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Nome is where your heart is
Also known as the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs, are three teenagers who brutally murdered 21 people. In the process they video taped and took pictures of each murder. They attended the funerals of their victims and flipped off the tomb stones. There is actually a video of these teenagers killing a man in a very brutal manner. And is the sickest thing I have seen and heard in my life.

Now, I will not post the link to the website that details the actions of these monsters, yes I will call them monsters. I tried watching the video and couldn't make it through it, probably best. It made me want to vomit and that is no exaggeration. The web site also has a translation of what the teenagers were saying which is also very disgusting.

Here is the wikipedia page.


Really all I want to know is how other people feel about this. I for one can not stress how sick it makes me feel that humans would do this to another human and video tape it. Then again it is also extremely sick that people actually watch it and I include myself in this category.

I strongly believe these individuals should be put to death. Their actions do not allow for anything lighter then death because of all the pain and terror they have caused. But, what do you all think? Do they deserve to keep their lives or do they deserve to die? And any other opinions on this topic as well.
Well, I made sure to read the whole article before posting, but I will not watch the video. I can only imagine how gruesome it is. I have to agree with just about everything you're saying. These are some sick, deeply disturbed young men, and they deserve all the punishment a legal system can dish out. I've always been hesitant to call for the death penalty, but this is a situation where I must. These men committed these acts simply for the fun of it; it's always disheartening to hear of people capable of such horrible acts, especially when no remorse is shown. The problem, though, is that there is no capital punishment in the Ukraine. The murderers are now in prison, but that seems like quite a light punishment to me, even with a life sentence.
I have always been the type of person who would bend over backwards to help anyone out in anyway that I possibily could. I care for and strive to achieve the greater good as a person. If someone is upset or angry, I automatically assume that there is something that I can do to eliminate the negative feeling, and then will try and work towards that. (Although at the same time, I also realize that that is one of my faults.)

Seeing or hearing about how some people can treat other human beings sickens me.

As a firefighter, I have witness many horrible things including suicide, murder victims, grusome car accidents and even as small as people's living conditions. I can not fathom, how one person could knowingly commit such horrendous acts towards another.

I have not watched the video, nor do I intend to. Like I mentioned, I see horrible things everyday, every chance I get to not put myself if a position to expose myself to more negativity, I'll take.

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