2/12/10 Smackdown: Why did Batista waste so much time doing nothing in the segment?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member

Was anyone else annoyed by that? He got some heel heat, and that was likely the intention of the "segment".... but did they really have to keep it going for such a long time? They hype how he was going to come out and address his actions, only for him to waste several minutes doing absolutely nothing. In the time that was spent on this they could have done an entire match, possibly two, and maybe an interview that actually took place unlike this one.

What I would like to know is this. Were you annoyed by this segment and why? What could they have done to improve this segment? What would you have put in place of this segment so that no time was wasted?

I was annoyed by it because it took up time that could have gone to a match, another promo, or both. I think they could have ended the segment with Batista walking off instead of pacing around doing nothing for several minutes and then gone on to another promo or a match. An incredible waste of time in my opinion.

Your thoughts?
I thought him returning to the ring was absolutely a waste of time, if he's gonna walk out, walk out but don't have him try and think he's all badass by returning just to walk out. I mean the way this played out it could just have easily been done backstage. Josh Matthews sees Batista walking backstage catches up with him and says hey wanna explain last week, then Batista looks at him and doesn't answer, then Josh says well it was kinda odd how you didn't even compete for the EC then Batista could look at him again, then when Josh tries a third time in the middle of his sentence Batista could walk away. Same bit, just saves time with an entrance. It seemed like the only reason he came out was to have that little bit with the guy wearing Cena gear. I think this is even more of a blown spot because of what happened to Morrison. Had his match occurred then maybe this wouldn't have seemed so bad because there was a lot less wrestling in this episode because of the Batista segment and Morrison
I thought it was BRILLIANT! The segment was intense and in saying nothing Batista achieved so much more than if he had spoken. As the OP said, it got heel heat, and the longer he went without speaking, the better it got as the crowd was getting legit annoyed. Coming back, only to throw and kick the mic was the icing on the cake. I had a feeling that plenty would disagree with me, but my housemate and I watched it last night and both felt it was brilliantly executed.
It was highly annoying. That was so pointless it was ridiculous. If he wanted heel heat, why didn't he talk bad about Cena? It wouldn't have been a waste of a segment, would've some kind of message across, and probably gotten him heel heat. I might've been alright with it had it not lasted so long, but that was just too long.
This is good heal heat. It's about directly screwing with the fan's. Not just screwing with one of the wrestlers, but directly making the fans mad. And sometimes the best way to do that is not to do anything they want. It actually really stood out because of it's simplicity.
But why talk about Cena? It's much more interesting with him saying nothing. Why did he walk out on his qualifier? What's his problem with Cena? What's the deal between him and Vince?

If he'd spoken he'd have had to answer these. And then where do we go? It was great, IMO.
You guys need to realize that there are just trying to hype him up as the mega heel superstar that he has been trying to become. By him saying nothing, made him seem that much more powerful. Now, for me and everybody else that agrees with me on this, we are gonna be so stoked to see his next in ring match, and see how they play it out.
Reading this thread, he obviously achieved what he set out to do. People were expecting a long, intense, angry promo about John Cena and such. But he messed with each and every one of your heads. You're all pissed off and annoyed at him for doing nothing but walking around and saying nothing for 5-10 minutes? GOOD. That's what he was setting out to do. If he annoyed you guys, then it couldn't have been improved, simple as that. And certainly nothing should've been put in its place, Batista is gonna be having quite a bit of TV time to build up the match with Cena.

Personally, I think the segment was great. Batista played the crowd like a damn fiddle, including some of the IWC, which is difficult to do. Batista as a heel is a win.
That was probably one of the most pointless, ridiculous segments I have ever seen. It accomplished nothing. Batista was already being booed before this particular segment, so getting himself over as a Heel I don't feel was a problem at this point.

It advanced absolutely nothing.

Theoretically, and in kayfabe, if he didn't want to address the fans or give them an explanation, why would he even come out in the first place?

The whole thing made absolutely no sense and was a complete waste of time.

