3 of a kind?

Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
If you could hire any 3 non-WWE superstars to your roster, who would they be?

-My first choice would be Jeff Hardy. He's such a great superstar. He was very over with the fans. I think he and CM Punk could have an incredible feud.

-My second choice would be Austin Aries. This is because I'm a huge fan of Aries, but also because he's very good overall. He would improve the product and could have a solid feud with a Damien Sandow or an Antonio Cesaro.

-My final choice would be Kurt Angle. Imagine Angle vs Ziggler, Angle vs Swagger, Angle vs Bryan...the possibilities are endless. Angle would be the biggest investment the WWE could make. However, there is one issue. Angle is over 40 years old, which means he may not be able to wrestle for too long effectively. But WWE needs Angle. Take a risk.


Also, this is a completely separate topic, I believe. I apologize if it's already been done.
1. Magnus. He's still young which means he can still get better both on the mic and in the ring. I don't know if he would ever make it to the top but he'd be great in the mid card scene.

2. Sarita for the Divas division. She can put on a decent match and she's my favorite KO. I'd like to see her on a bigger stage.

3. Matt Morgan. He'd be a great asset going for the World title on Smackdown. He's a pretty good big man and has a good look. It would be nice to see him return to the WWE for the last half of his career.
Number one would be Kurt Angle so that he could finish off his career in the big leagues while I orgasm on my laptop screen during his amazing technical matches against Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. He'd retire by finally defeating the asshole who likes to hack his Twitter account and all would be right with the world.

For number deux, I'd bring in Kevin Steen, and at the same time change WWE programming back to TV-14 so that we could get full-blown promos loaded with unnecessary cursing. You know you want to see this guy feud with Cena in a more edgy WWE. They could use the stolen shirt design as a stimulus for their rivalry. This writes itself.

And number three, my personal favourite, would be a tag team, which I will conveniently count as one person because it makes things easier for me. The duo I'm talking about is Christopher Daniels and Kazarian, and if it wasn't for someone creating a Gangnam Style music video out of their idiotic dance, Hell No would still be my team of the year. But not anymore.

Oh yeah, I'd also release Dolph Ziggler, JTG and The Prime Time Players, just to have a fair trade-off.
At first, I thought this was a topic making fun of Ryback/Big E Langston wearing the RVD onesies.

I'd have to say Austin Aries, Kevin Steen and Johnny Gargango.

The matches those three could put on would be instant classics.
1) Kurt Angle, he was amazing during his WWE run and huge part of what made the Attitude Era so successful. I would love to see him have one last run in the WWE and then retire. Matches against guys like Punk and Bryan would be dreams in the making!

2) Jeff Hardy, always been a fan always will be. He seems to really have his shit together now, so I would love to see him return to the WWE and get another shot at the Straight Edge Superstar CM Punk.

3) Matt Morgan simply to see a match against Sheamus. Whats more devastating the Brogue Kick or the Carbon Footprint?
Velvet Sky, Ric Flair, Jeff Hardy. I would watch Velvet Sky and she'd make a good heel. Hulk Hogan should actually be the GM of Raw except i hate his promos brother, and all his catchphrases, as a business he is the best choice. How the Hell did he EVER get over? Maybe in 1984 ppl really did think there would be a nuclear war. So Ric is my Raw GM just to get rid of Vickie, but even that wouldn't work because he needs Orton, HHH, Piper, The Undertaker, HBK to give him a rub because ERMERGERD he can't talk WOOOO! So how can he be the Presenter? Hardy should replace Sheamus as the face of Smackdown. I don't want to watch any divas, smackdown is boring, it should be Orton's show but he should be The Riddler not Robin. Sheamus should grow a proper beard and flatten his hair. Like a Redheaded Sandow. atm he looks like Beaker. I would love The Kliq to run wwe on air like fortune, with HHH as Hogan and HBK as Biscoff and Nash, Xpac, Scott Hall as Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco and Sergeant Slaughter from The Corporation.
1. Bobbie Roode
The guy is the number one heel in the industry today and with HHH no longer a active member on the roster, Roode would be the perfect replacement to fill his shoes.

2. Magnus
Magnus ticks all the boxes needed to be a big success in WWE, He has a great look, Great on the mic and given more time could be on of the best in ring performers in the company.

3. Kurt Angle
The man just gets better with age and if he returned to WWE then i'm sure you would see him drag some great matches out the younger guys on the roster.
1. Jeff Hardy. This one is kind of a no-brainer. If he came back tomorrow, he'd be the second most over guy in the company, behind Cena. Yes, even over Punk, Bryan and Seamus. Yeah, he might not be able to talk all that well and he might be a spot monkey, but the dude is consistently ridiculously over wherever he goes.

