2011 Elimination Chamber - The Miz (c) vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler - WWE Championship


Gone but never forgotten.

“It’s good to be The King,” as WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler would attest, but the ability to call oneself “WWE Champion” is even better.

Whether he’s grappling in the squared circle or calling the action behind the Raw announce table, Lawler has accomplished a great deal during his storied in-ring career, but he has yet to attain the ultimate crowning achievement in sports-entertainment – the WWE Championship. But The King just might earn that distinction when he locks up with reigning titleholder The Miz at WWE Elimination Chamber.

Although Lawler has been vocally opposed to The Awesome One’s heinous actions over the years – much to the chagrin of his Miz-biased broadcast partner, Michael Cole – The King had finally had enough of “The Cleveland Screamer” following his Money in the Bank-assisted (and decidedly underhanded) WWE Title victory over Randy Orton. Frustrated by the new titleholder’s arrogance, Lawler interrupted The Miz’s first WWE Championship address, inspiring Raw’s General Manager to pit the 2007 WWE Hall of Fame inductee against The Miz in a high-risk Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match for the WWE Championship. This marked Miz’s first title defense and The King’s monumental first WWE Title opportunity.

Unfortunately, Cole’s allegiance to Lawler could not overcome his overwhelming support for The Miz, leading him to interfere on the cocky Clevelander’s behalf when Lawler – ascending a ladder in the middle of the ring – was just inches away from finally grasping his first WWE Title. Although Lawler’s defeat might have been a disappointment, his impressive athletic performance in that bout proved to The Miz and the entire WWE Universe that the battle-tested veteran remains a viable contender not merely worthy of competing for the title, but of wearing it proudly around his waist. (WATCH | PHOTOS)

The King would go on to earn three non-title victories over The Miz on Raw, but the WWE Champion nevertheless flaunted his prize in front of the Memphis-born monarch at every turn, reminding Lawler that he had already achieved something his elder never could.

The Miz changed his tune, however, when Lawler – just 24 hours removed from the 2011 Royal Rumble – surpassed the likes of John Cena, Sheamus, John Morrison, R-Truth, Randy Orton and CM Punk in the first-ever Raw Rumble Match to earn an opportunity to challenge The Miz for his title at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. (READ MORE)

Will the most “must-see” WWE Champion in history manage to cling to the WWE Title once again, as he has done so many times in the past? Or will Jerry “The King” Lawler earn his rightful place among the most elite ring warriors in WWE history? To find out, tune in to WWE Elimination Chamber, Feb. 20, only on pay-per-view.
As a result of last night's Raw Rumble, Jerry Lawler is getting his first shot at the WWE Championship at a major PPV. Let's keep all of the discussion about the match in here.

Look, I know everyone's going to be whining and crying and shitting all over this, but I am LOVING this Rocky-esque story they have for King. The dude can still punch like a madman and wrestle. I marked like crazy when he won last night. I want to see him overcome the odds and have his Wrestlemania moment.

I don't think that will happen, though. I think King will lose at EC, Cole will insult him, and then the GM will chime in and set up Cole vs. Lawler at Mania, and then Lawler will win and retire graciously. At Elimination Chamber, Miz will do what he does best and cheat to win.

Prediction: Miz.

Look, I know everyone's going to be whining and crying and shitting all over this, but I am LOVING this Rocky-esque story they have for King. The dude can still punch like a madman and wrestle. I marked like crazy when he won last night. I want to see him overcome the odds and have his Wrestlemania moment.

I don't think that will happen, though. I think King will lose at EC, Cole will insult him, and then the GM will chime in and set up Cole vs. Lawler at Mania, and then Lawler will win and retire graciously. At Elimination Chamber, Miz will do what he does best and cheat to win.

Prediction: Miz.

I completely agree but I'll take Cole's involvement one step further. I think he will do more than just insult. I think he'll actually get involved in the match again like he did with their TLC match on Raw. This will lead to the Raw GM chiming in the next night and making the Lawler/Cole match at Wrestlemania.

But either way, Lawler doesn't have a shot to win at EC.
I think that Cole is gonna piss off lawler to the extent where he hits cole and then the gm will remove him from the match and it will end up so that cole is the special referee in the match... miz vs lawler with cole as the referee..
i agree with cole getting involved in the match. he's done it before when king faced miz in the TLC match on RAW. he will do it again. though i would love to see King win at EC then live his dream of being WWE Champ for the first time in his career then off to mania.