More of Vince McMahon's "Creativity" at work. As long as the WWE Head Writer ... "The Audience of One" is happy by it, that's all that matters.
I see both sides of this.

Was it too long? Yes. Did it totally disrepect the fans? Yes. Is Batista a heel? Yes. Problem solved.

I think the segment went on far too long, I mean, why around 10 minutes? But I see the logic that it was to draw serious heel heat. I think with this there was a subconscious feel of "Actions speak louder than words" and Batista got more heel heat doing this than what he would have said on the stick.

What would this have been replaced with if Batista hadn't done it? Honestly, I would have preferred a worthwhile match of some sort. But you know if this segment hadn't occured it would have been:

A. Batista actually being awful on the microphone talking about Cena, asking the attack to be replayed on the titantron, then carrying on talking and coming to no real conclusion.

B. After looking at the roster that wasn't set to wrestler, we could have saw Dolph Ziggler vs an irrelevant face or Cryme Tyme vs Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J in a filler tag match. We could have maybe saw the Batista vs Edge match that's set for next week. But you know as a businessman Vince is going to want to get people to want to tune into Smackdown next week so he's got that set to be shown next week. Do I agree with it? Not really, but it is going to happen and it does him well from a business point of view. Tonight's show was still pretty entertaining so it is no big deal.

C. Gave Morrison/R-Truth more time but if they were going down the injury angle route I think they did best just to get it out of the way early.

The point is- considering they won't have done Batista vs Edge this week- this was the best thing they could have done given the time.

I enjoyed the segment seeing Batista completely disrespect everybody, he's a heel for god sake. You have the cocky heels, you have the monster heels, and I'd like to say Batista is going into his own category whatever thay may be. Recently it has been so unpredictable with him and honestly I love that!

So yeah, on the whole, good move WWE.

Because that's the best thing during that time last night they could have offered to the "Audience of Millions".
It makes sense to me. It proved something. It took nothing away from the show. I will explain all this.

Were you annoyed by this segment and why?

Not really. Did it make sense initially, no. But, in saying nothing he said a lot. Wrestling is all about storytelling. In the ring, outside the ring, in promos, in backstage segments, everywhere. It's all storytelling. This was a cliffhanger for the Batista story. It may have been confusing because you always expect someone to say something but this is also why the segment is a success in my opinion. It was different. As someone else mentioned, you probably expected a long angry rant from Batista, some highlight footage, and more ranting with no real conclusion. Not tonight. And so much for saying he has no mic skills. He didn't say anything, so there is nothing for anyone to really judge.

What could they have done to improve this segment?

Nothing. It was perfect. The power of silence is unrivaled. Imagine if John Cena came out and was cutting one of his half comedy half serious promos on someone, but that someone didn't say anything, they just stared at him silently. That says a lot more in a way to me. It shows more mental mettle than the mouthpiece. It shows that the words don't effect you. It's like a machine just waiting to do it's work.

What would you have put in place of this segment so that no time was wasted?

Once again, nothing. I liked this segment. The more I think about it, the more I like it. Seriously? What else were they going to do that would have been better? Have a promo or a match than no one would really care about afterwards, that no one would be talking about? No. So they have Batista go out there like he is going to open up about some stuff, and all he does is stand silent, and tease the prospect of him speaking. Classic. Although no speaking was done, I don't think the time was wasted. If anything it was a wise decision. Look, now you, I, and everyone else is asking all these questions, wondering what the deal really is, and why Batista never said anything? Looks like a lot of something from a whole lot of nothing. If you want to look at like this, as far as investment goes, they couldn't have come out any further ahead on this one. No writing, no crazy stuff, just silence.

I Think this all works, was good, and accomplished something. Why? Because it showed how much power Batista really has with the audience. Heel or not, that was crowd control. It showed that he doesn't need to even say a word, just stand there, and people are going to keep going crazy. It shows how powerful just his very presence is. Also, since it is all about story and I am writing it right now, even without dialog there was plenty to take from it. Emotion transcends verbal communication.

