2007-08 WWE MVP

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
This was a year that looked like Cena's, but he missed most of the 2nd half of this year and that takes him out of the running. I could make the case for Shawn Michaels and I hope someone else will so I will just leave it at that.

My MVP for 07-08 would be Randy Orton. He starts the year slow post Mania 23 after being in the MITB match but picks up steam over the summer with a great short program with Shawn Michaels that ends with him punting Shawn and he did the same to RVD. That propels him to the title match at SummerSlam and while he lost that match he follows it up by punting Cena's dad which really started one of the best rivalries of the past 10 years. Once Cena went down with injury Orton became the man and it is here that he shined. He spends time with Trips and than goes back to Shawn all while really getting over as a heel. It is during the second half of this year where Orton really comes into his own so much so that the seeds are planted for the fans to ultimately make him a face down the road. He carried the title up to and through Mania 24 against Trips and Cena in a match no one really expected him to retain.
I would definitely say at least in my opinion, The Rated R Superstar Edge was the MVP for 2007-08 especially if you look at Edge's run at the top when he single-handedly took over Smackdown, he made Smackdown his show especially after he cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase on The Undertaker to become World Heavyweight Champion, yes sure he got injured for a while but when he came back he picked up the ball again and ran with it

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