2. Bobby Roode. He's an awesome wrestler who is a great example of a classic heel and has a look that screams professional wrestler. He's a heat magnet and I could see epic feuds with Cena and Seamus.

3. Josh Barnett. Yes, he's an mma fighter. I get that. Did you also know he does a fair amount of professional wrestling as well? And that he's very good at it? And that he's also got great mic skills? Well, he does. And I'd like to see him be a full time wrestler, now that he's slipping down the charts of mma.
1. Kurt Angle- For reasons mentioned above, Angle is a welcome addition to any roster. The man can still go, and while you're not going to get another 10 years out of him the short term gain would be great. All the feuds mentioned above I'd love to see. After some of those big name matches I could see him putting over guys like Barrett or Cesaro.

2. Samoa Joe- I know I'll get slack for this but I'm just a big Joe fan. I loved when he debuted in TNA and given a similar push in WWE I think fans would buy him being a legitimate threat for any mid-card belt and could be easily placed in the main event and look credible. Everyone complains about his weight and physique, which is understandable, but I think given the right incentive and a few months to get into shape a hungry Joe would be a force to be reckoned with (no pun intended).

3. The Motor City Machine Guns- I know this is a team and I'm cheating but this would be awesome for the WWE in their attempt to rebuild the Tag Team Division. They've already laid the groundwork and I think the next move is bringing in legitimate "teams" who have established chemistry. The Guns could make a huge splash and fill the Hardy Boy type role or the Kendrick London role. Their chemistry and experience make them an interesting pick up.
# 1 : Kurt Angle - He is my favorite wrestler as of today, he is just so amazing in the ring and his matches with punk, bryan, and or anyone would be awesome.

# 2 : Bobby Roode - The Man is just so good, he would defiantly fit in and would be a top contender quickly. Bobby Roode Is just damn good in the ring and it would be amazing to see him wrestle in WWE.

# 3 : I wanted to say Austin Aries, but I am not sure WWE would use him well. If they used him properly than I would Definitely go with him. Otherwise I have to go with STING... because WWE would make tons of money and he could have some good matches before he retires, plus he has never been in WWE... it would be huge!
Sting - WWE needs this match vs Undertaker.... this would be the REAL end of an ERA WM match. Stings needs to get the big stage one more time in his career and retire after that. WM would have an incredible buy rate just becasue of this

RVD - He's still awesome and could fued with the likes of Bryan, Punk, Cena. He's a guy that doesnt even need the big title, he could bring some strength to the mid card

Kurt Angle - he's awesome, he's a wrestling machine, I would love to see angle vs lesnar again
Kurt Angle - like a lot of people here, I'd vote him #1 just to see matches with CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd. He's still the best all round worker I've seen in over 30 years and deserves to go out on top at Wrestlemania down the track.

#2 I'd say Christopher Daniels - I think Kazarian holds him back actually. His singles matches are always must see TV, and I think he could have some great mid card matches with Cesaro, Kofi, Gabriels etc

#3 John Morrison. I know he needed work on his mic skills, but he was pure excitement in the ring. His matches with Tyson Kidd were always top quality and I still think he has potential to be a world champion some day.
Alright Ill Play along

1) Kurt Effin Angle! Holy shit Vince would cream in his pants if Angle said i wanna come back. Even at less than half a working schedule Angle would be the shit. Angle could bring it to ziggler make him wrestle as an equal! I say that because Ziggler clearly shows he is more athletic than most of the people he is in the ring with. Be nice to see Angle push Ziggler to his limit!

2) Bobby Roode! Bobby is the real deal. A very solid worker great talker on the mic and can wrestle and tell a story in the ring very well. Bobby i think could have a great feud with CeSaro for the US Title!

3) Now this one is tough! Austin Aries ehh i think WWE thinks he is too small and really couldnt bring it! My choice is Chael P Sonnen. Yes im aware he is an MMA fighter but the man is a legit wrestler. Dude is tough as all hell and probably is the best legit wrestler in all of MMA! Plus he is funny as shit on the mic. He can really rile people up and well we all know thats a huge hurdle in wrestling. Being able to talk on the mic. He is a natural
I agree about Austin Aries, I'd love to see him go to wwe because he's never been there and he's such a great wrestler all round from character to ring work.