If we do see Lawler vs Cole at mania, and he retires, i wonder who would replace him? josh matthews maybe? he's on smackdown but has been making a career on RAW lately.
While my initial instinct is to hate this idea, I have to say I'm warming up to it the more that I think about it. Michael Cole is helping The Miz get a lot of heat, and with The Miz screwing John Cena out of the Royal Rumble, everyone is just dying for John Cena to beat The Miz for the title. I expect Jerry "The King" Lawler to get screwed by a combination of Alex Riley and Michael Cole (possibly as the role of a referee) (Michael Cole has worked as a referee in dark matches recently), letting The Miz weasel out of another title defense, garnering plenty of heel heat for having to take the sleazy way out of a title defense with a Hall of Famer.

While I'm not fond of the fact that this title match will (more than likely) set up some sort of Jerry "The King" Lawler VS. Michael Cole match at WrestleMania, I do believe this will only feed the fire for the upcoming John Cena/Miz feud. Non-internet fans will be really wanting to watch The Miz get what he has coming to him, and will eagerly await John Cena giving it to him.
It is what it is, Miz and Lawler having a PPV match to blow of their feud and get Miz another way of winning the match with Cole and/or Riley helping him out so Miz gets to WrestleMania with the belt and Lawler gets his WrestleMania moment with Riley/Cole in a handicapped match, short & sweet with Lawler winning.
Hardly the sort of match a world champion should be having in the lead up to his biggest match of the year. It should be a fun little match, but The Miz should really be given something more substantial.
I think that Cole is gonna piss off lawler to the extent where he hits cole and then the gm will remove him from the match and it will end up so that cole is the special referee in the match... miz vs lawler with cole as the referee..

Thats the same thought i had except with Cole as the guest ref.

I think Lawler will punch out Cole and lose his shot...or something else will be added to the match to give Jerry the disadvantage.

Lawler will get to about the point in the match where you think he is going to win and it will be taken right out from under him AGAIN. Either way I see Miz walking into WM as champion.
I was so pissed when I heard the stipulations for the raw rumble. The question was asked how will The Miz make it all the way to wrestlemania having to go through the elimination chamber? Answer? Change the rules to fit the current situation. Why shouldn't the world champions have compete in the chamber match? A snow ball has a better chance in hell than The Miz has of leaving an EC match with the belt. This match is so irrelevant that nobody should waste the time ordering the ppv. Smackdown's main event is already set and isn't going to change. Cena is going to win the raw EC match and face The Miz. It's already set in stone. The whole event is a waste of time. From a kayfabe standpoint I was glad to see Lawler win. He deserves the shot. But Michael Cole has as good a shot of winning the title as Lawler does.
I can't believe the WWE is going to coddle The Miz all the way to wrestlemania. He ranks right up there with the Honky Tonk Man when it comes to horrible champions who had the belt way too long.
I think it's rather obvious what's going to happen here. Lawler will be about to win, then the typical WWE ending of someone interfering (most likely Cole, probably some added Riley too) and causing Miz to retain. Miz holds on to the title and Lawler gets his Mania match against Riley or Cole.

I just hope you all know there is no chance in hell that Lawler gets the title here.
I was so pissed when I heard the stipulations for the raw rumble. The question was asked how will The Miz make it all the way to wrestlemania having to go through the elimination chamber? Answer? Change the rules to fit the current situation. Why shouldn't the world champions have compete in the chamber match? A snow ball has a better chance in hell than The Miz has of leaving an EC match with the belt. This match is so irrelevant that nobody should waste the time ordering the ppv. Smackdown's main event is already set and isn't going to change. Cena is going to win the raw EC match and face The Miz. It's already set in stone. The whole event is a waste of time. From a kayfabe standpoint I was glad to see Lawler win. He deserves the shot. But Michael Cole has as good a shot of winning the title as Lawler does.
I can't believe the WWE is going to coddle The Miz all the way to wrestlemania. He ranks right up there with the Honky Tonk Man when it comes to horrible champions who had the belt way too long.

I agree with everything this man just said. After this post there is really no reason to even continue. This is spot on. I feel bad for people that bought tickets to EC. The whole event is predictable. Although, the SD! side could change a bit. Are we really sure it's Edge vs Del Rio? Someone could get added to the mix. Otherwise, I completely agree.
I knew Lawler was going to win last night. I called it.

Lawler is going to have the upper hand in his match w/ the Miz, when Cole interferes and costs him the title AGAIN, or Cole could be the referee and screw him over. Either way, Cole will make sure Miz retains the title.

After the match, Lawler will be backing Cole into the corner and just when he's about to pound on him, the GM chimes in. Striker or whoever is at the announce table will read the message, which will anounce Lawler vs Cole at Wrestlmania. I think this should be a Hair vs Hair match with Lawler walking out victorious.