All the story telling was done right there, that easily. You could see conflict, anger, frustration, spite, power, charisma all of it was projected. The way he seemed to almost say whatever, but didn't. The look on his face at that moment. His expressions and body language as he entered and stood in the ring listening to the audience. The way he kept teasing going in and out the ring, dropping the mic, bringing it to and away from his face. That is all psychological story telling and he did it well I think. There was also this air of power and arrogance. He showed how he could rile them up and how easily he could do it by getting in and out of the ring, and playing the live audience. I thought it was great, it left you hanging wanting more, and it tactfully continued the storyline just not in a traditional way.
The segment did have a point but Batista still could have taken less time to make it. When he left the ring the first time, I was relieved it was over.....only to have him come out again and do the same damn thing. That's when I started being annoyed.

It's a contradiction, anyway. If the point of the segment was to show that Batista considers himself above the "peons" in the audience he was there to address, then why waste his own time by going out there in the first place?

It was a good idea.....but ultimately, it was overdone.
It was one of the worst segments Ive seen in a long time.

They plugged it as Batista requesting the time to come out and explain himself, not him being "forced to" by any authority figure.

And what does Batista do when he comes out? He stares down Josh Matthews like a true tough guy does, then leaves the ring and heads for the stands, and tries intimidating a Cena fan.

The whole idea of the segment was to draw Batista more heat, but it didnt work for me. It made him look like a big pussy who gets off by teasing the fans and intimidating the announcer.

Batista had been begging for a spotlight for some time now, both literally and figuratively, and what does he do when he gets it? Absolutely nothing. I understand they want to get over that Batista thinks hes better then everyone, including the fans, but they plugged the hell out of the fact that Batista HIMSELF had requested the time to give an explanation. How the hell did that advance any storyline?

This is another example of piss poor booking. Since Vince is heavily involved in this angle, he probably wrote this damn segment himself. While it made him happy, it just pissed the rest of us off. I don't think theres a time where Ive cared about Batista LESS then right now. Hope you're happy Vince.
I thought it made total sense and was extremely well done.

I remember reading once an interview by the Honky Tonk Man. He wanted to get heat, so he slapped in a sleeper hold on his opponent, and held it. As the match ground to a halt, the crowd boo'd him heavily, thus getting the heat he wanted.

It's the same principle. Batista showed up, did absolutely nothing but waste time for several minutes, and didn't explain his actions. The fans were unsatisfied, we were unsatisfied, and this all translates into heel heat for Batista.

Also, Sidious, I find it ironic that you'd call out a guy for not talking when you want a mute manager whose not talking will make her mysterious.
That was probably one of the most pointless, ridiculous segments I have ever seen. It accomplished nothing. Batista was already being booed before this particular segment, so getting himself over as a Heel I don't feel was a problem at this point.

When he made his entrance, he got a mixed reaction (as usual). Half of the time he draws cheers these days. If he just came out and did a typical heel promo, he would have still left with some cheers (mainly because his opponent these days looks to be Cena, and we all know he gets mixed reactions as well).

When Batista left, the crowd hated him. Most of us were pissed or annoyed. Mission accomplished.

It advanced absolutely nothing.

Theoretically, and in kayfabe, if he didn't want to address the fans or give them an explanation, why would he even come out in the first place?

He came out to be a dick. He agreed to the interview and intended to come out and say jack shit. If he had said anything about Cena or Hart, or even McMahon, it would have made the moment about them, and not him. He's a douchebag heel, and what better way to hammer that into the crowd's head than a stunt like this? The whole time he's making faces like "I don't owe you guys anything". It reminded me a bit of old Raven. Anywho, theoretically and in kayfabe it still makes sense, and there is precedent for this type of promo.

I think it was pretty powerful stuff, though I bet it was better for the live crowd than for us watching at home.
I thought it made total sense and was extremely well done.

