3 Disc Of Kane?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
- Mike Johnson is reporting that WWE is planning on releasing a 3 disc DVD set on Kane sometime this November. Amazon or any other retailer doesn't have a listing for this DVD so we'll just have to wait and see. Johnson also reports that the Edge DVD has been pushed back to December. It originally had a November 4th release date and still is listed with that date on Amazon.

Sounds awful if you ask me. The only intresting angles would be the first Taker feud and Katie Vick. And about 5 matches. Including Mania match with Chavo.

The Edge one will be better, but he's on every other WWE DVD so it'll be nothing new.
The fued with Shane McMahon would be worth seeing.

His dominance in the '01 Rumble would probably be showcased.

Him beating Austin and then losing to Austin would blatnetly be in there. They'd probably also show his fued with Y2J in '01 as well, god knows how many X-pac matches, and yeah the whole Kate Vick rubbish along with almost holding 3 titles at once.

Maybe winning the IC title from HHH in the chain match. At least one inferno match, maybe the MVP one

However, a Kane DVD still wouldn't be worth paying for imo
Ae You Joking How The Hell Do You Make A 3disc Dvd On Kane Andnot Edge. Kane Has Done Almost Nothing In His Carrer Besides Look Like A Joke. He Had Maybe A Few Good Things I Could See Making The Dvd The Rumble Of 01 And His First Fud With Taker. Mabye His Debue In Hell In A Cell And His One Night Tittle Win Over Austin. This Dvd Will Not Be Added To My Collection Of Wwe Dvds
That has the potential to be cool, if they focus more on his early career (most importantly, when he had the mask) rather than his later period, from 2004 to about...2008. If they include everything from '04 to '08, that is gonna be one boring DVD. And it's sure as hell not going to be a biographical DVD, so that could be very, VERY boring.

Kane has been put in mostly forgettable, slow and sometimes stupid feuds (I'm looking at a BURLAP SACK while writing this!) ever since losing the match against Triple H for the mask. There are no particular matches that stick out in my mind from recent years.

Basically, I don't think it'd either sell well or be particularly enjoyable. But I could be wrong, I guess. I sure as hell wouldn't buy it, but then again, I never buy WWE DVD's.
This would be like releasing a dvd on the "career" of the Brooklyn Brawler. Sadly, Kane is a jobber to the stars.

He constantly lost in the big matches(usually against triple H) and his career has simply stagnated. Its usually build Kane up as a monster,m leading to a WM match, where he loses and has to be built up as a monster again.

And god, pelase dont put the whole Lita rape angle OR the Katie Vick angle. Its like watching a Vince Russo program
Wow.... what a total waste of time. I'd much rather a DVD on Jericho or Edge if WWE is so hell bent on making DVDs for wrestlers who are currently active.
And the Jericho DVD comes out when?, I'd rather have 3 Discs of Jericho tha Kane, Kane you could cram all on one disc, two if it includes the feature highlighting his career
I'd watch it on DailyMotion. Like I do with most WWE DVD's. (Hardy's, Cena, HBK, although I did end up buying the HBK DVD anyways).
Kane is the only one whose DVD I'd actually buy, maybe the Undertaker's, no one else seems to be worth it
who said I was joking :(

The Ultimate Ric flair collection is a must!

Its a great wrestlin dvd hylighting the life and timesof Naitch.

Foley's dvd is a good one too, even better now ehs left because you can probabaly pick it up in the sales bin!
The first thing that I'm wondering is what's on it. His title reign, the first match with Taker, and maybe an inferno match?
See No Evil was a great movie and a big success. If the WWE had considered it a failure, they probably wouldn't have gone and released 2 other movies after that
exactly. Id rather see a Kane movie than another Cena one.

The Marine was ok, but I had high hopes for the condemned, but I can see why it flopped

And if your going to ask yourself why? Compare the Condemned to Transformers (the major box office action hit of that year) for your answer
I am one of the few I guess that hasn't seen transformers. I don't want to see it even, whenever I am at the movie store, I see it, but I walk right by it. II'd rather see a Cena movie than the transformer movie.

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