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2011: Old Stars Becoming Relevant


The Abdi
With the departures/retirements of old stars like Batista, Edge, Jericho, HBK, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, MVP and etc. The WWE has decided to resort to pushing old stars that were not at the main event level. Take a look at Christian, Mark Henry and Lil Jimmy lol. A year ago who would've known that these guys would recieve a push (other than Christian). One guy I think that should get one last run is William Regal he is a technical king ftw. He's held many titles and is one of the best technical wrestlers but I mean he should have at least have held the world title once. I know that many deserving stars deserved to win the world title and never did but I mean in 2011 everything is becoming unpredictable. I know it's probably not going to happen but It would be amazing if it did. I hope you guys agree with me.
i absolutely LOVE regal in the ring and on the stick.
he is just too old to be wwe champion REALISTICALLY.
it would be nice to get him back on raw tho, as it seems the art of trying to make your opponent look great is dying more and more every day and regal is a master of that.
imagine what he could do for guys like ziggler, swagger and riley.
he could make their careers with a properly booked feud based on straight up wrestling.
just wishful thinking.
Good post. I think this process is natural though, and it should be. Most of the wrestlers that you have posted, Christian, Henry, Truth are established names and have been previous champions or pushed to the main event. When the younger guys feud with them, win or lose, the younger guys will get 'the rub' that will push them to the next level.

All those older stars are deserving and capable of main eventing and putting younger guys over. The unsung heroes, if you will. Findlay was like that a few years ago and I think they were going to push Regal up to when he when the KOR.
Mark Henry has recieved multiple pushes over the decades. thats not new, the only thing different is atm he's somewhat making the most of it.

Chrisitan/R-Truth are not old just an FYI :) and you consider matt and jeff stars still?

but your idea is true, yes they are clutching at straws atm given there's very few that can fill the void of what was left of the attitude era in Big Show, Kane, Triple H, Taker, HBK, Edge, Batista are all gone from full time if not permanently and also Cena is doing less now too.

William Regal is not good. he's good as a IC/US champion/mid carder at best, sorry i don't agree with your assessment of him being world championship material. He's entertaining on promo's but that's about it, i fail to see him being one the best technical wrestlers, all he does is the regal stretch and the rest is just slugging it out and that's always been the case

Booker T could get back in and be championship material, he's still got it and it would get him away from doing his god awfull commentary.
Mark Henry has recieved multiple pushes over the decades. thats not new, the only thing different is atm he's somewhat making the most of it.

Chrisitan/R-Truth are not old just an FYI :) and you consider matt and jeff stars still?

but your idea is true, yes they are clutching at straws atm given there's very few that can fill the void of what was left of the attitude era in Big Show, Kane, Triple H, Taker, HBK, Edge, Batista are all gone from full time if not permanently and also Cena is doing less now too.

William Regal is not good. he's good as a IC/US champion/mid carder at best, sorry i don't agree with your assessment of him being world championship material. He's entertaining on promo's but that's about it, i fail to see him being one the best technical wrestlers, all he does is the regal stretch and the rest is just slugging it out and that's always been the case

Booker T could get back in and be championship material, he's still got it and it would get him away from doing his god awfull commentary.

i by no means like to argue in real life or on the internet but you sir are just wrong. ok he is not extremely technical on wwe tv but youtube his match with benoit at the brian pillman memorial show. undoubtedly the best technical wrestling match i have ever seen. please watch this and get back to me i would love your opinion on it.
The problem with Regal is he just announced that he's gonna be retiring soon a year ago. I don't know if pushing him to the main event would be a good choice right now. He really is a great in ring technician. And It sucks how his 2008 push was cut short due to drug problems. He could have totally been a world champion. Maybe Regal can have one more five star match with Bryan or Punk or even a triple threat with them in a big stage like Summerslam/Survivor Series/Wrestlemania. That would be an awesome last match for Regal. And then he can move on to doing some commentary I know he's not exactly the best commentator right now but if he improves he can be really entertaining to listen to.
I don't know, personally I hate this "bring back the oldies" mentality. It keeps fueling the dangerous mentality fans have that the past was better, and it's only downhill. That's a very bad view to keep reassuring as fact.

