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#2 Face on Smack Down

#2 Face on Smack Down

  • Ezekial Jackson

  • Kane

  • Sin Cara

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Johnny Curtis

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Pre-Show Stalwart
We all know Orton is "the guy" on Smack Down and will probably either hold or chase the title until the draft next year or unless he gets hurt. With that said who do you guys really think is the #2 face on Smack Down. Taker is inactive and will probably never return to a full time schedule to really step in and be the face of the brand again. Right now it is up the air and it really isn't obvious the way the shows are booked here are the choices.

Ezekial Jackson: He just won the IC title, it looks like he finally may get that singles push they have been flirting with for nearly a year now. He is a huge guy, he has an impressive physique which we all know the WWE loves however, he is lacking on the mic and could he really carry a fued if say Orton is gone for a few months?

Kane: I would think the state Smack Down is in with faces, Kane would be up there near the top fueding with Sheamus, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, anybody really. Instead, he is Big Show's right hand man in a fued with Mark Henry. Personally, I would love to see him and Cody Rhodes go at it, Cody "disfigure" him and he makes one last run in the mask, but that is a dream scenario that will probably never happen.

Sin Cara : He appeals to the kids, he does have a great moveset when he can pull them off without error, and WWE thinks enough of him to give him his own custom lighting. The downfall here is he doesn't talk...at all. I think you could make him a transitional champion if Orton were to take a break, but you would have to have a heel that was gold on the mic to carry the build ups and really there is nobody on Smack Down that is of a Miz caliber, Christian would be the closest.

Daniel Bryan: He has been a main eventer in ROH, and was even the face of the company for a while however, ROH and WWE are two totally different companies. We all know he is a beast in the right, but his mic skills are lacking. I would say the same thing as Sin Cara he would be a good transitional main eventer he would just need a good heel to carry the program.

Johnny Curtis: I don't know why I am putting him on the list, but sadly this is how many faces are on Smack Down. If Orton goes he automatically steps into a Top 5 slot by default and with Sheamus, Christian, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase and Wade Barrett all top heels he would almost have to draw one of them once again by default. They are building his debut through vignettes and I hear a lot of people are high on him. I personally don't see him as much more than a tag team guy or an opener but WWE has taken as Brock Lesnar would say chicken shit and turned it into chicken salad before. In 2003 would you have thought that Slim Shady with muscles would be the face of the WWE?
It's a tough call for sure, but I really think none of these guys apart from maybe Daniel Bryan really have that 2nd face of the show quality. So I'm going with him, even though Kane could easily fill in that spot if the writers saw fit to part him and Big Show due to Show and ADR's feud.

Other than that, I don't see the other guys as tops. Sin Cara is still a rookie getting his first taste of rivalry. Big Zeke is Intercontinental Champion, and for some reason I don't see that as a wingman for the World Champion; I prefer a guy that has no gold to easily pick up where Orton leaves off after Randy loses his gold to a heel. And Curtis is too busy playing with metaphors to be taken seriously right now, so Bryan is my pick.

Unless a heel turns face, and if that's the case I would rather Sheamus be the Number 2 dog in the yard.
I'd like it to be Daniel Bryan, but to be fair, I don't think he's ready yet. I hope WWE gives him enough chance to improve his mic skills, so that someday he can be #2 face for a brand.

Right now, Kane would be the safest choice I believe, though this would make Smackdown have two "kinda-of-almost-tweener" faces, since both Randy Orton and Kane have some heelish tendencies even when they are babyfaces.

I wouldn't discard a face-turn for some of the heels, though. I believe (and really want it to happen) we'll see babyface Sheamus sometime in the not-so-far future, for example, but it indeed probably won't happen for a while yet. Christian could turn face after his feud with Randy is over... but that would be quite the face-heel-face revolving door.
I’m going to be perfectly honest with you. I think Daniel Bryan is the 2nd biggest face on Smackdown and that is purely because of his tremendous in ring ability. At the moment all the guys listed apart from Johnny Curtis are midcarder’s. Daniel Bryan needs 1 feud with a guy like Christian too boost his character. A feud with Christian would elevate him so much that it would do wonders for his career and his career will beginning to take off into the path Bryan deserves with is a maineventing. Bryan’s lack of mic skills is the logical reason for not competing for a World Title during his time with the WWE. Although Big Zeke may hold the IC Title he does not have the mic skills nor the in ring ability of Bryan. Talking about bad mic skills, Sin Cara is nowhere near ready to be pushed. He has no mic skills, can’t speak English and unfortunately botches on a regular basis. This will haunt him as I doubt he will compete for a World Title this year. I think due to Kane’s age he will not be pushed anymore which rules him out of being Smackdown’s 2nd biggest face. And finally Johnny Curtis, he’s not even wrestled yet and cut ridiculous promo’s why is he even on that list?
I will go out on a limb and say that it is Sin Cara. I have read the arguments for Bryan and while I agree I have to say that Cara elicits a better reaction for being a spot monkey. In the future it could be Bryan but as of right now the answer has to be SIn Cara. I thinkhe gets a good reaction when entering the ring and always gets a good pop for his spot monkeyish moves. I think that he has the potential to be a good main eventer face but still needs some experience.

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