3 Reasons Why You Should Watch NXT

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Even if you're like me and can only watch it on Hulu the day after it airs because you work Tuesdays, I believe that everyone should find a way to watch NXT on a weekly basis. And here are three reasons why...

1. It's FCW on a grander scale. One of the most common complaints I read on the boards is that WWE doesn't have a show for FCW stars, and that is total bullshit. NXT is exactly what that show is, and since the start of Season 5, I haven't missed a single episode. Honestly, I like how they've been allowing the eliminations from the regular "cast" to occur while also bringing in other guys and divas so that they can also get more crowd time. A perfect example is Maxine and AJ. They've put on some of the BEST divas matches in recent weeks and they didn't even need any more reason than Maxine and AJ fighting over Hornswoggle.

2. It's a great way to be familiar with someone before they come to live television. One of the biggest downfalls that Johnny Curtis had when he debuted was that the fans didn't have a CLUE who this guy was. If NXT were on the air, or if people started to watch it more often, then you'd see a lot more people benefit from it when they go off to another brand.

3. There's absolutely no reason NOT to watch it. NXT is live on Tuesday nights on WWE.com, and I get that some people can't stay up to watch it live... but that's just it, they put the episodes up on WWE.com, Youtube, and hulu every week after they go off the air, and they put them up for free. If anything, watch NXT on a Wednesday night or whenever your can. It's not like there's that much of a difference. And if you're not comfortable with watching it on the computer, then watch it on television through your 360 or PS3(?) on the Hulu-Plus features.

The way I see it, WWE not having NXT on actual TV is a good thing because for one, they don't have to pay a network to keep the show alive. If they want to keep running it, they can. And for two, they've got more room to work in better Raws and Smackdowns so that those products also get better.

Anyway, that's my take on it, but in the end it's everyone else's decision whether or not they want to watch it. To me, NXT is the best produced show by WWE hands down with Raw being second, then Smackdown, and then Superstars... but that's just me.

Anyway, I'm off to watch AJ vs. Maxine again.
i will give you one reason to not watch NXT...Daniel Bryan was voted off first or second if i remember correctly..Seriously the show sucks and it rarely provides stars just like when they did the diva search and Tough Enough! I mean MAVEN???Really...

NXT is awful...just accept it
The problem I have with NXT this season is how pointless it is. Originally NXT Redemption started off like every other season, except the winner got a spot on NXT 6 instead of the main roster. The FCW stars competed with their Pros and eventually people started to get voted off, which was ok and what was supposed to happen. That is, until they randomly stopped voting people off and started bringing in random people who have nothing to do with anything come in. What in the hell do the Usos have to do with NXT? Why the hell should we care who wins when there is no ending in sight? Besides, anyone who even has a basic knowledge of this season knows Titus is going to win. This season has just been way too long and way too pointless. They just need to end this season. Until then, I have no reason to watch.
Your 2nd reason I agree with but there is more reasons not to watch NXT.

1st the NXT challenges nobody cares about these guys running an obstacle course or any other stupid games they have.

2 The show overall is boring its too much pointless games not enough ring exposure of the NXT stars.

3 Hornswoggle a useless talent should have been released before Chris Masters.

4 Matt Striker the show is too much about Striker they have made it seem like its his show.

and many more...
3. There's absolutely no reason NOT to watch it. NXT is live on Tuesday nights on WWE.com, and I get that some people can't stay up to watch it live... but that's just it, they put the episodes up on WWE.com, Youtube, and hulu every week after they go off the air, and they put them up for free. If anything, watch NXT on a Wednesday night or whenever your can. It's not like there's that much of a difference. And if you're not comfortable with watching it on the computer, then watch it on television through your 360 or PS3(?) on the Hulu-Plus features.

Although there's some valid points in your first two points, I find the whole 'watching something because it's on' mentality of television to be so insulting. So what if WWE make NXT so easily available to watch; does this improve the NXT product at all? Does it explain how the competition is in it's 29th mind-numbingly awful week?

I'll admit that there are a few things I enjoy about NXT (Bateman being back on TV, Regal's stellar commentary) but I don't tune in every week just because it's readily available. Here in the UK, NXT is shown straight after the Thursday night repeat on RAW on SKY but I can't justify watching NXT just because it's on.

The argument was that WWE and Hulu show it online to watch at your own leisure but if it doesn't appeal to the audience, then there's no reason to watch it. ITV player has episodes of Downton Abbey for me to watch at my convinience but it doesn't mean I am going to.
If they just actually wrestled, I'd be all for it. I don't really care to watch rookies run obstacle courses or see who can jump the highest or answer trivia questions, though. NXT sucks.
If they just actually wrestled, I'd be all for it. I don't really care to watch rookies run obstacle courses or see who can jump the highest or answer trivia questions, though. NXT sucks.

