2013 HOF


Occasional Pre-Show
According to F4WOnline.com, the following names are currently being discussed for the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame:

-Mick Foley
-Bob Backlund
-Kevin Nash
-The Ultimate Warrior

Warrior really surprises me. Don't get me wrong, he was great for the company at the time. Okay, he sucked in-ring. Forget five moves of doom, I think he had maybe three. But he got people jacked up for a match with all that frantic energy.

All that said, rumors of his holding PPV's hostage for money, pissing off VKM on multiple occasions, his current rants against Hogan etc, I really don't see him ever being inducted. I'm not even sure I see him as HOF material. I have a lot of fond memories of his time in the WWF, he was a lot of fun to watch and listen to, even though you couldn't understand a thing he said.

Anyone else think it'll never happen for Warrior?
It'll never happen for Warrior...but because Warrior will never make it happen. WWE have tried to get him in on many occassions but Hellwig has always refused cause he knows they just only want him in so they can get a big payday out of it and because they have buried him countless times. I don't blame Warrior, if they are gonna act like he was their biggest abortion then why put him in the HOF? WWE need to get it in their head that Warrior will never agree to go in, and that's on them.

I think it's too early for JBL to go in.
Even though I'm against the idea of Kevin Nash being in the Hall of Fame I understand why they would induct him. The Ultimate Warrior should never be in the Hall of Fame he was a terrible worker a terrible wrestler and a terrible person but this is the same Hall of Fame with The Refrigerator and Drew Carey so it wouldn't surprise me if they inducted The Warrior but I don't think he would agree. Just like JBL another overrated wrestler that i felt should have never gotten the push he got.

As for Bob Backlund and Mick Foley those are two men who deserve that spot in the Hall of Fame. I hope this time Backlund accepts and Mick Foley is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time so I would love seeing him get inducted he's s done so much and that would be incredible if Mick Foley were to get inducted into the Hall of Fame at the same building that inspired him to become a wrestler.

The class of 2012 should be Mick Foley, Bob Backlund, Jake the Snake Roberts, Rick Rude, Macho Man, Lou Thez, and Bruiser Brody, Bam Bam Bigelow Wrestlers that are all way better then Kevin Nash, JBL, and The Ultimate Warrior
Mick should have been in the hall of fame a long time ago and so should have Backlund.
I can see WWE putting JBL in the hall of fame along with nash. but the main reason i think kevin will be put in is because of triple h. but no way should the ultimate warrior be inducted. the guy was a hell of a talent and became the biggest draw the company had at the time. but for me the bad outweighted the good. if he had been easyier to work with and not been such a ass then he would have gone on to be one of the greatest champions in wwe history. there are many other people who should go in the hall of fame ahead of him like Jake The Snake,Demolition,Bam Bam Bigalow and countless others.
The Ultimate Warrior shouldn't be inducted my ass. Now I know he may not want to be inducted given his history with Vince McMahon, but some of you (Todd, nailz1) need to be educated. Warrior was just as popular as Hulk Hogan was from 1987-1991. The crowd popped when he answered Honky Tonk Man's challenge. Tell me who else other than him would have gotten that reaction? He had three great WM matches in a row with Rude, Hogan, and Savage. I sure as hell would induct him before I would someone like Bam Bam Bigelow who most people remember him as the guy who lost to Lawrence Taylor at the main event of a Wrestlemania.
It's hard to say. They're all great picks but I think headlining the HOF in 2013 would and should be Mick Foley. While Warrior would be totally awesome and I'd be stoked if he got in, I just don't think it'll happen anytime soon. I thought I read some where that he turned down the offer 3 yrs ago. But who knows what might have changed since for Warrior. My line up would be...........

Mick Foley Headliner. Former WWE Champ. Went to the Garden to watch one of his first matches involving HOF'r Super Fly Jimmy Snuka. Have the rock or taker induct him.

Bob Backlund Secondary headliner. Inducted by Bret Hart

King Kong Bundy This upcoming Wrestlemania is in his backyard this year, and part of the main event at WM 2. Ted Dibiase can probably induct him as they were part of the Million Dollar corporation faction.