Anyways, Miz will win with the help of Cole.
king did a great job wit that ladder match on raw a couple weeks ago. I think he deserve the title shot and he can make miz look pretty good. And if Miz did go into the elimination chamber i highly doubt he will come out as champion and i think he should be a part of wrestlemania.
I have no problem with this at all. It's pretty obvious that Lawler is headed for a collision course with Cole at WrestleMania and this is only going to furhter that feud. On top of that it's also going to maintain Miz's heat as the cowardly champion, once again having assistance to retain his championship. Lawler has been in WWE for a decade and a half and this is his reward for all those years. He deserves this, and while I don't see a brilliant match, that's not what it's going to be about. He's a credible challenger due to his previous history with the Miz and this match will further the creative plans for Mania.
I knew Lawler was going to win last night. I called it.

They made it obvious as soon as they said the loser would be in the Raw EC, there is no chance Lawler would be in an EC match!

That said I like the Lawler/Miz match, if anybody is b uying the PPV it's for the EC matches, this makes a nice little sideshow. Cole can get involved too, setting up a Lawler/Cole (maybe w/. Alex Riley) for Mania.

Though I would have had Cena be eliminated by The Miz again, like the Rumble. You can build Cena/The Miz with Cena telling The Miz, "Don't be scared homie." & going through the EC to get his chance to stop The Miz from running.
I had an awful sinking feeling when it was Cena, Sheamus and King that King would win and all my worst nightmares were confirmed when King eliminated Cena as I doubted they'd do a heel vs heel match. While i'm happy in knowing that the Miz will retain there still is that 1% chance that they could have King win the title, which would de-value it ridiculously. I mean those of you saying there's no way King could win it, I bet you didn't think Bret Hart would beat Miz for the US title. Anyway, i'm fine with King having his Wrestlemania moment if it's against Cole and Riley but then they really do have to stop using him in title matches at the expense of real talent such as John Morrison, who just impresses me more and more each time I see him. Some of the saves he did in the RAW Rumble and the one he did at the actual rumble were just insane.
They made it obvious as soon as they said the loser would be in the Raw EC, there is no chance Lawler would be in an EC match!

Yeah, no chance of Lawler being in an EC match. It's about as likely as him competing in a ladder match. Oh, wait...

Seriously, guys? You all called it? Well good for all of you.

It looks as if Jerry Lawler marched into Vince's office and said, "I just want to have one last run as a thank you for all of my loyal years as an employee of this company. I was thrust into commentary too soon and never had a real run at a title or a good, physical feud besides with Bret Hart. I'd like one more shot." And Vince gave it to him.

I think this match, while seemingly obvious about its outcome, will surprise most people watching. As I stated above, when Lawler competed in the ladder match on Raw, he did a fantastic job. This tells me that the guy still has gas left in the tank and he is capable of putting on a good, believable match with the Miz. And who knows... he could possibly win. We've seen Elimination Chamber PPV matches that shocked us with title changes. Maybe the WWE knows that we all feel it's an obvious win for the Miz and they want to swerve us. Who knows?

Don't count your chickens yet, people.
I knew this was coming when they made the Raw Rumble announcement last night because I knew that there was no way Lawler would be in the Chamber match. It shouldn't be to bad of a match because Lawler can still go but I see Lawler getting the upper hand like he did in the TLC match on Raw, then Michael Cole interfering and setting up a Cole/Lawler thing for Wrestlemania. I don't know if Cole will compete against Lawler at Mania but it's a possibility or he might even special guest a Lawler match at Mania against who knows Alex Riley? Just a guess. When this match is over, Miz will walk out looking like a weak champion and get more heat because Cole will more than likely cost Lawler the match once again. I see Miz retaining of course and Cena winning the Chamber match. Miz walks out with the WWE Championship and will continue the program with John Cena.
Yeah, no chance of Lawler being in an EC match. It's about as likely as him competing in a TLC match. Oh, wait...

Seriously, guys? You all called it? Well good for all of you.

It looks as if Jerry Lawler marched into Vince's office and said, "I just want to have one last run as a thank you for all of my loyal years as an employee of this company. I was thrust into commentary too soon and never had a real run at a title or a good, physical feud besides with Bret Hart. I'd like one more shot." And Vince gave it to him.

I think this match, while seemingly obvious about its outcome, will surprise most people watching. As I stated above, when Lawler competed in the ladder match on Raw, he did a fantastic job. This tells me that the guy still has gas left in the tank and he is capable of putting on a good, believable match with the Miz. And who knows... he could possibly win. We've seen Elimination Chamber PPV matches that shocked us with title changes. Maybe the WWE knows that we all feel it's an obvious win for the Miz and they want to swerve us. Who knows?

Don't count your chickens yet, people.

Good point about the TLC match.