I disagree about bringing back Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle, I used to love seeing these old guys come back but I've lost the love for those ideas, I think they'd be alright to be brought back as managers for some of the fresher guys. I hated seeing flair back sorry to kill the buzz, his bit worked well but that was only because of CM Punk, I just hate to see a guy his age not finding anything else to do.
Hogan almost makes me cry these days who's getting really close to being as bad as an offender as Flair. At least Flair recognizes he's no longer bigger than any particular wrestling promotion and goes back to the only one anyone will notice him on.

I think some more guys who have never been in wwe should get a chance, some of the best guys have come about this way, like Jericho for example. Or Stone Cold, beat that.

I think they need a big guy but I don't know who, I'm thinking along the lines of someone about the size of Magnus from TNA but less British, I'm not impressed with how wwe is trying to have so many British people (Barrett, regal) or at least go serious with drew McIntyre. Whats going on there?
KENTA-This man has dominated the japanese scene for years.I honestly believe he is one of the greatest living wrestlers today.Hes also the guy that cm punk stole his whole move set from.(some ppl dont know that)

Chuck Taylor-this guy is great on the mic and is fun to watch.he can easily pull off the cocky heel gimmick the guy has wrestled all over the indie scene

jay lethal-the guy is hella talented decent on the mic.I can def see him in wwe one day.
First let me say, for me the WWE has suffered with the premature loss of established stars over the years. As in just as they started to draw or were at a stage they could be used to raise younger talent to their level or even just maintain a good run they were on. Names like RVD, Eddie Guerrero, Benoit, The Rock (in his 7 year absence I mean) Stone Cold, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle etc etc you get my point. It's from this I feel that they had to make stars from scratch in te Cena's and Rybacks or rely on Punk's and Bryans to get over on their own. For this reason my 3 picks are:

#1 Kurt Angle - instantly a main eventer who can hold any title in order to draw in lost fans while at the same time help get over younger talent by legitimising their position. A mid carder such as Kofi, Cesaro (USA feud given his current gimmick) or any of the shield etc could instanly be elevated by winning a 3 month feud with him.

#2 I've been swaying over RVD and Jeff Hardy, similar to Angle n that they are already established but with a different style to him so they can portray a similar role in a differing way. Siding with Jeff as he is younger and has more $ signs for Vince, plus with Punk heel again, re-establishing their feud can benefit everyone.

#3 cheating like previous posts I'm going with the Dudleys, as singles or a taf team they can make a lot of superstars look good. Especially Bubba who seems to be at his best in TNA just now.

For me they have the young talent, what the WWE needs are old heads who can get them over and bring in the crows at the same time. Other names I would like to see brought in are JoMo, Benjamin, MVP, Carlito, Samoa Joe, Austn Aries, Chris Sabin and the fallen angel chris daniels (who i'd pair with connor o'brian in the ascension)

To make way I'd release: Yoshi, Khali, Riley, Otunga, Big Zeke, Mason Ryan, Ted Dibiase, Tensai, and (sorry but yes he annoys me) Zack Ryder
Willie Mack, Sami Callihan and El Generico.

That is who I would bring in. Do I see it happening anytime soon? No. Going off WWE standards and practices, Mack isn't cut like a typical big man should be, Callihan is too small and how the hell do you repackage El Generico? I personally would say Willie Mack is kinda like Samoa Joe without the hype. He's a big dude who hits hard but can fly around the ring like a lightweight. Sami Callihan on the other hand is the opposite of Mack. He's a smaller dude who can stand toe to toe with the big boys and look convincing doing so. Callihan is also probably the best promo guy on the indies right now besides Eddie Kingston. Lastly, I think El Generico could be huge if WWE signed him right this instant and let him do his thing. I don't know what they would do for him, but if he got a deal like CM Punk and was allowed to just keep on keeping on with the gimmick and name he has, I think he would get over with people of all ages and walks of life.
1.Kurt Angle-Nothing needs to be said, he's Kurt freakin Angle
2.AJ Styles- A bit of personal bias here as Aj is my favourite current wrestler, I'd like to see AJ have a legit shot at making it in the WWE, he can get over enough to be a Rey Mysterio-esque kind of guy
3. Sting- Who doesn't want to see Sting vs Taker? This is a dream match that would happen were Sting to sign up to WWE

Honorable Mentions: Hardy Boys, Dudleys, Christopher Daniels, Mickie James, RVD (battle of the unitards: RVD vs Ryback), John Morrison, and Carlito.
1. Austin Aries - Aries is someone that's shown he's a star in TNA. He's got the goods in the ring and on the mic, he's got the personality. Of the guys currently on the TNA roster, Aries is one of the handful that, in my view & not being someone that's already been a huge deal in WWE, could be a big star.