Slick I think WWE's first african american managers. He's due. Have him get inducted by Nikolai Volkoff

Randy & Liz Posthumous inductees. Inducted by maybe Rickey Steamboat with Lanny Poffo accepting the ring. That might be a long shot but possible. If not my other posthumous inductee would be Buddy Rogers, with Ric Flair inducting him.

Demolition Tag Team inductees that deserve it. Maybe Jim Duggan or Road Warrior Animal could induct them.

Mike Rotundo While he may not have won major titles he still worked his ass off for the company in the ring and outside for many years. Appeared in the first Wrestlemania has a champion. His sons can induct him.

Cyndi Lauper Celebrity inductee to be inducted by Wendi Richter.

I wouldn't put in Kevin Nash this year as I'm not sure how long this heat he has will go down regarding his recent comments about Eddie Gurerro and Christ Benoit and JBL I would save for another HOF down the road perhaps a Texas one.
If Warrior wants to be inducted, I've got no problem with it. I was never a fan of the guy. Truth is, in my opinion, the guy is among the most overrated hacks of the past 30 years. However, the fact of the matter is that Warrior was hugely popular and a big draw. He might've been an asshole behind the scenes and damn near impossible to work with, but he made money for the company. The WWE has reportedly asked Warrior several times in the past and he's always refused. Personally, I think if he says no this time then they should stop wasting their time with him. I think it'd be a risky move inviting Warrior to be in teh Hall of Fame. The guy's a bit unstable I think. He might decide to no-show the HOF induction ceremony just for spite or get on the mic and tear into the WWE just for the hell of it. And yes, both those scenarios are entirely possible. If you've ever heard or seen Warrior speak, he'd do either of those things in a heartbeat if the idea suited him.

Bob Backlund turned down a spot in the Class of 2004 for some reason, not really sure why. Backlund was the WWE's golden boy before Hulk Hogan, he was WWE Champion for a total of 6.5 years, so that in and of itself warrants induction.

It'll be cool to see Mick Foley in the HOF. He might not've been the best athlete or have a particularly good look but Foley had heart and was loaded with personality; several different ones in fact :p. In terms of in-ring ability, Foley was far from being the best but he always tried his absolute hardest.

Kevin Nash is someone that I was never all that crazy about overall. I'd much rather listen to him talk than wrestle because he was a much better talker in my eyes. While a lot of nasty things have been said about Nash over the past few weeks by a lot of people, me included, the man was involved in some of the biggest & most memorable moments in wrestling history. He's a 6 time World Champion, I think he was a 10 time Tag Team Champion, he was one of the founding members of the nWo and the guy just had a great career that warrants being recognized in this way.

JBL, for me, was sort of along the same lines of Nash. I thought JBL was better in the ring than Nash, but I'd usually rather hear JBL cut a promo than watch him wrestle. JBL had a long run as WWE Champion and several runs as a Tag Team Champion. Of all the potential guys listed, JBL is probably the one that I'd have the most trouble seeing as a legend. I wouldn't argue with anyone that sees him in that light but I don't personally think his star burned as brightly as these others, certainly not as long.
I like this list, I don't really have a problem if warrior goes in, to me its kind of like pete rose going into the baseball HOF and how there is all that tension, where his talent and how big of a name he is makes him deserve to be in the HOF, but certain issues outside of the sport to make him look bad and not necessarily deserve the honor.

Mick is awesome, he was part of the most watched segment in wrestling history, he had one of the most memorable matches on Raw where he won the championship, and he was major over with the crowd and loved by many, and we can add all the breath-taking moments he has done throughout his career, like falling off of HIAC against taker, getting speared through a flamming table by edge, etc etc etc. I also like JBL because he was a great talent I thought, he could be a great heel and was one of the better big men in the business. Hell Faarooq is in there, why not JBL? Kevin Nash is the one I could really care less about, sure he was in NWO and was a good big man, but I feel he is kind of forgettable in terms of big moments
I'm extremely excited about all of these guys possibly being inducted this year, that's a huge list already this far out from when it's actually going down. All those guys are icons in WWE's history and without a doubt deserve spots in the HOF, I'm really glad Warrior will finally get the recognition he deserves. It really makes you sad thinking if Vince had lowered his guard in the past as he is here with Warrior then Macho Man would have been in the HOF before he died but this is a step in the right direction.