I remember reading once an interview by the Honky Tonk Man. He wanted to get heat, so he slapped in a sleeper hold on his opponent, and held it. As the match ground to a halt, the crowd boo'd him heavily, thus getting the heat he wanted.

It's the same principle. Batista showed up, did absolutely nothing but waste time for several minutes, and didn't explain his actions. The fans were unsatisfied, we were unsatisfied, and this all translates into heel heat for Batista.

Also, Sidious, I find it ironic that you'd call out a guy for not talking when you want a mute manager whose not talking will make her mysterious.

You didn't read all of my comments, Doc. I said it made zero sense for Batista to come out and request time to talk for an interview, when he doesn't say a damn thing. In a kayfabe sense, if he didn't want to talk at all, then why would he even come out and address the fans, other than to annoy them?

Batista isn't the type of person to really care about taunting fans. That has never been him to give a Fuck what fans think. His character is supposed to be just a complete badass, whether Face or Heel. So he shouldn't have in theory even came out if he didn't want to.

That is a lot different than my concept of having a Lady Gaga diva manager who is mysterious because she doesn't utter a single word, and rather speaks through her facial expressions and actions alone.
Actually, I don't think he's a badass heel, but a douchebag heel. He has his new style of dress, and now this promo, to point to it. It's called "character development".

Maybe in the past he was a badass heel that wrecked things but now he's become a jerk. The fans want an explanation, they get fired up to hear him talk, so he comes out there and...nothing. Brilliant. The number one way to get heel heat is to taunt the fans. We already have Jericho and Punk telling them what scumbags they are, so Batista had to do it a different way. It's like being excited to open your birthday presents, only to have it be an empty box. You get let down, and annoyed, and so you boo the guy.
Actually, I don't think he's a badass heel, but a douchebag heel. He has his new style of dress, and now this promo, to point to it. It's called "character development".

Maybe in the past he was a badass heel that wrecked things but now he's become a jerk. The fans want an explanation, they get fired up to hear him talk, so he comes out there and...nothing. Brilliant. The number one way to get heel heat is to taunt the fans. We already have Jericho and Punk telling them what scumbags they are, so Batista had to do it a different way. It's like being excited to open your birthday presents, only to have it be an empty box. You get let down, and annoyed, and so you boo the guy.

Well, obviously you and I have different interpretations of his character. Like I said, taunting fans or giving a crap what fans think, never really seemed to fit Batista's mold before. He has never struck me as a person who cares about them, so why start now? Basically, the whole segment was designed for the purpose of taunting fans, when that just doesn't fit his character ... and nor does he seem like the character that would waste 10 minutes of his time doing so.

The segment went on ridiculously long, and as I said, if he had nothing to say (which he usually never does have anything to say), why would he even bother coming out at all?

Pointless segment. However, I am glad I was able to distinguish the difference between my thoughts on that and the approach to the character that you brought up since you were obviously confused.
It wasted my time. I switched channels to the Winter Olympics until I switched back to see Morrison "break" his ankle. It was boring, and dumb. Batista wasted my time, as well as alot of other people's. Dumb segment. It was like in 8 Mile where everyone was choking in front of the crowd.
I thought it was a pretty brilliant segment. Batista is horrible on the mic, anyways, and they worked around that and still got him a ton of heel heat because he was wasting everybody's time. If this segment pissed you off, for any reason, then it did its job. This is basically the WWE trying to hammer into everybody's heads, including the doubters, that Batista is somebody that you are supposed to hate.
I guess you could say it adds to his character and gives him a new direction, but a whole 10 minutes? I think it wasted too much time. I think it would of been just as effective if Batista was silent for maybe a minute and then said I don't have to give you or these fans an explanation. Then he could walk out. That way he would still get heat and get his point across without wasting air time.
I thought it was a pretty brilliant segment. Batista is horrible on the mic, anyways, and they worked around that and still got him a ton of heel heat because he was wasting everybody's time. If this segment pissed you off, for any reason, then it did its job. This is basically the WWE trying to hammer into everybody's heads, including the doubters, that Batista is somebody that you are supposed to hate.