I've always been a huge supporter in letting the new guy shine and prove themselves, and using the oldies as story arcs - sure, or even teachers and mentors in active storylines. That style always works, but the minute you bring back an old superstar and put him in the ring with a new guy - and have him actively contend, how can a new guy actually make him self look legit? It takes ages. And then he can never actually prove to be equal, since these oldies never seem to have age matter.

edit: Look at how John Cena made his name known - Kurt Angle shouted out to the back for a challenge. Henry didn't come out - and neither did the big names. A new guy ran down and gave a great, classic wrestling match that the fans actually applauded. That's what WWE needs.
They're kind of flopping.

Christian deserved a run, and I like them taking him back to the whiney gimmick, but I kind of hope he retires as captain charisma and a face.

Mark Henry - Well deserving his push, he's always looked like a monster, and when he was jobbing it made him look a little clumsy, but the amount of time and effort he's put into the company shows his work ethic. He's definitely working his niche with his hall of pain gimmick, although I don't see the hall of pan catching on that well.

R-truth should be unemployed.

Regal isn't going in the ME anytime soon. I want him as a manager or GM position, he was always my favorite authority figure, simply because he has that aristocratic feel just from the accent, but he also does a fabulous job acting the businessman. Ring wise, I love him, but his wrestling doesn't appeal to the ME audience, today's age doesn't want hour long ironman submission matches, they want 10 minute 5 move of doom, Champ is here Boing.

I kind of think the older generation MErs are going to be stepping stones, Whoever knocks Henry down can make a career off it, I could see someone like D. Brian knocking Henry down a notch in an uppercard match and gaining ground, R-truth and miz together could be interesting, but I'm hoping it only fuels a Face turn for Miz, since I can't stand R-truth perpetuating stereotypes. Christian is a wildcard, I don't know what they'll do with him, how many more title reigns can Edge carry him to?
Their using stars that are established, and have been established over the years in feuds with newer guys to help get the newer guys over. The bulk of WWE's big name, big money, big drawing talent has retired, or their in process of retiring.

Christian, Henry, and Regal are all going to be gone within the next 18 - 24 months. Henry recently stated he had a good 18 months left in him. Regal said he's retiring soon, hell hes semi retired now. and Christian cant continue at the level he's going at right now for much longer, hes pushing 40.

Triple H is still around, but Triple H doesn't have to much left in his tank either, hes was sidelined for most of 2010 due to injury, followed by repeat injury, followed by aggravated injuries and lingering injuries from the original injury. Punk vs HHH wont be Triple H's last match, but it will be one of his last.

Undertaker is another talent who is on his way out. Hes been battling injuries for a long time and they've all caught up with him. He's stated in interviews how his rotator cuff is completely fucked and there is no surgery that can fix it now because he waited so long to get it treated. Taker wont be wrestling 3 years from now, its not smart for him, his health, his fans or the WWE in general.

Mysterio has suffered so many knee injuries I'm surprised he hasn't already retired.

Cena may only have a few years left in him due to injuries hes received over the past few years. The Champ may be here now, but he's going to be very limited in the near future.

Orton on top now, because within 5-7 years, Orton will also be gone. Much like Cena he's picked up a few injuries over the years that will come back to haunt him soon.

Punk will be another guy gone within 5 years from now, due to his age, and how long he's been wrestling.
Del Rio may be new to the WWE, but he's up there in age and within the next 3-5 years he'll also be stepping away.

The WWE has to focus on building up its younger talent in order to have real stars once their current cash cows bow out. Think of how many of the younger guys were rushed into test title runs, and where they are now. Swagger, Sheamus, Miz all come to mind. They follow closely to the rush Orton got when he beat Chris Benoit for the title. Rushed, and soon dismissed and dropped down the card, now look where he is.

They have to utilize the talent they have now before its too late
Should William Regal be World Champion...maybe if this were five years ago, then sure, I could believe it if it were booked right. But, William hasn't been on TV enough in the last year to really be relevant, which would be bad for a sympathetic, underdog champion because they have to go through the process of working their way up the ladder.