2. Bully Ray - While it's true that Ray is in his early 40s, he's probably been the best heel in TNA for the past couple of years. His mic skills are some of the best in wrestling. I think he's ok in the ring, but I'd rather hear him talk personally. Ray is someone I could easily picture as being part of The Shield in some sort of leader/mentor type of role to the younger guys.

3. Magnus - Of the genuinely "young" guys on the TNA roster, Magnus is really the only one in my eyes that's shown consistent promise for the future. He's only in his mid 20s and has a lot of tools to work with. He's good inside the ring, he has a good look and has all kinds of potential on promos & personality. I think Magnus has a ton of potential overall and his youth is another asset. Magnus is someone that I genuinely think could head to WWE in the next few years.

Off the top of my head, those are really the only two I can think of. It'd be great to see guys like Roode, Storm and/or Styles come to WWE but it's highly unlikely. I think Storm & Roode especially have the stuff over all but, just like Styles, they're "TNA guys" through & through. They've been there for so long that I just don't see them leaving.

From a personal standpoint, I'm not too eager to see guys like Angle, RVD or Hardy back in WWE. Time is catching up with Kurt Angle as it seems that he gets injured almost everytime he wrestles these days. He's been plagued on & off throughout this year with issues with his neck, his knees, his shoulders and it's reported that he tore a groin muscle at the Final Resolution ppv.

RVD is someone that just doesn't seem that special anymore. He's exactly the same persona right now that he was 15+ years ago and it's stale as hell. If WWE brought him back, I'd have no problem with him in the mid-card or tag team picture because, frankly, that's where he should be. I've always thought him a little overrated and there are a lot of much younger and fresher guys on the WWE roster right now that I'd rather see than RVD.

I know a lotta people love Jeff Hardy but I think he's been somewhat overrated during his run in TNA. We all know the friggin' boondoggle that was Jeff Hardy during the first half of his run. He seems to have cleaned his act up and that's good. I hope he can stay cleaned up. As a main eventer, however, Jeff Hardy bores the shit out of me. Since becoming TNA WHC for the third time, I think he's demonstrated his limitations in terms of personality and promo ability because he needs his opponents to carry the lion's share of the build up. He can deliver fine inside the ring but he's sorely lacked in just about every other area. I'm sure WWE would take Hardy back but the guy's a time bomb. I'm also sure he'd have no interest in working anything approaching a full schedule in WWE but would expect a huge chunk of change. I just think WWE would be better off signing someone else that they could get the most out of.

There's also guys like Matt Morgan that could be of benefit to WWE but I just don't see it happening. Morgan's window of opportunity is closed, I believe, due in part to the TNA lawsuit with WWE. Morgan is someone that's gone nowhere and been going nowhere in TNA for years now. A drawback to Morgan though is that he's 36 years old and hasn't accomplished squat in his career apart from a couple of lame duck runs as one half of the TNA tag champs. He has a great look and he's pretty good in the ring, especially for a big guy, and his promos are solid.
My first pick would have to be A. J. Styles. He is the 6 time TNA X-Division Champion, the 2 time TNA Legends / Global / Television Champion, the 6 time TNA World Tag Team Champion, and the 4 time TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He’s the first TNA Triple Crown Champion and the first TNA Grand Slam Champion. If he’s not your first, second, or third pick, then you are not a fan of TNA.

Me second pick would have to be Abyss. He is the former TNA X-Division Champion, the former TNA Television Champion, the former TNA World Tag Team Champion, and the former TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He’s the fourth TNA Triple Crown Champion and the second TNA Grand Slam Champion. I think he’s underrated. He’s versatile enough to run with the X-Division or the Mid-Card Division. He makes a great Tag Team partner. He could stand on his own and hold the Top Prize. Oh, and he’s a pretty good actor, kind of.

My third pick would have to be Samoa Joe. He is the 4 time TNA X-Division Champion, the former TNA Television Champion, the 2 time TNA World Tag Team Champion, and the former TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He’s the third TNA Triple Crown Champion and the third TNA Grand Slam Champion. He was the 2008 King Of The Mountain. You want to talk about versatility, Samoa Joe could be placed anywhere from the opening match to the Main Event and he will deliver.

If I could pick a fourth, I’d go with Kurt Angle. I don’t believe there is any need for me to explain this choice.