I think I heard that The King mentioned to Vince that he never had a Mania match, so Vince is finally setting him up for one. I totally agree how after that TLC match people should be so hard on The King.

You really think though that they'd give King the title & defend it at Mania? King v. Cole for the WWE Title. BOOK IT.
this pissed me off beyond belief. dont get me wrong i respect the hell out of jerry lawler and he does deserve a wrestlemania match. but who really thinks hes going to beat the miz? why the hell did they not let morrison win this match? he gets great pops, did terrific in the royal rumble and the raw rumbler, he's proven he can hang in the mainevent with his feud with sheamus and his match against miz a few weeks ago. why would they not give us a preview of a great feud to come. instead we get lawler? and we all know cole is going to interfere, cause jerry to lose, and set up something between king/cole for mania. but why would u give up a great match b/w miz and morrison for a match involving lawler? i dont understand it. could they make the miz look anymore undeserving. he's going to need to cheat to beat an old man, TWICE!!! wwe really fucked this one up in my eyes
this pissed me off beyond belief. dont get me wrong i respect the hell out of jerry lawler and he does deserve a wrestlemania match. but who really thinks hes going to beat the miz? why the hell did they not let morrison win this match? he gets great pops, did terrific in the royal rumble and the raw rumbler, he's proven he can hang in the mainevent with his feud with sheamus and his match against miz a few weeks ago. why would they not give us a preview of a great feud to come. instead we get lawler? and we all know cole is going to interfere, cause jerry to lose, and set up something between king/cole for mania. but why would u give up a great match b/w miz and morrison for a match involving lawler? i dont understand it. could they make the miz look anymore undeserving. he's going to need to cheat to beat an old man, TWICE!!! wwe really fucked this one up in my eyes

Completely agree with you about Morrison, but I honestly don't see any other way to pull off Lawler's WM match against Cole/Riley. If you wait until after EC, we already know the E won't have a title change between that and WM, so a Miz/Lawler match wouldn't even BEGIN to have any believability to start with, since even the idiot fan would realize that Cole and Riley would interfere. Secondly, as others have pointed out, Miz would not make it out of an EC match at this point, given the way he's been packaged lately (a "beatable" champion). This is the best way to package Lawler/Cole for WM is at this event, leaving the Miz vs Cena (or Morrison) at WM. Wouldn't surprise me to see Morrison win, but that's another thread.
I actually think this is great. The groundwork has already been laid out for months and I think it can be a great match. Even for his age, Lawler can still go in the ring. It would be great to see him beat Miz for the title and have his Wrestlemania moment in the main event but from a kayfabe point of view, I think that's highly unlikely. Expect to see Michael Cole and/or Alex Riley get involved and Miz picking up a dirty win.

I would assume it would then lead to Lawler snapping and on the verge of beating up Cole and the RAW GM lifting the ban and allowing Lawler to exact revenge on Cole at Wrestlemania. Heh, but I'm getting ahead of myself. As for this match, I won't expect anything fantastic but I do enjoy watching Lawler in the ring (something I haven't had the chance to do until recently) so I'll expect something solid at the very least out of these two.

My prediction via some sort of outside interference: The Miz
The way I see it the logic makes perfect sense. With the shape the WWE is in when it comes to there PPV buys, they've been told constantly "Try something different". The last time Jerry main evented a PPV was AWA Superclash, back in '88. He had a high profile feud with Bret of course, but that's about as close as he's gotten since. Morrison will get his time in the sun, I have a feeling he's winning a MITB match this year.

I mean, people rant and rave towards the WWE's main event department constantly to try something new and different....well, I don't care how old Lawler is, this is both of those things. And I have to give the WWE's creative team kudos for this one, because at the very least, they're trying.

Chamber has done generally well in the past compared to most other WWE PPV's, last years did around 285 000 overall I believe, and I think there's a good possibility they can reach back up to the 300 000 mark. We as smarks may not believe it...but the casual fan will think Lawler has a chance.
I have absolutely no idea what to think of this. I'm starting to think this is getting rather ridiculous to watch Jerry Lawler constantly challenging The Miz for the title. Not that I necessarily mind, but I still think that Miz could at least use a proper opponent that isn't Randy Orton.

Either way, I'm not gonna expect much out of this match. I guess it would mean that The Miz might actually get a clean non-crooked and controversial victory over someone when he defends the title. And I guess this is a good thing.

The Miz is most likely gonna walk out the champion here, or well obviously he is gonna walk out the champion. I'm just a little surprised that he won't be defending in an Elimination Chamber, but I guess it's because WWE wants Miz to keep the title, but not build him too damn credible that he'd actually be able to win an Elimination Chamber match.

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