They've been wrestling for the past 3 months. There's been storylines and feuds too:

Maxine vs. AJ
Berrick Bateman returned
Tyson Kidd vs. Yoshi Tatsu matches and feud
Yoshi Tatsu gimmick change
Titus/Hornswoggle/AJ Love triangle
Maxine and Derrick are now a couple stirring up trouble

Granted, none of these are remotely interesting. But AJ is so rediculously cute, it's hard to change the channel.

I watch it on TV before I go to work every Thursday; but I'm curious aswell as to when this whole season is going to end :shrug:
I watch it on TV before I go to work every Thursday; but I'm curious aswell as to when this whole season is going to end :shrug:

Honestly, I don't think it should end... I think they should turn NXT into a brand and let Bateman, Young, and Oneal face off for the NXT title. The show's good enough to be its own brand or even another Superstar-esque programming. Although, I hope they would go with the brand option because it's way better than Superstars has ever been.

1st the NXT challenges nobody cares about these guys running an obstacle course or any other stupid games they have.

They haven't had a single challenge in at least two months. The show's been centered around storylines and the in-ring action mainly. The only thing they've been judged on is their ring ability, if they're even judged on that. Right now, it seems like NXT is really going to be more of a brand than anything else.
Honestly, I don't think it should end... I think they should turn NXT into a brand and let Bateman, Young, and Oneal face off for the NXT title. The show's good enough to be its own brand or even another Superstar-esque programming. Although, I hope they would go with the brand option because it's way better than Superstars has ever been.

Thats just what we need; WWECW II and another belt that no-one cares about. Instead of wasting time on a sinking ship like NXT and even attempt to legitimise it, they should put time and effort in to this month's flavour of the month; the tag-team division.

Superstars does it's job in that it gives TV time to guys like McIntryre et al (guys that have futures with the company but nothing to do). It achieves this better than NXT because a) people actually care about the talent as opposed to guys like Darren Young and b) it focuses on the wrestling as opposed to dwarf love triangles and never-ending competitions.
i havent seen nxt since the second episode. it was a corny wannabe reality show with mtv road rules challenge type contests...idc how much it has changed (if it has at all) i cannot find the will to watch a wrestling show that has no effect on ppv, ongoing storylines or championships. even if it did, history shows just how well these nxt wrestlers do. they suck. then they get fired. some get injured before being fired. or they stay around long after they should have been taken off tv (im looking at you wendy and otunga). bottom line is not one person from nxt has impressed me ever. barrett is average at best and dont sell me on DB because i dont even consider him an nxt/fcw guy at all.
and now that you mention hornswaggle is on nxt lol i feel so much better about not watching it. you hurt your own cause by mentioning that lol.
oh, lastly, wwe doesnt pay networks to put their shows on tv. networks pay wwe. so do advertisers.
It achieves this better than NXT because a) people actually care about the talent as opposed to guys like Darren Young


Darren Young - Mr. No Days Off. I totally forgot about this guy! I'm just hoping he wins for lulz~!

Out of the 3 remaining, I don't think either deserves another shot:

D-Young: His nick name is hilarious. See my comment above.
Titus O'Neill: Rediculous dog bark taunt that isn't getting over, making him look stupid when he does it.
Derrick Bateman: Generic Name. Generic Look. Just generic period. At least he gets to make out with Maxine every episode I guess.
The problem I have with this season's NXT was the fact that they went for weeks eliminating guys and then all of a sudden we've been stuck at the remaining 3 for so long. I loved the matches and mini-fued that NXT hosted with Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu, I also like the kind of stuff they have going with Striker/Regal vs. Darren Young/Jimmy The Gimmick. However I think it's time to wrap up season 5 and honestly the best way is to have the 3 remaining guys face off in a triple-threat match...winner takes all. We know that those 3 will probably all stick around and be on the main rosters anyways so why not entertain us with a match like that?

If they do a season 6, I want to see a "Tag-team" NXT. If they are serious about beefing up the tag division, this would be a great way to get atleast a couple good young teams into the company. Have one "pro" for each team, prefferably pros that have a successfull history in tag-team wrestling. Minimize the side challenges and focus mainly on how a team works together in the ring. Whether they gel and have great chemistry or their separate egos bring them down.

If they decide not to do another season, they should just move SD to Tuesdays and get Scyfy to show it live like they did for that Super Smackdown. Then focus big time on the two main shows while utilizing their web-based shows to give air-time to the lower card guys.
Thats just what we need; WWECW II and another belt that no-one cares about. Instead of wasting time on a sinking ship like NXT and even attempt to legitimise it, they should put time and effort in to this month's flavour of the month; the tag-team division.

