2010 Wrestling's Best and Worst


Pre-Show Stalwart
Obviously, the year 2010 is not quite over, but almost. So what are your best and worst wrestling ratings of they year. I mean, best match, best storyline, best raw, smackdown, best ppv, and the worst of all those.
My Best match would have to be WM26 Undertaker vs HBK great match good storyline. My worst match would have to be Edge vs Kane at SS. I liked the build up too it when edge kidnapped Paul Bearer but the match was stale and boring. O ya one storyline that could of been amazing if WWE didn't ruin it so much would have been the Nexus storyline when they first appead into the WWE in june, it was unpredictable and edgy for a few week's something WWE as been lacking over the past few years, but then it got bland and shit same thing week in week out. If they had spiced it up a bit kept it fresh like not doing the same thing week in week out beating up people and that's it. But anyways that's my pick of 2010.
I'm going to try to remember everything I can about '10 here

Best match- Toss up between the AJ Styles/Kurt Angle match from all the way back to the beginning of the year on the Jan 4th Live Monday night Impact, when Hogan and Bischoff debuted on TV in TNA. The other match would be Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan on Monday Night Raw a couple months ago. Those 2 guys worked unbelievably together and put on a hell of a match, Ireally hope those 2 meet up again multiple times in the future, sooner than later

Worst Match- Team WWE/Cenation vs Nexus @ Summerslam. Nexus probably should have won and it seemed to have gone downhill from there

Best storyline- Career vs Streak, I know it started in 2009, but it continued on into 2010 culminating at WrestleMania 26. It was amazing to (kayfabe) see Shawn losing his wits during matches and backstage being all consumed with getting a rematch vs the Undertaker at WrestleMania. It was such a slow build starting in the late summer, lasting 8 months, just extremely well done.

Worst Storyline- Hornswoggle learning to talk. It's just very unnecessary and an absolute waste of TV time. Also, the Abyss "they" storyline, just turned out to be a stinker when it had a TON of potential at the start

Best Raw- Old School Raw, I was thinking I was going to be bored after about an hour and a half, but I was glued to the TV. there was so much cool stuff to watch from the ring setup, to the old school replays/box in box superstar promos, and Piper's Pit with John Cena was tremendous!

Worst Raw-900th episode. It was HEAVILY promoted for weeks and weeks, and there were no "legends", surprises, or memorable matches at all in my mind

Best/Worst Smackdown-Nothing really sticks out in my mind here.

Best PPV-The only one I ordered was WM 26, so I don't know if Im qualified to answer

Worst PPV-again, not sure if I'm qualified to answer
Best Match: John Cena vs Batista (c) at Wrestlemania 26.

I was looking for ward to this match so bad. They had only faced one time before in a great match at Summerslam. So it was a somewhat fresh match.

I thought the match they put on was incredible.

Batista really played the hell role well in this match.

The facial expressions, the demeanor, he hated John Cena.

And John Cena was amazing as usual.

The “You can't see me” from the ropes was something I've never seen before and I thought it was awesome.

Cenas' entrance with the marines was great, showing that less is more.

The story was great too with them being the top two guys in the company for years ala Hogan/Warrior.

Just great action, well paced and they told a story in the ring.

And then John Cena celebrating with the “Cena haters” at the end was priceless.

They really pulled out all the stops and put on an amazing match.

Best Storyline: The only one that comes to mind is the Nexus. And that's saying a lot, seeing as how I didn't really enjoy it.

The first night was shocking, came out of nowhere.

But then at Summerslam, it went downhill.

So I'm going to have to go with Edge and Jericho. These guys are two of my favorites and I was marking out when they had their World title match at Wrestlemania.

Their match was disappointing, but I loved the story going into it.

Former tag team partners, Jericho burying Edgw after he got injured and then Edge winning the Royal Rumble (who didn't see that coming?) and the whole “Spear” thing was catching on.

Jericho leaving with the gold too was great, he deserves it.

I thought that was the best storyline in WWE this year.

Best PPV: I'll have to say MITB. I really thought it was going to be bad. I thought it was going to diminish the value of the briefcases. But to my surprise that didn't happen.