However, should William Regal get one last World Title match/high profile feud? Absolutely. The man has earned it with his years of service to the business. He's a great, great wrestler that nobody ever gives enough credit to, and I hate that because I honestly think he could have been bigger than he was, even like I said, five or so years ago. I'm sure that's just a biased opinion I have of someone I feel sympathy for, but I do believe it's the truth.

I've had an idea for a few months now that I think could work, but HHH becoming COO kind of gets in the way of it, now. I thought it would be nice if Regal comes out to announce his retirement, but HHH (who you all probably know was taught by Regal) hits the ring and tells him that he can't let him do it, not until they have one last match. Boom: all the build up you need. There's no bad blood at all, Regal gets one final high profile match on a PPV, and the E gets away clean from it. Plus, a man who has done so much for the business gets one last chance to have the cameras focus on him. I think he's done plenty to deserve at least that, and he and HHH would have a great match.

Sorry to turn this completely about Regal, but I love the pure wrestlers. Regal to me represents a time before now, when actual wrestlers were common and important. I know my biases against modern wrestling really just are that I'm old, myself, but it's just the stuff that I grew up on, and Regal kind of symbolizes that, in my eyes.
This is how the WWE has worked for years, you need guys to put other guys over, you need guys to get rubs....and tugs, ha.

Anyways, there is a large vacuum at the top sucking up the closest people just outside the cusp of the void.

This is WWE's chance to put the youg guys over much faster then they would ever eeeever have the chance to normally do. Norally there is a decent batch in the main event, which overall, holds down the young guy in order to push the larger feuds of the moment.
Their using stars that are established, and have been established over the years in feuds with newer guys to help get the newer guys over. The bulk of WWE's big name, big money, big drawing talent has retired, or their in process of retiring.

Christian, Henry, and Regal are all going to be gone within the next 18 - 24 months. Henry recently stated he had a good 18 months left in him. Regal said he's retiring soon, hell hes semi retired now. and Christian cant continue at the level he's going at right now for much longer, hes pushing 40.
Christian hasn't done shit to retire at 40.

Triple H is still around, but Triple H doesn't have to much left in his tank either, hes was sidelined for most of 2010 due to injury, followed by repeat injury, followed by aggravated injuries and lingering injuries from the original injury. Punk vs HHH wont be Triple H's last match, but it will be one of his last.
Triple H would like you to think that.

Undertaker is another talent who is on his way out. Hes been battling injuries for a long time and they've all caught up with him. He's stated in interviews how his rotator cuff is completely fucked and there is no surgery that can fix it now because he waited so long to get it treated. Taker wont be wrestling 3 years from now, its not smart for him, his health, his fans or the WWE in general.

Since when WWE cares about health? Anyways, I agree by the time he hits 20-0, he will most likely retire.

Mysterio has suffered so many knee injuries I'm surprised he hasn't already retired.
I'm surprised, he wants to continue to wrestle for a company that treats him as a Champion Jobber.

Cena may only have a few years left in him due to injuries hes received over the past few years. The Champ may be here now, but he's going to be very limited in the near future.
You can't be serious. WWE will forever push Cena down our throats until he's in his 40s. He's 34, he's in his prime. Back in the day, Flair and Hogan began their push int heir 30s.

Orton on top now, because within 5-7 years, Orton will also be gone. Much like Cena he's picked up a few injuries over the years that will come back to haunt him soon.
Orton is like 31. He's got 10 more good years. He's far from injured.
Punk will be another guy gone within 5 years from now, due to his age, and how long he's been wrestling.
Del Rio may be new to the WWE, but he's up there in age and within the next 3-5 years he'll also be stepping away.
Age is just a number. Come on now, how anyone can predict their retirement is kinda ridiculous. Sting is a healthy horse and wrestles like a 30 year old at the age of 50. He's obviously looking to retire but if he still has gas in the tank, he's using it.