Superstars does it's job in that it gives TV time to guys like McIntryre et al (guys that have futures with the company but nothing to do). It achieves this better than NXT because a) people actually care about the talent as opposed to guys like Darren Young and b) it focuses on the wrestling as opposed to dwarf love triangles and never-ending competitions.

TBH there Attempting a tag team thing,they got JTG and Darren Young, Watson&O'Neil and now they got the uso's doing nothing but attacking JTG and Darren Lol,but still atleast trying....:lol:
I don't watch it because it's not on TV. I'm not gonna waste my time and go search the internet to watch their crappy show. Season 1 and 2 were good, but after that it sucked. If it were on TV I would watch because their is nothing else on, but I'm not gonna watch this crap on my little computer screen.
I hope WWE decides to continue with NXT as a season-less show. NXT is the bridge between FCW and the main roster.

To be honest, I think they are headed in that direction. They've pretty much dropped everything that was set up at the beginning of NXT: Redemption. There are no more hard and fast Rookie/Pro pairings. They no longer compete any challenges, and they haven't had an elimination for 3 months. While this may be frustrating to some people, I actually like it. I wish they'd drop the whole redemption thing altogether.

NXT presents a good proving ground for up-and-coming wrestlers, and is a place to go for superstars that are floundering on the main roster. With talk of FCW going to a tiered system like minor league baseball it would make sense for NXT to be the next destination. NXT is starting to become ECW-lite just with more focus on the "New Talent Initiative"
My problem with the show as it stands right now is that the concept has more or less been a complete failure, and WWE refuses to admit it. They got rid of ECW when they saw that that show was failing, yet they keep NXT around despite being even worse. I mean honestly, it's gotten so bad that the show's going on 30 weeks or some shit and it doesn't even have the challenges or eliminations anymore. I don't actually mind the way they're doing it now with the guys just getting storylines and running with them, but they should change the name of the show if it's going to be such a departure from what its original purpose was. Or even better, just bring up more FCW guys and make it FCW TV. Then you could have a REAL grounds to build up young talent while keeping some veterans around to even it out. Kind of like ECW was, only without the facade of it being an equal brand.
I don't watch it because it's not on TV. I'm not gonna waste my time and go search the internet to watch their crappy show. Season 1 and 2 were good, but after that it sucked. If it were on TV I would watch because their is nothing else on, but I'm not gonna watch this crap on my little computer screen.

Yep. I'm with this guy. I was watching NXT every week, until they put it online. I'm not gonna sit there on WWE.com or whatever and watch the show. It's a terrible show anyway. The challenges were pretty annoying. I'd say just combine NXT with Superstars and make Superstars a 2 hour show. Or just drop all the garbage that is NXT and rename it FCW and just make it a big budget FCW show :)
I dont like the turn NXT has taken. It sucks and needs to get better.

The only 3 involved in any reason I ever needed to watch NXT was Season 3!

The best Season of all! I loved Season 3 and Season 1.

2 was mediocre.

3 was a nice new add-on with all Divas and I got to witness that live, the debut and still I hate NXT for being an injustice as the one who should win never does except Season 2 and that went to shit

Naomi shouldve won Season 3, she was the most talented Diva there was in the ring and wasnt bad on the mic, and if not her AJ shouldve won as she was 2nd best. Naomi's athleticism is unmatched by any Diva in WWE and she's the best thing they have going right now Diva-wise. They need to get her in the ring in a submission match with Natalya

Barrett is cool and I am more okay with it now, but I still didnt feel at the time that he deserved to win NXT Season 1, but I've let that go because Nexus was damn good