Funny this topic was to come up right after I bought the DVD today and watched it!

It reminded me how WWE, when they really try, can put on an excellent show.

I thought the placement of the matches was perfect.

The opener, the Smackdown MITB, was a great way to start off the show.

Some great spots in that match, Kofis' leap off the ladder onto McIntyre on the table. Big Show getting buried under all the ladders.

And the booked the Big Show perfectly, as a giant in this match.

The whole show flowed really well.

Best PPV they did all year I think.

Worst Storyline: I may get flamed for this. But I'm going to have to say the Nexus storyline. This thing never made any damn sense from the beginning.

Sure the first night was shocking, but the shock wore off when I kep thinking to myself “Why isn't anyone from the back coming down to help John Cena?”

And then the next RAW starts with them in the ring with their wrestling gear on. If they're not supposed to be there, how the hell are they in the ring with a live mic?

And where did they get changed?

They don't have a locker room to get changed in.

And security just lets them stand there?

And then they get contracts after they beat the piss out of the top guy in the company?

And then they have their big match at Summerslam where they need to go over and they get beat?

After ddt'ing John Cena on concrete, he's still able to beat Gabriel and Barrett?

And then John Cena has to join Nexus and then he gets fired but he still shows up in his purple shirt wearing knee pads, and he's got a camera crew following him around backstage?

This storyline has been so stupid, and yet the IWC thinks this is great?!?!

Talk about drinking the kool-aid. Geez.

This is the stupidest, most nonsensical storyline in YEARS.

Sigh, that felt good to get off my chest. :)
Best match - In my opinion, definitely hbk vs taker wm 26. I asked my brother to watch wm with me......and tht match alone, gt him back into wrestling. Still don't believe it topped there match at wm 25 tho. Nevertheless....great match with an outstanding build up.

Worst match - Has to be bret hart vs vince mcmahon at wm 26. Im sorry to say it, but this match ruined a great show. Just dragged on and on and on.

Best storyline - Taker and hbk's build up to wrestlemania. The way hbk cost taker the world heavyweight championship at the chamber was brilliant. May I add.....edge's return at the rumble was epic.

Worst storyline - As much as I enjoy having the nexus around.....they are being used in the wrong way. Gabriel and barrett are incredible wrestlers and should be used to their ability. However, I am going to ditch the kane and edge storyline and say tht the worst storyline is the so called "conclusion" of cena and nexus. I was so pissed when cena beat barrett. I actually thought they were going to give barrett a clean win. Apparently not. Stupid ending to a not so bad ppv.

Best Raw - Miz cashing in. Made my bloody day! (raw after ss)

Worst Raw - Im not going to comment on my "worst raw" but my most disappointing raw was the 900th episode. I was really let down by the rock not making an appearance. Scsa's entrance was pretty darn obvious but well played out by cm punk.

Smackdown = boring and not worth watching on a friday night. I record it and watch it next morning. Ziggler, swagger, edge and del rio are the only reason i give smackdown a chance. However, poor show.

Best ppv - Wm 26. No doubt.

Worst ppv - Bragging rights. Was appaling.
* Best Match - Definitely the Jack Swagger VS Chris Jericho match on SmackDown where Jack Swagger cashed in his MITB against Jericho. I know it wasn't technically the best, but it was my first 'WOW' moment since picking up wrestling again
* Worst Match - Beth Phoenix VS Michelle McCool with Vickie Guerrero and Layla in the 'Extreme Makeover' match at Extreme Rules

* Best Storyline - CM Punk's SES torment of Rey Mysterio. It did a lot to push Punk and SES (Even tho they're all gone o_O), and it made CM Punk seem really, really creepy and cult-like
* Worst Storyline - Edge's Crusade against stupidity. It was stupid. This is also tied with John Cena's 'firing,' which COULD have been great, if he had been off TV for at LEAST a month to build hype. Creative dropped the ball on other stuff, too, like Nexus, the Edge and Paul Bearer thing, etc.