Del Rio and Punk are 32 and 35 but there is no telling how far they can go.
The WWE has to focus on building up its younger talent in order to have real stars once their current cash cows bow out.
Sounds like WCW.
Think of how many of the younger guys were rushed into test title runs, and where they are now. Swagger, Sheamus, Miz all come to mind.
What a great Youth Movement right?
They follow closely to the rush Orton got when he beat Chris Benoit for the title. Rushed, and soon dismissed and dropped down the card, now look where he is.
You mean a psychotic babyface? He's Top 2 in the company ranking but his gimmick in general is awful.

They have to utilize the talent they have now before its too late.
It already is too late. Nobody takes Sheamus seriously, nobody takes Barrett seriously, nobody takes Miz seriously.

At one point Kofi Kingston main evented against Randy Orton. Where is he now?

At one point, Evan Borune main evented against Orton. Where is he now?

Remember the "rumors" about Teddy Jr taking on Undertaker at WM? Yeah, how is that working out? He's getting buried on a weekly basis after Legacy.

Brian Danielson was supposed to be the next great thing. He was the next Benoit, CM Punk, etc. He is on course to be the most irrelevant World Champion in history.

Drew McIntyre was "The Chosen One"....He's buried so much, FBI dogs wouldn't find him.

Again, everyone hopes and says this Youth Movement is such a great thing when it's not even utilized properly and there is no actual movement
Here's how I would do it:

Right now on NXT Regal is beginning a small feud with Darren Young, formerly of Nexus. Darren is big, comfortable on the mic and a solid technical wrestler. I would have Regal show respect to Young after losing to him in the blowoff of their feud and have Regal begin managing Young.
I'd have Young wrestle a main eventer like Cena or Punk (Orton or Sheamus on SD) and Regal would return to his cheating ways to ensure a victory for Young, earning him a spot in a #1 contender match. Young wins the #1 contender match, with help from Regal. Regal becomes annoyed when Young doesn't appreciate the assistance, so he demands a match from HHH for the #1 contender spot against Young. Regal wins the match and humiliates Young, goes on to ME the next PPV. I'd either have Regal win the title, hold it and the ref reverses the decision for cheating, or have Darren Young attack Regal and cost him the match.

It gives Regal a shot at the top while establishing Darren Young as a serious player.
From the title I thought we were gonna talk about how much we loved (or hated) seeing The Rock drop his People's Elbow, Stone Cold deliver many stunners, and Nash deliver some Jacknife Powerbombs this year but clearly this thread is far from that. William Regal as world champion!? No way in hell. Regal is a midcard talent, let him stay in the midcard (where he flourishes). Christian has been ready for the main event since 2004 but Vince never liked him so he never got the push until now. Mark Henry should've been fired years ago but somehow with no reaction but the biggest push in the WWE (other than Del Rio's) he's in the main event. He has no talent but I'll save my Henry-bashing for a different thread. As for Regal, he's funny, witty, and very good on the mic but I think you're overrating his technical ability. He's terribly out of shape and completely irrelevant so the last thing I want to see in 2011 is a Regal World Title reign.
From the title I thought we were gonna talk about how much we loved (or hated) seeing The Rock drop his People's Elbow, Stone Cold deliver many stunners, and Nash deliver some Jacknife Powerbombs this year but clearly this thread is far from that. William Regal as world champion!? No way in hell. Regal is a midcard talent, let him stay in the midcard (where he flourishes). Christian has been ready for the main event since 2004 but Vince never liked him so he never got the push until now. Mark Henry should've been fired years ago but somehow with no reaction but the biggest push in the WWE (other than Del Rio's) he's in the main event. He has no talent but I'll save my Henry-bashing for a different thread. As for Regal, he's funny, witty, and very good on the mic but I think you're overrating his technical ability. He's terribly out of shape and completely irrelevant so the last thing I want to see in 2011 is a Regal World Title reign.