I think NXT has become garbage since the 4th incarnation

Season 3 was the last great Season and when they fucked that up letting Kaitlyn win they fucked the credibility of the show along with it
The only thing that I don't like about the direction of NXT is the refusal of the WWE to explain why they changed the format out of nowhere. We are talking about 30 weeks of 1 season. Now don't get me wrong, giving guys like Tyson Kidd, JTG, and Yoshi Tatsu a platform to show off their skills is awesome, but at least let the viewers that actually watch know what they are watching. It went from an elimination type show for rookies to a regular program. Im a huge fan of FCW, so I actually like seeing guys like Titus O'neil, Bateman, and Darren Young. Although I will say this, you can tell it's the minor leagues of Raw and SD! because those promos are just terrible.
I honestly think Redemption was made so as not to overshadow anything happening before Wrestlemania,& more obviously,it was ThaT long ago,the similar format of Tough Enough.Giving rookies a second chance (most were in the season before) with mid card pros doing silly tasks & so thats how they wrestle type matches till both tidied over..fair do,s
Then .Jacob & Chavo got the chop but Dek & Bryan were brought in ,so at seasons end,there,d be 6 pros & 6 rookies.whenever that,ll be.Then Vlad got the chop,so unneeded he was,working a mere 3 TV matches in his last week! .Tag teams invading,,(is Percy a Rookie or guest).Darren suspended, Rookies shacking with divas cause their Pros have disappeared back into their brands roster, & commentators having one last match,,again,& again & again.
Not helped by H,no fan of the system anyway,taking over WWE,(or not),& making Raw a supershow ,leaving fans who DonT loathe NXT to feel its turned into another Heat or Velocity,for Raws lowercard..This trainwreck is what H thinks is wrong with the system.Running away with no leadership or ideas..Not seamingly wanted by its own website,let alone any TV station, .When will this rubbish end,the weekly comment boxes say,& I agree,which is a shame,,,,
Because loathe it if you must,How ARE FCW stars gonna get TV time & exposure,they cant AlL have their own web show..Vince demanded more stars be created & was so for NXT ,he axed ECW,The trouble is,we all assume the whole idea is, the winner,ll get,,,A PUSH.Maybe Wade did ,for novelty effect.but Kat,Curtis,,,,Kaval.?! WWE may not be wall to wall stars anymore but be honest,while Cenas about,,,,,dont know what I mean,,,ask Orton.(Ok, or CmP,R T or Miz-for sake of plot)
.I thought the feeder stables of Nexus & Corre were ideal soloutions & would bring on new stars who had at least BeeN on NXT before going on their own way, to WM,or future endeavours.They coulda gone on for ages,longer than Redemption,with new leaders bringing fresh plots & ShouldA had a WM feud.CmPunk took over to feud with Cena,like he NeedeD back up & it kinda died off with it.
Vince may not agree but while there,s no monday Night wars,there is choice & its good for the fans & bad news for FCW.With no never ending roster & titles like European,Cruiser, & Hardcore anymore.Superstars have to hit the main event floor running & ,who would you immediatly recognise if they joined WWE,Samoa Joe,or Leakee.?
The only soloution left is to say you are concentrating on Tough Enough,SCSA is on board,MTV are interested Bill DeMott,& Trish are hanging around,& its on once in a blue moon,no need for the writers to rush hurting their little brains on ideas to push the new guy.Plus most competitors are indies or FCW rejects anyway,they at least know the ropes,no pun intended..
But before it dies a slow death could they please do a Legends & Sons version.This is one gimmick WWE could always do,but NeVeR do,we hoped Legacy would be like this ,& out of it came Cody & Ted but they never follow this idea properly..all those trainers/agents/legends feuding or helping their sons,a potentialy great storyline for attitude and pg fans alike..I hope Vince & Aces return will make this happen.Cant help feeling it would,had there been a son of Rock & Cena!.
I think with Nexus gone,the minor titles merging ,SD & Raw stars guesting on each thers brands (,even the WWE game is no longer SvR),the NeeD for NXT will diminish,if not the show.They will axe it once they ThinK of something else.Mind you,if its down to Creative,we,re in for a bloody long wait!.
When you have Hornswoggle as a "Pro," it just can't be taken seriously. Season 5 is scheduled to wrap up sometime in 2016. I'd rather watch a one-hour Red Rooster/Brooklyn Brawler Iron-Man match with Mike Adamle on commentary than an episode of NXT.
Even though NXT can be viewed as a halfway point between FCW and the main roster, that's not enough to make me watch it. When it was on Syfy for its first two seasons I watched it because I wanted to see what it was all about AND it was good enough for me to keep watching. They never recovered the fans they lost with the divas in season 3, and somewhere around season 4 it just got bad and the quality remained low. The show is a waste of time now and if it were still on tv I might give it another chance but they made it online only and I never watch any of the online shows. Call me lazy all you want, but I don't bother watching online shows.

So it's a good way to become familiar with the talent before they come onto the main roster. Great. However so is reading up on them online and searching for footage of previous matches or promos. Besides, once they reach Raw/Smackdown anything they did before then no longer matters as much. WWE books them as newcomers no matter how experienced they may be. There's really no reason for me to watch it anymore. If WWE don't feel it's good enough for regular tv, then why should I bother looking for it online or through xbox applications? I'll check out video footage if anyone recommends any, but WWE more or less showed the world that the show sucks by not caring about it enough to improve it to the point where it becomes a must see event on tv.

That's just me though. For those who still enjoy watching NXT? Awesome. keep watching it, and enjoy your show. :) Let the rest of us know if something cool happens so we can check it out.

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