2011 Worst Match Of The Year Discussion


Of Ace Stevens fame.
We have a MOTY thread, why not this one? After all, we all love to bitch about bad wrestling. I'm talking high profile stuff here, not NXT matches or whatever.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say Hardy vs. Sting at Victory Road. It gets a lowly 3.5 stars out of 5 from me.
Right off the top of my head I'll go with Cole Vs. Lawler at Mania. I just hated that match and couldn't understand why it dragged. The only thing worse then the match, was the ending. So, at this point, that has my vote!
Cole and Lawler at 'Mania was fun and gimmicky (it also had Stone Cold which is no bad thing). Although it did go on too long.

The tag match at Extreme Rules was awful on every level. I hated it.
Both of the Lawler/Cole matches. I can't believe that after that abortion at Wrestlemania someone thought it was a good idea to have another match, add J.R. as a wrestler into the mix, and have Cole go over.

Both matches were just dreadful.
As of right now it's easily between Sting/Hardy at VR and Lawler/Cole at Wrestlemania, but I think Lawler/Cole takes the cake. Sting/Hardy wasn't planned to go down like that, it just sucked as a result of the circumstances. Lawler and Cole was given way too much time, one of the participants had NO wrestling experience, and the outcome of the match was awful, there was absolutely no reason Cole should have won, yet he did.
Sting/Hardy wasn't a true match. It deserves to be criticized for a variety of reasons but this isn't one of them. Traditionally this category is reserved for something beyond a squash which I guess does make my choice questionable as well.
Yeah; Sting vs Hardy doesn't really deserve contention.

Don't get me wrong, it was unmitigated shit without pause for exception and completely stunk on every possible level, but the crucial factor is that it only stunk on every possible level for about a minute and a half.

In contrast the fecal watersides that have been Michael Cole's in ring outings have lasted upwards of ten minutes, with the segments themselves often doubling their length. I would very much rather watch Sting/Hardy, which whilst stupid is harmless as an in ring spectacle. I'll say this for the Victory road main event... it wasn't actually boring, which is more than can be said for a fair few other matches this year.

Not to mention the fact that large sections of the interwebs appear to have loved the Victory Road match. At last all of their criticisms have been validated and they receive the ultimate all purpose come back to any argument presented by a TNA defender.

Looked at seriously, if we were asking for the biggest disappointment of 2011, or question the worst moment of the year then Hardy vs Sting probably takes it in a sweep. But worst match... not really.
Sting / Hardy is one of the most talked about minute-and-a-half-long angles in a long time.

That doesnt deserve to be in here. Anything with Jim Ross in an in-ring capacity automatically does. And I am sure there is a Diva/KO match that deserves a mention.
Are we really going to judge women and announcer matches alongside matches performed by proper male wrestlers? Really?
Sting vs. Hardy isn't fair to put in here at all. It's the most embarrassing moment by far, but as was previously said, that wasn't a wrestling match and it's not fair to grade it as one. As for worst match, JR vs. Cole if you count it as an actual match. As for a match between two full sized properly trained guys, off the top of my head I'll go with Hernandez vs. Morgan at VR.
Sting vs. Hardy isn't fair to put in here at all.

Excuse me while I refuse to give a fuck about fair when it comes to this particular shitshow of an event. I won't rate Lawler/Cole lower, mainly because they actually went out there and tried. They put in effort.

Hardy stumbled his intoxicated ass out there, the bell rang, and he was pinned. Boom. That's a match.

You know what I think is unfair? To give this kind of "award" to people who actually put in some sort of effort.
Why not Coco?
Because the expectations for those matches shouldn't be as high as they are for those of proper full-time male wrestlers. We all know that even the best womens matches can't touch bottom of the barrel male matches and we all know that Michael Cole isn't going to provide the same quality that a trained wrestler will. So why directly compare those apples to oranges? I say let's make it a real discussion.
I suppose you could count the Swagger/Cole vs. Ross/Lawler match at Extreme rules just because it involved one active wrestler(who was made look weak as shit.)
If you wanna talk actual matches between trained professionals, I'd say the Diva's match on the RAW draft show or The Corre vs. Show, Kane, Santino and Kofi at Wrestlemania 27.
No, you can't. When half or three quarters of the participants in the match are being counted as announcers, it shouldn't be judged by the same standards as your average match.

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