2009 Home Run Derby


S.O.S. (Used to be z99zazn)
So far, the people in the Home Run Derby this year are:

National League
Albert Pujols
Prince Fielder
Ryan Howard
Adrian Gonzalez

American League
Joe Mauer
Nelson Cruz
Brandon Inge

So there are the guys that are going to be participating this year. In the NL, Pujols, Fielder, and Howard are no doubt guys. Pujols is the hometown guy, Howard and Fielder have amazing raw power. Now Gonzalez, he might not be known that well by the casual fan like the other guys are, but hes a damn good player. He has power but I'm not sure how well he will fare?

Now in the AL, its looking like everyone that the officials have asked must have turned down the invite. Mauer is kinda intriguing to me, just because he isn't a power guy. But he has the build and he is such a good hitter that I can see him doing good. Cruz has power, plain and simple, and this could be a way to make a name for himself. But not that many people know much about him. Inge, I really can't see why hes in the Derby this year. Yeah, hes a good player, and a really good teammate, but power wise, I don't think hes anything special. The other guy hasn't been announced yet, but I really wish they would put Ichiro in it. From what I've heard, he hits the ball really far in BP and could be a power hitter if he wanted to.

So who do you guys think will win it? If I had to pick one guy from each league I would pick Albert, just because I feel hes going to do great in his town on Monday, and I feel like Nelson Cruz has a legitimate shot in the AL. We will have to see then though.

And by the way, I've seen a few people on here posting as Cards fans or people from close to St. Louis, just like me. Is anyone there lucky enough to have tickets? I would have done anything possible to get tickets to the HR Derby, but I have a shit job and don't drive :(
It's crazy how to home run derby has become almost as big as the game itself. It is so well produced and there would never be a fucking tie.

I want Pujols to win. I am a die hard Cardinals hater. I am an Astros fan, but Albert Pujols is the most amazing hitter I have ever seen. I know how it looked to watch Ted Williams hit, because I get to see Albert. He may never hit .400, but as far as consistency goes, Jesus, La Machina is the most perfect nickname. I have nothing but respect for him, and if I met him I would thank him for allowing me to watch him hit,
Yeah...all I can say is wow. That has to be the absolute worst AL lineup for a HR Derby I've ever seen. Nelson Cruz? Brandon Inge? The Home Run Derby is now dead to me.

Well, atleast the AL side. The NL has some great power, and I too will probably be rooting for Pujols, because he just seems like a downright nice guy, and a picture of cleanness in an era of steroids. Poster boy for baseball pretty much right there. Plus it's in St. Louis, so that would be nice.

My money's on Pujols. The man is just a beast, somehow contained in the form of a man. I wouldn't count out anyone from the NL team really, they all have a good chance. No way the AL is taking it here, not unless someone starts pulling a Bobby Abreu or something.
Yeah...all I can say is wow. That has to be the absolute worst AL lineup for a HR Derby I've ever seen. Nelson Cruz? Brandon Inge? The Home Run Derby is now dead to me.

Yeah I can see what you're saying. Inge is a horrendous pick. Why in the hell they would have him in the Derby, I have absolutely no idea. Cruz isn't very known either, but trust me, the guy is a wild card in the Derby. He has some major power.
I'm going to ignore the AL guys, because they probably won't win. I know a lot of dark horse guys win, but I doubt those guys will. I'm interested to see how much love Ryan Howard gets compared to Albert. Remember, Howard is from St. Louis. He went to school in St. Louis and usually gets a warm welcome from the fans in his hometown. As for my pick, I'm going with one of those two to win.
Yeah...all I can say is wow. That has to be the absolute worst AL lineup for a HR Derby I've ever seen. Nelson Cruz? Brandon Inge? The Home Run Derby is now dead to me.

As of July 10th, here are the numbers of home runs everyone in the AL line up has hit so far:

Nelson Cruz- 21 (tied for 2nd in the AL)
Brandon Inge- 19 (tied for 10th in the AL)
Joe Mauer- 15 (tied for 22nd in the AL)

No real big names representing the AL but hey, they are the ones getting the job done at the moment. Hopefully Carlos Pena, AL leader with 24 HR, will join the derby to make the number of hitters to 8. As for the person I think will win the derby, as many have said, is Pujos. Hometown guy, his park, and he's the best home run hitter in the league so far. Let's just hope he doesn't mess up his swing trying to win it this year.

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