It didnt piss me off because of Batista, or that it utterly wasted my time. It pissed me off because it made no flippin sense. Why would Batista REQUEST mic time, only to turn it down? Just so that he could piss off the fans, the ones hes repeatedly said over the last couple of months that hes ignored his ENTIRE career, whether theylve booed or cheered him?

Just another classic example of WWE booking not remembering their storylines, or thinking that theyre audience is dumb. They book a guy to say he could care less about what the fans think, then comes out to get a purposeful reaction out of them? wheres the logic in that?

I wouldnt have minded the segment if it went something like this: Grisham and Striker announce that Teddy Long has ordered Batista to explain his actions. Better yet, Long himself comes out and ORDERS Batista to explain his actions. Then, if he did what he did, I wouldnt have been bothered as much. That would be more like Batistas character, to not give a crap about what any authority figure has to say, or anyone else. But for them to announce that he requested mic time, then him to say nothing, is absolutely rediculous, not to mention insulting to those of us who actually follow character development.
I'm glad someone started a thread about this.

I thought it was brilliant. How many times have we seen a 'heel' come out and say the same old stuff over and over again? 'I'm gonna be the new champ' or 'I can't wait to face <insert face name here> and destroy them'!

Batista saying (almost) nothing the entire time he was out added something to his character the way I see it. The crowd chanted 'Cena' when he was in the ring, then when he started to leave, they start chanting 'Batista' because they WANT to know what's going on with him. This adds another level of complexity to him because we know why he went nuts on Mysterio, and us members of the IWC have a pretty good idea why he got involved with Cena (WM - Bret V Vince, Bret not 100% etc.) but for the average fan the question in their mind is probably, why after getting so angered at Mysterio for costing him a title does he bail on his qualifying match with CM Punk?

The fact he came out and instead of saying, I don't owe anyone an explanation, I'm The Animal etc., just said nothing, pretty much seemed to tell the audience, to hell with you guys, you don't understand what any of this is like.

Some may agree, others will think the entire segment boring, but seeing how ropey Batista has been on cutting promos and general on-mike ability I had no problem with him feeding off the audience for as long as he could then just walking off without giving an explanation.

(On the flipside, I missed hearing CM Punk not doing a promo this week, he seems to be getting better and better)
I didn't really mind the segmant and I think if Batista came out there to bother the fans and get under their skin then mission accomplished. I myself found the segmant ammusing and well done but for him to go and leave then run back to the ring just to drop the mic and leave again was the thing that made it ridiculous. It would have been better if he just left after the first time.
That was probably one of the most pointless, ridiculous segments I have ever seen. It accomplished nothing. Batista was already being booed before this particular segment, so getting himself over as a Heel I don't feel was a problem at this point.

It has people talking. He got enormous heat for it. He announced to the crowd that they mean shit to him. He did more by not talking than most guys on the roster could do with a twenty minute promo. It wasn't pointless at all.
It advanced absolutely nothing.

It advanced Tista as stronger heel. First, he turned on Rey, but still wanted to be cheered. Then, he became a hired gun, attacking for money. Now, he is a badass who is beholden to nothing, making him the most dangerous kind of heel.

Theoretically, and in kayfabe, if he didn't want to address the fans or give them an explanation, why would he even come out in the first place?

To show that he has power over them and they have no power over him. You're going to tell me that they were booing the segment and not him. I don't think that's true.

The whole thing made absolutely no sense and was a complete waste of time.

You failed to grasp the power of the segment because you were looking for something to nitpick and you found nothing, so you fell back on your old standby....

More of Vince McMahon's "Creativity" at work. As long as the WWE Head Writer ... "The Audience of One" is happy by it, that's all that matters.

I think this was a good segment, and it cemented Batista as a true badass that could give a fuck about the fans. You should try to illicit some hate by not talking. It could do wonders for you.

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