20 WWE Facts That Are Just Weird Enough To Be True

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
I took this from Bleacher Report and just loved it. So I'm gonna share it with you. Here's some weird WWE facts.

1) The Number 27 has the most wins at the Royal Rumble
Most of you know this and it's not truly "weird", but you would also imagine that Number 30 has the best chance. Oh no as Big John Studd, Yokozuna, Bret Hart & Stone Cold have proven that 27 truly is the number to be in the Rumble.

2) Randy Orton used to use "This Fire Burns" as an entrance theme before it was given CM Punk
Apparently, the song fitted Punk better and just imagining it, it's not a song that you would think Orton would come out to. Can you imagine The Miz coming out to "My Time Is Now"? I thought not.

3) Edge & Christian started off as "Brother", but then were just "Friends"
Seriously, Edge & Christian were originally brothers (Kayfabe), but when Christian returned to the WWE in 2009, they were just "friends". What's up with that? (Copyright - Hurricane)

4) The Colons (Primo & Carlito) have the longest title reign of ANY champion since 2008
They held the Tag Team Championships for 280 days, with HHH holding the WWE Title for 210 days. That means those two are the longest reigning champions for FOUR YEARS.

5) Carlito faced a different member of Evolution at THREE consecutive "Unforgiven" PPVs
Flair in '05, Orton in '06 & HHH in '07, it means that Carlito vs Evolution was a feud for the ages. I kid, but it was three years that seemed like Carlito wanted to take on Evolution.

6) Jake Roberts never won a title in the WWE/F
You might find it hard to believe, but Roberts NEVER won anything. The best thing he held was a Snake.

7) Roddy Piper has never competed at Summerslam
Never. He's considered one of the best to never be WWE Champion, but also one of the best to never perform at Summerslam. However, Michael Tarver, Darren Young & David Otunga have all Main-Evented one.

8) Wrestlemania XVI didn't have a male singles match at all
Not any match on the card featuring male wrestlers was one on one. There were three ways, four ways and tag matches, but nobody was allowed to face just one other person. It wasn't that weird though, Triple H was in the Main Event.

9) The WWE Championship Match at WM between Kurt Angle & Brock Lesnar was the first WM Main Event to feature two competitors using their real names
Not donning any ring names, Angle & Lesnar fought a match using their real name. No "Lucky Cannons" here.

10) Sheamus was once Bono's Bodyguard, as was Brodus Clay for Snoop Dogg.
Some people don't imagine wrestlers having "normal jobs" such as this, but here we go. If you want a laugh, switch the superstars around and imagine them "hanging" with the opposite celebrity.

11) Rene Dupree is the youngest ever Tag Team Champion
Not really someone you think of when you think of Tag Champions, but here we go. "La Resistance" won the titles in 2003, so it's not bad for Dupree, considering he was as green as grass with a woman's name.

12) From '05 to '10, everyone who was eliminated last in the Rumble went onto a title match at Wrestlemania
Cena, Orton, HBK, HHH, HHH & Cena all had title matches at Wrestlemania, despite being eliminated last from the Rumble. Luckily Santino Marella didn't follow that trend in 2011.

13) Yoshi Tatsu once beat up Sheamus
Sheamus once used Tatsu's protein shaker and refused to and forget to clean it, when in FCW. They were living together, along with DiBiase Jr and Tatsu confronted Sheamus, proceeding to kick some ass in the process.

14) "Head" was the inspiration for "Mankind"
Yep, Al Snow's tag team partner "Head", which was just a mannequin was the inspiration for the Mankind mask. It never really had significance to Snow.

15) Smackdown was originally set to be a 2-Hour Women's Show.
Would you have watched that? Two hours of Diva's EVERY WEEK? We might get further in storylines, but it's not really in anyone's interest.

16) Three superstars have won the Rumble entering immediately after HHH.
In 2006, Rey Mysterio came in 2nd after HHH and went on to win it, 2008, HHH came in at 29 with Cena in at 30, leading to him winning and in 2009, HHH came out 7th and Orton came out 8th, ending up winning the Rumble.

17) Bruno Sammartino is the longest reigning WWE Champion EVER.
Over 7 years, a 2,803 day reign, which is longer than all John Cena, Randy Orton and HHH reigns combined, Sammartino must've gotten irritating to the public in the end right?

18) Triple H vs Randy Orton, John Cena vs JBL & The Undertaker vs CM Punk are the only matches to ever open and close a PPV
Cena/JBL was the opener at Judgement Day '08 and the Main event of Judgement Day '05. HHH/Orton opened No Mercy in 07, then they main evented Unforgiven in '04, JUdgement Day in '08 and Wrestlemania XXV in '09. Finally, The Undertaker/CM Punk main evented Breaking Point in 2009 and was the first match at HIAC '09.

19) The Undertaker vs CM Punk is the only match to close one PPV, then open the next.
As I said above, they ended Breaking Point in 2009, then the next PPV at HIAC, they opened. And finally...

20) Andre The Giant once fell asleep in a match against Big John Studd.
In an 8 or so minute match, featuring ONLY a front face lock on the mat, Andre seems to have taken a little nap in the middle of it. Gradually moving towards the end, Andre seems like he may have kept dozing off at intervals. Poor man.
I actually came across this the other day, the bleacher report always has some fun facts regarding wrestling cheers for letting me re-read it!
Orton never used This Fire. He used Fixation On The Darkness. This Fire was intended for Orton but Orton didn't like it and it was given to CM Punk. Orton used Fixation On The Darkness maybe three times and didn't like it.
Orton and HHH actually had the first and last match at No Mercy in 07, so they took care of their claim to that in one show.

I find it hard to believe that Cena/Show never main evented a PPV, but just thinking it over I can't come up with anything.

Interesting stuff. Some I knew but some were suprises. Brodus as a bodyguard just makes complete sense haha.
I read before that Brodus Clay was a play on Snoop Dogg's real name: Calvin Cordozar Broadus. This makes a lot more sense now knowing that he was his bodyguard. I for one would never dare to mess with the Funkasaurus; Somebody Call My Momma!
The Edge and Christian as brothers one is great. The WWE just suddenly stopped referring to them as family haha

The Colons holding the tag titles for nearly a year is a disgrace, they are both shit. Was the Londrick title reign before this then?
I knew you copied this from some where because you're not smart enough to figure out these facts on your own, nor are you cleaver enough to write the descriptions for the facts.

Thanks for sharing though.
Yes, I copied it from somewhere but you actually "knew" that because I said so.

Also, not all of those descriptions are from Bleacher Report, some of it's mine, albeit very little.

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