1PW Fold's

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
1PW out of the UK released the following statement this morning:

It is with the deepest regret and sadness that 1PW Promotions Limited announces today the company has ceased trading, effective today, and has entered into liquidation. The cease of trading is effective immediately, and thus all future dates, including the January 13th No Turning Back show, are sadly cancelled. On behalf of 1PW Promotions Limited I want to extend our heartfelt apology to anyone inconvenienced or disappointed by the cancellation of upcoming shows. Fans who have purchased tickets to upcoming shows can send an e mail to ticket [email protected]. All queries will be dealt with in a prompt and professional manner by our appointed insolvency practitioners. Any enquiries of a commercial nature should be directed to David Ward, Kaye Littlewood Solicitors, The Blades Enterprise Centre, Forsyth Suite, John Street, Sheffield S2 4SU

It's a shame because I used to love going there show's I thought they were far superior to F.W.A. They always had more vocal crowd's and overseas talent made the effort to come over frequently.
that proper blows 1pw was always good, Fwa just annoys me most of the time. I hate the fact that the Uk, has no circuit and that feds come and go, because there is just no audience, yet when WWE comes over and puts on a house show , people flock like sheep to see one of the most boring shows in the world (wwe uk shows are shockingly bad PPVs)
I know what you mean. F.W.A. and 1PW have both had the like's of Abyss, Styles, Punk etc. and yet they can barely fill a building. At those card's you get awesome wrestling and everybody deserves there place on the card.
Just sucks really, its always going to be that way because in the UK wrestling will always be viewed the same way comic books are viewed over here...there for kids, where as in most other continents (japan, usa, and most of europe) Wrestling and Graphic novels are seen as commonplace in the media/entertainment market. Damm british, were either louts or stuck up our own arses, why are wrestling fans the only normal people living in the uk
Source: BritWres.com

1PW (aka One Pro Wrestling) in Doncaster, England, yesterday announced that they would be going into liquidation, ceasing operations immediately and canceling all upcoming dates (scheduled to be January 13th, January 27th and March 31st).
Im disapointed but they bougth it on themselves. Hiring alot of big name expenisve American stars to their shows when theyd still get the same ammount of fans if they had say 1 big namer from America.
Plus theres plenty of good cheap uk talent that they could have used instead.
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