2011-12 WWE MVP

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
Continuing on with this series and up next is the 2011-12 WWE season. For me this is the 1st of back to back years for CM Punk as the MVP of the WWE. He began the year slowly transitioning from his feud with Orton to nothing really until of course the infamous pipe bomb promo. From there on he was the hottest thing until the rise of Bryan. While many have argued that after beating Cena twice that summer Trips/Nash derailed his momentum, there is no denying that from that promo on he was the hottest most important thing going in the WWE.
Punk once again. It's not because I'm a fan boy but you're ignorant if you say Punk wasn't the hottest thing going in the 2011-2012 WWE season.
I sound like a fanboy but Punk again. The MITB match and prior pipebomb are probably the single most memorable wrestling moments to have occurred since I started watching wrestling in 2007. It solidified Punk as the man for my generation.
There was no one else but Punk to name as MVP for that period. I mean, really...Cena was going through his paces. He had to maintain status quo because the entire year was gearing up for The Rock. His feud with Punk was about the rise of Punk as a World Title contender -- Cena lost both matches. The Miz started the year strong, but eventually fizzled out as champ, and was quickly moved down card. Orton had an overlong feud with Christian, won the WHC, but still felt like he was stalled.

This was the year of the Pipebomb, the year of the MitB and Summer Slam matches between Cena and Punk (it was the "Summer of Punk"), and it was capped by Punk winning the title at Survivor Series to kick off his long reign.

CM Punk, hands down.

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