3rd annual FAP


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Can you go a month without porn?

Obviously the likes of Norcal don't watch porn but I'm talking to you the regular porn watcher.

This is the third time I've tried this to see the psychological differences if you give up porn.

The last two times I've found it interesting to see how my throught process changes.

Who's up for it?
My porn habit has got progressively worse since my monetary problems and being single have led to me staying in more often than I want, so I'll be down for this one.
Why, though — what actually changes about your thought process?

Porn is healthy. So is *********ion.

I'd imagine it just increases irritability and frustration, especially for anyone not in a sexual relationship already. I can understand *********ing less if you're in one, to see what that does for your sex life, but I don't see the benefit here.
Myself (I believe Miko and jGlass too) have found the not watching porn for the month helped in how you view sex.

Im not saying porn is wrong, it's just for some people they may not realise how much they watch it.

This is also not a no *********ion thing.
Can we still technically *********e?
I can probably go without porn, probably not having a crafty one
I'm in, I've managed in the last two months or so to go every other day without *********ing at all. Let's see if I can manage this.
Why, though — what actually changes about your thought process?

Porn is healthy. So is *********ion.

I'd imagine it just increases irritability and frustration, especially for anyone not in a sexual relationship already. I can understand *********ing less if you're in one, to see what that does for your sex life, but I don't see the benefit here.

Ain't nobody say you cant *********e. We aren't fucking monsters around here.
I'm for that. I thought I would *********e less when I got regular sex.

I *********ed more. A lot more.

Heres the last pair of :boobies: for the month :boobs:
Already on it for Lent! :D And booze, so this Monday I'm going to end up in the ICU's booze-ward (if that's a thing).

Also not dolphin-waxing, but technically I'm cheating since I'm in one of those rare moments where I find myself in a relationship. :eek:
Why, though — what actually changes about your thought process?

Porn is healthy. So is *********ion.

I'd imagine it just increases irritability and frustration, especially for anyone not in a sexual relationship already. I can understand *********ing less if you're in one, to see what that does for your sex life, but I don't see the benefit here.

Its amazing how much healthier you feel when you're not watching 40 guys jizz on some womans face on a daily basis
Can you?

I literally lasted about 6 hours. I pulled one out this morning when I got up not realizing April had already started. I also fell for the April Fool's Day prank on the main page.
I'm struggling. I nearly looked at some on my phone earlier and I remembered I was doing this. This is going to be hard

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