Backlund definitely deserves it, not enough people realize just how big the guy was back in the day and him getting his place in history is great.

Nash makes me happy, he isn't the most qualified guy on the list but he's get enough credentials and history to deserve it. I'll love hearing Rockhouse playing and seeing Big Sexy walk out and accept this honor.

JBL is a solid HOFer, not a huge name or a huge superstar but he was a great character and I personally always enjoyed his work.

Lastly Mick Foley, if anybody deserves it then it's Cactus fucking Jack. That man has destroyed himself for years for the fans and I'm beyond excited for his one. I really hope they make him the head of the class for the 2013 HOF group. Overall a great list of legends who deserve their spots in history.
Warrior really surprises me. Don't get me wrong, he was great for the company at the time. Okay, he sucked in-ring. Forget five moves of doom, I think he had maybe three. But he got people jacked up for a match with all that frantic energy.

All that said, rumors of his holding PPV's hostage for money, pissing off VKM on multiple occasions, his current rants against Hogan etc, I really don't see him ever being inducted. I'm not even sure I see him as HOF material. I have a lot of fond memories of his time in the WWF, he was a lot of fun to watch and listen to, even though you couldn't understand a thing he said.

Anyone else think it'll never happen for Warrior?

Don't let your opinion of his current displays blindside you to his abilities. Warrior was not a bad worker. He wasn't at a Hart or Henning level, but he was far above mvoe os the 'bodybuilder' types that were around in that area and after. At the least on par or beyond guys like Luger or Goldberg. At least during his run with wwe from 87-92 anywat, his stint in wcw was terrible and that's were most people base their opinions on him remember. I remember him from his match with savage, his title vs title at WM6 vs hogan, his work with rude, his bodybag match with Taker.

As far as HOF goes, I think he should be in but back door it off air. Don't want to risk his mouth running on live mic. One truly memorable way to induct him would be to have Hogan do it, but that would never happen.

as for the others listed, well as much as I never liked Nash, only know backlund from his 'crazy run for pres' stint in the 90's, I guess they do deserve to be there.

JBL might be a bit soon, I'd save him for 2014.

Mick Foley and Macho are the most deserving, but the issues with the Poffo family would need to be resolved first. I think a good step would be a Macho Man DVD hosted by Lanny is the first hting that will happen before the family allows wwe to honor randy. To induct Mick, you would need either rock or taker to do the honors since those are the 2 that he is most often linked to in peoples memories. For Randy, as many of his family as are willing to show.

Are the Natural disasters, demolition, nasty boyz, steiner bros in? how about putting in the entirety of DX as a group honor like they did for 4 horseman, and then put in the rockers. make hbk a 3 time HOF.
Warrior really surprises me. Don't get me wrong, he was great for the company at the time. Okay, he sucked in-ring. Forget five moves of doom, I think he had maybe three. But he got people jacked up for a match with all that frantic energy.

All that said, rumors of his holding PPV's hostage for money, pissing off VKM on multiple occasions, his current rants against Hogan etc, I really don't see him ever being inducted. I'm not even sure I see him as HOF material. I have a lot of fond memories of his time in the WWF, he was a lot of fun to watch and listen to, even though you couldn't understand a thing he said.

Anyone else think it'll never happen for Warrior?

Warrior being considered to be inducted into the 2013 WWE Hall-of-Fame surprised me as well. Wasn't there a WWE DVD about him entitled , "The Fall of Ultimate Warrior"? Maybe Vince has come to terms with him like he had with Bret... If he DOES get inducted next year, he'd definitely deserve it. While I haven't seen any of his matches, I'm well aware of his credentials. Indeed, he'd make a nice addition to the HOF.