once again, please watch regals early matches in england, his match against benoit at the pillman memorial, and some of his classics in wcw before you bash his technical ability. he is widely regarded by insiders and OTHER WRESTLERS as one of the greatest technical wrestlers OF ALL TIME. im not saying he needs to b e world champ, just give a little respect where its due.
With the departures/retirements of old stars like Batista, Edge, Jericho, HBK, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, MVP and etc. The WWE has decided to resort to pushing old stars that were not at the main event level. Take a look at Christian, Mark Henry and Lil Jimmy lol. A year ago who would've known that these guys would recieve a push (other than Christian). One guy I think that should get one last run is William Regal he is a technical king ftw. He's held many titles and is one of the best technical wrestlers but I mean he should have at least have held the world title once. I know that many deserving stars deserved to win the world title and never did but I mean in 2011 everything is becoming unpredictable. I know it's probably not going to happen but It would be amazing if it did. I hope you guys agree with me.

actullay i couldnt agree more regal is good in the ring and does fine on the mic based off how much mic time he even gets i wouldnt say a main event title run but i wouldnt mind seeing him get the ic or us title 1 more time in his career for a decent run
There are indeed some older guys finally getting pushes such as Christian and Henry. I do not think we will see others getting massive pushes though. Henry was in the right place at the right time. Same goes for Truth. Christian inherited his push from Edge. We are seeing plenty of younger guys getting pushes now. I do not think too many more older guys will get pushed because Sheamus, Del Rio, Miz, Ziggler, and more are all getting pretty decent pushes right now. I do agree with the orginal post that Regal deserved more of a shot. After he got suspended he went from the evil GM turning out the lights to basically nobody doing nothing relevant anymore. He could at least have gotten a world title match, he wouldn't have had to win, just a push.
As for Regal, he's funny, witty, and very good on the mic but I think you're overrating his technical ability. He's terribly out of shape and completely irrelevant so the last thing I want to see in 2011 is a Regal World Title reign.

Heels don't have to be in perfect shape, or young and handsome. Also, no one is necessarily saying Regal should "pin Cena clean" or anything wacky like that, I agree it would be a little ridiculous. Regal puts on entertaining matches, the "meat and potatoes" of this carnival show we all love. Honestly I'd be content seeing him win a tag title or midcard gold, but there's something to be said about being validated by the WWE championship. It puts you on a higher level, it's a prestige few get. Regal's done so much for WWE that I can't help but think he deserves even a 1-day reign like Kane or Mysterio.
I think Regal deserves a good push similar to the one he had before his Wellness Violation. Most likely he won't get a World Championship, but it'll make sense to pair Regal up with Barrett after he retires. As a manager have him shoot Barrett unto the main event scene. Barrett doesn't need help on the mic, but regaurdless they'd be a awesome duo. Regal had interest in Wade on NXT1 so that could be the back story.
Think of JBL's career in the WWE. He was used in a tag team for the majority of his career, then he became JBL, his look changed, his gimmick changed, and his attitude changed.

2.2 World Wrestling Federation / Entertainment (1996–2009)
2.2.1 Debut and New Blackjacks (1996–1998)
2.2.2 The Acolytes / Acolytes Protection Agency (1998–2002)
2.2.3 Singles competition (2002–2003)
2.2.4 APA reunion (2003–2004)
2.2.5 JBL; WWE Championship and the Cabinet (2004-2005)
2.2.6 Various feuds and United States Champion (2005–2006)
2.2.7 Semi retirement and commentator (2006–2007)
2.2.8 In ring return and Championship pursuits (2007–2008)
2.2.9 Feud with Shawn Michaels (2008–2009)
2.2.10 Intercontinental Championship and departure (2009)

Thats the Wiki rundown on what he did and when, but notice how after 8 years he was utilized as a main event player. JBL headlined WM, the same WM John Cena won his first WWE Title from JBL. JBL went from tag team chump to WHC headlining Major PPV's

Its the same situation with Henry, Christian, and possibly Regal. Henry will feud with Orton, maybe win the WHC, then hopefully pick up his feud with Sheamus now with the WHC on the line. Christian just came off of one of his best programs of his entire career with Orton, and is moving into a program with Sheamus. Sheamus is a former WWE Champ, but he isn't as over as he could be now that he's turned face, a feud with Christian then Henry could make Sheamus a megastar

From these two stars that are dwindling (Christian and Henry) we could see the rise of Sheamus to the top of the WWE.

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