* Best RAW - The Miz cashes in his MITB. Had a lot of great moments. Old School RAW was also pretty good
* Worst RAW - 900th Episode. No one really made a big deal about it. And yeah, it was better that The Rock or Stone Cold didn't come out, but I was still disappointed anyway

* Best SmackDown - The SyFy debut. Shows what SD could be if it was supported like RAW
* Worst SmackDown - The one where Cole debuted on the table, which, consequently, is also the SyFy debut T_T

* Best PPV - MITB. I thought the two MITB matches were worth the price of admission. I only ordered this one, SummerSlam, Bragging Rights and TLC. I watched the others on DVD. Also, of course WMXXVI was the best, but that's a given
* Worst PPV - Tie between Extreme Rules, Over The Limit, and Bragging Rights
Although I hate TNA, if anyone that likes/watches TNA wants to post in here, tna's best match, storyline, ppv, feel free.
Best WWE Match- Any MITB, love the spots WWE includes in them. The Bourne vs Jericho matches, very good, jericho's submission style vs high flying Bourne. I wish Bourne's push continued. And last in the 3 way tie, the six pack NOC WWE title match. Very good. WWE didn't need to give Orton the title, but it set Miz up to be WWE champ, so I'm not complaining.
Worst Match- Undertaker vs Kane buried alive. Nexus interefered, and Undertaker is so worn down he can't do what he used to.
Best Storyline- Daniel Bryan vs Miz. Really good matches and mic work by Miz. Gave Bryan a chance to shine and he continues to.
Worst Storyline- Big Show vs SES. Glad Punk finally was unmasked, but poor matches and buildup.
Best Raw- Nexus attack #1 and Miz Cashing in. Nexus attack on Cena Punk and Justin Roberts was the most shocking thing of 2009-2010. I love WWE but that was shocking. Miz is my favorite wrestler, so I marked out to the extreme when he cashed in... AND WON.
Worst Raw- can't really say. None really stand out. I didn't see Raw 900 so I can't judge that.
Best Smackdown- Weeks leading to WM 26 Rey vs Cm Punk. Very sinister buildup to the match, really sold it.
Worst SD- again, can't say, I don't criticize heavily.
TNA- worst storyline- They. nuff said. reasons above this post explain.
Best storyline- Anderson vs Angle. very good matches and mic work.
best match- Angle vs Hardy No Surrender or whenever they faced.
worst match- the impact after the angle hardy match when they and a rematch ending in double pin.
Best match: A tie between Ziggler/Bryan at bragging rights and Jericho/Bourne at Fatal Four Way. These are the only two matches this year that I see myself consciously seeking out to rewatch. Obviously Taker/HBK and Cena/Batista had the best storyline-based matches, but storyline based matches aren't as rewatchable because of how heavily involved you had to be at the time that the match actually happened.

Worst match: ...seriously? Kaitlyn vs Maxine on NXT. /topic. I can't even say "watch it if you don't believe me," because that would be me recommending that you watch this absolute train wreck of a match.

Best storyline imo was pretty clearly Nexus. They invade, a la nWo, and beat down the top guy(s) in the company. Not too much competition here, either. Nexus pretty much dominated the spotlight for most of the year.

Worst storyline..."they". THEY were around the whole fucking time, how could they be "coming"?! Fuckin TNA. -_-
God, so many good and bad things happend this year. To many to count. Anyway probably one of the worst things was Jack Swagger going from nothing, to WC, then back to nothing again.

The story line with Cena and Nexus was great. But at the end, when he got fired, they killed it. I did a thread about it, but got blasted for it. Owell.

Best - Miz as WWE Champ. This guy has deserved it, he has been a strong worker since day one. And has really developed himself as a great performer.

Kane finally being a World Champion. Its about freakin time. Here is a guy that has been a main stay for over a decade. The last time he held the WWE title was what........300 years ago and that was for a day. I am glad they finally gave him what he deserves, and let him hold on to it
For me, here are a few of my best.

Best match... one that springs to mind first of all, Undertaker v HBK, WM26. That's going to be the epitome of where you were when HBK was when he was as his career ended. For some of our parents, they remember when the man walked on the moon, or when JFK was assassinated. Some of us will recall this moment in history. Not that its anymore important. Another good match, severely under-rated, Yoshi Tatsu v Jericho on Superstars, a gem of a match that not very many people probably watched. I for one, was quite impressed. John Cena v Wade Barrett at Hell in a Cell where if he lost, he joined Nexus, and then the Free or Fired at Survivor Series.