Foley has LONG been overdue. He should've been in there at least when Flair was first inducted. Nobody could take as much punishment as he could. Not only did he taste wood, steel and aluminum, but he also ate tacks and fire, both figuratively and literally. He's also a Three-Time WWE Champion to boot. It's about time he gets inducted.

Backlund would definitely be a nice addition as well, especially since his recent reintroduction to the fans on Raw. Again, I haven't seen any of his matches, but seeing him perform this year gives me the impression that he was a great technical wrestler. No wonder he's a Two-Time WWE Champion.

I think it's too early for JBL to go in.

While I respect your opinion, so was Eddie Guerrero in 2006. Just because he untimely died, doesn't mean that they have to give him an immediate post-humous induction on the same period. Don't get me worng though, I also think that he deserves to be there - it's just that he was inducted way too early. Hell, even Mysterio himself was surprised that Eddie was immediately inducted even though he agreed that the latter deserved to be in the HOF.

Nonetheless, JBL deserves to be in. It's time he joined Simmons in there.

This leaves Nash :suspic:, the only guy that I don't think deserves to be in the HOF, at least not for next year. The guy has a serious attitude problem. :disappointed: How dare he say that wrestling died when Eddie and Benoit became world champions? Triple H or not, I'm actually surprised that Nash is seriously being considered to be in the HOF.
Warrior really surprises me. Don't get me wrong, he was great for the company at the time. Okay, he sucked in-ring. Forget five moves of doom, I think he had maybe three. But he got people jacked up for a match with all that frantic energy.

All that said, rumors of his holding PPV's hostage for money, pissing off VKM on multiple occasions, his current rants against Hogan etc, I really don't see him ever being inducted. I'm not even sure I see him as HOF material. I have a lot of fond memories of his time in the WWF, he was a lot of fun to watch and listen to, even though you couldn't understand a thing he said.

Anyone else think it'll never happen for Warrior?

You guys do understand that the WWE HOF isn't a "real" Hall Of Fame, right? This is merely a marketing vehicle for Vince and the WWE, nothing more.

The only true pro wrestling Hall Of Fame (with an actual building mind you) is in Amsterdam, NY. I've been there and it's a fun visit, you should make a trip if you're nearby.
Warrior refuses to go in the HOF. He despises Vince and thinks it's a complete joke. If he was okay with it, he probably would have been in some years ago honestly.
Warrior is probably one of the biggest names in the history of the Biz. From the late 80s to early 90s Warrior and Hogan were the two guys that drew for wrestling. They took WWF and made it popular and took murchandising to a new level. Warrior also took part in one of the biggest WM main events of all time. Warrior/Hogan was perhaps one of the most looked fwd to Manias ever. Its right up there with Hogan/Andre, Rock/Austin, and Rock/Hogan. Apart from Cena, there is not one current full time wrestler in WWE that draws the same as Warrior did.

Who cares how the guy wrestled- obviously not the millions of people that paid to see him. He out sold guys like Bret Hart who actually could wrestle.

If you read Warrior interviews he praises VKM's buisness skills. I think if the price was right Warrior would go in. Most of the stuff is water under the bridge.

Warrior and Savage are the only two big names left to be inducted. WWE has been dying to get Warrior in the HOF because they know that he is money. He still could make money for WWE.
You guys do understand that the WWE HOF isn't a "real" Hall Of Fame, right? This is merely a marketing vehicle for Vince and the WWE, nothing more.

The only true pro wrestling Hall Of Fame (with an actual building mind you) is in Amsterdam, NY. I've been there and it's a fun visit, you should make a trip if you're nearby.
I think we're all aware of that, but I'm pretty sure we're still allowed to get excited about the WWE HOF. Just like how some of us can be excited about a milestone RAW, SummerSlam, Wrestlemania etc. We know it's scripted but can still look forward to it and make our predictions and give our thoughts.

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