If I could pick a woman for the Divas Division, I’d go with Velvet Sky. Then again, if I could pick Velvet Sky for any reason, I would.
You cant forget the WWE they ALWAYS make a guy start from the bottom and work there way up. When Jeff returned it took him 2 years to get into the main event scene. As for that I would leave Bobby Roode in TNA because he deserves to be at the top and it took him this long to get to the top so he would stay in TNA.

1) Kurt Angle- He deserves to retire on top. This is the age of the youth, Whats better to getting a new guy over than to go up against an accomplished veteran. Kurt Angle may have the best credentials of any Active wrestler on any show. Angle could get a couple of the new guys over before he retires.

2) AJ Styles- AJ is one of the best in ring performers i have ever seen. I love watching AJ go out and do his thing. He would shine in the WWE. He had a chance after WCW folded but nothing came of it. He still has a lot of years left.

3) Magnus- He is young and hes already a veteran. He has a great look and can speak. He can be Heel Or Face. He could have great matches with Cesaro in the future.
#1: Jeff Hardy.
Jeff was one of the WWE's biggest wrestlers of the last decade and he was one of, if not THE most popular. He payed his dues before he became a huge star, unlike Ryback or Alberto Del Rio. WWE will have a huge problem with Jeff's past tho, even if he is cleaned up now, it will take a lot to rehire him

#2 Austin Aries
Austin Aries is honestly one of the best wrestlers in the world today and it suprised me when TNA 1st released him, but its good thatb TNA saw the error of thier ways and resigned him, and he is now one of thier main draws, he has remarable agility, huge strength for someone at 210 lbs. and has potential to be the top heel or the top face.

For #3 i reached a debate between A.J. Styles, and Shelton Benjamen, because both men have exactly the same situation, they are both agile, yet have strength, both have done astonishing things with thier careers and both are pretty underrated (Shelton more then A.J. of course but lets remember they were in different companies) it really is a debate over which one should be in, and only VKM and HHH could chose one over the other.
1>>> Shelton Benjamin-his in ring work iss as good as anyone else even if his mic work never got to shine through, put him in matches with Kydd, Kofi, Ziggler and the like and let the talent flow, keep him away from oversized opponents.

2>>> John Morrison- same as Shelton, his in ring is beyond most on the current roster,

3>>> La Sambra or Volodor Jr (preferably both) from CCML and have a sereis of matches with them, Mistico, Del Rio and other high flyers under the Mexican format.
Adam Cole.He's extremely young and incredibly gifted. For a guy who hasn't been wrestling all that long in comparison to some of the other indy mainstays, he's very near the top of the independent industry. Solid wrestler, but more importantly a mind that can be taught different characters, different styles, and a new way of looking at things. He'd addapt well to WWE psychology I think, and working with talents like William Regal in NXT and Daniel Bryan in WWE would have to be a giant step up from Matt Hardy in ROH. His age is also a major positive for WWE, who is doing a great job training up the next generation right now.

Not Jeff Hardy. Everyone is throwing his name around, but I don't want to see him back in WWE right now. As he himself said, he gets to be the #1 guy in TNA. He gets to prove himself, and is treated like he's important. In WWE, even though he was moving huge merch and selling events for them, he felt like he was just caught up in the mix of things. Jeff looks to be back on track with his life; drastic changes tend to bring out bad things in people who have struggled with substances in the past. Particularly ones that involve working 300+ dates a year, when his body is already very banged up.

AJ Styles. Why him over Austin Aries? Because he deserves it more, for one. Because I think AJ may have run his course in TNA, and unless he comes back with something out of left field (ala Bully Ray in 2011), he may have just done all he can do with Impact Wrestling over the past 10 years. At 35 he may be a little bit old to introduce to the WWE Universe, who apart from the vocal minority of internet fans, won't know him. But there's at least a 1.0 cable rating's worth of wrestling fans that will check out WWE and cheer for AJ, so it's not exactly like he'll be a "noob". He's also still one of the best wrestlers in the world, and while I don't think he'll ever actually make it to WWE, it's a damn shame that he'll never get to wrestle a match on the biggest stage in pro wrestling.

Sting. Because he's Sting, dammit. And I'm sick of Justin LaBar saying he's not an icon because he's never wrestled for the WWE. Even if it's just for one match and a Hall of Fame induction, it's something that wrestling fans need to see.
Keiji Muto (Great Muta).
Kurt Angle
Jeff Hardy

Hardy and Angle for obvious reasons.

I've always wanted to see Muta in WWE. He would have fit in well during the mid 90's and could have had classics with Michaels and Hart as a heel. Today he could have some fun with Cena and others.

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