2004-05 WWE MVP

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
This was a transitional year for the company as guys like Orton, Cena and Batista were making there way up the card. While they all had good years the fact that they were moving up during this time and not there for a majority of the year keeps them out of the running. Benoit and Guerrero started off the year hot but lost steam as the year went on so that keeps them out of the running. The guy I think comes closest to challenging for the crown is JBL. He became the champ during the summer on Smackdown and held the title till the end of the year. While it was an impressive reign he never felt like the main event.

With all those guys out you can probably guess that my MVP for 04-05 is Triple H. He did his part in helping get Benoit over by tapping to him at Mania and losing follow up matches. He had a slight downturn after that when he was involved with Eugene, but once he got out of that it was business as usual as he won his title back over Orton and remained on top until the end of the year.

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