Best angle... obviously...the debut of Nexus. I don't think there isn't a shadow of a doubt that this is probably the most pivotal up there. Another good one, was the Return of The Hitman, and him exacting revenge and HBK mending fences. That was touching. Daniel Bryan returns to Summerlam, talk about a MTFO moment for me.

A few of my worst categories, hmm, anything after Season 2 of NXT. I'm sorry, but it just seems to be scraping for talent anymore. Another worst, Alex Riley, I mean, he sucks up to Miz and all he can achieve in life is being his gopher, luggage handler, and jobber to Randy Orton and other superstars. Yet, DB can speak out against Miz, and he's the US Champion. That's very logical. LOL.

Best: Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels (WM26) - Simply put, a great match and much better than WM25 considering what was at stake here. I honestly felt Undertaker's streak was in danger (the first time I had that feeling since WM21). Of course I want Taker's streak to be kept alive so each moment was a heart pounding moment.

Runner Up: Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan (Bragging Rights) - Great match up between two mid card title holders. This is what the WWE should be doing these days giving mid carders 20 mins to shine and prove they can hang on a big show. At the end they proved that especially with the "this match awesome" chants.

Worst: Team Cena vs. Nexus (Summer Slam) - Even if Nexus didn't win the booking was a bit off and, at the end, nothing really mattered. Jericho was the highlight at one point only to get eliminated, then Daniel Bryan gets eliminated (he should have survived with Cena). Overall run in the mill stuff and should not have closed the PPV if they were going with standard booking.


Best: Daniel Bryan from king of the indies to WWE Superstar - You have a loosing record in NXT, you have a commentator bashing you left and right, your pro hates you, and joins a faction but to be kicked out in the end. Or is it ... Bryan returns to Summer Slam and rekindles his fire ... defies Nexus, defies his pro, and eventually captures the US Title.

Runner Up: Michaels/Undertaker build for Wrestlemania 26 - I got to admit a lot of time was spent for this rivalry; 4 months to be exact and it was all for the best. Great build to a great match, cementing this 2010's WM.

Worst: Undertaker in a vegetative state - 3 months later Kane did it ... gee we knew that 3 months ago.


Best: Wrestlemania 26 - It's one of those rare Wrestlemania events that was booked to near perfection. Edge/Jericho, Hart/McMahon, Batista/Cena, Taker/Michaels ... it has something for everyone.

Runner up: TLC - Great PPV all around. You had ladder matches, chairs, tables. World Title victories, and a PPV where Morrison and Sheamus shinned.

Survivor Series - If you look at the current rivalries there were a potential of 3 Survivor Series matches here. Why didnt we have Nexus vs. WWE Superstars, or Team Morrison vs. Team Sheamus? Also the free of fired story line ... eh it was just flat.
I will use this thread to just basically state the wrestler I think had the worst year. Even though in Kayfabe, he had a great start to the year in a sense. The Undertaker had a simply horrible year.

Sure he had some great moments as well. He was married and extended his Wrestlemania Streak by ending the career of one of, if not THE best wrestler ever, Shawn Michaels.

But remember when he was almost died by the flames going off on him?

He gets injured in a pretty simple move that went wrong, by the smallest wrestler basically ever in Rey Mysterio.

After he returns, he does nothing but lose to a man he has owned for the lack of a better word, for 13 years, Kane.

Then he gets injured again and his year is cut short.

Though most people will remember 2010 for Undertaker beating HBK at Wrestlemania. At this point, what really stands out to me, is the weird/hard luck Undertaker had ALL year long.

The best storyline of the year for me was Nexus/Cena because it was basically out of nowhere. But HBK/Taker deserves a huge mention. That would easily take the cake for me, if not for the out of nowhere Nexus attack on RAW!

EDIT: There were a lot of great matches. Taker/HBK was great. But Morrison/Sheamus at TLC was fuckin' awesome! Maybe it is because it is fresh in my mind, or maybe it was the best match of the year without question. Either way it gets my vote!

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