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2003 = Triple H vs WCW

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TNA cross the line

Pre-Show Stalwart
it seems like after the failed invasion storyline and the cluster fuck that was the wwe-nwo its seems like wwe tried to get one last thing out of what people still remembered from wcw the last few big names before the company went under Stenier, Booker, Nash, and Goldberg and it just seems to me that besides the rock & goldberg the only real fueds where thies wcw alum were show cased were jobbing to Trips now here is my question was Vinnie Mac just trying to bury what was left of wcw or was he just trying to make HHH and evolution look unstopable p.s. i think this was the best year in wrestling after the brand split
Say what you will about HHH, but HHH isn't going anywhere. Vince didn't get that same vibe from Goldberg. So why give him a MONSTER push? Vince did put the strap on Goldberg, had Goldberg beat the Rock. As far as Booker, Nash and Steiner...look. Those three guys don't sell. Nash needed nWo and Hogan to push stuff. Steiner and Booker are good wrestlers, but nobody pays to see them. People paid and still pay to see HHH. And Booker fought through the jobs, the bs with Goldust, which I found hillarious, and he captured world gold. Had a good push too. So maybe Vince was just testing them out. Booker passed while Goldberg and Steiner cried and left like babies.

Just sayin..
Wow I never thought of it like that, but it is very interesting. Taking a bit to look back before I posted, Im not sure this was the case. If you look at each one case by case, it becomes a little clearer that this wasnt Vince taking a final shot at WCW IMO.
1)Steiner was the "big" free agent from WCW and it was natural for him to feud with HHH right off the bat. I think Steiner getting squashed at nwo wasnt so much because he was from WCW, but because of 2 things, 1)the Steiner/HHH matches werent exactly classics and 2)Evolution was just formed after the Rumble and they needed to look superior.
2)Booker T was thrown into the WM 19 title match because after the Steiner diaster, and that there really wasnt anyone else on Raw for HHH to build a feud with heading into WM. It was also a case where the WHT title match was like the 4th main event at WM that year, so HHH didnt have to have a monster feud that would climax at WM this time. I remeber reading that the match ended suddenly cause Booker hurt his knee that is why out of no where HHH hit the pedigree and pinned Booker at like the 9 minute mark.
3)Kevin Nash vs HHH had to happen mainly because of all the kliq history. Out of all the 2003 HHH feuds this was probably the best one because of all the history with Nash/HHH/HBK. The promos were good and you got good matches like Nash/HBK vs HHH/Y2J and even HHH/Flair. Lot of back history there which made this feud like I said the best of the bunch in 03 IMO.
4)Goldberg was a no brainer to feud with HHH in 03. While I think that the Nash feud was the best one in 03 with its storyline, I do think the HHH/Goldberg feud played out the best in 03 before Armageddon. HHH wins the Chamber at SS which everyone thought G-Berg would win, G-Berg wins at unforgiven and S-Series which was surprising. Then came Armageddon. Goldberg booked to face Kane and the week of it changes to HHH in the 3 way. What a shock HHH wins back strap. Now the folk legend is that HHH told Goldberg "you will never see this again" which G-Berg has said was one of the main reasons he only did like 4 dates between Armageddon and WM20 but thats another story for another thread.

Except for the Goldberg feud, WCW was never really mentioned so based on those 4 points I donot think that 2003 was HHH vs WCW but it was HHH vs 4 guys who just happened to be WCW main stays.
I think for the most part that Vince was just trying to let triple H get a piece of the wcw invasion storyline.Triple H got injured before that storyline and missed pretty much the whole thing.He has stated before that he hates that he missed that storyline.And I do to cause I think there would of been alot of good things for him in that.So I just think vince was trying to squeeze triple h in there before the whole storyline completely disappeared.
It seemed as if it was vinces way of giving one last middle finger to wcw and wcw fans. Most of them after feuding with HHH(with the exeption of booker) faded into obscurity shortly after the feud was done.
I feel that Nash, Steiner and Booker should of beaten HHH atleast once or twice to become World Champions. Not fair he just went through everyone of them like a freaking rhino. Steiner, Booker and Nash would of beenn good WWE Champions. Jeez Vince did you have to destroy wCw, you already brought their buisness and buried them in that shitty Invasion storyline. Guess it was HHH's payback for being a jobber in wCw, not like at the time he desrved to be one anyways.
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