1st Match For Civil Revolution

Stipulation for Elite X Championship Match

  • Ladder Match

  • Top Rope Battle Royal

  • Hardcore

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The Enforcer

The Heel John Cena!
In what Chuck Myles described as a "Fans Pick The Posion" PPV. Fans will have the oppurtunity to vote for opponents, stipulations and more! This is the 1st ever WZCW Interactive PPV where you the fans have all the control!!

Matches will be announced for the card daily in the days leading up to the PPV.

So without further adue the first match for WZCW Civil Revolution will be.....

WZCW Elite X Championship Match​

Gus vs El Guerrero vs "The One" Big Will vs Hasheem

Fans choose it to be

A Ladder match

An Over The Top Mayhem Match: Over the top battle royal until two people are left then the only way you win is to pin or submit.

Or a hardcore match
hmm this is very interesting!!!!

Since i was offered to write the main event of Civil Revolution, I wasn't told what tho...so it was gutsy move by my lol, all i know is that i am happy i aint writing this match...it would be really hard lol.

I am very torn between the battle royal and the ladder match, but seeing as if how i am not writing this match, Thank you G-d, i will choose the ladder match!!

I will vote later, bc i wanna se who voted for who.
You wont be able to as I have disabled the public display. I didnt want to cause a commotion with people mad cause someone voted for one thing and not the other.

So you can vote now lol ;)
lol i just realized...so i have voted for the ladder match!!!

How many more Meltdown's until C.R?
awwww.... *sigh* when are you going to open up the RPs? when is the show?
sincade told me that the matches have to be due in 2 weeks...so can the ppv plz be in 2 weeks? bc i will not be able to write a match like the main event this week

i got such big shits to do....
heh heh big shits lol, if its gonna be in 2 weeks, we should have like another meltdown before Civil Revolution, i think its a good idea,have RPs due like Friday or something...
nah man not 2 events in 2 weeks, 1 every 2 weeks. Am in my final year of uni so quite busy a lot of the time!
I don't mind the two weeks thing. I understand the enormity that is involved in writing a match, let alone like seven.

P.S. everyone was claiming that they would rather wait for a good show then to deal with something that was rushed...yes?
Exactly! The show will be in 2 weeks, nothing sooner

Sorry for those who are mad about that, but I doubt there will be many of you
i voted for a hardcore Match :evil3: El Guerrero Nicknames says it all.

If it's a ladder match I'm fine too. El Guerrero has a LOT of Lucha Libre background, so he isn't afraid of heights....:cool:
I'm voting for a Ladder Match. And this is my reasons why.

Hardcore Match: Four men in the ring, beating the crap outta each other with anything not glued down, DOES sound interesting.. but not worthy of a Championship match.

Battle Royal: It intrigues me that basically 2 people would be eliminated over the top rope, & then it'd turn into a single's match. This is interesting & could play a nice role in spoiler to everyone wanting a Ladder match. But my only disagreement is, battle royals don't showcase ability, or the better athlete. Anyone can get lucky & duck outta the way of a charging Superstar, & get a lucky elimination off it. The single's match would give the win, likely, to the better athlete.. but its not as solid as the following.....

Ladder Match: The reason I voted for a Ladder match is because its the end-all, be-all to deciding Championships that are new. Noone can lay claim to this Championship, without fighting off & making sure the other 3 men can't claim it. Like I said, a battle royal can strike a "lucky" elimination. A Hardcore match is okay, but roughly the same as a Ladder match, without having to "earn" something by "climbing to glory."

Therefore, Ladder match - all the way. Climb to Glory, prove you deserve what you're fighting for.
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