaction. And he's feuding with Hogan for control of the company (yeah I know it doesn't make sense but it's still a reason), they just said it.....
So again, two guys that at least 6 days before the show are not in the match offically are getting the most name value for it. Tell me why this isn't Team Sting vs. Team RVD or Team Hardy?

Also, I can't wait for the title match with AJ vs. Abyss. They've built it up so well that you know those two are just going to fucking kill each other. Throw that in with the final showdown of WOlfe vs. Pope and this could be a decent show. Maybe I was wrong when I said the buildup sucked.
How could they use the "Taking control of the Company" angle if they used Team Sting v. Team RVD?

And ha, I get it, the build up sucks.

Well, maybe they could use an angle that people might actually watch instead of parading out guys that were past their primes 20 years ago in a vain attempt to reclaim former glory. You can't honestly tell me RVD and Hardy are a weaker draw than Hogan and Flair right now.
Well, maybe they could use an angle that people might actually watch instead of parading out guys that were past their primes 20 years ago in a vain attempt to reclaim former glory. You can't honestly tell me RVD and Hardy are a weaker draw than Hogan and Flair right now.

I'm not telling you that at all, I have no evidence of such. But neither do you.
Sure I do. Two weeks in a row the lowest rated segment was Hogan/Flair while RVD had the highest. That tells me people watched RVD but didn't watch Hogan/Flair.
Well, all those times the ratings went lower, it was in the second hour. Which as we know, always drops off. RVD wasn't the highest rated segment last week.

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